681 research outputs found

    Empreendedorismo social e desenvolvimento regional

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    O propósito desta comunicação é compreender a relação entre a favorabilidade do contexto externo e o empreendedorismo social em Portugal. A investigação adota uma metodologia quantitativa. Os dados primários foram recolhidos através de um inquérito por questionário, on‐line, enviado aos responsáveis que estiveram na base da constituição das Organizações Não‐Governamentais de Cooperação para o Desenvolvimento existentes em Portugal, bem como aos responsáveis pelos projetos, que à data do inquérito, se encontravam cotados na Bolsa de Valores Sociais. No teste das hipóteses de investigação foram utilizadas técnicas de análise descritiva, técnicas de redução de dados (análise fatorial por componentes principais), e o teste t‐student. Os resultados revelaram que um contexto externo favorável tem uma importância baixa na decisão de formação de uma organização social. Os resultados obtidos encontram suporte para o facto de muitas iniciativas de empreendedorismo social tenderem a localizar as suas atividades em ambientes desfavoráveis, o que confirma o papel do empreendedorismo social na atenuação das assimetrias sociais e económicas entre as regiões do território nacional.The purpose of this paper is to understand the link between external environment and social entrepreneurship in Portugal. A quantitative approach is used in the study, and primary data were collected through an online survey. A questionnaire was emailed to both responsible of Portuguese Non‐ Governmental organizations of development and cooperation, and responsible of projects valued on the social stock exchange. In the analysis of the data were used descriptive statistics, factorial analysis and t‐ student tests to validate (or not) the research hypothesis. The results show that a favorable external environment has a low importance in the decision to create a social organization. This conclusion supports the idea that many social initiatives tend to locate on unfavorable environments and, then, to attenuate the social and economic differences between Portuguese regions.

    Fenómeno relacional na emergência da aprendizagem e desenvolvimento em crianças com NEE

