14 research outputs found

    Influence of the Water Level in the Yenisei River on the Ecosystem of its Anabranch within the City of Krasnoyarsk

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    Расположенная в черте города Красноярска в 35 км ниже Красноярской ГЭС Абаканская протока р. Енисей является, с одной стороны, важным рекреационным водоемом, а с другой стороны, подвержена нескольким типам антропогенного воздействия (зарегулирование дамбой, поступление ливневых и теплых вод, наличие садкового рыбоводного хозяйства), ухудшающего ее рекреационные свойства из-за чрезмерного зарастания макрофитами и скоплений метафитона нитчатой водоросли рода Spirogyra, ухудшения органолептических и микробиологических показателей воды. Природные климатические факторы способны существенно модифицировать влияние антропогенных факторов, что представляет интерес в плане прогнозирования и принятия решений по ликвидации негативных явлений. Целью работы является оценка влияния режима уровня воды р. Енисей в весенне-летний период на экосистему протоки через сравнение данных в многоводный (2021) и средневодный (2020) годы. Гидрофизические, гидрохимические и гидробиологические измерения проводили с мая по август 2020 и 2021 гг. сверху вниз на станциях левобережья: 1 – выше дамбы (фон), 2 – ниже дамбы, 3 – напротив выпуска теплых вод ТЭЦ, 4 – пляж, ниже рыбоводных садков. В 2021 г. вода в протоку поступала только снизу (к ст. 4 и 3), так как водопропускные трубы в теле плотины были засыпаны. В 2021 г., по сравнению с 2020 г., на зарегулированном участке протоки значительно увеличились численность и биомасса фито- и зоопланктона, возросла первичная продукция планктона, а аналогичные показатели фитоперифитона и зообентоса, напротив, снизились по причине их формирования на свежезалитых грунтах. Метафитон отсутствовал, но в августе спирогира стала доминировать в биомассе фитоперифитона. Концентрации нитрит-иона в воде увеличились в зарегулированной части протоки, а нитрат-иона и общего фосфора – на всех станциях протоки, в том числе и на фоновой, получающей воды из Красноярского водохранилища. Наблюдаемая в 2021 г. «вспышка трофии» в планктоне ст. 3 и 4 обусловлена длительным (полтора месяца) удержанием высокого уровня воды в протоке, позволившим использовать биоте вымываемые из затопленных берегов органические вещества и биогены, и аналогична таковой в экотонных зонах выклинивания подпора водохранилищ. Ежегодное увеличение концентраций минеральных форм азота и общего фосфора на нижних станциях, по сравнению с другими станциями, вероятно, обусловлено эвтрофирующим влиянием садкового рыбоводного хозяйстваLocated within the city of Krasnoyarsk, 35 km downstream of the Krasnoyarsk Hydropower Plant, the Abakanskaya anabranch of the Yenisei River, on the one hand, is an important recreational water body and, on the other hand, is subject to several types of anthropogenic impact (regulation by a dam, inflow of storm and warm waters, fish farming). These impacts worsen its recreational properties due to excessive growth of macrophytes and metaphytic filamentous algae of the genus Spirogyra, causing deterioration of organoleptic and microbiological parameters of water. Natural climatic factors can significantly modify the influence of anthropogenic factors, which is of interest in terms of forecasting and decision-making about the elimination of negative factors. The aim of the present work is to assess the influence of the water level regime of the Yenisei River in the spring–summer period on the anabranch ecosystem by comparing the data for the high-water (2021) and medium-water (2020) years. Hydrophysical, hydrochemical, and hydrobiological measurements were carried out from May to August 2020 and 2021 at locations on the left bank: 1 – upstream of the dam (reference), 2 – downstream of the dam, 3 – opposite the outlet of warm water, 4 – at the beach, downstream of the fish farm. In 2021, water entered the anabranch only from downstream (to locations 4 and 3), since the culverts in the dam body were filled up. In 2021, compared to 2020, the abundance and biomass of phyto- and zooplankton in the regulated section of the anabranch significantly increased, the primary production of plankton increased, but the corresponding parameters of phytoperiphyton and zoobenthos, on the contrary, decreased due to their formation on freshly flooded soils. Metaphyton was absent, but in August, Spirogyra began to dominate in the phytoperiphyton biomass. Nitrite ion concentrations in the water increased in the regulated part of the anabranch, and the nitrate ion and total phosphorus concentrations increased at all locations, including the reference location, receiving water from the Krasnoyarsk Reservoir. The plankton “abundance outbreak” observed in 2021 at locations 3 and 4 was caused by the water level in the anabranch remaining high over a long period (one and a half months), which made it possible for the biota to use organic matter and nutrients washed out from the flooded banks; the outbreak was similar to those occurring in the ecotone zones of inputs to the upper parts of reservoirs. The annual increase in the concentrations of mineral forms of nitrogen and total phosphorus at the lower locations compared with other locations was probably due to the eutrophic influence of fish farmin

    Sarmatia-Volgo-Uralia junction zone: Isotopic-geochronologic characteristic of supracrustal rocks and granitoids

