10 research outputs found

    Dinek (Şarkikaraağaç-Isparta) ve çevresindeki barit cevherleşmeleri

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    In the study area basement rocks were formed during Cambrian-Ordovician era. These rocks were effected by regional metamorphism. Çaltepe Formation is at the bottom of the basement rocks. This formation contains metamorphosed dolomit, recrystallize and noduler limestone units. Sultandede Formation was seen on the Çaltepe Formation. This formation contains phillite, schists, chalkschists and quartzites, which was exposed to low degree green schist metamorphism. Hacıalabaz Formation overlies Sultandede formation uncomformably. This formation which contains dolomit, dolerite and limestone units was formed on carbonate platform in Jurassic–Cretaseous era. In Neogene, Bağkonak Formation was formed in terrestrial river facies. It overlies Lower Paleozoic and Mesozoic formations unconformably. Barite ores are observed only in lower Paleozoic units. Mineral assemblage in the region IV is pyrite, malachite, azurite, limonite, hematite, manganite, sericite and chlorite. In addition to such minerals, some metal sulphide minerals such as galena with amount of silver, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, pyrite, tetrahedrite are more common in the regions I, II and III. Isotopic data shows that ore fluids have approximately the same character. Some sedimentary features in the region IV such as cross-bedding, ritmicity layering, alternation, geopetal fabrics, brecciation, orientation with schistosity etc. are more common than the other regions. Ba sources were generally related to the connate waters of Sultandede formation and sulphate sources of barites which were enriched with heavy sulphur isotope ratios by the effect of sea water. Keywords: Barite, stratiform, stratabound, seconder, layered.İnceleme alanında temel kayaçlar Kambriyen-Ordovisiyen periyodunda oluşmuş metamorfik sedimanter birimleri içerir. Bu kayaçlar, doleritik seviyeler içeren Jura yaşlı sedimanter birimlerce uyumsuz olarak örtülür. Neojen birimleri Alt Paleozoik temeli ve Mesozoik kayaçları üzerine uyumsuz olarak gelir. Barit cevherleşmeleri sadece Alt Paleozoik kayaçları içinde bulunmaktadır. Barit cevherlerinin kimyasal özellikleri I., II.ve III. bölgelerde bazı farklar içerir. İzotopik veriler cevherleştirici sıvıların bazı farklar içermesinin yanında yaklaşık aynı karakterde olduğunu göstermektedir. Baritler hakim olarak sedimanter kökende oluşmuş ve  stratiform-stratabound katmanlı, merceksi ve ikincil damar şekillidir.  Anahtar Kelimeler: Barit, stratiform, stratabound, ikincil, katman.&nbsp

    A Numerical approach to changes in rock properties by weathering and alteration

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    Kayaçlar iç ve dış etmenler ile sürekli bir değişimin altında kaldıkları süreç içinde bünyelerini (maddelerini) etkileyen oluşumlara; fiziksel, kimyasal, mineralojik, petrografik, mekanik ve elastik özelliklerindeki farklı değişimler ile tepki verirler. Bu çalışmada kayaçların bünyesinde ayrışma ve alterasyona bağlı gelişen değişim, her Pi(xi,yi) koordinatında noktasal ve formasyon bütününde genel (alansal) tanımlanmıştır. Araştırma, ayrışma ve alterasyon etkisinde kaldığı bilinen Çanakkale ili Tuzla jeotermal sahasındaki 70 km2 lik alanda görülen kayaçlar üzerinde yapılmıştır. Çalışmada inceleme alanındaki jeolojik ve mühendislik özellikleri belirlemiş, kayaçların bünyelerindeki değişim için fiziksel ve maddesel özelliklerinden yararlanılmıştır. Maddesel (bünyesel) özelliklerin sayısal değerleri, yönlü kayaç örneklerden hazırlanan yönlü ince kesitlerin polarizan mikroskop görüntülerinin ilgili yazılımlar ile bilgisayarda sayısallaştırılması ile elde edilmiştir. Bu şekilde elde edilen sayısal görüntü değerleri, kayacın alınmış olduğu Pi(xi,yi) koordinatındaki maddesi (bünyesi) nin sayısal değeridir ve bu, kayacın oluşumundan günümüze kadar geçirdiği tüm olayların sayısal ifadesi olarak değerlendirilmiştir.  Anahtar Kelimeler: Noktasal kayaç değişimi,Genel kayaç değişimi,Fiziksel özellik, Sayısal görüntü değeri. The rock occurrences in different places in the world exhibit weathering-alteration processes occurred by external and internal conditions. These factors affect rocks by changing their physical, chemical, mineralogical, petrographical, mechanical and elastic properties. In this study, the numerical definition of these changes on rock body have been tried to be obtained. As the fact of that, the numerical definitions of these changes on the rock body under the control of the internal and external factors which will be more efficient than those of the verbal ones. In this study was applied in Tuzla geothermal area of 70 km2 placed in Çanakkale. And the results were obtained by using physical properties which were taken from rock samples picked up from the investigation area and image analysis data which were taken from thin section of the rock specimens. The image analysis data which exhibits the rock specimens? conditions represents the all phenomena that rock has them. At the end of this study, the numerical values? changes on the rock specimens which changes between the zero and one were determined by using their physical parameters at every Pi(xi,yi) coordinate. Moreover, the area identification of the rock changes at every target zone or formation was determined by using the physical properties and the image analysis values. The rock alteration values? changes between the zero and one shows that the sequence of light and heavy changes of the rock specimens.   Keywords: Rock alteration value, physical parameter, numerical image value

