6 research outputs found

    Pollen & wing scale load on stigmas from naturally visited flowers

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    After observing a visit by a butterfly in the field, stigmas from R. calendulaceum flowers were clipped and attached to a microscope slide in the field. Data show presence/absence (=Y/N) of pollen and butterfly wing scales on stigmas as scored after examining stigmas under the microscope

    2011 wings v body data

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    Data from observations of _Papilio glaucus_ butterflies foraging on _Rhododendron calendulaceum_ flowers in the field. Showing contact between butterfly wings and an anther & stigma versus contact between butterfly's body and an anther & stigma. Observed contact = 1, absence of contact = 0. Note that these data should not be used to draw any conclusions about which visits had BOTH wings and bodies contact anthers and stigmas. Data collected June 2011

    Flower visitor observations

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    Observations of flower visitors on _Rhododendron calendulaceum_ and flower parts contacted; taken June 2014

    Butterfly pollen loads

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    Pollen carried on wings and bodies of butterflies collected in the field near R. calendulaceum plants in June of 2011 and 2014 (data in separate tabs). Individual pollen grains counted for 2011 butterflies and half of 2014 butterflies before switching to categorical ranges for 2014 butterflies (data for both ranges and counts shown here, in separate tabs)

    Pollinator exclusion experiment data

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    Data from experimental exclusion of flower visitors to _Rhododendron calendulaceum_. Treatments applied 6/12/14 - 6/13/14 and fruit set scored 8/4/14-8/7/14. Treatments defined as follows: A = flowers open to all visitors; B = mesh + cage (all visitors excluded); C = cage (only large visitors, e.g. big butterflies, excluded); D = maximum fruit set (unopened flwrs covered with ziplock until open, then pollinated by hand with outcrossed pollen)

    Stigma load from single butterfly visits on emasculated flowers

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    _Rhododendron calendulaceum_ twigs bearing budding inflorescences were cut in the field and kept in water in the lab. Flowers were emasculated upon anthesis, and emasculated inflorescences were attached to the end of a pole and presented to foraging _Papilio glaucus_ butterflies near flowering _R. calendulaceum_ plants in the field. Stigmas of emasculated flowers were removed and attached to a microscope slide in the field following a visit, and scored for the presence/absence (=Y/N) of pollen grains and butterfly wing scales upon inspection under the microscope