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    The geochronologic (U-Pb isotopic system of zircons) and isotopic-geochemical (Sm-Nd isotopic system of the bulk rock) studies were performed along the profile extending from the eastern Sarmatia (in the west) to the Middle Volga megablock of Volgo-Uralia (in the east), i.e., across the entire junction zone for dating the integration of Sarmatia and Volgo-Uralia, representing two segments of the East European Craton. It is established that the examined rocks are characterized by the Paleoproterozoic Nd isotopic model age, which varies from 2.1 and 2.4 Ga, except for some samples indicating a similar age of the crust through the entire Sarmatia-Volgo-Uralia junction zone. The highly metamorphosed complexes of the granulite and amphibolite facies constituting the southwestern margin of Volgo-Uralia are Paleoproterozoic, not Archean, in age, contrary to previous views. Two Early Paleoproterozoic lithotectonic complexes are defined in Volgo-Uralia: South Volga metasedimentary and Tersa metasedimentary-volcanogenic. The obtained data confirm the asynchronous integration of individual segments into the East European Craton: the integration of Sarmatia and Volgo-Uralia approximately 2100-2000 Ma ago was followed by the conjunction of this newly-formed continent with Fennoscandia ca. 1800 Ma ago

    Proteasome functioning in breast cancer: connection with clinical-pathological factors.

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    Breast cancer is one of four oncology diseases that are most widespread in the world. Moreover, breast cancer is one of leading causes of cancer-related deaths in female population within economically developed regions of the world. So far, detection of new mechanisms of breast cancer development is very important for discovery of novel areas in which therapy approaches may be elaborated. The objective of the present study is to investigate involvement of proteasomes, which cleave up to 90% of cellular proteins and regulate numerous cellular processes, in mechanisms of breast cancer development. Proteasome characteristics in 106 patient breast carcinomas and adjacent tissues, as well as relationships of detected proteasome parameters with clinical-pathological factors, were investigated. Proteasome chymotrypsin-like activity was evaluated by hydrolysis of fluorogenic peptide Suc-LLVY-AMC. The expression of proteasome subunits was studied by Western-blotting and immunohistochemistry. The wide range of chymotrypsin-like activity in tumors was detected. Activity in tumors was higher if compared to adjacent tissues in 76 from 106 patients. Multiple analysis of generalized linear models discovered that in estrogen α-receptor absence, tumor growth was connected with the enhanced expression of proteasome immune subunit LMP2 and proteasome activator PA700 in tumor (at 95% confidence interval). Besides, by this analysis we detected some phenomena in adjacent tissue, which are important for tumor growth and progression of lymph node metastasis in estrogen α-receptor absence. These phenomena are related to the enhanced expression of activator PA700 and immune subunit LMP7. Thus, breast cancer development is connected with functioning of immune proteasome forms and activator PA700 in patients without estrogen α-receptors in tumor cells. These results could indicate a field for search of new therapy approaches for this category of patients, which has the worst prognosis of health recovery

    Hydrobiologic Survey of Some Lakes of Mountain Range Ergaki (West Sayan)

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    Три горных озера (Ойское, Каровое, Радужное) района хребта Ергаки впервые исследованы 11- 15 сентября 2008 г. Определен видовой (таксономический) состав, число видов, численность и биомасса фито- и зоопланктона, фито- и зообентоса каждого озера, рассчитаны индексы видового сходства планктонных и бентосных сообществ между озерами. Приведены результаты контрольного лова рыбы в оз. Ойское. Обнаружено, что видовое разнообразие планктонных и бентосных сообществ невелико и самое низкое - в безрыбном озере Каровое; сходство видового состава озер довольно низкое (0,09-0,40). Биоту озер в основном составляют широко распространенные виды, за некоторым исключением. В частности, за счет обнаружения в оз. Радужное Alona werestschagini Sinev (в России найденной на Алтае и Европейском Севере) и в оз.Ойское Arctodiaptomus dahuricus Borutzky (в России - в Забайкалье) ареалы обитания этих видов расширены. Однако упомянутый арктодиаптомус может оказаться новым видом (подвидом). Несмотря на низкие величины биомасс фито- и зоопланктона (уровня олиготрофных озер) и низкие или умеренные - зообентоса (уровня олиго-, мезотрофных), пойманные экземпляры хариуса (Thymallus arcticus Pallas) имели высокую жирность (3-4 балла) и степень наполнения желудка. По-видимому, кормовая база достаточна для успешного существования имеющейся популяции хариуса в оз. Ойское.Three alpine lakes (Oiskoe, Karovoe, Raduzhnoe) of mountain range Ergaki were sampled in 11- 15 September 2008. Species (taxonomic) composition, number of species, abundance and biomass of phytoplankton and zooplankton, phytobenthos and zoobenthos of each lake were studied for the first time. Coefficients of species similarity of plankton and benthos assemblages between lakes were calculated. Results of fishing in the lake Oiskoe were presented. As found, species diversity of plankton and benthos assemblages of the lakes were low and the lowest one was in the fishless lake Karovoe. Similarity of species composition between lakes were low (0,09-0,40). Biota of the lakes in general consisted of species with widespread distribution, with the exception of some species, namely Alona werestschagini Sinev known (in Russia) from Altai and north of Europe only, and Arctodiaptomus dahuricus Borutzky known from Transbaikalia. Thus areals of these species were expanded, but Arctodiaptomus may be a new species (subspecies) Despite of the low abundance and biomass of phyto- and zooplankton (characteristic of oligotrophic lakes) and low or moderate zoobenthos biomass (characteristic of oligotrophic-mesotrophic lakes), catched individuals of fish Thymallus arcticus Pallas were fat (mark 3-4) and their guts were filled. Apparently food supply is sufficient for good fitness of the existed grayling population

