14 research outputs found

    Pergulatan antara Filsafat dan Agama

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    Dalam tulisan ini, penulis mencoba untuk mengetahui hubungan antara agama dengan filsafat dalam makalah ini. Hal ini sebagaimana telah kita ketahui bersama bahwa dalam sejarahnya hubungan antara filsafat dan agama kadang-kadang dekat dan baik, dan kadang-kadang jauh dan buruk. Adakalanya para agamawan merintis perkembangan filsafat dan ada kalanya pula orang beragama merasa terancam oleh pemikiran para filosof yang kritis dan tajam. Dikalangan agamawan pun ada yang mempunyai anggapan bahwa kalau agama difilsafatkan maka agama akan turun nilainya, karena agama lebih tinggi nilainya dibandingkan filsafat. Agama berasal dari Tuhan sedangkan filsafat berasal dari manusia.Pada akhir abad ke 20 situasi mulai berubah, baik dari pihak filsafat maupun dari pihak agama. Filsafat makin menyadari bahwa pertanyaan-pertanyaan manusia paling mendasar tentang asal usul yang sebenarnya, makna kebahagiaan, tanggungjawab dasar manusia, makna kehidupan dll. tidak dapat dijawab oleh filsafat. Sementara agama dengan wahyunya dari Tuhan terdapat kalimat yang sulit untuk bisa dipahami seratus persen benar oleh manusia, maka perlu adanya proses berfikir yang mendalam, yaitu melalui filsafat. Kata Kunci: Filsafat, Agama, Maqulil Mana dan Ghairu Maqulil Mana

    Karakteristik Minyak Atsiri Daun Kayu Manis (Cinnamomum Burmannii (Ness & Th.ness))

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    The perpose of this research is to know the characteristic of atsiri oil of cinnamon's young and old leaves. this research is conducted experimentally by using some materials, such as cinnamon's young and old leaves, aquades, sodium sulfate anhydrous, and ethanol 70%. The equipments are water distillation devenger type, gourd flute, dessicator, measuring glass, refractormeter, reaction's tube, drop pippette, inject, analitic neraca. The result of this research can be concluded that the yield of Atsiri oil of Cinnamon's young leaves is 0.013% and the yield of Atsiri oil of Cinnamon's old leaves is 0.080% . the Cinnamon's old leaves has bright's index 1.257 , yellow colored with solubility in ethanol 70% is 1:2 (pure). It's related to the standard of Essential Oil Association of USA No.5

    Pengembangan Formula Minuman Olahraga Berbasis Tempe untuk Pemulihan Kerusakan Otot

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari formulasi minuman olahraga berbasis tempe untuk pemulihan kerusakan otot dengan kandungan gizi yang tepat dan dapat diterima secara sensori. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan faktor tunggal yaitu jumlah penambahan air untuk melarutkan tepung tempe yang terdiri dari tiga tingkatan yaitu 500 ml, 600 ml dan 700 ml, dengan masing-masing perlakuan mengandung 23 gram protein. Tepung tempe yang digunakan mengandung kadar air 5,39%, abu 1,22 % berat kering, protein 45,55% berat kering, lemak 33,9% berat kering, karbohidrat 13,94 % berat kering, kalsium 0,14% berat kering, besi 0,018% berat kering, natrium 0,004% berat kering, magnesium 0,06% berat kering, klorida 0,04% berat kering dan kalium 0,10% berat kering. Hasil uji hedonik minuman tempe menunjukkan bahwa penambahan air 600 ml cenderung mempunyai nilai kesukaan secara keseluruhan yang paling tinggi (5,42) dibandingkan dengan penambahan air 700 ml (5,37) dan 500 ml (nilai 4,92) (P>0,05). Minuman tempe dengan penggunaan air 600 ml mempunyai penerimaan secara keseluruhan yang tertinggi dengan nilai 80%. Minuman tersebut mempunyai karakteristik per sajian sebagai berikut kandungan protein 23 gram, karbohidrat 48 gram, lemak 17,11 gram, energi 438 kkal, branched chain amino acids (BCAA) 4161,6 mg, Ca 72,92 mg, Fe 9,46 mg, Mg 33,12 mg, Na 2,37 mg dan Cl 21,30 mg, dan K 54 mg


