17 research outputs found

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    Quantitative mineral resource assessment of undiscovered porphyry copper resources in South America

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    A quantitative resource assessment to be published this fall identifies and evaluates 26 tracts in South America where the geology isconsidered permissive for the occurrence of porphyry copper deposits. For each tract, information is provided on: (1) the rationale fordelineating the tract, (2) examples of important deposits in the tract, (3) the rationale for choosing the mineral deposit model used forthe assessment, (4) exploration history, and (5) expected spatial distribution of undiscovered deposits in the tract. The scale used toevaluate geologic information and define tracts is 1:1,000,000. There are about 600 million tonnes of copper in known porphyry copper deposits in South America. This study estimates there areapproximately 720 million tonnes of additional copper in undiscovered porphyry copper deposits, yielding a combined endowment ofabout 1.3 billion tonnes of copper. There are about 69 known porphyry copper deposits using the criteria adopted here to define a well-explored deposit. This study estimates that a mean of about 140 deposits remain to be found. In other words, about twice as manynew deposits might be found as have already been found. Overall, deposit densities in South America are comparable to those in therest of the world but differ in important details that are reflected in mapped distributions of deposits, metal densities, and percentagesof undiscovered deposits in each tract. The deposits in the tracts that include Chuquicamata and El Teniente are significantly larger intonnage and grade and are reported in a separate model that is more representative of their characteristics. The results of theassessment afirm that not all porphyry copper deposits in South America are located in the Andes. Geologic indications support thepresence of undiscovered deposits in Patagonia as well as the Amazon of Brazil. A preliminary 1:4,000,000 map of the 26 tracts will bedisplayed

    Pan-American quantitative mineral resource assessment of copper, molybdenum, gold, and silver in undiscovered porphyry copper deposits in the Andes mountains, South America

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    Working together, the geological surveys of Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Peru, and the United States used the U. S. Geological Survey three-part mineral resource assessment methodology (Singer, 1993) to delineate the regional locations and make probabilistic estimates of the amounts of copper, molybdenum, silver, and gold in undiscovered porphyry copper deposits in the Andes. Quantitative information on the probable locations and amounts of undiscovered mineral resources of the world is important to exploration managers, land-use and environmental planners, economists, and policy makers

    Think 500, not 50! A scalable approach to student success in STEM

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    Abstract Background UMBC, a diverse public research university, “builds” upon its reputation in producing highly capable undergraduate scholars to create a comprehensive new model, STEM BUILD at UMBC. This program is designed to help more students develop the skills, experience and motivation to excel in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). This article provides an in-depth description of STEM BUILD at UMBC and provides the context of this initiative within UMBC’s vision and mission. Key highlights The STEM BUILD model targets promising STEM students who enter as freshmen or transfer students and do not qualify for significant university or other scholarship support. Of primary importance to this initiative are capacity, scalability, and institutional sustainability, as we distill the advantages and opportunities of UMBC’s successful scholars programs and expand their application to more students. The general approach is to infuse the mentoring and training process into the fabric of the undergraduate experience while fostering community, scientific identity, and resilience. At the heart of STEM BUILD at UMBC is the development of BUILD Group Research (BGR), a sequence of experiences designed to overcome the challenges that undergraduates without programmatic support often encounter (e.g., limited internship opportunities, mentorships, and research positions for which top STEM students are favored). BUILD Training Program (BTP) Trainees serve as pioneers in this initiative, which is potentially a national model for universities as they address the call to retain and graduate more students in STEM disciplines – especially those from underrepresented groups. As such, BTP is a research study using random assignment trial methodology that focuses on the scalability and eventual incorporation of successful measures into the traditional format of the academy. Implications Critical measures to transform institutional culture include establishing an extensive STEM Living and Learning Community to increase undergraduate retention, expanding the adoption of “active learning” pedagogies to increase the efficiency of learning, and developing programs to train researchers to effectively mentor a greater portion of the student population. The overarching goal of STEM BUILD at UMBC is to retain students in STEM majors and better prepare them for post baccalaureate, graduate, or professional programs as well as careers in biomedical and behavioral research

    Quantitative Mineral Resource Assessment of Copper, Molybdenum, Gold, and Silver in Undiscovered Porphyry Copper Deposits in the Andes Mountains of South America

