36 research outputs found

    Mathematical Understanding and Proving Abilities: Experiment With Undergraduate Student By Using Modified Moore Learning Approach

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    This paper reports findings of  a  post test experimental control group design conducted to investigate the role of modified Moore learning approach  on improving students’ mathematical understanding and proving abilities. Subject of study were 56 undergradute students of one state university in Bandung, who took advanced abstract algebra course. Instrument of study were a set test of mathematical understanding ability, a set test of mathematical proving ability, and a set of students’ opinion scale on modified Moore learning approach. Data were analyzed by using two path ANOVA. The study found that proof construction process was more difficult than mathematical understanding  task  for all students, and students still posed some difficulties on constructing mathematical proof task.  The study also found there were not differences  between students’  abilities on mathematical understanding and on proving abilities of  the both classes, and both abilities were classified as mediocre. However, in modified Moore learning approach class there were more students who got above average grades on mathematical understanding than those of conventional class. Moreover, students performed positive  opinion toward  modified Moore learning approach. They  were  active in questioning and solving problems, and in explaining their works in front of class as well, while students of conventional teaching prefered to listen to lecturer’s explanation. The study also found that there was no interaction between learning approach and students’ prior mathematics ability on mathematical understanding and proving abilities,  but  there were  quite strong  association between students’ mathematical understanding and proving abilities.Keywords:  modified Moore learning approach, mathematical understanding ability, mathematical proving ability. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22342/jme.2.2.751.231-25

    High Level Mathematical Thinking : Experiments with High School and Under Graduate Students using Various Approaches and Strategies

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    High Level M athematical Thinking : Experiments with High School and Under Graduate Students using Various Approaches and Strategie

    The Role of Problem Solving Approach on Student’s Mathematical Critical Thinking Ability and Disposition

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    This study was a pre test-post test experimental control group design having a goal to analyze  the role of prior mathematics ability (PMA) and Problem Solving Approach (PSA) on student’s mathematical critical  thinking ability (MCTA)  and disposition (MCTD). The study involved 65  eleventh grade students, a prior mathematics ability (PMA), a MCTA test, a  MCTD scale. The study found that PMA and PSA took roles on obtaining student’s MCTA and MCTD, those were the higher student’s PMA the study found the higher students MCTA and MCTD. Beside that, on MCTA and its N Gain, entirely and with low and medium PMA students  getting treatment with PSA attained  better grades than the grades of students taught by conventional teaching (CT);  and for entirely and with medium and high PMA, student recieving treatment with PSA obtained higher grades on MCTA and MCTD than student  taught by CT and those grades were at good grade level. The other findings, there was no association between MCTA and MCTD, and no interaction between PAM and teaching approaches toward MCTA and on MCTD and student  learn  actively during PSAÂ


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    This study aims to: 1) know the achievement of problem-solving abilities and mathematical disposition of students, 2) the interaction between the learning model and the level of students' abilities to the achievement of problem-solving abilities and mathematical dispositions and 3) the association of problem ability and mathematical disposition students. This research uses the quantitative approach with the experimental method. The instrument used is a type of description test. Data analysis was done quantitatively by using t-test and two-track ANOVA test. The result of this research concludes that the achievement of problem-solving ability and mathematical disposition of students who gain learning with method Improve is better than students who get conventional learning either reviewed based on the whole students and based on students' early math ability. There is no interaction between learning method factors and the level of students' early mathematical ability toward the achievement of mathematical problem-solving abilities. There is no interaction between the learning method and the students' early mathematical ability towards achieving mathematical disposition abilities. Students have a positive attitude towards the learning of mathematics and Improve Method


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    The study was a pre-test -post test experimental control group design having a goal to examine the role of SQ3R strategy and mathematics prior ability (MPA) on students’ mathematical communication ability  (MCA) and self regulated learning (SRL). The study involved 68 seventh grade students, a mathematical communication test, a mathematical  SRL scale, and a perception on SQ3R strategy scale. The study found that on MCA, its Gain, and on SRL students getting treatment by SQ3R strategy attained better grades than the grades of students taught by conventional teaching, but the grades of MCA were still at low level, and of SRL the grades were at medium level. The other findings, there was high association between MCA and SRL, and students performed high perception toward SQ3R strategy