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    Este artículo presenta los resultados de la investigación-acción, cuasi-experimental, en el campo de la psicología, que quiere probar el Modelo psicoterapéutico Relacional dialógico (Leal, 1981, 1.985, 2.001, 2.003, 2.007, Aires, 2001, 2004), y validar la hipótesis del formato clínico y la (re) organización socio-emocional y (re) aprendizaje escolar mental, 16 niños, de primer ciclo, con repetido fracaso escolar, necesidades educativas especiales (NEE), área mental sin defectos neurológicos o sensoriales conocidos, marcos en la estructura de la personalidad de la matriz vs. clasificación del DSM-IV-TR / ICD10, a saber: i) Psicosis afectiva (desintegrativo Segunda Infancia disturbada; Desorden orgánico mental o sintomatología no especificada; ii) Psicopatía Inmaduro / Humillación (Disturbios de Oposición / Perturbación Comportamiento; trastorno de la personalidad con la inestabilidad emocional / personalidad disocial / Trastorno paranoide de la personalidad; Trastorno de Desafío / Oposición; iii) psicopática con Hiperactividad (Déficit de Atención e Hiperactividad con Perturbación; Trastornos de la Actividad / atención. El contenido de análisis / procesamiento estadístico de los instrumentos, desarrollado para esta investigación, en términos comparativos del grupo experimental (GE) / grupo de control (GC), los tiempos inicial / final de la intervención en GE, muestran en ambos formatos cambios dinámicos producidos en las reacciones inadecuadas, alientan el aprendizaje de aprendizaje (re) organización socio-emocional. La escuela, como la intervención fue fundamental en el desarrollo mental. Además, confirma la génesis de la incapacidad de aprender si hay disfunciones en aspectos emocionales, de la personalidad, y dificultades en la relación Yo-Cuidador. En general, demuestra la resolución de problemas reales, y las virtudes del cambio de paradigma en la visión del desarrollo mental y la escuela de aprendizaje.This article presents the results of the research-action, quasi-experimental, in the field of psychology, who wants to test the Modelo Psicoterapêutico Relacional Dialógico (Leal, 1981, 1985, 2001, 2003, 2007; Aires, 2001, 2004), and validate the hypothesis of clinical format and (re)organization socio-emotional/(re)school learning/mental development, 16 children, 1st cycle, with repeated school failure, special educational needs (NEE), mental area, without neurological/ sensory defect known, frames in personality structure of the matrix vs. classification of DSM-IV-TR/ICD10, namely: i) Affective Psychosis (Disintegrative Second Childhood Disturbed; Organic Mental Disorder or Symptomatic Unspecified; ii)Psychopathic Immature/Humiliation (Disturbance Opposition/Disturbance Behaviour; Personality Disorder with Emotional Instability/Dissocial Personality/Paranoid Personality; Disorder of Challenging/ Opposition; iii) Psychopathic with Hyperactivity (Disturbance Attention Deficit with Hyperactivity; Disorders of Activity/Attention. The analysis content/statistical processing of instruments, developed for this research, in comparative terms experimental group(GE)/control group(GC), initial/end times of intervention in GE, show that both dynamic format produced changes in inadequate reactions, encourage the learning of (re)organization socio-emotional and school learning, as the intervention was instrumental of mental development. In addition, confirm the genesis of the inability to learn is emotional-relational dysfunctional aspects of personality, and difficulties in the relationship I-Cuidador. In general, demonstrate the resolution of real problems, and the virtues of paradigm shift in vision of mental development and learning school.No domínio psicológico, apresenta-se os resultados da investigação-acção, quasi-experimental. Testa o Modelo Psicoterapêutico Relacional Dialógico (Leal, 1981, 1985, 2001, 2003, 2007; Aires, 2001, 2004), valida a hipótese relação formato clínico e (re)organização socioemocional/(re)aprendizagem escolar/desenvolvimento mental, em 16 crianças, 1º ciclo, insucesso escolar repetido, Necessidades Educativas Especiais (NEE), área mental, sem defeito neurológico/ sensorial conhecido, enquadráveis nas estruturas de personalidade da matriz vs classificação do DSM-IV-TR/ICD10, a saber: i) Psicose Afetiva (Perturbação Desintegrativa de Segunda Infância; Transtorno Mental Orgânico ou Sintomático não especificado; ii) Psicopatia Imatura/Humilhação (Perturbação Oposição/Perturbação Comportamento; Transtorno Personalidade com Instabilidade Emocional/Personalidade Dissocial/Personalidade Paranoide; Distúrbio Desafiador/Oposição; iii) Psicopatia com Hiperatividade (Perturbação de Hiperatividade com Défice Atenção; Distúrbios de Atividade/Atenção. A análise de conteúdo/tratamento estatístico dos instrumentos, elaborados para a investigação, nos termos comparativos grupos Experimental(GE)/ Controle(GC), instantes Inicial/Final de intervenção no GE, comprovam que tanto o formato dinâmico produz modificações nas reações desadaptadas, potenciando a aprendizagem da (re)organização socioemocional e escolar, como é instrumental do desenvolvimento mental. Ademais, confirmam na génese da incapacidade de aprender aspetos emocionais-relacionais disfuncionais de personalidade, e dificuldades na relação Eu-Cuidador. Em suma, demonstram tanto a resolução dos problemas reais como as virtudes da mudança de paradigma na visão do desenvolvimento mental e da aprendizagem escolar.peerReviewe

    O papel da formação, experiência profissional e perceção de viabilidade da iniciativa no empreendedorismo social em Portugal

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    Esta investigação pretende compreender em que medida a formação, as experiências profissionais anteriores e a perceção da viabilidade da iniciativa social condicionam o lançamento de um projeto de empreendedorismo social em Portugal. Para o efeito, parte-se de uma revisão de literatura sobre o tema, seguindo-se a realização de uma investigação quantitativa, através de um inquérito por questionário enviado aos responsáveis de Organizações Não Governamentais para o Desenvolvimento existentes em Portugal e de projetos cotados na Bolsa de Valores Sociais. A investigação revela que a formação exerce uma influência positiva, direta, sobre o lançamento de iniciativas sociais, verificando-se o mesmo em relação à situação ocupacional do indivíduo e à perceção da viabilidade da iniciativa social. O contexto empreendedor do indivíduo não é apontado como um preditor direto da criação de iniciativas de empreendedorismo social em Portugal. A investigação realizada indica que para a formação da perceção de viabilidade da iniciativa contribui essencialmente a interpretação pessoal das competências necessárias ao lançamento e acompanhamento do projeto e o entendimento de que a iniciativa é desejável, isto é, que irá criar um valor que será bastante apreciado pela sociedade em geral e pelo público-alvo em particular. A perceção da existência de um ambiente externo favorável tem uma influência muito baixa sobre a decisão de criação da iniciativa social. A participação do indivíduo na criação de organizações (ainda que através dos seus pais) e a experiência na gestão das organizações, sugerem um maior nível de autoeficácia e um maior locus de controlo interno, que são importantes na perceção da viabilidade da iniciativa e, por essa via, na adoção de um comportamento socialmente empreendedo