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    Quantitative information on the general locations and amounts of undiscovered porphyry copperresources of the world is important to exploration managers, land-use and environmental planners, economists, and policymakers. This publication contains the results of probabilistic estimates of theamounts of copper (Cu), molybdenum (Mo), silver (Ag), and gold (Au) in undiscovered porphyry copperdeposits in the Andes Mountains of South America. The methodology used to make these estimates is called the "Three-Part Form.” It was developed to explicitly express estimates of undiscovered resourcesand associated uncertainty in a form that allows economic analysis and is useful to decisionmakers. The three-part form of assessment includes: (1) delineation of tracts of land where the geology ispermissive for porphyry copper deposits to form; (2) selection of grade and tonnage models appropriatefor estimating grades and tonnages of the undiscovered porphyry copper deposits in each tract; and (3)estimation of the number of undiscovered porphyry copper deposits in each tract consistent with the gradeand tonnage model. A Monte Carlo simulation computer program (EMINERS) was used to combine theprobability distributions of the estimated number of undiscovered deposits, the grades, and the tonnages ofthe selected model to obtain the probability distributions for undiscovered metals in each tract. Thesedistributions of grades and tonnages then can be used to conduct economic evaluations of undiscovered resources in a format usable by decisionmakers. Economic evaluations are not part of this report. The results of this assessment are presented in two principal parts. The first part identifies 26 regional tracts of land where the geology is permissive for the occurrence of undiscovered porphyrycopper deposits of Phanerozoic age to a depth of 1 km below the Earth’s surface. These tracts are believed to contain most of South America's undiscovered resources of copper. The second part presentsprobabilistic estimates of the amounts of copper, molybdenum, gold, and silver in undiscovered porphyry copper deposits in each tract. The study also provides tables showing the location, tract number, and age (if available) of discovered deposits and prospects. For each of the 26 permissive tracts delineated in thisstudy, summary information is provided on: (1) the rationale for delineating the tract; (2) the rational for choosing the mineral deposit model used to assess the tract; (3) discovered deposits and prospects; (4) exploration history; and (5) the distribution of undiscovered deposits in the tract. The scale used toevaluate geologic information and draw tracts is 1:1,000,000. There are 69 known porphyry copper deposits in the Andes using criteria adopted herein to definea deposit. This assessment estimates that about 145 undiscovered deposits remain. In other words, abouttwice as many new deposits might be found as have already been found. Not only have large quantities ofcopper been discovered, but also even larger quantities of undiscovered copper remain. About 590 million metric tons of copper have been discovered. About 190 million tons of this amount are in 57 deposits of the general porphyry copper type whereas nearly 400 million metric tons are in an additional 12 giantdeposits. This study estimates that there are approximately 750 million metric tons of copper in undiscovered deposits of these two types in the Andes. This undiscovered copper resource is the sum ofthe mean estimated copper in each of 26 tracts. About 470 million metric tons of this copper are estimated to occur in 137 undiscovered deposits in 24 tracts of the general porphyry copper type, plus another 280 million metric tons estimated in 8 undiscovered deposits in 2 tracts of the giant porphyry copper type. Thetotal discovered, mined, and undiscovered copper amounts to an endowment, or grand total, of about 1.3 billion metric tons. The estimates suggest there may be almost 1.3 times as much copper to be found in porphyry copper deposits of the Andes as has already been found. In addition to copper, the undiscovered deposits also contain large estimated amounts ofmolybdenum (20,000,000 metric tons), gold (13,000 tons), and silver (250,000 tons). The estimated undiscovered copper is equivalent to about 80 percent of the world reserve base; molybdenum, 105 percent; gold, 14 percent; and silver, 44 percent. Not all of these undiscovered mineral resources are likely to be available for discovery anddevelopment. Commonly, a significant amount of land delineated as permissive or even favorable for theoccurrence of undiscovered mineral deposits is not available for mineral exploration, discovery, and development because it consists of urban areas, transportation corridors, forest and wildlife preserves,sensitive ecosystems, protected biodiversity areas, sensitive and threatened surface and groundwatersupplies, wilderness areas, national parks, private land where mining is not desired, and many other reasons. Global inventory and analysis are needed of such restrictions and their probable impact on futuremineral supply and costs. The porphyry copper resources reported herein are not evenly distributed throughout the Andesregion. The Chuquicamata tract (SA10a,bPC) and the El Teniente tract (SA14bPC) are remarkable incontaining exceptionally large deposits of discovered, mined, and estimated undiscovered copper that do not conform to grade and tonnage characteristics of the general porphyry copper model appropriate forother Andean tracts. The deposits in these two tracts being significantly larger in tonnage and higher in grade necessitated a new giant model that is more representative of their characteristics. The greatest premining endowment of copper is in Eocene-Oligocene tract SA10a,bPC with about 460 million metric tons, followed by late Miocene-early Pliocene tract SA14bPC with about 220 million metric tons. Thenext largest endowments are in tract SA8PC (a Paleocene–Eocene tract of Chile-southern Peru) containing an endowment of about 98 million metric tons and in tract SA6PC (the middle–late Miocene tract of Peru-Ecuador) with an endowment of about 96 million metric tons. The undiscovered copper remaining to be found in these four tracts is estimated to be: tract SA10a,bPC, 210 million metric tons; tract SA14bPC, 69 million; tract SA6PC, 49 million; and tract SA8PC, 43 million. Density of estimated undiscovered metal in tracts was examined as mean metric tons of metal per km2 in undiscovered deposits. Giant tracts SA10a,bPC and SA14bPC have the highest copper densitieswith about 8,200 and 7,400 metric tons per km2, respectively. The next richest tracts, with just over 2,000 metric tons per km2, are tracts SA12PC and SA14dPC. About 90 percent of the total discovered and estimated undiscovered copper resources in Andean porphyry copper deposits is of Cenozoic age; the remainder is Cretaceous (4%), Jurassic (5%), andPermian (2%) in age. The Cenozoic resources are in tracts with host rock ages of Eocene–Oligocene (39%), Miocene–Pliocene (29%), Paleocene–Eocene (12%), and Miocene (11%). The Eocene–Oligocene and Miocene–Pliocene tracts are dominated by giant tracts SA10a,bPC (includes Chuquicamata deposit) and SA14bPC (includes El Teniente deposit). There appear to have been three approximately 16-million-year-long episodes of porphyry copper deposit formation in the Andes during Cenozoic time: Paleocene–early Eocene, late Eocene–early Oligocene; and middle Miocene–early Pliocene. These three episodes appear to be separated by twointervening quiescent periods of 5 to 9 million years duration in the middle Eocene (44-49 Ma) and late Oligocene–early Miocene (20-29 Ma). These two periods correspond to times of change in Pacific plateboundaries, geometries, and directions and rates of spreading and convergence. There are variations in the geographic trends of magmatic arcs in the southern Andes. Tract SA14cPC, for example, follows a transverse SE-trending band of late Miocene–early Pliocene volcanicrocks and associated upper Miocene porphyry copper deposits, prospects, and other areas of altered and mineralized rocks. The parent magmatic source is approximately perpendicular to the grain of the fault-controlled outcrops of metamorphic basement rocks that reflect the surface geology and could becontrolled by a tear fault in a subducted plate. Southeast-trending tract SA19PC, which extends from theAndes south southeasterly across the Patagonia of Argentina to the Atlantic Ocean, and contains the Bajo de la Leona prospect, also shows that Mesozoic porphyry copper ore-forming processes occurred outside of the present-day trend of the Andes. The results of this assessment study are likely to spur research and exploration activities in theAndes and adjacent regions, which in turn will enable the evaluation and update of regional assessmentsof porphyry copper resources in the future

