12 research outputs found

    Keefektifan Limbah Tanaman Brassicaceae Untuk Pengendali Nematoda Puru Akar (Meloidogyne Spp.) Pada Mikroplot Di Lapangan

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    Effectivenes of Brassicaceae plant wastes to control the root knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) at a field microplot scale. Meloidogyne spp. is a soil borne pathogen that infects plant roots and causes root galls. Root knot nematodes can reduce crop production by 15 to 95%, so that the control measures are needed. One of the control methods is using plants as biofumigant. Plants of the family Brassicaceae were reported contain glucosinolate (GSL). During decomposition, GSL is hydrolized to isothiocyanates (ITS) which is a highly toxic compound to soil organisms, including nematodes. The research objective was to determine the effectiveness of five Brassicaceous plant wastes, namely cabbage (B. oleracea var capitata), radish (Raphanus sativus), broccoli (B. oleracea var italica), chinese cabbage (B. chinensis) and pakcoy (B. rapa var parachinensis) to suppress root knot nematodes (RKN). The experiment was conducted on microplot scale in the field. The experimental design used was a 4x5 factorial CRD. The first factors are waste of Brassica and the second factors are the amount of Brassica wastes per microplot. The experiments were made in 6 replications. Application of 5 Brassica plant wastes at all doses tested effectively reduced the number of root knot by 45.65% to 94.43% and increased the average number of tomato fruits. Tomato plants grew better at microplots when treated with chinese cabbage and pakcoy wastes

    Identifikasi Patotipe Globodera Rostochiensis Menggunakan Klon Diferensial

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    Identification of Globodera rostochiensis using differential clones. Potato cyst nematode, Globodera rostochiensis, is a relatively new pathogen in Indonesia that becomes a constraint to potato production. To manage the parasite effectively, it is very important to identify the pathotype of G. rostochiensis populations. Therefore, this research was carried out to identify G. rostochiensis pathotypes. Four G. rostochiensis samples, consisting of three samples from East Java and one sample from Central Java, were identified using a set of differential clones. The result showed that G. rostochiensis samples from East Java were new pathotype, whereas the sample from Central Java was Ro1 pathotype

    Pengaruh Metode Aplikasi Bakteri Endofit Terhadap Perkembangan Nematoda Peluka Akar (Pratylenchus Brachyurus ) Pada Tanaman Nilam

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    Bakteri endofit adalah salah satu agen antagonis yang akhir-akhirini banyak digunakan sebagai pengendalian biologi nematoda parasittanaman. Pada tanaman nilam nematoda Pratylenchus brachyurus merupa-kan salah satu faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi produktivitas. Penelitianini bertujuan untuk mengetahui metode aplikasi bakteri endofit yangeffisien untuk menekan nematoda P. brachyurus pada tanaman nilam.Penelitian telah dilakukan di laboratorium dan rumah kaca Balai PenelitianTanaman Rempah dan Obat dan Laboratorium Nematologi DepartemenProteksi Tanaman IPB, dari Januari sampai dengan Juli 2005. Penelitianmenggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan 2 faktor. Faktor pertamaadalah metode aplikasi (siram dan rendam), faktor kedua adalah jenisisolat (NJ2, NJ25, NJ41, NJ46, NJ57, NA22, ERB21, ES32, E26). Hasilpenelitian menunjukkan bahwa populasi nematoda dipengaruhi olehadanya interaksi antara metode aplikasi dan isolat bakteri yang digunakan,sedangkan berat tajuk, panjang akar dan tinggi tanaman hanya dipengaruhioleh jenis bakteri. Isolat Bacillus NA22, Bacillus NJ46 dan Bacillus NJ2dengan metode perendaman akar mempunyai kemampuan yang tinggidalam menekan populasi P. brachyurus yaitu berturut-turut sebesar 75%,63% dan 60%. Semua isolat yang digunakan dapat meningkatkan berattajuk, panjang akar dan tinggi tanaman


