23 research outputs found

    Rational Drug Prescription Writing

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    Protein Digestibility and Protein Efficiency Ratio of Herbal Rice by Rats Given High Fat Diet

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    Herbal rice made from white rice by adding a mixture of turmeric, cinnamon and guava leaves during cooking, reducing cholesterol levels in hypercholesterolemia. This study was aims to evaluate the protein digestibility and protein efficiency ratio of herbal rice by rats given high fat diet. This study used 28 male Spangue dawley rats aged 12 weeks divided into four treatment groups (7 rats per group). The control group (P0) was given standard diet AIN-76 without high fat diet induction, the treatment group (P1) was containing plain rice flour with high fat diet induction, the treatment group (P2) was containing cooked rice flour 1 bag of mixed herbs with high fat diet induction, and the treatment group (P3) was containing cooked rice flour 2 bags of herbal mixture with high fat diet induction. The results showed that the body weight of each rat treatment group increased during the 28 days of the experiment. The type of ration given had a significant effect (p<0.05) on the value of protein digestibility, but had no significant effect (p<0.05) on the value of the protein efficiency ratio (PER). Result evaluation of body weight, protein digestibility and PER of herbal rice obtained, it can be concluded that herbal rice has better protein quality than plain white rice


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    Objective: P. pulchrum grows abundantly in Kendari (Sulawesi Tenggara province, Indonesia).However, there is no report neither chemical contents nor biological activitiesof the plant. This project studiesthe isolation, structure elucidations, and radical scavenging activity evaluation of triterpene steroids from stems of P. pulchrum. Methods: The isolation of the compounds was carried out by using chromatography method, i.e., vacuum liquid chromatography (VLC) and radial chromatography (RC) with silica gel as an adsorbent and various solvents as eluent. The compound structures were evaluated by spectroscopic data (FTIR and NMR data) and then the results were compared with the existing data from references. The antioxidant activity of these compounds was evaluated towards DPPH (1,1-diphenyl 2-picryl-hydrazyl). Results: Four triterpene steroids; namely, (1) 6β-hydroxystigmasta-4,22-dien-3-one, (2) stigmasterol,(3) stigmasta-4,22-dien-3-one, and (4) ergosterol peroxide, were isolated and identified from stems of P. pulchrum Bl. The antioxidant activities of all compounds were indicated by IC50 value of the compounds. The values of IC50(µM) of6β-hydroxystigmasta-4,22-dien-3-one, stigmasterol, Stigmasta-4,22-dien-3-on,ergosterol peroxide, and vitamine C (standard) toward DPPH were obtained at233.4 ± 0.28; 372.3 ± 0.33; 144.80 ± 0.24; 1083.1 ± 0.38; and 68.9 ± 0.12, respectively. Conclusions: We found that Stigmasta-4,22-dien-3-onewas the most active compound toward DPPH


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    Objective: Detection of hepatocellular cancer cells(HCC) in vitro has reached the smallest level, that is miRNA(micro RNA) in particular miRNA146A. This study was conducted from February to May2013 at the Department of Molecular Biology, Dharmais Cancer Hospital. The purpose of this study was to compare the value of Cq and expression ofmicroRNA(miRNA/mir) on Hep-G2 and PLC5.Methods: In vitro study were performed in Hep-G2 series 1886 and PLC5. The study used on 33 samples consisting of 5 groups of mir (miRNA146A, miR-423-3p, miR-103, miR-21and miR-16) in Hep-G2 and 5 groups of mirinPLC5 with 3 times repetition, 1 NTC and 2 spike.Results: MiRNA146 A expressionin Hep-G2against mir-423-3p, mir-103, mir-21, mir-16resulted in values as follows in consecutive order: (0.05), (0.03), (0.01), and (0.55). The highest expression was: miRNA146 Aagainst mir-16 and the smallest expression miRNA146 Aagainst mir-21in Hep-G2. MiRNA146 A expressionincell linesPLC5against mir-423-3p, mir-103, mir-21, mir-16resulted in values as follows: (0.01), (0.00), (0.00), and(0.02). The highest expression: miRNA146 A against mir-16, and the smallest expression: miRNA146 Aagainstmir-103 and mir-21 in PLC5.Conclusion: MiRNA 146 A, mir-423-3p, mir-103, mir-21, and mir-16 were expressed in Hep-G2 series 1886 and PLC5. The highest gene expression in miRNA146 A against mir-16 was found inHep-G2 andPLC5. The lowest gene expression in miRNA 146 A against mir-103 andmir-16 was found in PLC5.Keyword: Cell lines Hep-G2, miRNA 146 A, mir-423-3p, mir-103, mir-21, mir-16, PLC5


