16 research outputs found
Penentuan Ukuran Batch dan Sequence Optimal Dalam Sistem Produksi Dua Stage
This paper extends previous study of batch sizing and sequencing problems in flow line production
system. We develop a new model to optimize the batch size and sequence in two-stage production system.
The previous study optimizes the same decision variables but for single-stage production system. In this
study, stage 1 has one machine and makes a batch of N types of component with different size for each
type. Stage 2 also has single assembling facility and assembles those batch of components into a batch of
single type of final product. Each type of component has a different setup time and setup cost, and each
batch of final products has constant setup time and constant setup cost. Optimum batch size and optimum
sequence will minimize average production cost per unit time.
Keywords : batch, stage, sequence, completion time, production rat
Penentuan Alokasi Buffer untuk Meningkatkan Performansi Lini Produksi (Studi Kasus di PT. General Electric Lighting Indonesia)
PT. GE Lighting Indonesia is a manufacturing company that producing lamp. In generally, PT. GE Lighting Indonesia's producing line consist of 5 machines with buffer allocation storage between machine that have early capacity of buffer= 1225 units, buffer2= 915 units, buffer3= 820 units, and buffer4= 545 units. The allocation of these buffer is definitely done with purpose to place output from machine before processed to the next machine. Time difference process in every machine make the stream of production process become less fluent and affecting less maximal is machine damage factor. although the preventive maintenance policy is applied in PT. GE Lighting Indonesia remain to be the machine damage cannot be obviated at production process take place.
This research will try to redetermine the buffer allocation in PT. GE Lighting Indonesia in order to make the production process more fluent, so that can increase the throughput in production line. The method that is use to redetermine the buffer allocation is simulation approach. The reason why the author use this method is because there wasn't found a representative and valid analytical model that match with the system. The simulation is done with Promodel 4.0 software.
Based on the experiment design and running of simulation, it's achieved a conclusion that the best alternative buffer capacity is at 900 units ( buffer1, buffer2, buffer3, buffer4 has a same capacity at 900 units) with aveerage throughput at 9.651 unit/shift. While in the early buffer capacity only produce as many as 9207 unit/shift. Finally, if it's compared with the early condition, redetermining the buffer allocation can increase the throughput of production line process equal to 444 units/shift
Analisa Kelayakan Pabrik Neon Elektronik (NE) Sukoharjo
The increasing of electricity base rates initiate people to choose the energy saving lamp in order
to decrease their electricity bill. It impacts the demand of energy saving lamps increase. Neon Electronic
produces such an energy saving lamp with the electronic circuit called ballast electronic. Neon
Electronic plan to develop the factory and expand the marketing area.This research is aimed to know the
feasibilities of the Neon Electronic (NE) development plan. The feasibilities study covered a research on
market aspects, production and operastional aspects, and financial aspects.
Based on the result of market aspects, this development plan is feasible; because of the people
demand. so, there is an opprtunity to implement this plan. Despite from that there is a particular interest
factors such as the quality of Neon Electronic is higher than the around competitors.From the production
and operational aspects, this plan is also feasible to continue because there is no barrier on the
availability of the machines and tools and another production fasilities, the development fund, and human
With the assumption that the interest rate is 16% and all the product sold, the result of investment
criteria; NPV is Rp. 167.778.623, IRR = 98% which is bigger than the interest rate, Discounted Payback
Period = 1 year 3,78 months, no cash deficit, the Profitability Index above one which is 2,86, and the
Break Even Point (BEP) 2004 is Rp. 307.879.319. The financial aspects point of view recommends this
development plan is possible to continue.
Keywords : feasibility study, ballast electronic, development plan, investment criteria
Analisis Stabilitas dan Kapabilitas Proses Spinning Benang Katun dengan Metode Six Sigma (Studi Kasus PT. Primissima)
As a textile company which produces grey, PT. Primissima surely needs high quality yarn which is also produced in its factory as its main basic material. Decline in yarn quality that significantly happened on May until August 2004 causes negative effects to the company, especially in costumer satisfaction. Analysis of process stability and capability is should be done to prove and explain the problem, particularly on the existing spinning III process.
