11 research outputs found

    Reconstruction Low- Resolution Image Face Using Restricted Boltzmann Machine

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    Low-resolution (LR) face images are one of the most challenging problems in face recognition (FR) systems. Due to the difficulty of finding the specific features of faces, the accuracy of face recognition is low. To solve this problem, some researchers are using an image reconstruction approach to improve the resolution of their images. In this research, we are trying to use the restricted Boltzmann machine (RBM) to solve the problem. Furthermore, a labelled face in the wild (lfw) database has been used to validate the proposed method. The results of the experiment show that the PSNR and SSIM of the image result are 34.05 dB and 96.8%, respectively

    Watershed Segmentation for Face Detection Using Artificial Neural Network

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    In a face image containing objects sometimes face has a color similar to the background color or objects that are nearby. This causes the system to detect any objects in the face in an image. This study wants to try to overcome these problems. The approach used in this study is a dynamic image segmentation. The segmentation will produce region-region are then used as input for the neural network. From the experiments conducted, the method used is good enough to detect faces. The results showed that the approach used in this study can detect all of the data that had trained, while for the data that has not been trained detection rate reached 70%

    Determination of the Winner of Project Tender Using Analytical Hierarchy Process

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    Determination of the winner project tender is a fairly complex job. This is because the selection of winners is based on various criteria. On the other  hand Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) is one method frequently used in the development of Decision Makers System. The principle of AHP method is choice of a decision based on consideration of various criteria. Such conditions make the AHP method suitable to be applied in determining the winner of the tender project. In this research, AHP architecture uses seven criteria, and seven alternatives. The seven criteria are price, specification, time, support, warranty, experience, and the browser. Meanwhile, the company that the alternatives to be selected are companies that have passed the prequalification stage. The winner is determined based on the order of greatest priority value

    Determination of the Winner of Project Tender Using Analytical Hierarchy Process

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    Determination of the winner project tender is a fairly complex job. This is because the selection of winners is based on various criteria. On the other hand Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) is one method frequently used in the development of Decision Makers System. The principle of AHP method is choice of a decision based on consideration of various criteria. Such conditions make the AHP method suitable to be applied in determining the winner of the tender project. In this research, AHP architecture uses seven criteria, and seven alternatives. The seven criteria are price, specification, time, support, warranty, experience, and the browser. Meanwhile, the company that the alternatives to be selected are companies that have passed the prequalification stage. The winner is determined based on the order of greatest priority value

    Design and Build a Network Monitoring System at State Vocational High School 4 Bengkulu City

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    Internet network is a primary need in the educational environment, especially in SMK Negeri 4 Bengkulu City. SMK Negeri 4 Bengkulu City already has an internet network using the Telkom Indihome provider with a bandwidth of 30 Mbps. So far, the use of the internet is still done freely, where every user can access and connect to the internet at school. The increasing needs of internet users and the need for installed network devices result in an increased risk of damage and disruption to the internet network which causes network troubleshooting to become slower due to the absence of a system that helps to monitor and provide reports to the IT section of SMK Negeri 4 Bengkulu City when problems occur on the network. The network monitoring system at SMK Negeri 4 Bengkulu City is used to assist network operators in supervising and managing computer networks in schools. The process of monitoring the computer network is carried out within the scope of SMK Negeri 4 Bengkulu City. This study uses Zabbix as a network monitoring application that runs on the Linux Ubuntu operating system and can be accessed via a web browser. Based on the tests conducted at SMK Negeri 4 Bengkulu City, it can be concluded that the process of securing the network system can be carried out properly as expected

