10 research outputs found

    The development of approaches to healing through the ages

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    According to archaeological evidence, the need to relieve the intensity of pain is as old as the desire to explore new tools. Like hard flint used to make knives and axes, drugs in nature rarely occur in their most applicable form. Active ingredients and medicinal components must be first collected, processed and prepared to be inserted into a curative form. Introduction to the development of ideas about drugs, methods of healing and evolution of the profession increase the ability of medical professionals to respond to the challenges that arise with the expansion of their professional roles. Conventional (Western) medicine successfully manages acute emergency states, traumatic injuries, bacterial infections and some highly sophisticated surgical interventions. Priority intervention involves resisting and overcoming the symptoms of a disease, and not its cause (e.g., application of analgesics, anaesthetics, anti-inflammatory drugs, antipyretics, etc.). Since conventional medicine deals with parts and symptoms rather than building the overall operating system, energy, thought and feelings, it does not combat systemic diseases of long duration (e.g., arthritis, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, mental illness, etc.). Introduction of the different methods of healing developed over time increased the ability of medical professionals to meet the challenges that arise with the expansion of their professional roles. Methods of healing of cave people were undeveloped. Methods applied in Chinese medicine are focused on balancing the internal and external energies. Ayurveda represents a holistic and sophisticated system of healing. Egyptian medicinal texts show a close relationship between supernatural and empirical healing. Illyrians applied hydrotherapy and physiotherapy. Thracians had experience in the field of religious medicine and the first medical institutions. Healing in Ancient Greece was based on the law of similarity. Greek physicians associated diet and life adaptations with the use of drugs. Roman sanitary legislation regulated public hygiene and sanitation facilities. Galen made efforts to balance body fluids by using drugs of opposite nature. Keywords: conventional medicine, analgesics, anaesthetics, Ayurved

    Lipokalin udružen s neutrofilnom gelatinazom kao rani biološki biljeg akutnog oštećenja bubrega u novorođenčadi

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    The aim of the study was to determine the incidence, risk factors and efficiency of the neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) biomarker in early diagnosis of acute kidney injury (AKI) in newborns. The study was designed as a prospective, clinical, epidemiological investigation conducted in the period of three years, which included 50 newborns with AKI hospitalized in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, University Children’s Hospital in Skopje. The estimated prevalence of AKI was 6.4%, while the prevalence according to RIFLE classification was 8.7%. Perinatal asphyxia was a common predisposing factor associated to kidney injury. The mortality rate was 32% and was significantly higher in the group of newborns with congenital heart diseases. There was a significant difference between NGAL values and creatinine values on the day of admission. There was a significant difference in NGAL values between newborns with AKI and lethal outcome and newborns without lethal outcome (p<0.001). In conclusion, AKI is a life-threatening condition. It is an independent contributor to mortality. Urinary NGAL is an early predictive biomarker of AKI in critically ill newborns.Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi incidenciju, čimbenike rizika i učinkovitost biološkog biljega lipokalina udruženog s neutrofilnom gelatinazom (neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin, NGAL) u ranoj dijagnostici akutnog oštećenja bubrega (AOB) kod novorođenčadi. Istraživanje je provedeno kao prospektivna klinička epidemiološka studija kroz razdoblje od tri godine, a obuhvatila je 50 novorođenčadi s AOB hospitalizirane u Neonatalnoj jedinici intenzivnog liječenja (NJIL) Sveučilišne dječje bolnice u Skopju. Procijenjena učestalost AOB bila je 6,4%, dok je učestalost prema klasifikaciji RIFLE iznosila 8,7%. Perinatalna asfiksija bila je čest predisponirajući čimbenik udružen s oštećenjem bubrega. Stopa smrtnosti bila je 32% i bila je značajno viša u skupini novorođenčadi s kongenitalnim srčanim bolestima. Utvrđena je značajna razlika među vrijednostima NGAL i kreatinina na dan prijma u NJIL. Značajna razlika zabilježena je u vrijednostima NGAL između novorođenčadi s AOB i smrtnim ishodom i novorođenčadi bez smrtnog ishoda (p<0,001). U zaključku, AOB je za život opasno stanje koje neovisno doprinosi smrtnosti. NGAL u mokraći je rani predskazujući biološki biljeg za AOB kod kritično bolesne novorođenčadi

    The Spectrum of Kidney Diseases in Children Associated with Low Molecular Weight Proteinuria

