29 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Beberapa Tingkat Serat Kasar Dalam Ransum Terhadap Pekembangan Organ Dalam Itik Jantan

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    This research was conducted to determine the effect of crude fiber level in rations of gizard weight, length and weight of small intestine, caecum, colon drake. Research using a completely randomized design consisting of four treatment levels of crude fiber (5, 10, 15, and 20%) and repeated four times. Data analysis of variance test results and continue testing the average value with Duncan Multiple Range Test. Ducks 3 weeks old experiment as much as 64 tail is divided into four treatments and each treatment consisted of four ducks. All treatments formulated rations containing protein (16%) and ME (2600 kcal/kg) is the same. The main source of crude fiber in the diet is fine bran. The results showed significantly different levels of crude fiber (P <0.05) to the length of small intestine drake

    Penggunaan Beberapa Tingkat Serat Kasar Dalam Ransum Itik Jantan Sedang Bertumbuh

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    This research was conducted to determine the effect of crude fiber level in rations to feed consumption, body weight, body weight gain, carcass weight, breast weight and thigh weights male duck. Male ducks 3 weeks old were divided into four treatments, each treatment ration is repeated four times using four ducks each replication. Ration of treatment given to duck experiment with the level of crude fiber 5, 10, 15, and 20%. Treatment rations containing protein (16%) and ME (2600 kcal/kg). The main source of crude fiber in the diet is fine bran. Data were analyzed using completely randomized design direction, then the test with Duncan Multiple Range Test. The level of crude fiber significantly affect (P<0.05) on average feed intake, body weight, body weight gain, carcass weight and breast weight male duck

    Isolat Bakteri Asam Laktat Sebagai Probiotik Dengan Vaksinasi AI Dan ND Dalam Pembentukan Titer Antibodi Dan Bobot Badan Ayam Jantan Tipe Medium

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    Isolates of Lactic Acid Bacteria isolates assembled into a mixture of LAB as probiotics . LAB probiotic drops introduced through the mouth with the aim of suppressing pathogens and is expected to improve the health status of rooster type of medium . Isolates in the digestive tract will undergo adaptation by temperature , acidity and pH changes in the gut . The health status of the chicken can be expressed as growth to form the body weight , and the growth of LAB . In addition , AI and ND vaccination in healthy chickens conditions will produce antibodies to both . The success of vaccination can be evaluated from the results of the formation of chicken blood serum titre of research . Analysis of descriptive data on the dynamics of the growth of LAB , the formation of antibody titer and body weight gain 24-31 day old chickens . Based on the results of this study revealed that isolates of LAB can be used simultaneously in bercoccidiostat feed . LAB isolates may develop in the digestive tract rooster medium type as probiotics. The dynamics of the growth of a population produces a mixture of isolates of LAB isolates (mixture of B1, B3, B4, B5 as probiotics) in the highest reaches of the ilium and jejunum 14.00 x 10-6 13.5 x 10-6 CFU/ml. Test isolates viability of probiotic candidates in all isolates produced distilled water medium can live up to 72 hours of incubation . In addition, there is a synergy results in the formation of antibody titers ND uniform T3 treatment. T3 treatment is given probiotics 2x chicken every week for 3 weeks . In AI vaccination resulted in antibody titers are not uniform. Body weight gain reached the age of 24-31 days in a row 75.83 g, 76.54 g, 81.58 g, 87.04 g. Weight age of 31 days the average value obtained successively from the highest 329.16 g, 328.54 g, 325.54 g and 324.08 g lowest . Keywords; isolates LAB, probiotics, antibody titers, rooster layer medium type

    Antibody Titre Avian Influenza and Newcastle Disease in Blood Serum of Growing Ducks Gived Defferent Crude Protein Ration and Vaccinated with Vaksimune NDL AI®