Analysis using Six Sigma method begins with identifying costumer needs into the critical to quality characteristics (CTQ), determining CTQ priority level based on customer importance rating and customer satisfaction rating, and last, measuring sigma value, process stability and process capability of the CTQ top priority level.
The result that focused on unevenness yarn CTQ shows, with sigma value of 4.07 sigma, process condition isn't stable and capable enough to meet the company's specification target. From the process analysis is also obtained information that many factors like environment, machine, tool, process, material, employee, and measurement system are supposed causing the problem. Improvement and control suggestions are also given here.
Keywords : Six Sigma, process stability, process capability, spinning process, CTQ, unevenness yarn
Identifikasi Karakteristik yang Mempengaruhi Kesuksesan Agen dan Atribut Asuransi yang Mempengaruhi Nasabah Masuk AJB Bumiputera 1912 Cabang Kediri
One of the developing service industries developing in Indonesia economy which is undergoing crisis is
insurance industry, whose productivity and business quality are depended on agents’ capability as the
main doer who are corresponding with marker and characteristic from this insurance. This research
attempts to find out agent’s profile and characteristic, perception given from customer and also
insurance’s attributes that influence a customer to join.
The measurement used on this research is Likert scale with the valid questionnaires distributed to 117
respondents agents and 46 respondents customers from AJB Bumiputera 1912 branch Kediri.
The results shows that successful agents’ profile generally women(65,12%), age between 35-50 years
old(75%), come from East Java(58,26%), married(65,48%), have S1 degree(85,71%), and experience on
this field more than 6 years(88%). By using discriminate Analysis it results that successful agents have
knowledge and higher assertiveness than less successful agents, but owning lower recognition motivation.
According to the customer, there is no difference between successful and less successful agents. By using
Pareto diagram, we can conclude that agents are the most important attribute that influence customer to
join with the insurance.
Keywords : discriminant analysis, insurance agents, insurance agents’ characteristic, insurance
attribute, successful agents’ profile.
Usulan Perencanaan Sampling Penerimaan Berdasarkan Kecacatan Atribut dengan Metode Mil Std 105E pada Proses Penyamakan Kulit
Plan acceptance of sample with method of Military Standart 105E is prosedure which used in decision making to product yielded by company, background of this method him is to accommodate accomplishment of producer ekspektasi and consumer in inspection of is quality of product with acceptance mechanism or deduction of lot. Pursuant to form amount of sample proposals, existence of improvement of percentage of probability for normal inspection at quality of I mount 12% and quality of II mount 10%, tight isnpection at quality of I mount 26% and quality of II mount 12%, diffuse inspection at quality of I mount 23% and quality of II mount 4%. While SOP proposal have the character of independent to the each category so that deduction of lot earn happened at every category not requiring accumulation of amount of found defect as SOP early
Optimasi Pengalokasian Sampah Wilayah Ke Tempat Pembuangan Sementara dengan Model Integer Linear Programming (Studi Kasus Kota Surakarta)
This reserach proposes an integer linear programming model for the allocation of municipal solid waste
to the optimal transfer station. This model involves trade-off between two kind of transportation cost,
that is transportation cost from village to trasfer station and cost from transfer station to
landfill/treatment center. Branch-and-bound method is used to find optimum decision, which transfer
station should serve which village.