    Implications of political-legal environment for the launch of new social ventures in Portugal

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    O propósito deste artigo é compreender se a existência de um ambiente político-legal favorável pode influenciar o lançamento de novas iniciativas de empreendedorismo social em Portugal. A investigação adota uma metodologia quantitativa. Os dados primários foram recolhidos através de um inquérito por questionário, on-line, enviado aos responsáveis que estiveram na base da constituição das Organizações Não-Governamentais de Cooperação para o Desenvolvimento existentes em Portugal, bem como aos responsáveis pelos projetos, que à data do inquérito, se encontravam cotados na Bolsa de Valores Sociais. No teste das hipóteses de investigação foram utilizadas técnicas de análise descritiva, técnicas de redução de dados (análise fatorial por componentes principais), e o teste t-student. Os resultados revelaram que um ambiente político-legal favorável tem uma importância baixa na decisão de lançar uma nova iniciativa social. Os resultados obtidos encontram suporte para o facto de muitos empreendedores sociais tenderem a localizar as suas atividades em ambientes político-legais desfavoráveis, contribuindo deste modo para a atenuação das assimetrias sociais e económicas entre as regiões do território nacional.The purpose of this paper is to understand whether a favorable political-legal environment influences the launch of new social ventures in Portugal. A quantitative approach is used in the study, and primary data were collected through an online survey. A questionnaire was emailed to both Portuguese Non-Governmental organizations, and projects valued on the Portuguese social stock exchange. In the analysis of the data were used descriptive statistics, factorial analysis and t-student tests to validate (or not) the research hypothesis. The results show that a favorable political-legal environment has a low importance in the decision to develop a new social initiative. Besides, this conclusion supports the idea that many social entrepreneurs can emerge even in developing regions where the political-legal environment is weak. Therefore, social entrepreneurship could be an instrument of regional development and contribute to attenuate the social and economic differences among Portuguese regions.COMPETE, QREN, FEDER, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    A Construção de Cidades Mais Inteligentes Através do Empreendedorismo Social

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    The objective of the present study is to examine the extent to which social ventures are able to increase the smartness of the cities. To achieve this goal, we adopt a qualitative approach, based on the case study method to obtain valuable insights about different characteristics and strategies of Cais (a non-profit association dedicated to help disadvantaged people in urban areas). By focusing on the analysis of the Cais activities, we assess whether its social intervention match the dimensions proposed by Giffinger et al. (2007) to rank smart cities’ performance, namely if it has smart: (i) economy; (ii) people; (iii) governance; (iv) mobility; (v) environment; and (vi) living. The research shows that the action pursued comprises elements from all the above mentioned dimensions. Further, the analysis reveals that Cais reinforces the smartness of the city where it acts (attributes such as living, economy, people, and environment)

    Territorial innovation, social ventures and local development: an exploratory case study

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    Social innovation is recognized as an important driver of growth and social value creation. Social innovative strategies are often pursued at the local level, by (social) organizations which have a more comprehensive knowledge of the complex social problems that a specific community is facing. The objective of the present study is to analyse the extent to which innovative social ventures are able to contribute to local development. By means of a qualitative approach, based on the case study method, we attempt to illustrate the innovative strategies conceived on the ground by a social venture specifically created to foster the local development of its inhabitants. The results shows that social innovation is a viable strategy to revitalize the economic growth of a region, through the creation of local employment on the basis of village’s traditional activities that are redefined in a new and competitive way. However, to be successful the strategy demands the deep knowledge of existing social problems as well as the availability of endogenous local resources and capabilities that could be used by social entrepreneurs. Therefore, social innovation ensures that local development and social cohesion are achieved in a sustainable way, at the same time that cultural and environmental heritage are also preserved