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    BACKGROUND: Proteinuria, in addition to haematuria, is the most important laboratory parameter in patients with nephro-urological diseases. Low molecular weight proteinuria (LMWP) is of particular importance because some diseases genetic and tubulointerstitial are diagnosed based on its presence.AIM: The purpose of this study is to describe the clinical features, the course and outcome of pediatric patients with a renal disease associated with LMWP.MATERIAL AND METHODS: This retrospective observational study included 250 pediatric patients with various kidney diseases in which the type of proteinuria was defined by 4-20% gradient gel sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel (SDS-PAG) electrophoresis.RESULTS: Isolated LMWP was detected in 12% of patients, while mixed glomerulotubular proteinuria was detected in 18% of patients. It was detected in all patients with the Dent-1/2 disease, Lowe's syndrome and secondary Fanconi syndrome. Transient LMWP was also detected in a series of 12 patients with distal renal tubular acidosis. In patients with nephrotic syndrome, it was associated with corticoresistence and unfavourable clinical course.CONCLUSION: This study contributes to the understanding of the clinical spectrum of various kidney diseases associated with LMWP, their natural course, and the effect of therapy

    Верификација на квалитативни методи Ñо теÑÑ‚ ленти за иÑпитување на дроги кои Ñе злоупотребуваат во урина

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    The verification of the  qualitative method with test  devices for detection of eight drugs of abuse in urine  (amphetamines, methamphetamine,  barbiturates,  benzoylecgonine,  marijuana, 3,4-methylendioxy-methamphetamine, methadone, and opiates) was done using the assessment results  from External Quality Assessment  Scheme according to  verification protocol in  our laboratory, which included predefined performance characteristics such as: accuracy, sensitivity and specificity of the method, as well as for method comparison analysis. Our results have shown that  qualitative methods for detection of drugs of abuse in urine have fulfilled the predefined criteria in regard to sensitivity, specificity and accuracy for screening purposes. There was a good agreement between the observed results and assessment results. Reliability of the method has fulfilled the predefined criteria with the exception for amphetamine and methamphetamine (weak and none, respectively). As a conclusion we may say that the rapid non-instrumented test devices for detection of drugs of abuse in urine have shown satisfactory verification results and have fulfilled the criteria for intended purposes according to the ISO 15189 Standard.Верификацијата на квалитативните методи Ñо брзи теÑтови за детекција на оÑум дроги кои Ñе злоупотребуваат во урината (амфетамини, метамфетамини,  Ð±Ð°Ñ€Ð±Ð¸Ñ‚урати, кокаин, марихуана,3,4-метилендиокÑи-метамфетамин, метадон и опиати) беше направена Ñо примена на резулта- тите од оценката од надворешната контрола на квалитетот, врз оÑнова на протоколот за вери- фикација во нашата лабораторија, кој опфаќа претходно дефинирани критериуми како  ÑˆÑ‚о Ñе: точноÑта, ÑензитивноÑта  Ð¸ ÑпецифичноÑта на методот. Ðашите резултати покажаа дека квалитативниот метод за детекција на дрогите кои Ñе злоупотребуваат во урина ги иÑполнува претходно дефинираните  критериуми во поглед на ÑензитивноÑта, ÑпецифичноÑта и точноÑ- та за screening потреби. ПоÑтои добро Ñовпаѓање на добиените резултати од наша Ñтрана Ñо резултатите од надвoрешната контрола на квалитет. ВеродоÑтојноÑта на методот ги иÑполни претходно дефинираните критериуми Ñо иÑклучок на амфетамините и метамфетаминот (Ñлаба, одноÑно никаква). Како заклучок можеме да кажеме дека брзите неинÑтрументални теÑтови за детекција на дроги кои Ñе злоупотребуваат во урината покажаа задоволителни резултати од верификацијата и ги иÑполнија критериумите за Ñоодветната планирана намена во ÑоглаÑноÑÑ‚ Ñо Ñтандардот ISO 15189