    The Role of Problem Solving Approach on Improving Students' Communication Ability and Self Efficacy

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    This study is a pretest-posttest experiment control group design having a goal to analyze the role of in problem-solving approach (PSA) on students' mathematical communication ability (MCA) and self-efficacy in mathematics (MSE). The study involves 66 eighth grade students, and MCA test, and an MSE scale. The study revealed that PSA took a better role than SA in obtaining MCA and MSE. Students getting treatment with PSA obtained MCA and MSE were at good grade quality, while students taught by SA attained MCA and MSE were at pretty good grade level. Besides that, the study found there was a very high association between MCA and MSE. Like that, students expressed a positive opinion on PSA, even if, students still realized a few difficulties in solving MCA. Keywords: mathematical communication, self-efficacy, problem-solving approachÂ

    Enchancing Students’ Mathematical Problem Solving Ability and Self-Regulated Learning by Using Realistic Mathematics Education

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    This article reported the findings of an experiment research having a goal to enchance students’ mathematical probelm solving ability (MPSA) and self regulated learning (SRL) by using realistic mathematics education (RME). Subjects of this  research were 60 seventh grade students of a Yunior High School in Garut, and the instruments this research were an essay MCTA test,  and a SRL scale. The research found that the grades of MPSA of students getting treatment with RME were higher than the grades of students taught by scienctific approach, however those grades were at low grades qualification. In addition, there were no different grades on student’s SRL.  Beside that, stdudents in both classess still encountered difficulties on solving MPSA tasks, and there was no association between student’s MCTA and student’s SRL.Keyword: mathematical problem solving ability, mathematical self regulated learning, realistic mathematics education

    Mathematical Reasoning and Self Regulated Learning According to Student’s Cognitive Stage

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    This study was a descriptive survey having a goal to examine attainment of student’s mathematical reasoning (MR) and  self regulated learning(SRL) according to  student’s cognitive stage. The survey   implicate  36 eleventh grade students of  17... years old,  test of logical thinking (TOLT), an essay  MR test,a  SRL scale. By using TOLT, the survey investigated  many students with 17 years old had not reached formal cognitive stage, namely 19 %  students at formal stage, 25 % students at transition stage, and  rest 56% students at concrete stage. In addition, survey invented that entirely students obtained MR at very low grade level, and according to student’s cognitive stage, formal students obtained higher grade MR than the grade of transisiton students and concrete students. Even if, those grades were still at low and very low level. Either entirely or based on student’s cognitive stage  there were no different grades on student’s SRL and those grade were fairly good level. SRL at fairly good grade level, transistion stage students attained  MR and SRL at medium grade Other finding, there was medium association between cognitive stage and MR, but therewere no association between cognitive stage and MR, and SRL and between MR and SRL. In general, these findings were, that in normal condition formal cgnitive stage will reach by students in 12 -13 years old, or in 13-14 years old, even in specific condition in 19 – 20 years old; and that formal students possess higher abilities than concrete students on completing HOT tasks such as MR tasks which needed formal operational thinking

    The Effect of Exploration Approach on Students’ Mathematical Creative Thinking Ability and Disposition

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    This article reported the findings of an experiment having a goal to enchance students’ mathematical creative thinking ability (MCTA) and disposition (MD) by using exploration approach (EA). Subjects of this  research were 60 seventh grade students which selected puposively  from 5 classes in a Yunior High School in Garut. The instruments of this research were test of an essay MCTA test, and a MD scale, The research found that the grades of MCTA of students getting treatment with EA were higher than the grades of students taught by scienctific approach (SA), however there was no different grades on student’s MD.  Beside that, stdudents in both classess still realized some difficulties on solving MCTA tasks, and there was moderate association between student’s MCTA and student’s MDKeyword: mathematical creative thinking ability, mathematical disposition, exploration approac