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    Objective: The aim of this study is to determine the effect of stingless bee propolis supplementation as a hepatoprotector on the prevention of DILI and the effect of healing and restoring nutrition for DILI patients due to drug induction. Methods: The literature review starts from problem identification, library data collection, reading, taking notes, analyzing, and processing the data obtained and then compiling it into a systematic review Results: The results of a literature study conducted show that propolis has a good hepatoprotective ability against drugs that cause DILI cases such as the anti-tuberculosis, antibiotic and antipyretic groups as indicated by the SGPT, SGOT, BT, GSH, and SOD values that are close to normal values. In addition, propolis supplementation can accelerate the healing and restoration of the nutritional status of DILI patients. All active compounds contained in propolis such as phytochemicals and lipopolysaccharides work to protect the liver from the toxic effects of DILI through antioxidant mechanisms. Conclusion: Overall, the data from this literature study show that the hepatoprotective activity of propolis has the potential to complement drug therapy to reduce hepatotoxic effects and can conclusively beneficial to accelerate the restoration of nutritional status for DILI patients

    Efek Suplemen Protein Berbasis-susu Terhadap Keseimbangan Mikroflora Tuberkulosis Paru Dari Pasien Dalam Pengobatan (Effect of Milk-based Protein Supplement on the Microflora Balance of Pulmonary Tuberculosis From Treated Patients)

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    Background: Pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) patients, in addition to frequently suffering from nutritional deficiency, may have impaired gut microflora balance as effect of low daily dietary intake and antibiotics therapy use, respectively. Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium longum is a normal inhabitant of human gut microflora, which able to improve nutrients absorption and modulate immune response. Objective: To test the effect of milk-based protein (MBP) supplement on the microflora balance of TB (maintaining growth and metabolic activity of probiotic bacteria) from treated patients. Methods: Several methods was applied to determine nutrients concentration and probiotic population. (1) types and carbohydrate amount and vitamin A concentration in MBP supplement was determined by HPLC method, zinc concentration used AAS method and amount of protein used micro Kjeldahl method; (2) total energy, fat and vitamin D concentration was calculated based on their concentration in each ingredient; (3) total cells count for growth and metabolic activity test of probiotics bacteria was used plating technique and HPLC method, respectively; (4) acceptance test to MBP supplement was performed using organoleptic test three point Likert scale. Results: In each 100 gram MBP supplement was containing (a) monosaccharide (1,710 mg), disaccharides (43,870 mg) and oligosaccharides (490 mg), vitamin A, zinc, protein, energy, fat dan vitamin D, (b) it supplement capable maintained growth of probiotics bacteria (> 1x 10 log10 cfu/mL) and stimulated lactic acid production five times higher (4,5 M lactic acid/mL) than placebo (0,9 M lactic acid/ml); (c) MBP supplements has been accepted by all subjects. Conclusion: MBP supplement had capacity to maintain growth and improved metabolic activity of two indigenous probiotic bacteria in the human gut

    Suplementasi Daun Torbangun (Coleus Amboinicus Lour) Untuk Menurunkan Keluhan Sindrom Pramenstruasi Pada Remaja Putri (Supplementation of Torbangun Leaves [Coleus Amboinicus Lour] in Reducing the Complainst of Pre-menstrual Syndrome [Pms] Among Teenage G

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    Background: Torbangun leaves (Coleus ambonicus Lour) is one of type of species from Labiatae family which contains a lot of micronutrient and active element which have been examined as beneficial for human health and quality of life. The plants containing iridoid and flavonoid as well as phytochemical which deal with reproduction hormone is applicable to traditional medication toward PMS cases. Methods: The present study was aimed to assess the efficacy of CAL leaves in the management of PMS. An experimental clinical trial was conducted in 35 teenagers with PMS. Three intervention groups were defined: CAL leaves; commercial preparation; and placebo. Participants were followed-up individually for 1 month. Result: The results showed average menarche occurred around age 13 years, with menstruation lasting 5 days. During each successive treatment cycle, participants experienced a lower pain intensity score. Chi Square test, after adjusting each cycle for baseline pain, treatment compliance and other variables, showed that the group receiving CAL extract had significantly reduced pain intensity (p<0.05) compared with commercial preparation and placebo. Conclusion: The torbangun leaves supplement can be used as treatment to relief symptoms of the premenstrual syndrome. [Penel Gizi Makan 2010, 33(2):180-194