    Forecasting Harga Saham dengan Jaringan Saraf Tiruan

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    Forecasting atau peramalan diperlukan untuk menetapkan kapan suatu peristiwa akan terjadi sehingga dapat dilakukan tindakan yang tepat. Proses forecasting dimanfaatkan untuk berbagai aspek kehidupan, salah satunya adalah forecasting harga saham. Forecasting harga saham dapat dilakukan dengan algoritma pada jaringan saraf tiruan, yaitu algoritma backpropagation. Pada forecasting dengan jaringan saraf tiruan dibentuk suatu pemodelan jaringan yang dapat memproses data masukan. Pada penelitian ini digunakan suatu pemodelan yang menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi harga saham dan perubahan nya. Faktor-faktor tersebut adalah faktor teknikal, faktor makro ekonomi dan faktor fundamental. Dengan menggunakan faktor-faktor tersebut pada pemodelan jaringan saraf tiruan dihasilkan suatu hasil forecasting yang cukup baik dan akurat, yaitu dengan kekuratan 98,90%. untuk nilai harga saham, 87,65% untuk perubahan harga saham dan 73,20% untuk selisih perubahan harga saha

    Deteksi Wajah Menggunakan Segmentasi Warna Kulit dan Template Matching Menggunakan Metode Modified Chamfer Matching Algorithm

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    Pendeteksian wajah merupakan suatu proses menentukan lokasi wajah pada citra. Pendeteksian wajah biasanya digunakan untuk tahapan awal dari proses pengenalan wajah. Banyak metode yang telah dikembangkan untuk proses pendeteksian wajah tersebut, salah satunya menggunakan metode template matching. Pada penelitian ini digunakan metode template matching menggunakan modified chamfer matching algorithm yang menggunakan warna YCbCr untuk proses segmentasi warna kulit. Proses yang dilakukan pertama kali adalah melakukan segmentasi warna kulit untuk mendapatkan kandidat wajah, selanjutnya kandidat tersebut akan digunakan untuk proses template matching. Dari 30 citra yang diujikan pada perangkat lunak, metode yang digunakan ini menghasilkan tingkat akurasi 30% untuk wajah yang terdeteksi keseluruhan, 23,33 % untuk wajah yang terdeteksi keseluruhan tapi terdapat objek lain selain wajah yang terdeteksi, 40 % untuk wajah yang tidak terdeteksi keseluruhan, dan 6,66 % untuk tidak ada wajah yang terdeteks

    Pengujian Integritas File Operasi Tanda Tangan Digital Menggunakan Kombinasi Hash MD5, RSA dan Skema Qr-Cod

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    Kebijakan WFH pada masa pandemi COVID-19 mengakibatkan berbagai dokumen yang awalnya masih menggunakan sistem manual beralih ke sistem digital termasuk pada pengesahan pada dokumen tersebut. Maka penerapan tanda tangan digital dapat dijadikan alternatif sebagai bukti autentik sebuah dokumen untuk menggantikan tanda tangan konvensional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan perangkat lunak guna melakukan pengujian integritas dokumen dengan tanda tangan digital yang dibangun menggunakan fungsi hash MD5 dan algoritma RSA yang kemudian di-generate menjadi Qr-Code pada dokumen yang terdiri dari 1000 kata dengan ekstensi .docx. Dokumen yang akan diuji tersebut diberikan tanda tangan digital dengan perangkat lunak yang dibangun dan selanjutnya dilakukan pengujian integritas dengan melakukan operasi modifikasi terhadap file teks tersebut. Pada penelitian ini telah dibuat perangkat lunak untuk menerapkan skema autentikasi pada sebuah dokumen. Dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan maka dapat disimpulkan jika fungsi hash MD5 dan algoritma RSA yang digenerate menjadi Qr-Code dapat diimplementasikan dengan baik untuk operasi tanda tangan digital


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    The interaction between human and computer can not be enjoyed by everyone, especially for people with disabilities, they will be difficult to interact using a computer. Speech to text recognition is one way to make it easy for anyone to operate a computer. Therefore, developed speech to text recognition research using Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC) method to extract features from the voice data and Self Organizing Maps (SOM) to classify voice. This study uses primary data of 200 voice data as input for training and testing steps. The accuracy of the results achieved in this study is, testing for the same data with training data is 100 %, while for the data that is different from training data is 82 %. The results is obtained by comparing the amount of voice data that recognized successfully by the entire amount of voice data that tested