49 research outputs found

    тАЬBuilding from bottomтАЭ a success story

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    Rajkot Municipal Corporation (RMC) is a local government committed to provide basic infrastructure facilities including entertainment facilities to the people of the city. RMC is very well known for managing the city by using private sector participation as well as introduction of innovative mechanisms in management to serve people efficiently. City has prepared different plans for improving services and to nullify the gap between services and demands. The sole responsibility of Solid Waste Management (SWM) in the city lies with the Soild Wate Management department of Rajkot Muncipal Corporation (RMC)

    Conservation of fish genetic resources: An introduction to state fishes of India.

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    Over exploitation, habitat destruction, introduction of exotic species and pollution has led to the loss of native germplasm. Biodiversity conservation is very important to preserve species and also to safeguard the local interest and the cultural attachment of people to certain species. Several species from India are already extinct and many are endangered, threatened or listed in diff erent categories based on their natural presence. The estimated current extinction rate is very high, ranging between 1000-10000 times the natural rate . Hence, appropriate strategies for biodiversity conservation management are required

    Rooftop Micro Organic Farm: A Promising Initiative to Enhance the Vegetable Production

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    The growth of the population and simultaneous reduction of agricultural farm create a big challenge to fulfill the demand of food in the world. The utilization of available unutilized/underutilized space of the roof-top on every house for growing of different types vegetables is a scope to increase vegetable production. There are several advantages of this technique such as utilization of free space of the roof, production of healthy and fresh vegetables, harvesting of rain water in an efficient manner, better saving to the family, utilization of kitchen waste and reduction of solid waste as well as air pollution in the environment

    Window pane oyster collection - an alternative means of income for fisherwomen of Kudgaon, Raigad, Maharashtra

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    Along with fisheries related activities, fisherwomen of Kudgaon, 6 km south of Dighi in Raigad district of Maharashtra, recently started collection of Mollusc shells (window pane oyster; Placuna placenta) from the intertidal zone

    Morphological differentiation of closely resembling ariid species, Arius venosus and A. sumatranus

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    In Indian waters ariids (Siluriformes/ Ariidae) are represented by 9 genera and 25 valid species. The genus Arius is the most diverse with eight species reported from Indian waters which can be categorised in two broad groups. One having elongated teeth patches with globular teeth comprising of five species- A. jella, A. maculatus, A. gagora, A. malabaricus and A. arius is clubbed under maculatus complex. Other group included species like A. subrostratus, A. sumatranus and A. venosus having smaller teeth patches with villiform teeth (non-maculatus complex) (Dhanze and Jayaram. 1982). The non-maculatus complex does not contribute much to the commercial fishery barring A. subrostratus which forms minor fishery along southwest coast of India. A. subrostratus can be easily differentiated from rest of the con-generic members by smaller barbels and long snout with small mouth

    Status of Oil Pollution in Indian Coastal Waters

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    India's 8118 km long coastline is noted by the presence of a vast network of backwaters, estuaries, creeks, lagoons, mangrove and coral reefs. The total area of mangroves in India is estimated to be 4827 km2 that includes the Indian side of Sunderbans, the world's largest mangroves centre. More than 5,OUO species of marine flora and fauna have been recorded so far from the coastal and marine waters of the country. In this background, there is an urge to protect and conserve the coastal and marine habitats by making all man-made production activities sustainable. The beaches and the adjoining land area are the most affected as these are extensively used for recreation, relaxation and amusement

    Oil Spill Occurrences along Indian Exclusive Economic Zone

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    Oil Spill Occurrences along Indian Exclusive Economic Zon

    Taxonomic note on the Indian species of genus Netuma

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    In Indian waters, genus Netuma is represented by two species namely N. bilineata and N. thalassina (Order: Siluriformes, Family: Ariidae). Rounded shout, thin lips, inconspicuous median longitudinal groove, and higher anal fin ray count (16-19) are characters of N. bilineata while N. thalassina has conical snout, clearly visible median longitudinal groove and lower anal fin ray count (13-15). Prior to the erection of N. bilineata (earlier considered as synonym of N. thalassina) as valid species, Indian workers had difference of opinion regarding the representation of species under this genus from Indian waters

    Integrated multi-trophic aquaculture systems: a solution for sustainability

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    Marine aquaculture of high value species such as fish is generally reliant on external food supplies and has a negative impact on water quality, generating high organic and nutrient loadings, mainly from feed wastage and excretion. There may be negative impacts on benthic environments from smothering and increased organic enrichment. Many attempts to reduce nutrient loading from fish farms have been made, such as by improving the digestibility of fish feeds, but technological improvements have not eliminated the problem of nutrient pollution. One solution to reducing the environmental impact of fish farming is the use of integrated multi-trophic aquaculture. By culturing complimentary species, wastes from one compartment may be used as inputs, whether feed or fertiliser, for other compartments, effectively recycling nutrients and reducing nutrient pollution while generating additional products for sale. This article looks at species selection and integration of trophic levels in system design

    Stranding of whale shark off Madhavpur, Gujarat

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    A dead male whale shark (Rhincodon typus) was found off Madhavpur coast, near the fish landing centre on morning of 28th September, 2017. The investigations were covered at the joint team of ICAR-CMFRI and Wildlife Trust of India (WTI), Veraval, Gujarat. The carcass showed an injury below the first dorsal fin but cause of its death could not be ascertained. Some measurements of the stranded whale shark were recorded before it was burie