This model is applied to city of Surakarta that consist of 596 village and 62 transfer stations. From
analysis we know that this model can reduce total transportation cost per day by 5,38% and balances the
accumulated waste in all trasfer station
Key words: municipal solid waste, Integer Linear Programming, transfer station, transportation cost
Evaluasi Kondisi Kerja pada UMKM Percetakan Menggunakan Work Improvement in Small Enterprises (WISE)
Percetakan XYZ merupakan salah satu UMKM yang memproduksi tulisan atau gambar untuk kepentingan periklanan, salah satunya adalah spanduk. Percetakan tersebut mempunyai beberapa permasalahan terkait kondisi kerja serta belum adanya kesadaran dalam menerapkan Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) di tempat kerja. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah melakukan evaluasi kondisi kerja serta merancang usulan perbaikan untuk kondisi kerja yang lebih produktif dan sesuai dengan pedoman K3 di percetakan XYZ. Program Work Improvement in Small Enterprises (WISE) dengan pendekatan Participatory Action Oriented Training (PAOT) dilakukan dengan melibatkan partisipasi aktif dari pemilik usaha serta pekerja dalam melakukan evaluasi kondisi kerja, pembuatan rencana aksi perbaikan serta implementasi usulan perbaikan. Hasil evaluasi kondisi kerja menggunakan daftar periksa WISE, menunjukkan terdapat 13 elemen periksa yang membutuhkan suatu usulan perbaikan. Melalui metode focus group discussion (FGD) didapatkan hasil bahwa perbaikan yang akan diprioritaskan untuk diimplementasikan dalam waktu dekat adalah 4 elemen periksa karena mempertimbangkan faktor biaya, waktu, dan sumber daya manusia di lapangan. Perbaikan pertama adalah pembuatan jadwal rutin untuk pemeriksaan mesin serta jaringan kabel listrik dengan penerapan 5R. Perbaikan kedua adalah pembuatan tanda bahaya pencegahan kebakaran. Perbaikan ketiga adalah pembuatan tanda himbauan pemakaian pelindung diri masker dan sarung tangan. Perbaikan keempat adalah pembuatan label untuk menuliskan identitas produk sehingga memudahkan pekerja mengenali produk yang berada di area penyimpanan. Evaluasi serta usulan perbaikan kondisi kerja tersebut dapat membantu UMKM dalam meningkatkan kesadaran akan K3 dan mengurangi risiko terjadinya kecelakaan kerja
Pengaruh Kondisi Sistem Kerja Terhadap Stress Kerja dengan Menggunakan Macroergonomic Organizational Questionnare Survey (MOQS)
Conarch Bangun Sejahtera merupakan perusahaan konsultan arsitektur yang bergerak dibidang desain bangunan dan konstruksi bangunan. Beban kerja mental yang tinggi dan kondisi sistem kerja yang tidak sesuai menyebabkan pekerja mengalami gejala stress kerja seperti timbulnya kebosanan dalam bekerja, kurangnya motivasi dan semangat dalam bekerja dan kekhawatiran terhadap karirnya dimasa depan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari komponen sistem kerja terhadap stress kerja. Metode yang digunakan adalah Macroergonomic Organizational Questionnare Survey (MOQS) dan dianalisis menggunakan analisis jalur (path analysis). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh sangat sigifikan dari variabel sistem kerja secara simultan terhadap stress kerja. Variabel sistem kerja secara parsial mempunyai pengaruh terhadap stress kerja dengan menghitung kontribusi efektifnya menunjukkan bahwa pada variabel lingkungan fisik berkontribusi sebesar 7.82%, variabel lingkungan sosial sebesar 15.08%, variabel kondisi pekerjaan sebesar 30.53%, variabel kondisi organisasi sebesar 10.89%, variabel teknologi dan peralatan kerja sebesar 7.14% dan variabel karakteristik individu sebesar 11.94%. Dari keenam variabel tersebut, diketahui bahwa variabel yang paling berpengaruh terhadap stress kerja adalah kondisi pekerjaan dan lingkungan sosial sehingga diberikan usulan perbaikan pada kedua variabel tersebut untuk mengurangi stress kerja
Safety Climate on Small and Medium Enterprises in Batik Production Based on Factor Analysis
Safety climate is an instrument to determine workers' perceptions of occupational safety and health. To find out workers' perceptions about the importance of safety climate factors in the batik industry, it is necessary to do a factor analysis. Factor analysis was carried out using Exploratory Factor Analysis to reduce variables to form new factors with a minimum of lost information. Furthermore, the Kruskal-Wallis test was conducted to determine the differences in the perception of respondents' criteria regarding the previously formed safety climate factors. This study reduces the 8-variable questionnaire with 36 statement items into seven new factors, namely management commitment and worker actions toward safety, management procedures regarding safety, management support for safety, management and worker's efforts to create safety, worker's attitudes regarding work and safety, workers rewards for reporting a hazard, and workers knowledge of safety