    Financing social ventures by crowdfunding: The inflluence of entrepreneurs’ personality traits

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    Purpose – This research aims to understand the role played by social entrepreneurs’ personality traits on the choice between the traditional donation model and social crowdfunding (CF) to finance social projects. Design/methodology/approach – Social CF is examined as an instrument to capture funds for social projects, and the particular case of the Portuguese Social Stock Exchange (PSSE) is presented. The approach is quantitative in nature and the data were collected through a questionnaire that was emailed to non-governmental organizations in Portugal and founders of the projects listed on PSSE. Logistic regression was employed to predict the probability that a social entrepreneur would use PSSE rather than traditional financing. The predictor variables were based on the big five personality traits. Findings – Our investigation reveals that the agreeableness and neuroticism factors were not even considered in the results of the factorial analysis, which indicates the minor importance of these personality traits in the funding decisions of the Portuguese social entrepreneurs. The same applies to the factors of openness to new experiences and extraversion, which, although considered in the logistic analysis, showed no statistical significance. Finally, the conscientiousness personality trait seems to be the only factor that might explain the use of the PSSE platform.Originality/value – Studies on the profile of the social entrepreneurs that use CF for financing social projects are relatively rare, specifically in the context of Social Stock Exchange platforms. Additionally, there is a need to carry out more empirical evidence about the effect of social entrepreneurs’ personality traits on the decision to finance social projects through social CF platforms vis-a-vis the traditional donation model

    Innovation from below: dynamic capabilities of the territory as a source for new social ventures

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    Social innovation is a critical factor for the conception of new strategies to deal with increasingly complex social problems. Many of these initiatives are pursued at the local level and are based on the dynamic capabilities of a given territory. Through the analysis of the Cooperative Terra Chã, we assess whether dynamic capabilities of a territory can generate opportunities for social innovation and how they can be exploited by local communities. We observe that by using a integrated strategy for the management of the capabilities of a territory, new social ventures are able to cope with severe social issues that are not being adequately addressed by other stakeholders

    Potencial do crowdfunding cívico para a inteligência das cidades e a inovação social: um estudo exploratório

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    The concepts of smart city and social innovation in combination with the increasing use of ICT by citizens and public authorities could enhance the involvement of people on the decisions that directly affect their daily life. A case study approach was adopted to illustrate the potential of civic crowdfunding for increasing the participation and collaboration between citizens, firms and government. The analysis of two exemplary cases shows that civic crowdfunding platforms could be used by public administration to engage communities in the search of solutions to local problems. Likewise, it could be used to reinforce the community ties and to leverage the bonds among the stakeholders and the partners of the community ecosystem

    Local development through social and territorial innovation : An exploratory case study

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    This investigation aims to examine innovation in a selected successful Portuguese social venture (The Cooperative Terra Chã) and to analyse the extent to which innovative social ventures are able to contributeto local development. Specifically, the paper highlights the activities developed by the social organization in response to the needs of particular (micro) segments of society and illustrates which key factors triggered thesuccess of the examined social initiative. A case study methodology is used to describe the distinctive characteristics and strategies pursued by the managers of the social venture and to establish the links between the opportunities for social innovation and the territory. The data collected for the study were triangulated from desk research and from in-depth semi-structured interviews conducted with privileged actors.The results show that social innovation is a viable strategy to revitalize the region?s socio-economic tissue, through the creation of new economic activities and consequently local employment that are based on the village?straditional activities. This strategy seeks to achieve sustainable economic growth and well-being for the people of the region. However, to be successful, the strategy demands a deep knowledge of existing social problems as well as the availability of endogenous local resources and capabilities for use by social entrepreneurs. In this context, social innovation should be a participatory process, in which different entities and the beneficiaries of social programs were active players