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    ABSTRAKPratylenchus brachyurus merupakan salah satu patogen utama padatanaman nilam di Indonesia. Pengendalian yang banyak dilakukan petanisaat ini adalah menggunakan pestisida sintetik. Penggunaan pestisidasintetik yang terus menerus merupakan ancaman terhadap lingkungan, dankesehatan manusia. Bakteri endofit mungkin dapat dimanfaatkan sebagaisalah satu teknik pengendalian nematoda yang ramah lingkungan karenabakteri endofit dapat menghasilkan racun yang toksik terhadap nematoda.Tujuan penelitian adalah melihat pengaruh kultur filtrat bakteri endofitterhadap mortalitas nematoda, penetasan telur dan perkembangannematoda di dalam akar nilam. Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium danRumah kaca Hama dan Penyakit Balai Penelitian Tanaman Obat danAromatik Bogor, dari bulan Januari sampai April 2008 menggunakanrancangan acak lengkap (RAL). Filtrat bakteri dibuat dengan caramenumbuhkan bakteri endofit pada media TSB selama 48 jam, kemudiandisentrifugasi dengan kecepatan 7.000 rpm selama 15 menit. Filtratdisaring dengan milipore berdiameter 0,22 ”m, selanjutnya filtrat diujipada nematoda in vitro dan rumah kaca. Hasil penelitian menunjukkanbahwa filtrat dapat membunuh nematoda dalam waktu 24 jam dengannilai LC 50 sebesar 7,709%. Bakteri endofit isolat TT2 dan EH11memperlihatkan daya bunuh paling tinggi yaitu 91-100%. Di samping itufiltrat bakteri endofit juga dapat menekan penetasan telur nematoda 48,5-74,6% dibanding dengan kontrol. Namun hanya filtrat bakteri endofitisolat EH11 yang nyata dapat menekan populasi nematoda di dalam akarnilam dengan tingkat penekanan sebesar 81,3%.Kata kunci : Pratylenchus brachyurus, bakteri endofit, kultur filtrat,Pogostemon cablinABSTRACTEffect of culture filtrates endophytic bacteria on themortality, hatching eggs and population of root lesionnematodes Pratylenchus brachyurus on patchouliRoot lesion nematode (Pratylenchus brachyurus) is an importantpathogen of patchouli in Indonesia and causes significant losses. Controlsystem that are done today is using synthetic pesticides. The use ofsynthetic pesticides is a continuing threat to the environment and humanhealth. However, endophytic bacterial culture filtrates may be used as oneof the nematode control that is environmentally friendly. Effect of culturefiltrates endophytic bacteria on the mortality, hatching eggs and populationroot lesion nematodes Pratylenchus brachyurus on patchouli has beendone in vitro and greenhouse. The results showed that the culture filtrate ofendophytic bacteria produced metabolite toxic to nematodes and wereable to kill P. brachyurus 100% within 24 hours with LC 50 7.709%. TT2and EH11 isolates showed high killing power of 91-100%. The culturefiltrates also inhibited hatching of P. brachyurus eggs compared withcontrols. Not all culture filtrates can suppress the nematode population inthe roots of patchouli. EH11 isolates filtrate really pressing nematodepopulations compared to other isolates.Key words: Pratylenchus brachyurus, culture filtrate, endophyticbacteria, Pogostemon cabli