    Contribution of natural and anthropogenic effects in the Iznik Lake bottom sediment: Geochemical and microfauna assemblages evidence

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    The relationship between the distribution of benthic foraminifera with ostracoda and sediment type and geochemical environment in the Iznik Lake is discussed. The microfauna (benthic foraminifer and ostracod) were sampled in seven recent bottom sediment samples, and geochemical variables of the sediment of the same samples were measured. This study is aimed at investigating the geochemical properties of 7 bottom sediment samples analysed in 5 lines in Iznik Lake. The depths for the samples varies from 1 to 68 m. The microfauna individuals were found in very low quantity, a total of 5 species foraminifera and 11 species 10 genus ostracod were identified. The geochemical properties were found to correspond well to the sediment type and depositional environment and five different sediment/ depositional environment types could be distinguished. The individuals of microfauna reveals specific faunal assemblages that are closely related to these sediment and geochemical environment types. According to the survey, sediments encountered in the formation of gypsum crystals feature when considered together with the magnetism of Iznik Lake and the surrounding area suggest that are affected by new tectonics. Again this geochemical study the magnetic properties of the heavy-mineral contents, the entire amount of magnetite and hematite and heavy-mineral content has appeared to be affected by changes in the process. The purpose of this work is to distinguish the natural (geogenic) component, originated by techtonical origin this lake, from anthropogenic contamination owing to human activity. There were relationship between microfauna assemblages and heavy metals, trace element pollutant in the bottom lake sediments. Additionally, less individuals are found in most of the sediment samples in observed (in this 7 samples), this coincidence suggests that the heavy metals within the environment can also be a cause. The reason that of heavy metals, trace element pollutants are a factor in the distribution of microfaunal assemblages of genera and species were observed. (C) 2017 Published by Elsevier Ltd

    New findings on the holocene deposits in the Golden Horn (İstanbul) coastal area (Unkapanı-Azapkapı)

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    İstanbul'da Yenikapı -Taksim metro projesi nedeni ile Haliç'de inşa edilecek bir köprü için 1999 yılı Ocak-Nisan aylarında kıyı alanları ile deniz içinde Paleozoyik temele kadar ulaşan sondajlar yapılmıştır. Bunlardan kuzey ve güney kıyı alanlarında yapılan beş sondajdan derlenen 33 çökel örneği sedimantolojik ve paleontolojik açıdan değerlendirilmiştir. Yaklaşık 7400 yıllık Holosen istifi 14-30 m kalınlığa sahiptir. Genel olarak tabanda bulunan gri çamurların içinde vermes tüpleri ve Ostrea'lar gözlenir. Bunu çakıllı kaba kumlar izler. Gri-boz çakılcıklı kumların varlığı, kanal kenarlarında oluşan bariyerleri simgeler. Üzerinde de yeşilimsi bej, kavkı kırıntılı, ince taneli kumlardan oluşan taşkın düzlüğü cökelleri bulunmaktadır. En üstteki tuğla parçalı, kavkı ve kömür kırıntılı karışık gereç oldukça kalın bir döküntü malzemesinin varlığını göstermektedir. Genç çökeller içinde foraminiferlerden 22 cins ve 33 tür belirlenmiştir. Elde edilen en önemli bulgu, HK-15 sondajının 9-3 metreleri arasında Sorites orbiculus Ehrenberg ve HK-17 sondajının 6.45-6 m'lerinde Peneroplispertusus (Forskal), Peneroplis planatus (Fichtel ve Moll), Sorites orbiculus Ehrenberg, Coscinospira hemprichii Ehrenberg'nin varlığıdır. Özellikle Peneroplis pertusus (Forskal)'un çok bol bulunuşu dikkat çekicidir. Söz konusu durum, Halic'in kuzey alanında bu yöre için olağan olmayan koşulların varlığını kanıtlamaktadır. Bunun faya bağlı bir termal getirim nedeni ile gerçekleştiği düşünülebilir. Bu düşüncenin bir diğer kanıtı olarak, HK-17 ve HK-18 sondajlarının taban düzeylerinde ostrakodlar'dan Leptocythere sp., Callistocythere adriatica Masoli, Falunia sp., Aurila sp., Buntonia sp., Loxoconcha agilis Ruggieri, Xestoleberis disparG. W. Müller gibi Akdeniz biyoprovensi ile ilişkili bir topluluk gösterilebilir.In Istanbul, a number of boreholes have been drilled on coastal areas and in the sea reaching up to Paleozoic ba-sement, for a bridge construction in Golden Horn in the circumstances of Yenikapi-Taksim Subway Project during January-April 1999 period. 33 sediment samples were evaluated from HK-4, HK-5, HK-15, HK-17 and HK-18 wells located at the north and south coastal areas. The thickness of the 7400 year Holocene deposits varies between 14 and 30 m. In general, muds at the bottom of the sequence include vermes tubes and Ostrea. This unit is over-lain by thick sands with pebbles. The presence of gray-grizzle sands with small pebbles indicate the barrier occurrence at the margin of the channel system. This part is overlain by green-beige, fine-grained sands with shell fragments indicating the flood plain deposits. A thick debris mixed deposits of shell, coal and brick fragments occurs at the uppermost part of the sequence. With 22 genus and 33 species of foraminifera were determined in young deposits. The most important findings obtained from the sediments are the presence of Sorites orbiculus Ehrenberg between 9 and 3 m intervals of borehole HK-15 and Peneroplis pertusus (Forskal), P. planatus (Fichtel and Moll), Sorites orbiculus Ehrenberg, Coscinospira hemprichii Ehrenberg in borehole HK-17 between 6.45 and 6 m. The large abundance of Peneroplis pertusus (Forskal) is noteable. This situation proves the presence of unusual conditions at the north of Golden Horn, probably suggesting a thermal water movement associated with fault activity. The other evidence supporting to this opinion is the presence of ostracoda, obtained from basal part of HK-17-HK-18 drilling sites, as Leptocythere sp., Callistocythre adriatica Masoli, Falunia sp., Aurila sp., Buntonia sp., Loxoconcha agilis Ruggieri, Xestoleberis dispar G. W. Müller which are mainly related to the Mediterranean bioprovence