    Efek Pemberian Gula Kelapa yang Diperkaya Minyak Sawit Merah terhadap Peningkatan Berat Badan dan Kadar Retinol Serum Tikus Defisien Vitamin A (Effect Of The Feeding Of Brown Sugar Enriched With Red Palm Oil On Body Weight Gain And Serum Retinol Levels

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    Vitamin A deficiency (VAD) is an important cause of blindness and premature death. Vitamin A also plays an important role on growth and immune function. Red palm oil is the richest naturally occurring source of β-carotene, a carotenoid that the human body can convert into USAble vitamin A (retinol). This research was to evaluate the effect of feeding red palm oil enriched brown sugar on improving body weight and serum retinol level of vitamin A depletion Sprague-Dawley rats. Twenty four of six weeks old-male Sprague Dawley rats were used. After 2 weeks of adaptation period, rats were given vitamin A deficient diet (modified AIN-93M) for 10 weeks, and then divided into 3 groups and received for 2 weeks the different treatment as repletion period: 1) RPO group which received red palm oil enriched brown sugar (1.5 mL/d), 2) CPO group which received crude palm oil enriched brown sugar (1.5 mL/d) and 3) and RE group which received retinyl palmitate (0.6 mL/d) . Each treatment contains approximately 40 µg beta carotene/day. Intervention by feeding brown sugar enriched with RPO and CPO for 2 weeks can increase the body weight of rats by 3.54 percent and 5.23 percent, respectively, which is markedly better than the group that was given retynil palmitat (9.38%) (p<0.05). However, an increase in serum retinol concentrations in all group showed no significant differences (p>0.05). Consumption of brown sugar enriched with RPO or CPO enhances body weight and serum retinol concentration of vitamin A deficient rats

    The role of the Sufism perspective of Imam Al-Ghazali in shaping character education at student cadres Ahlith Thoriqoh Al-Mu'tabaroh An-Nahdliyyah Nahdlatul Ulama University Cirebon

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    The presence of phenomena that are labeled as moral degradation that currently occurs among young people is certainly a serious task in this modern era. This study aims to provide an understanding related to Sufism and its role in eroding indicators of moral decline in student cadres Ahlith Thoriqoh Al-Mu'tabaroh An-Nahdliyyah Nahdlatul Ulama University Cirebon. The results show the real impact felt by the cadres. The role of the Sufism perspective of Imam Al-Ghazali is to form character education in cadres through the development of spirituality, moral development, self-control, and the development of Emotional Intelligence. From the values above, the real impact is felt by the cadres of Ahlith Thoriqoh Al-Mu'tabaroh An-Nahdliyyah students of the Nahdlatul Ulama University of Cirebon in improving the character of individuals. This is because the activities carried out are always aligned with the values of Sufism and asasul khomsah of Ahlith Thoriqoh Al-Mu'tabaroh An-Nahdliyyah students, namely tafaqquh fi al-din, iltizamut thoat, Tasfiah al-qalb wa tazkiyat al-nafsi, Hifdz al-aurad wa al-adzkar, and khidmah lil ummah

    (the Utilization of Tofu Pressed Cake in the Production of High Dietary Fiber Flour as an Alternative of Functional Food Inggredient)

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    High fiber tofu pressed cake a as by producton manufacturing tofu is posibble to used for raw material on preparing alternative functional food ingredient.This reasearch was designed to study the manufacturing of high fiber flour from tofu pressed cake.The flour flow process chart described as follow.The first flour processed from tofu fresh cake which then dried on drum dryer prior to be milled to become 60 mesh flour.The second one processed from tofu fresh cake which then pressed,sterilized,followed by soaking on sodium metabisulfit 3% for 40 minutes,pressing,freezing,drum drying,and milling to become60 mesh flour.The third one processed from tofu fresh cake which then pressed,sterilized,followed by soaking on sodium metabisulfit 0.1% for 40 minutes,pressing fermentation using neurospora sitophila mould (2,5% for 24 hours),freezing,drum dyring, and milling to become 60 mesh flour.The flour was then analyzed for physico chemical,functional and sencory properties.Soaking in sodium metabisulfit 3% for 40 minutes before drying increase whiteness of flour.Fermentation with neurospora sitophila improve protein digesbility but lower the whitenes.Soaking in sulfit and fermentation increased the flour solubility dietary fiber and descreased unsoluble dietary fiber.The fiber total content in the flour ranged from 46.75 up to 56.24% (db)and the consumption of 25 g of the flour will contribute 50% of the fiber RDA (Recognice Daily Allowance)