31 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini mengukur intensitas konsumsi energi bangunan kampus ISTN Jakarta dan mencari solusi sebagai upaya konservasi energi.Diusulkan dua alternetif konservasi energi pada pemakaian air conditioning (AC) dan penerangan. Pada upaya konservasi energi pemakaian AC dapat menghemat pemakaian energi sebesar 36.747,46 kWh/tahun. Sedangkan pada penerangan konservasi dilakukan dengan penggantian ballast, pengurangan jam operasi dan penggantian lampu dengan lampu CFL dapat menghemat energi sebesar 145.572,90 kWh/tahun. lika keempat rekomendasi diimplementasikan dapat menurunkan besaran target intensitas konsumsi energi(IKE) doll 385,465 kWh/m2/tahun menjadi 271,539 kWh/m2/tahun atau turun 29,56 %


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    PLC has several advantages including the industry can control the equipment along with the complexity of the sensor device is quite high, thus easing the work of man. PLCMIKRO is designed to use the language ladder (stairs) and use a PIC16F877A microcontroller type as the central processing unit, for the detection sensor is used as an isolation voltage optocoupler with devices outside the microcontroller and the output is used to load its driver transistor relay circuit. PLCMIKRO can communicate with a computer using RS-232 serial communication. PLCMIKRO work after receiving a command in a file after a compiled using software Hexadesimal LDMIKRO and compile the results sent to the microcontroller using software WinPicPgm via RS-232 communication channel


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    Field Work Lecture (KKN) is one of the activities carried out by all students of the 45 Bekasi Islamic University to apply the knowledge gained while sitting in lectures as well as a real form of community service. To help support KKN (Field Work Lectures) activities, a training program related to the 2021/2022 period KKN (Field work lectures) activity program is needed. The purpose of this training program is to improve the knowledge, attitudes and skills of students in SMK about building drawing technology using 3D (three-dimensional) SketchUp. This program discusses the stages in drawing a one-story residential building technique using the 3D (three-dimensional) digital method. There are many kinds of computer applications that are used to draw in 3D (three dimensions). Although there are many, the SketchUp application was chosen as an interesting solution for drawing 3D (three- dimensional) buildings, because using this application the process is not too difficult. From the results of the training carried out, it can be said that building design can be more effective and efficient if it is implemented into a three-dimensional design, so that the final results can be presented


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    This study aims to design an LCL SCADA system by adopting 4D (Define, Design, Develop and Disseminate). Several factors were taken into consideration in realizing the LCL SCADA system, namely laboratory conditions that were not sufficient, the budget for procuring laboratory equipment which was far from sufficient, and CPMK, sub-CPMK from graduates who were less competitive in the industrial world. A series of 4D activities to realize the LCL SCADA system leads to the realization of practicum learning tools in fulfilling laboratory equipment. The LCL SCADA system produced as a novelty has been tested from both electronic, mechanical and software sessions. Then the LCL SCADA system is also equipped with verification practicum instructions and HOT-Lab to improve HOTS in the realm of creative thinking. Before being used the two practicum instructions were tested and validated for feasibility as a practicum support. Learning activities are divided into two, 1) Control Class using verification practicum instructions and, 2) Experiment Class using Higher Order Thinking-Laboratory (HOT-Lab) based on Creative Problem Solving (CPS) instructions. Verification practicum learning activities are only proving and verifying, while the CPS-based HOT-Lab consists of activities based on 1) real world problems, 2) understand the challenge, 3) experimental questions, 4) do the challenge, 5) generate ideas, 6) prepare for practicum, 7) running practicum, 8) communicating practicum, 9) report practical results, 10) conclude practical results, 11) presentation, and 12) evaluation. The method used in this study is an experimental method with a Non-Equivalent Group Design. The data analysis technique uses the t test with a partial test to test how each independent variable influences the dependent variable. Divided into Control and Experiment classes by first getting a pre-test to find out the initial conditions of HOTS ability in the realm of creative thinking. Then, post-test to find out the final conditions in the Control Class after undergoing Verification practicum-based learning activities and Experimental Class after undergoing CPS-based HOT-Lab learning activities The final results of the learning activities of the two classes showed that there had been an increase in HOTS in the realm of creative thinking in the Experiment Class and there was no increase in HOTS in the realm of creative thinking for the Control Class


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    PLC has several advantages including the industry can control the equipment along with the complexity of the sensor device is quite high, thus easing the work of man. PLCMIKRO is designed to use the language ladder (stairs) and use a PIC16F877A microcontroller type as the central processing unit, for the detection sensor is used as an isolation voltage optocoupler with devices outside the microcontroller and the output is used to load its driver transistor relay circuit. PLCMIKRO can communicate with a computer using RS-232 serial communication. PLCMIKRO work after receiving a command in a file after a compiled using software Hexadesimal LDMIKRO and compile the results sent to the microcontroller using software WinPicPgm via RS-232 communication channel


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    This study aims to provide data and information about efforts to improve children's social skills through traditional game playing methods in Citeureup II Hamlet, Kutamukti, Karawang. The research method used is the community education method, which consists of sharing section activities as an initial action, then actions in the form of playing traditional games with children and ending with a sharing section again as a form of reflection to find out the development of social skills in children. Data collection techniques use questionnaires (pre-test and post-test), interviews and observations. The sample in this study consisted of 20 children aged 10-12 years. The results of the pre-test showed that the total score obtained was 1049. After the implementation of the community education method through traditional games which was carried out for 5 days, it resulted in a pos-test result score of 1482 or there was an increase in the score of 447 from the total score of the previous pretest.  shows that traditional games are effective in improving children's social skills