    Preparation of cypress (Cupressus sempervirens L.) essential oil loaded poly(lactic acid) nanofibers

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    This study investigated the production of poly (lactic acid) (PLA) nanofibers containing cypress (CUP) essential oil (EO) via electrospinning. The nanofibers were produced from polymer solution prepared with different percentages of cypress EO. Cypress EO-containing PLA nanofibers were characterized and some mechanical and thermal properties were examined using thermo-gravimetric analysis, scanning electron microscopy, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, and dynamic mechanical analysis. The thermal stability of the nanofibers was reduced depending on the percentage of the cypress EO. As the ratio of the cypress EO to polymer matrices was increased, it was observed that the glassy transition temperatures of the nanofibers decreased and their flexibility increased. The T-g value was determined to be 53.74 degrees C for the neat PLA nanofiber, while 51.83 degrees C for the PLA-CUP nanofiber (containing 15% cypress EO). According to the results of releasing trial, the increased amount of cypress EO resulted in less cypress EO releasing from polymer matrices. The nanofibers were observed to exhibit antibacterial activity against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. The inhibition zone diameter of the nanofibers containing 10% cypress EO was 20 mm for S. aureus and 16 mm for E. coli, while 10 mm in the presence of Kanamycin

    A multi disciplinary overview of factors controlling on meiofauna assemblages around Maden and Alibey islands in Ayvalik (Balikesir, Eastern Aegean Sea)

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    In coastal parts of the study areas, heavy metals containing ground water flows along the faults and fractures and reaches at sea. In these contaminated waters, morphologically abnormal individuals of the affected meiofauna (benthic foraminifera, ostracod, mollusc) can be found. Three cores were taken from the seafloor in the four separate stations that are located in NW of Ayvalik village, around Alibey and Maden islands, and one core of each three core groups was studied in order to investigate the aforementioned morphological affects on the recent meiofauna, which have been inhibited in those contaminated waters. Lead, manganese, hematite and limonite deposits with small reserves were present in Alibey, Maden and Kiicilk (Small) Maden islands. Morphological changes and coloring were observed in tests of large number of Peneroplis, Lobatula, Ammonia and Elphidium samples collected from these areas. This observation vindicates impact of heavy metals onto the foraminifera assemblages. Heavy metals and other chemical and radioactive elements found in the surrounding country side have been naturally transported into the adjacent sea water during the past and present. The aim of this study is to figure out the effects of the chemical and radioactive elements, which were carried from the land on the meiofaunal (benthic foraminifera, ostracod and mollusc) assemblages. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Isolation, Chemical Composition, Physicochemical Properties, and Antibacterial Activity of Cupressus sempervirens L. Essential Oil

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    This study was carried out to examine some of the biological activities and physicochemical properties of the Cupressus sempervirens L. essential oil (EO). C. sempervirens L. EO was isolated by hydrodistillation. GC-MS was used to identify the compounds of the EO. The results revealed that the major compounds identified in the EO showed a predominance of alpha-pinene (42 %), followed by delta-3-carene (21.26 %) and limonene (5.96 %). The antioxidant activities of the EO were measured with DPPH tests and beta-carotene bleaching. Four bacterial strains, i.e., Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Enterococcus faecalis, were used to assess the antibacterial properties. The C. sempervirens L. EO had remarkable antibacterial activity against S. aureus, E. faecalis and E. coli. It had a contact toxic effect on and manifested a repellent activity against adults of Sitophilus granarius. The latter were optimized at a dose of 0.16 mu l/cm(2)