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    ABSTRAKPenggunaan bakteri endofit sebagai agen pengendalian nematodaparasit seperti Meloidogyne incognita pada kapas dan tomat, Globoderasp. pada kentang dan Radopholus similis pada pisang telah banyak ditelitipada beberapa jenis tanaman. Penelitian bertujuan untuk menganalisiskeefektifan  beberapa  bakteri  endofit terhadap  perkembangan  P.brachyurus, penetrasi, reproduksi, dan kerusakan yang diakibatkannyapada tanaman nilam. Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium dan Rumahkaca Hama dan Penyakit Balai Penelitian Tanaman Obat dan AromatikBogor, dari bulan Maret sampai Agustus 2008. Penelitian menggunakanrancangan acak lengkap (RAL) 6 perlakuan dengan 7 ulangan. Lima isolatbakteri endofit, yaitu Achromobacter xylosoxidans TT2, Alcaligenesfaecalis NJ16, Pseudomonas putida EH11, Bacillus cereus MSK, danBacillus subtilis NJ57, diaplikasikan pada setek tanaman nilam denganmetode perendaman akar. Seminggu setelah tanam, nilam diinokulasidengan 500 ekor P. brachyurus. Pengamatan dilakukan terhadap penetrasi,reproduksi, populasi nematoda, dan pertumbuhan nilam. Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan bahwa bakteri endofit A. xylosoxidans TT2, A. faecalisNJ16, P. putida EH11, B. cereus MSK, dan B. subtilis NJ57 dapatmenekan penetrasi dan populasi P. brachyurus ke dalam akar sebesar54,8-70,6% dengan faktor reproduksi (pf/pi) 0,61-0,94 dan meningkatkanpertumbuhan tanaman nilam sebesar 37,86-84,71%.Kata kunci: Pogostemon cablin, bakteri endofit, keefektifan, nematoda,Pratylenchus brachyurus, pengendalian biologiABSTRACTEffectiveness  of  endophytic  bacteria  to  controlPratylenchus brachyurus nematode on patchouliThe use of endophytic bacteria as biocontrol agents for nematodes,such as Meloidogyne incognita on cotton and tomatoes, Globodera sp. onpotatoes and Radopholus similis on bananas has been widely studied inseveral crops. The aim of the study was to investigate the effectiveness ofsome endophytic bacteria to control P. brachyurus, penetration,reproduction, and plant fresh weight production. Five isolates, namely A.xylosoxidans TT2, A. faecalis NJ16, P. putida EH11, B. cereus MSK, andB. subtilis NJ57 were applied to the patchouli cutting roots by soakingmethod before planting. A week after planting, the plants were inoculatedwith 500 juveniles and adults of P. brachyurus. Observations were doneon penetration and reproduction rates of the nematode, and growth ofpatchouli plant. Under greenhouse condition, A. xylosoxidans TT2, A.faecalis NJ16, P. putida EH11, B. cereus MSK, and B. subtilis NJ57reduced penetration rate of P. brachyurus into the patchouli roots by 54.8to 70.6% and suppressed nematode population with pf/pi value 0.61 to0.94. Growth of inoculated plants increased by 37.86 to 84.71% comparedwith uninoculated (control) ones.Key words: Pogostemon cablin, endophytic bacteria, effectivenessnematode, Pratylenchus brachyurus, biological contro

    Pengaruh Temperatur Terhadap Perkembangan Nematoda Sista Kentang (Globodera Spp.) Indonesia

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    The effect of temperature on the development of Indonesian potato cyst nematode. Potato cyst nematode (PCN) is a serious pathogen of potato and is found in most potato producing areas of the world. In Indonesia, PCN was recently discovered and recognized as major constraint on potato. The growth and behaviour of nematodes are affected by the environment. Therefore, determination of the biology of PCN Indonesian populations is urgently needed to manage this pathogens effectively. The effect of temperature on biology factors of four PCN Indonesian populations (North Java 1, North Java 2, West Java, and Central Java) was studied at different temperatures levels (12, 15, 18, 21 and 24ÂșC) in the growth chamber. The aim of this research was to study the effect of temperature on development of PCN. Observation was conducted on cyst number, reproduction factor (Rf), survival, fecundity and multiplication of PCN. The optimum temperature range for maximum cysts production with the highest reproduction factor, survival, fecundity and multiplication rate for all populations was 15 - 21ÂșC. The hatching and development of all PCN populations reduced at temperature below 15ÂșC or above 21ÂșC

    Phytonematodes Community and Polyphasic Character of Aphelenchoides Varicaudatus on Garlic Plants in Tegal Regency, Central Java