    The history of methods of healing

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    Different methods of healing that have been developed over time have increased the ability of medicinal professionals to meet the challenges that arise with expansion of their professional roles. The methods of healing of cave people were undeveloped. The methods of Chinese medicine were focused on balancing the internal and external energies. Holistic and sophisticated system of healing represents Ayurveda. Egyptian medicinal texts show a close relationship between the supernatural and empirical healing. Illyrians applied hydrotherapy and physiotherapy. Experiences in the field of religious medicine and initial medicinal institution had Thracians. Healing in Ancient Greece was based on the law of similarity. Greek physicians favored diet and life adaptations in relation to the use of drugs. With the Roman sanitary legislation were regulated public hygiene and sanitation facilities. Galen made efforts to balance the fluids in the sick person using drugs with opposite nature. Rational drug therapy in Middle Ages decreased and was replaced with Church knowledge. Arabic physicians have rejected the old idea that a bitter pill act best, instead of this they prepared their dosage forms tasty and attractive by silver or gold plating and use of syrups. Paracelsus pioneered in chemically prepared drugs out of raw plants and mineral substances. He used special drug for a particular disease. In the Renaissance, a great jump is made in the preparation of drugs. For a period of about 300 years, significant discoveries were made in the chemistry of drugs. Today, current gene therapy has the potential to prevent, correct, modulate gene or acquired diseases. Key words: Healing, history, method, drug, ide

    Effects of Valsartan vs Amlodipin on renal function in salt loaded spontaneously hypertensive rats

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    The goal of this study was to compare the effects of valsartan and amlodipin on the systolic blood pressure and parameters specific to the renal function in salt loaded spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). 32 male SHR were used at age of 20 weeks and body weight ranging between 265-300 g. From 8 weeks of age tab water was replaced with a solution of NaCl (1%) given ad libitum. Rats were divided into 2 groups: valsartan treated group SHRVAL (n=16) in which valsartan was given at a dose of 10 mg/kg b. w. and amlodipine treated group SHRAMLO (n=16) in which amlodipine was given at a dose of 5 mg/kg b. w. For a period of 12 weeks we have evaluated the effect of the investigated drugs on systolic blood pressure, body weight and renal function tests. In salt loaded rats amlodipine was more effective in reducing the systolic blood pressure in contrast to valsartan who had more pronounced effect on renal parameters most evident in proteinuria. Since both treatment groups have different mechanism of action a combination therapy may be beneficial in improving renal function in SHR rats

    Biochemical composition and antimicrobial activities of oil extract obtained from hamsters

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    In Struga and surrounding one interesting medicine from animal origin nowadays exist for healing an ear pains. This traditional medicine probably was prescribed by the physician Vladimir Kavaev (born in 1885) who studied military medical academy in Russia. Doctor Kavaev and his wife Elena (also physician) were personal acquaintances and collaborators of Lenin [1]. To this day this medicine is prepared in some areas in Republic of Macedonia as a very efficient and irreplaceable remedy for ear pain. No, literature data exist about preparing and usage of this remedy prepared with just borne hamsters, in our country and other countries in the world [2]. Because of that with our contemporarily investigations on the biochemical composition and antimicrobial activities of this oil extract we have tried to find an explanation of its usage for healing ear pains. The biochemical composition of the oil extract obtained from hamsters determined by the Eclia (Electrochemiluminescence assay) showed more than 1750 nmol/l of Cortisol and more than 70.0 nmol/l 25-hydroxycholecalciferol. Mineral composition assay determined by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry after microwave digestion showed presence of 13.2 mg/kg Fe. The results for antimicrobial activities show inhibition of bacterial growth for Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas fluorescens, and low antimicrobial action on Gram positive bacteria i.e. Staphylococcus aureus. Discovered biochemical composition and antimicrobial activity of oil extract obtained from hamsters justify it’s usage to date Key words: oil exrtact, antimicrobial activity, hamsters, biochemical composition, traditional medicin

    Referentni intervali na Apo A-1, Apo B i soodnosot Apo B/Apo A-1 vo primerok na makedonska populacija

