1,554 research outputs found

    The Influence of Alpha Waves in Cultural Arts (Music) Learning at Secondary School

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    Pendidikan musik, seperti yang dirasakan oleh para siswa, terutama berkisar pada aspek-aspek praktis, sering kali mengabaikan dimensi kognitif, afektif, dan psikomotorik yang melekat dalam pendidikan. Akibatnya, aspek kognitif dari pendidikan musik cenderung kurang menarik bagi siswa. Sebagai tanggapan, berbagai upaya telah dilakukan untuk merangsang konsentrasi kognitif siswa selama aspek teori pendidikan musik dengan memanfaatkan gelombang alpha. Gelombang alpha ini diintegrasikan selama pelajaran teori musik dan disajikan dalam bentuk video yang diunggah ke YouTube agar dapat diakses kapan saja dan di mana saja.Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki dampak dari penggunaan YouTube sebagai media, dikombinasikan dengan musik latar yang mengandung frekuensi gelombang alpha, terhadap aspek teoritis pendidikan Seni Budaya (mus-ik). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif untuk mengkorelasikan kinerja antara kelompok kontrol (tidak terpapar gelombang alpha) dan kelompok eksperi-men (mengalami stimulasi gelombang alpha). Data dikumpulkan melalui penilaian yang dilakukan oleh guru Seni Budaya dan kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik korelasi Pearson sebagai bentuk analisis data. Setelah meninjau hasil dari sampel pertama (kelompok eksperimen) dan sampel kedua (kelompok kontrol), terlihat jelas bahwa hipotesis akhir (hasilnya) tidak sesuai dengan hipotesis awal (H0 > Ha)

    Analisis Pengukuran Waktu Baku Untuk Menentukan Tingkat Produktivitas Pada Operator Pemasangan O-Ring Menggunakan Metode Jam Henti (Studi Kasus Di PT Y)

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    With the development of the era of globalization and technological progress, the development of a manufacturer must also increase. One way to increase labour productivity is to calculate standard time. The standard time is the time required reasonably by a normal worker to complete a job that is carried out in the best work system. The research was carried out by direct observation in the field. Observation of the standard time that occurs through a certain time interval is useful for knowing the description of the use of queues. In this study, the population was operators working at PT Y at the time of the study, while the sample used was the total time of O-Ring installation. The analysis method used in this study uses the standard time analysis method using a stopwatch. Adjustments are made as a measuring effort to normalize the average price carried out by the operator. Adjustments are taken into account because operators in the work can do inappropriately, for example too fast as if in a hurry, encounter some difficulties, and other things. Time data collection was carried out 30 times by breaking down the work into three motion elements. The results of the standard time measurement for each motion element are motion element A of 65.125 seconds, motion element B of 463.84 seconds and motion element C of 59.66 seconds. Keywords: Standard Time, Stopwatch Time Study, Work Syste

    Penerapan Model Antrian Multi Channel-Single Phase pada SPBU Sempu Jurong Cikarang Utara

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    SPBU Sempu Jurong provides 4 service facilities and two of them are service facilities for two-wheeled vehichles which have the most dominant queues compared to the entire queue of the existing system. The queue that occurs is due to the unbalance between the number of service facilities and the number of two-wheeled vehicle customers. This study aims to increase the level of service by knowing the number of service facilities and service time at optimal level at SPBU Sempu Jurong. In this study, the method used is the Multi Channel-Single Phase queuing model. The results of this research indicate that the addition of one facility line causes the service time required for SPBU Sempu Jurong for two-wheeled vehicle refueling services to be faster. Based on calculations using the Multi Channel-Single Phase model, it is obtained that the service time with 2 lines of service facilities is 0.291 minutes, while the optimal service time needed with 3 lines of facilities takes the longest of 0.027 minutes. This shows that it is optimal because the speed of time in service can be improved so that customer satisfaction of two-wheeled vehicles with services at SPBU Sempu Jurong Cikaran Utara can be achieved.SPBU Sempu Jurong menyediakan 4 fasilitas pelayanan dan dua diantaranya fasilitas pelayanan untuk kendaraan roda dua yang memiliki antrian paling mendominasi dibandingkan dengan antrian seluruh sistem yang ada. Antrian yang terjadi diakibatkan tidak seimbangnya jumlah fasilitas pelayanan dengan jumlah kedatangan pelanggan kendaraan roda dua. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan tingkat pelayanan dengan mengetahui jumlah fasilitas pelayanan dan waktu pelayanan yang optimal pada SPBU Sempu Jurong. Dalam penelitian ini, metode yang digunakan adalah model antrian Multi Channel Single Phase. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya penambahan satu jalur fasilitas menyebabkan waktu pelayanan yang diperlukan SPBU Sempu Jurong untuk pelayanan pengisian bahan bakar kendaraan roda dua menjadi lebih cepat.  Berdasarkan perhitungan dengan penerapa model Multi Channel-Single Phase diperoleh waktu pelayanan dengan 2 jalur fasilitas pelayanan yaitu sebesar 0,291 menit sedangkan waktu pelayanan optimal yang dibutuhkan dengan 3 jalur fasilitas paling lama membutuhkan waktu sebesar 0,027 menit. Hal ini menunjukkan sudah optimal karena kecepatan waktu dalam pelayanan dapat ditingkatkan sehingga kepuasan pelanggan kendaraan roda dua terhadap pelayanan di SPBU Sempu Jurong Cikarang Utara dapat tercapai