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    The advantages of vaccination are that it reduces the risk of infection, and concurrently reduces morbidity, mortality and shedding of virus. The goal of the present study was to evaluate efficacy of Newcastle Disease combination with Avian Influenza commercial vaccine based on humoral immunity responses of growing ducks with different feed treatments. Totally, 48 mojosari growing ducks were used in this research. The mojosari growing ducks were vaccinated using Vaksimune NDL AI®. Blood samples were collected from the axilaris vein (left or rigt) one time at postvaccination. Antibody titres were examined using Hemaglutination Inhibition (HI). The result showed that Vaksimune NDL AI® vaccine inactive ND Genotype VII strain N018 combine with AI subtype H5N1 on emultion oil was a good protection because the vaccine was able to trigger protective humoral immunity of growing ducks at 9 weeks old ducks indicated by increasing of antibody titre in blood serum of vaccinated growing ducks male during three weeks pascavaccination

    Status Nutrisi Sapi Peranakan Ongolr di Kecamatan Bumi Agung Kabupaten Lampung Timur

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    This study was conducted in January 2014 in Bumi Agung District East Lampung Regency.This study aimed to determine the nutritional status of ongole cattle based on the feedstuff, nutrientcontent, and the management of feeding used by the ongole cattle breeder in Lampung Province.There were 15 breeders interviewed, came from three villages namely Margamulya (5 breeders),Donomulyo (5 breeders), and Lehan (5 breeders). This study used qualitative approach with surveymethod, then it was descriptively analyzed.The result of this study showed the feedstuff mostly in the form of pasture. Average dry matterconsumption was 7.32 kg/cow/day, even the dry matter need was 7.63 kg/cow/day, and averageprotein consumption was 0.76 kg/cow/day, even the protein need was 0.88 kg/cow/day. Can concludenutritional status of ongole cattle in Bumi Agung District East Lampung Regency has not therefare itfulfilled

    Respon Fisiologis Itik Mojosari Jantan dengan Pemberian Ransum Berkadar Protein Kasar Berbeda

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    The purpose of this research is to investigate and evaluate of the physiological responses of Mojosari's male ducks that given different levels of crude protein (16, 18, 20, or 22% from dry feed). This study has been conducted for 75 days at the Integrated Laboratory Department of Animal Husbandry, of the Agriculture Faculty of the University of Lampung. The total amount of male's ducks about 48 animals consisted of 16 ducks that is placed in a different plots, so that each plot consists of three male ducks. The male's ducks are divided into four treatments, which is giving feed in a different protein levels, 16 , 18 , 20 , and 22 % . Each treatment repeated four times. The design of this research using randomized block design and data obtained are analyzed. In conclusion, that ration with crude protein levels of 16, 18, 20, and 22% has no significant effect (P>0.05) on physiological responses of Mojosari's male ducks and all ration treatment provides the same physiological response ducks on ration levels crude protein 16, 18, 20, and 22%

    Uji Daya Hidup Bakteri Asam Laktat Dari Usus Itik Pada Media Tumbuh Dengan Penambahan Variasi Konsentrasi Molasis

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    This study aims to determine differences in the viability of Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) isolates on MRS medium supplemented with various concentrations molasses. Concentration variation molasis used as controls were 0%, 1%, 2% and 3%. Variation of time incubation on each of the media that is 0 hours, 24 hours, 48 hours and 72 hours. The viability of each isolate was viewed with the population of Log (cells/ml) which grow on the medium and the number of generations and time of generations. The results showed that the concentration molasses added to MRS affect the viability of LAB. Concentration of 1% makes LAB better viability than controls. Total population continues to increase at the end of the incubation with a yield of 1.17 generations in time 20.46 hours/generation. In contrast to controls, reduced population size at the end of the incubation so as not to produce a generation. LAB viability in addition molasses 2% and 3% live on 48 hours of incubation. This is indicated by the number of population increased at 48 hours of incubation, and then decreased at the end of incubation. The addition of concentration variation in the types of bacteria showed different viability. At B1 adding molasses 2% and 3% live on 48 hours of incubation and control can only live on a 24 hours incubation, whereas the B3, the control can remain alive at 48 hours of incubation. In contrast to the controls on B4 can survive on 48 hours of incubation, whereas the addition of 3% molasses can only live on a 24 hours incubation