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    Narusuvanjata vo serumskite koncentracii na apolipoproteinite A-1 i B (Apo A-1 i Apo B), kako i soodnosot apolipoprotein B/apolipoprotein A-1 (Apo B/Apo A-1), se smeta deka pretstavuvaat nezavisni rizik faktori za koronarna srceva bolest. Se preporacuva sekoja laboratorija da opredeli sopstveni referentni intervali za serumskite koncentracii na Apo A-1 i na Apo B, kako i za soodnosot Apo B/Apo A-1, bidejki tie zavisat od geografskata lokacija. Za taa cel gi opredelivme serumskite koncentracii na Apo A-1 i na Apo B i go presmetavme Apo B/Apo A-1 soodnosot kaj 122 zdravi individui od makedonska populacija (70 `eni i 52 ma`i) na vozrast od 18-60 godini. Pri opredeluvaweto koristevme komercijalen, standardiziran manuelen imunoturbidimetriski test (Randox). Izmerenite koncentracii (x ± SD) iznesuvaa: Apo A-1 = 1,39 ± 0,28 g/l vo zenskata populacija i 1,42 ± 0,27 g/l vo maskata populacija, a Apo B = 0,95 ± 0,24 g/l vo zenskata i 1,00 ± 0,23 g/l vo maskata populacija. Presmetaniot Apo B/Apo A-1 soodnos iznesuvase 0,70 ± 0,17 kaj zenskata populacija i 0,72 ± 0,18 kaj maskata populacija. Studentoviot t-test pokaza deka ne postoi signifikantna razlika (r>0,05) vo srednite vrednosti za Apo A-1 i za Apo B, kako i za Apo B/Apo A-1 soodnosot, me|u zenskata i maskata podgrupa, odnosno deka podelbata spored polot ne e potrebna od dijagnosticka gledna tocka. Koncentraciite na Apo A-1 i na Apo B presmetani za mesanata grupa (N=122) iznesuvaa 1,40 ± 0,28 g/L i 0,97 ± 0,23 g/L. Soodnosot Apo B/Apo A-1 vo celata grupa iznesuva{e 0,71 ± 0,17. Tipot na distribucija na vrednostite za serumskite Apo A-1 i Apo B, kako i soodnosot Apo B/Apo A-1 be{e testiran preku opredeluvanje na vrednostite na koeficientot na asimetrija (Skewness), na koeficientot na splosnatost (Kurtosis) i na standardnite devijacii na ovie dva koeficienti. Vrednostite na ovie koeficienti za site tri parametri pokazaa deka distribucijata na vrednostite e spored Gausovata (Gauss) kriva. Vo soglasnost so normalnata distribucija, referentnite granici za Apo A-1, za Apo B, kako i za Apo B/Apo A-1 soodnosot bea opredeleni parametarski (sredna aritmeticka golemina ± 2 standardni devijacii). Referentnite intervali za Apo A-1 iznesuvaa 0,84 - 1,96 g/l, 0,51 - 1,43 g/l za Apo B i 0,37 - 1,05 za soodnosot Apo B/Apo A-

    Efektite na prostaciklin vo tretmanot na dijabeticnata nefropatija kaj staorci

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    Mikrovaskularnite komplikacii, a pred se dijabeticnata nefropatija, se edni od najteskite komplikacii na dijabetot, od koi vo golema mera zavisi i prognozata na dijabetot kaj ovie pacienti. Etiopatogenezata na ovaa komplikacija e multifaktorijalna i za sega se uste ne kompletno rasvetlena, a vklucuva morfoloski, patolosko-anatomski i biohemiski metabolni narusuvanja. Se smeta deka narusuvanjeto na modularnata funkcija na endoteliumot moze da bide kriticen i inicijalen faktor vo razvojot na dijabeticnite vaskularni komplikacii. Vrz osnova na farmakodinamskite efekti koi sto gi poseduva prostaciklinot (PGI2) i negovite analozi, se smeta deka istite moze da bidat korisni vo tretmanot na dijabeti~nata nefropatija. Osnovna cel na ovaa studija be{e da se procenat efektite na prostaciklin (PGI2) vo tretmanot na dijabeticnata nefropatija, eksperimentalno predizvikana so streptozocin. Kaj normotenzivni staorci od sojot Wistar, eksperimentalno bese induciran najprvin dijabet so ednokratna i.p. administracija na streptozocin (STZ), a kako komplikacija na dijabetot i jasni znaci i simptomi na dijabeticna nefropatija (proteinurija, zgolemeno serumsko nivo na urea i kreatinin, poliurija, zgolemena aktivnost na NAG vo mockata). Tretman so prostaciklin (p.o.) vo doza od 0.1 mg/kg /t.t./den, vo tekot na 4 nedeli, dovede do signifikantno namaluvanje na simptomite i znacite na bubreznite ostetuvanja, vo odnos na grupata zivotni koi ne primaa prostaciklin. Vrz osnova na dobienite rezultati moze da se zakluci deka prostaciklinot moze da ima znacajna uloga vo tretmanot na dijabeticnata nefropatija, eksperimentalno inducirana so streptozocin

    Role of urinary podocalyxin in early diagnosis of diabetic nephropathy

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    Introduction. Podocyte injury has been reported as an early feature of DN therefore, the assessment of podocyte injury can be accomplished by estimation of podocalyxin in urine. This study aimed to estimate the urinary podocalyxin levels and to determine the sensitivity and specificity of this biomarker for early detection of DN