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    The interception of Ditylenchus dipsaci, D. destructor, and Aphelenchoides fragariae, which are classified as quarantine pests, has been reported to occur on imported garlic bulbs used for consumption at several traditional markets in Bogor. This finding should increase awareness of the chance of garlic contamination in Indonesia's garlic fields. This study aimed to evaluate the nematode community and determine polyphasic characters of Aphelenchoides species from garlic plantations. The study was conducted by sampling soil and plants from garlic plantations in Tuwel and Rembul Villages, Bojong District, Tegal Regency, Central Java in December 2018. Nematode extraction was done using a mist chamber for plant materials and sugar flotation – centrifugation methods for soil samples. Parameters measured included nematode species identity, absolute population and prominence indexes. Nematode identification was conducted based on their morphological characters. Further identification based on morphometric and molecular characters (polyphasic) conducted for nematodes species suspected as quarantine pests. Six generas of nematodes identified were Helicotylenchus, Aphelenchoides, Rotylenchulus, Aphelenchus, Criconemoides, and Tylenchus. Aphelenchoides sp. had the highest prominence value from plant tissue with a value of 6.32 and is categorized as a quarantine pest genus (A. fragariae) in garlic and was further identified to the species level. Further identification based on polyphasic characters showed the Aphelenchoides sp. found was A. varicaudatus

    In Vitro Cultivation of Aphelenchoides Besseyi Christie on Fungal Cultures

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    White tip disease on rice caused by Aphelenchoides besseyi is categorized as emerging infectious disease in Indonesia because the disease incidence and its geographical distributionare increasing rapidly. Until presently, there is no information related with mass culture technique of Ap. besseyi in Indonesia. Thus, studies to obtain pure population of Ap. besseyi are necessary to be conducted to support various research aspects in the future. This research is aimed to study Ap. besseyi pure mass culture technique by rearing the nematode on three fungal species. Three different fungal cultures on PDA medium, i.e. Alternaria padwickii, Fusarium semitectum, and Botrytis cinerea were tested as Ap. besseyi cultivation media. To obtain the optimum condition for nematode cultivation, the fungal cultures were incubated in three different temperature. The nematodes were surface sterilized with 0.1% streptomycin sulfate followed by washing with sterilized water before infesting the nematode into fungal culture. Subsequently, 25 sterilized nematodes were infested into 7 days old of fungal culture and incubated at 20ÂșC, 25ÂșC and 30 ÂșC. After 21 days, nematodes were harvested and counted the final population. Among fungal species tested as rearing medium, the best culture for Ap. besseyi reproduction was on Al. padwickii culture at 25 ÂșC with average final population up to 9,115 per petri dish and reproduction factor 364.6. At a 30ÂșC, Ap. besseyi was failed to develop its population in all the fungal cultures tested. It indicated that the optimum temperature for reproduction of Ap. besseyi on those of fungal species was 20-25 ÂșC

    Formulasi Konsorsium Bakteri Endofit untuk Menekan Infeksi Nematoda Puru Akar Meloidogyne incognita pada Tomat

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    The root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne incognita) infection can cause a significant yield loss in tomato plants. One of the environmentally friendly efforts to control this nematode is through the application of endophytic bacteria. The application of endophytic bacteria in the form of a consortium was reported to be more effective than the application using a single isolate. This study aims to test the effectiveness of the endophytic bacteria consortium formula in suppressing M. incognita infection in tomato plants. The research stages were the selection of the consortium of endophytic bacteria as a growth promoter for tomato plants infected with M. incognita. The best performing consortium was formulated using 100 g of grass compost + 100 g vermicompost + 10 ml molasses + 1 g peptone and 50 ml distilled water. The test of bacterial cell viability in the endophytic formula was carried out for 20 weeks. The formula made was tested for its performance as a biocontrol agent against M. incognita in tomato plants. The results showed that three consortia gave the best results as growth promoters of M. incognita infected tomatoes, namely TmtN5, TmtN2, and GsgN2. The three of them survived the formula with log CFU at week 20 of 6.07 (TmtN5), 5.56 (TmtN2), and 6.11 (GsgN2). This formula can suppress the nematode population on tomato plants' roots and suppress the number of root knots in tomato plants. This study provides information that there are three consortia of endophytic bacteria (TmtN5, TmtN2, and GsgN2), which have the potential to become biological control agents for root-purulent nematodes