    Analisa Produktivitas Tenaga Kerja Terhadap Hasil Produksi Part BS-62632-60M00 Di PT. Putra Kemuning

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    Dalam suatu perusahaan, terdapat beberapa aspek yang dapat meningkatkan profit salah satunya yaitu produktivitas. Pengukuran produktivitas mampu memperbaiki produktivitas dimasa yang akan datang dengan memperhatikan perhitungan seluruh input bahan baku, energi, tenaga kerja hingga modal yang digunakan di suatu perusahaan untuk menunjukkan produktivitas dari produk yang dihasilkan. Secara umum konsep produktivitas adalah suatu perbandingan antara keluaran (output) dan masukan (input) persatuan waktu. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data observasi untuk mengamati hasil produksi dan jumlah tenaga kerja yang bekerja pada setiap harinya. Penelitian ini juga menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data dengan cara mewawancarai pihak-pihak perusahaan terutama pada bagian produksi di pt. Putra Kemuning. PT. Putra Kemuning adalah salah satu perusahaan manufaktur yang ada di Kabupaten Karawang yang bergerak dibidang stemping, assy welding, jig dan dies, automotive dan non automotive. Nilai produktifitas tenaga kerja di bagian produksi terhadap hasil produksi Bracket selama April sampai Juni 2021 di PT. Putra Kemuning sudah cukup baik karena didapat hasil perhitungan yang lebih dari 100% atau 1 (satu) di setiap bulannya. Sedangkan untuk nilai Produktivitas parsial tenaga kerja total selama setahun adalah 42,92% dengan nilai rata rata 14,2%. Dan seluruh faktor dikatakan produktif serta perusahaan tetap mendapatkan profit karena tidak ada nilai produktifitas dibawah 1 (satu)

    Identifikasi Risiko Keselamatan Pekerja Dengan Metode FMEA di Departemen Produksi PT. XYZ

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    This research was carried out because it is known that there are six potential work accidents that can occur production departments of PT. XYZ. PT XYZ, so it is necessary to identify employee safety risks to obtain the right solution to prevent the occurrence of work accidents, and the method chosen is failure mode and effect analysis. FMEA is a table-shaped identification tool that is useful for identifying errors, evaluating the effects of errors, and prioritizing errors. Data collection is carried out through observations, interviews, and discussions with employees in production departments of PT. XYZ. Accidents that are the main priority to resolve first are milling machine operators injured due to exposure to grams of iron that can result in delayed operator work because the accident has the largest RPN value of 210, with details of severity 6, occurrence 7, and detection 5. The conclusion of this study is that PT. XYZ, which does not provide self-protection equipment for workers in the production department, is the most prevalent cause of work accidents, so more attention should be paid to the procurement of protective equipment and requiring workers to wear it

    Case Study: Maintenance Proposal of Press Parts Production for Minimize Waste by Lean Manufacturing – Value Stream Mapping (VSM)

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    Abstract—Higher competition in businesslike field demanded each company acted as a value creator with progressive fixing performance. One of effort in increasing productivity was reducing waste. Enterprise T have seven type of extravagance were over production, transportation, inventory, over processing, motion waiting and defect. Minimize waste have bond with production time which could increase efficiency on using electricity and decreased lead time. Production process in this company showed non-value added time such as excessively material transportation in picking area and so the workers too much waited for the next schedule activity. This condition caused higher product lead time. Lean manufacturing idea necessary was implemented with using tool Value Stream Mapping – VSM. This strategy would resumed for the company maintenance and the result showed that lacking as much 26,45% of lead time could be a problem solution. Reducing lead time could be higher if the company have applied and played continue improvement.Keywords—lead time, lean manufacturing, value stream mapping

    Analisis Pengendalian Kualitas Presentase Olein RBDPL Utama Pada Proses Fraksinasi Di PT. Y Dengan Metode Statistical Quality Control

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    PT Y is one of the largest vegetable oil processor companies in Indonesia. In the process, palm oil processing produces 2 types of end products, namely RBDPS (Refined Bleached Deodorized Palm Sterin) and RBDPL (Refined Bleached Deodorized Palm Olein) which are the main results for cooking oil. This study aims to interpret the percentage data of RBDPL (yield) value using the Xbar – R control chart and analyze the 2 main divisions that play a role, namely Production and Quality Control, the cause of the non-conformity to the yield value that has been targeted by the company through fishbone diagrams. The results of this study indicate that the average RBDPL yield is only 55.92% while the company's target is 60% and the main causes of non-conformance are in humans, methods and machines. Keywords: RBDPL, Statistical Quality Control, Yield
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