    A <i>CACNA1C</i> Variant Associated with Reduced Voltage-Dependent Inactivation, Increased Ca<sub>V</sub>1.2 Channel Window Current, and Arrhythmogenesis

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    <div><p>Mutations in <i>CACNA1C</i> that increase current through the Ca<sub>V</sub>1.2 L-type Ca<sup>2+</sup> channel underlie rare forms of long QT syndrome (LQTS), and Timothy syndrome (TS). We identified a variant in <i>CACNA1C</i> in a male child of Filipino descent with arrhythmias and extracardiac features by candidate gene sequencing and performed functional expression studies to electrophysiologically characterize the effects of the variant on Ca<sub>V</sub>1.2 channels. As a baby, the subject developed seizures and displayed developmental delays at 30 months of age. At age 5 years, he displayed a QTc of 520 ms and experienced recurrent VT. Physical exam at 17 years of age was notable for microcephaly, short stature, lower extremity weakness and atrophy with hyperreflexia, spastic diplegia, multiple dental caries and episodes of rhabdomyolysis. Candidate gene sequencing identified a G>C transversion at position 5731 of <i>CACNA1C</i> (rs374528680) predicting a glycine>arginine substitution at residue 1911 (p.G1911R) of Ca<sub>V</sub>1.2. The allele frequency of this variant is 0.01 in Malays, but absent in 984 Caucasian alleles and in the 1000 genomes project. In electrophysiological analyses, the variant decreased voltage-dependent inactivation, thus causing a gain of function of Ca<sub>V</sub>1.2. We also observed a negative shift of V<sub>1/2</sub> of activation and positive shift of V<sub>1/2</sub> of channel inactivation, resulting in an increase of the window current. Together, these suggest a gain-of-function effect on Ca<sub>V</sub>1.2 and suggest increased susceptibility for arrhythmias in certain clinical settings. The p.G1911R variant was also identified in a case of sudden unexplained infant death (SUID), for which an increasing number of clinical observations have demonstrated can be associated with arrhythmogenic mutations in cardiac ion channels. In summary, the combined effects of the <i>CACNA1C</i> variant to diminish voltage-dependent inactivation of Ca<sub>V</sub>1.2 and increase window current expand our appreciation of mechanisms by which a gain of function of Ca<sub>V</sub>1.2 can contribute to QT prolongation.</p></div

    p.G1911R affects Ca<sub>V</sub>1.2 availability and VDI.

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    <p>A–B: Current-voltage relationship and representative current traces showing an increase in current density at more negative potentials. C: voltage-dependence of activation and steady-state inactivation curves showing a hyperpolarizing and depolarizing shift, respectively leading to increased availability and window current. D: p.G1911R decreases voltage-dependent inactivation as measured by fitting a single exponential and comparing the tau value. Summarized in E. See <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0106982#pone-0106982-t001" target="_blank">Table 1</a> for values. *p<0.05.</p