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    Objective: We explored the stable reference genes for miRNA 146 A by RT-PCR in the cell lines Hep-G2 that were treated chlorogenic acid. We must do a series of tests in order to get a reference genes. Based on the literature there are 7 candidates recommended reference genes; mir-423-3p, 423-5p, 191, 103, 21, 16, and let-7a. We conducted using four candidates reference gene; mir-423-3p, 103, 16, and 21. Methods: In vitro study was performed in Hep-G2 cells. The samples were divided into control group and experiment group treated with 727μM chlorogenic acid. Samples were analyzed at 0, 2, 8, 18, and 24 hours after being treated with chlorogenic acid. Total RNA was isolated from Hep-G2 with RNA extraction kit (miRCURYTM RNA Isolation Kit-Cell and plant Exiqon, Code Number 300110) and reverse transcribed to cDNA with Primerscript RT Reagent Kit (miRCURY LNATM Universal RT microRNA PCR, Polyadenylation and cDNA synthesis kit Exiqon, Code Number 203300). The primers for miRNA 146 A were Code Number 204688 from Exiqon (forward and reverse), and quantitative real time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction was performed using SYBR Master Mix with Code Number 203450 (Exicon). MiRNA profiling was performed in four pairs of mir, consist of; mir-423-3p, 103, 21, and mir-16. By using the mean expression value of all expressed mir, we identified the most stable candidate reference genes for subsequent validation with normfinder software. Results: Data from RT-PCR were analyzed using Normfinder software. We found out that mir expression with good stablity is mir-103 and the best combination from two genes are mir-103 and mir-423-3p. Finally mir-423-3p is found more stable than mir-16, 21, and 103. Conclusion: We conclude the stable reference genes for miRNA 146 A treated with chlorogenic acid is mir-423-3p

    Respon Glikemik dan Aktivitas Antioksidan Nasi Yang Dimasak Menggunakan Campuran Kunyit (Curcuma longa Linn.) dan kayu Manis (Cinnammum sp)

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    Penurunan daya cerna pati nasi merupakan cara yang menjanjikan untuk menurunkan efek hiperglikemia nasi. Beberapa penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kunyit (Curcuma longa Linn)  dan kayu manis (Cinnamomum sp) dapat menurunkan daya cerna pati karena kandungan senyawa penoliknya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari apakah kunyit, kayu manis atau kombinasinya memiliki kemampuan untuk menurunkan daya cerna pati atau meningkatkan aktivitas antioksidan nasi putih. Kombinasi 3 dan 0 g (C1), 2 dan 1 g (C2), 1 dan 2 g (C3), atau 0 dan 3 g masing-masing untuk kunyit dan kayu manis digunakan untuk memasak nasi putih. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan kunyit dan kayu manis untuk memasak nasi tidak mempengaruhi daya cerna pati, aktivitas antioksidan, dan kadar total penolik nasi tetapi mempengaruhi penerimaan konsumen terhadap nasi. Formula terbaik adalah kombinasi antara 2 g kunyit dan 1 g kayu manis (C2) dimana nasi yang dimasak dengan tambahan campuran ini memiliki karakteristik sebagai berikut: tingkat hidrolisis pati 3,99 kali, aktivitas antioksidan 42.,03%, kadar total penol 117.,18 ppm (GAE), dan oleh konsumen dianggap layak sebagai makanan pokok. Kesimpulannya adalah nasi yang dimasak dengan formula C2 memiliki respon glikemik yang tidak berbeda dengan nasi biasa.Glycemic Response and Antioxidant Activity of Raice Cooked with Combination of Turmeric (Curcuma longa Linn.) and Cinnamon (Cinnamomum sp). AbstractReducing of starch digestibility of the rice is one of promising strategies to reduce hyperglycemic effect of the rice. Some research indicate turmeric (Curcuma longa Linn) and cinnamon (Cinnamomum sp) reduced starch digestibility due to their phenolic content. This research was aimed to study whether turmeric, cinnamon and their combination have potentiality to reduce starch digestibility or increase antioxidant activity of white rice. Combination of 3 and 0 g (C1), 2 and 1 g (C2), 1 and 2 g (C3), 0 and 3 g turmeric and cinnamon were used for cooking white rice. The results showed that the addition of turmeric and cinnamon for cooking of rice had no effect on the level of starch hydrolysis, antioxidant activity and phenolic content of rice but significantly affected the consumer acceptance of the rice. The best formula was combination of 2 g of turmeric and 1 g of cinnamon (C2) where the rice cooked by adding this formula had characteristics as follows= starch hydrolysis level was 3,.989 fold, antioxidant activity was 42.03%, total phenol was 117.18 ppm (GAE). Consumers considered that the rice was suitable for staple food. However, no. difference on the glycemic respons was found. As conclusion, addition of turmeric, cinnamon or their combination for cooking of rice was unable to decrease starch digestibility and increase antioxidant activity of the rice.•••

    Promosi Gizi dan Kesehatan bagi Wanita Hamil, Wanita Menyusui, dan Ibu Balita dalam Rangka Pencegahan Stunting di Kabupaten Lampung Tengah, Lampung

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    PROMOTION OF NUTRITION AND HEALTH FOR PREGNANT WOMEN, BREASTFEEDING WOMEN, AND MOTHERS TODDLER IN THE CONTEXT OF STUNTING PREVENTION IN LAMPUNG TENGAH REGENCY, LAMPUNG. One of the determining factors for the success of health development is nutritional status. Health promotion efforts to increase awareness, willingness and ability of both individuals, families, groups and communities to live healthy and it is necessary to increase nutrition and health promotion for pregnant women and mothers under five. This activity was carried out in the context of preventing stunting in Tanggamus and Tanggamus Regencies which was carried out by the Service Team of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Lampung. Various health promotion efforts have been made to obtain optimal results through nutrition and health promotion. This activity aims to assist in the success of national health development through improving nutritional status, through increasing public knowledge about clean and healthy living habits in household settings, a balanced nutrition menu in preventing the incidence of stunting in the family. The methods used in carrying out this activity are lectures, focus group discussions, counseling on the portion of my plate, skill practice and food serving competitions for lokal products to improve nutrition for pregnant women and toddlers. Results of nutrition and health promotion activities for pregnant women and mothers under five in the context of preventing stunting in Central Lampung and Tanggamus districts. can assist in the success of national health development through improving nutritional status