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    Dalam dunia industri tekstil, proses carding merupakan proses yang sangat vital, dimana pada proses ini terjadi proses bahan baku pembuatan benang (kapas) diubah menjadi benang berdiameter besar (sliver). Pada proses carding, silinder-silider saling berputar dan mengalami gesekan sehingga dapat menimbulkan panas. Hal inilah yang membuat mesin carding membutuhkan perawatan ekstra agar mendapatkan lifetime yang lebih lama. Demi memudahkan para maintenance dalam memonitoring mesin serta menjaga mesin dari overheat dibutuhkan suatu alat untuk mendeteksi nilai suhu pada mesin carding. Berdasarkan masalah diatas, penulis ingin membuat suatu alat agar para maintenance dapat memonitoring nilai suhu melalui SMS serta mencegah terjadinya overheat. Dengan alat ini diharapkan lifetime pada mesin carding menjadi lebih lama serta mempermudah para petugas maintenance dalam melakukan tugasnya. Kata kunci: Mesin Carding, Pendeteksi Suhu, Maintenance   In textile industry, the carding process is one vital process because it is a process of raw material manufacturing of yarn (cotton) converted into a large-diameter yarn (sliver). In carding, the cylinders is spinning and having friction with each other so as to generate heat. This makes the carding machine requires extra care in order to get a longer lifetime. For ease of maintenance in monitoring the engine and to keep the engine from overheating, a tool is needed to detect the temperature of carding machine. Thus, the author wants to make a device that can monitor the maintenance temperature value via SMS and prevent overheating. With these tools, it is expected that the lifetime on a carding machine to be longer and simplify the maintenance operator in performing their duties. Keywords : Carding Machine, Temperature Detector, Maintenance&nbsp


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    The development of the website at this time has grown so fast due to the development of the internet infrastructure which is quite rapid. This has resulted in many industry players, educational institutions, health institutions and others using websites and other online-based applications as business and information delivery. The village government does not want to be left behind in providing excellent service to its citizens by providing information on the media website. The community service carried out introduced Balongsari Village as a tourist village with the target of promoting economic, social and cultural activities. The method used is in the form of counseling and website creation training. The continuity of this community service activity is in the form of a website created that is followed up by being managed by the local government to be used as a promotional media


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    Sistem yang dikembangkan pada penelitian ini menggunakan rangkaian digital dengan mikrokontroller ATMega8535 sebagai komponen utama. Sebagai pendukungnya digunakan sensor infra merah untuk mendeteksi kondisi label baik atau ”good” (G), tidak baik atau ”not good” (NG), jumlah total botol masuk, jumlah botol ”good” dan jumlah botol ”not good” yang akan ditampilkan pada tampilan LCD. Sementara ”actuator” berupa motor servo akan menolak botol ”not good”. Sensor infra merah berfungsi sebagai sensor yang mendeteksi label pada botol, jika label tidak baik (NG) sensor S1 dan S2 kondisi High atau ”1” karena terhalang label. Sementara keadaan sebaliknya untuk label kondisi baik (G). Informasi ini akan disampaikan ke mikrokontroller bersamaan dengan kalkulasi pulsa encoder pada konveyor, dengan demikian botol yang dinyatakan NG tepat akan dirijek oleh motor servo. Konveyor digerakan oleh motor penggerak untuk membawa tiap botol melalui sensor-sensor dan motor servo. Sementara tampilan data dapat dilihat pada tempilan LCD 2x16 karakter. Kata kunci : mikrokontroller ATMega8535, motor servo, pulsa encoder This final project developed a digital circuit system with ATMega8535 microcontroller as the main component. As a supporting component, an infrared sensor is used to detect “good” (G) or “not good” (NG) label conditions. The total number of incoming bottles, number of G and NG bottles will be displayed on LCD. Meanwhile, an actuator in the form of servo motor will reject NG bottles. The infrared sensor acts as a sensor that detects labels on the bottle, if labels are NG then the S1 and S2 sensors will be in High or "1" conditions due to the blocking, and vice versa. This information will be delivered to the microcontroller simultaneously with the calculation of the encoder pulse on the conveyor, thus the bottle declared as NG will self-injected by the servo motor. The conveyor is driven by a propulsion motor to carry each bottle through sensors and servo motors. The view of data can be seen on the 2x16 character LCD template. Keywords : ATMega8535 microcontroller, servo motor, pulse encode

    Perancangan Sistem Pemesanan Barang dan Jasa Berbasis IoT (Studi Kasus Pratama Laundry)

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    Laundry is a service that is growing very fast. The demands for laundry services in urban areas are very high since its start to become daily necessity. Currently, laundry services are still limited to manual services, where consumers will come directly or contact a laundry employee to pick up. It requires a process and time which is considered quite complicated. Other problems that arise are related to bookkeeping and the possibility of missing data from consumer orders because there is no real time order data. Researchers conducted research with the aim of designing an IoT-based laundry service ordering tool that utilizes Wemos D1 mini, so that order data can be sent in real time to Telegram. The research was conducted by taking a case study "Pratama Laundry" by taking data from consumers who ordered via touch sensor or google voice to be sent to Telegram