    Hydrobiologic Survey of Some Lakes of Mountain Range Ergaki (West Sayan)

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    Три горных озера (Ойское, Каровое, Радужное) района хребта Ергаки впервые исследованы 11- 15 сентября 2008 г. Определен видовой (таксономический) состав, число видов, численность и биомасса фито- и зоопланктона, фито- и зообентоса каждого озера, рассчитаны индексы видового сходства планктонных и бентосных сообществ между озерами. Приведены результаты контрольного лова рыбы в оз. Ойское. Обнаружено, что видовое разнообразие планктонных и бентосных сообществ невелико и самое низкое - в безрыбном озере Каровое; сходство видового состава озер довольно низкое (0,09-0,40). Биоту озер в основном составляют широко распространенные виды, за некоторым исключением. В частности, за счет обнаружения в оз. Радужное Alona werestschagini Sinev (в России найденной на Алтае и Европейском Севере) и в оз.Ойское Arctodiaptomus dahuricus Borutzky (в России - в Забайкалье) ареалы обитания этих видов расширены. Однако упомянутый арктодиаптомус может оказаться новым видом (подвидом). Несмотря на низкие величины биомасс фито- и зоопланктона (уровня олиготрофных озер) и низкие или умеренные - зообентоса (уровня олиго-, мезотрофных), пойманные экземпляры хариуса (Thymallus arcticus Pallas) имели высокую жирность (3-4 балла) и степень наполнения желудка. По-видимому, кормовая база достаточна для успешного существования имеющейся популяции хариуса в оз. Ойское.Three alpine lakes (Oiskoe, Karovoe, Raduzhnoe) of mountain range Ergaki were sampled in 11- 15 September 2008. Species (taxonomic) composition, number of species, abundance and biomass of phytoplankton and zooplankton, phytobenthos and zoobenthos of each lake were studied for the first time. Coefficients of species similarity of plankton and benthos assemblages between lakes were calculated. Results of fishing in the lake Oiskoe were presented. As found, species diversity of plankton and benthos assemblages of the lakes were low and the lowest one was in the fishless lake Karovoe. Similarity of species composition between lakes were low (0,09-0,40). Biota of the lakes in general consisted of species with widespread distribution, with the exception of some species, namely Alona werestschagini Sinev known (in Russia) from Altai and north of Europe only, and Arctodiaptomus dahuricus Borutzky known from Transbaikalia. Thus areals of these species were expanded, but Arctodiaptomus may be a new species (subspecies) Despite of the low abundance and biomass of phyto- and zooplankton (characteristic of oligotrophic lakes) and low or moderate zoobenthos biomass (characteristic of oligotrophic-mesotrophic lakes), catched individuals of fish Thymallus arcticus Pallas were fat (mark 3-4) and their guts were filled. Apparently food supply is sufficient for good fitness of the existed grayling population

    Statistical indicators for revealed dependence of the proteasome parameters in breast samples on simultaneous effect of clinical-pathological factors.<sup>1.</sup>

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    1<p>Multiple GLM (generalized linear models) analysis was applied;</p>2<p>F (DF), F-test value for indicated pair of interacting signs (Degrees of Freedom);</p>3<p><i>p</i>, statistical significance of observed effects.</p><p>Statistical indicators for revealed dependence of the proteasome parameters in breast samples on simultaneous effect of clinical-pathological factors.<sup>1.</sup></p

    Expression of proteasome immune subunits and Rpt6 subunit in breast samples at different disease stages.

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    <p>Western-blotting was performed with the use of mouse mAbs to proteasome subunits LMP2, LMP7 and Rpt6; β-actin was detected as the inner control with the use of mouse mAbs to this protein. TT, tumor tissue. AT, adjacent tissue.</p

    Regulatory network between ERα and proteasome immune subunit LMP2 in breast cancer.

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    <p>MIR, microRNA; SOX4, PU.1 (SPI 1), MYC, transcription factors. Created within open informatics site MirOB, (<a href="http://mirob.interactome.ru/pathway_navigator" target="_blank">http://mirob.interactome.ru/pathway_navigator</a>, 2012−2013).</p

    Dependence of amount of proteasome subunits in breast samples on simultaneous effect of two factors.

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    <p>TT, tumor tissue. AT, adjacent tissue. Factors: lymph node metastasis and histological tumor type. Wilks lambda = 0.014; F(40; 77.7) = 4.02; <i>p</i><0.001. IDC, invasive ductal carcinoma. ILC, invasive lobular carcinoma. MdC, medullary cancer. McC mucinous cancer. Vertical bars denote 95% confidence interval.</p