396 research outputs found

    Price to Pay for Female Partnership

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    UPM wants quality graduates

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    Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) plans to increase the enrolment of post-graduate students to 30 per cent of total students population or 10,000 and to cap undergraduate numbers at 20,000

    UPM and Sri International collaborate to commercialize research work

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    In an to enable its researchers to attain greater height , Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) has entered into a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with Sri International to collaborate on service and training pertaining to commercialisation measures

    'Good Mechanism To Stabilise Prices'

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    The government recently announced plans to stockpile essential goods to keep prices down and supply stable Will this work and what will it cost Malaysians ELIZABETH JOHN and ANIZA DAMIS speak to Universiti Putra Malaysia s Dr Mad Nasir Shamsudin and learn from this professor of agriculture and resource economics that it s an idea worth trying

    Dr Vellayan Aim His Animal Kingdom

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    HIS gruff demeanour belies a soft heart perhaps a softness reserved only for animals

    Paris, here we come!

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    Ehmm... a degree in Serat Kayu?

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    The one degree course on offer that most puzzled students and became the butt of every meritocracy-related joke was the B. Sc Perhutanan (Industri Teknologi Serat Kayu) or, as it is fondly called, the "Serat Kayu degree"

    Working towards an understanding

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    With the new ethic relations module due to be launched next month, there are still a few adjustments that need to be made