9 research outputs found

    Obesitas (Kegemukan)

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    Orang gemuk (obese) cenderung meninggal lebih muda daripada orang kurus dan perbedaan ini sangat jelas pada orang yang sangat gemuk. Hal tersebut berhubungan dengan efek tidak langsung obesitas melalui penyakit yang sering berkaitan dengannya seperti : hipertensi, diabetes mellitus, hiperlipidemia, penyakit jantung koroner. Selain itu obesitas menimbulkan masalah kesehatan lainnya seperti : penyakit hepar, batu empedu, stroke, komplikasi selama kehamilan, sebagai faktor resiko pada tindakan pembedahan, penyakit persendian dan sebagainya. Konsekuensi psikologis dan sosial juga penting dalam hal: kontak sosial, mencari pekerjaan, membeli pakaian jadi dan sebagainya.Di Amenka Serikat, prevalensi obesitas meningkat cepat pada mereka yang berusia lebih/setelah 25 tahun dan pada usia 50-59 tahun lebih kurang sepertiga kaum pria dan setengah kaum wanita berat badannya lebih dan 20 % berat badan normal. Mereka menyadari obesitas dapat menimbulkan masalah cukup serius sehingga bersedia mengeluarkan berjuta-juta dolar untuk mencari jalan mudah untuk menurunkan kelebihan berat badannya.Motivasi tersebut menjadi sasaran empuk bagi pengusaha yang jeli untuk menyediakan makanan rendah kalori, minuman pelangsing atau pencegah kegemukan. Tawaran lain berupa peralatan olah raga/fitness, instrumen listrik penghancur lemak untuk membentuk postur tubuh ideal terutama untuk ibu-ibu dan tidak ketinggalan jamu-jamu maupun obat-obat patent. Kecenderungan tersebut juga mulai nampak di negara kita, hal tersebut dapat kita ketahui dari iklan-iklan yang menawarkan produk maupun jasa yang berkaitan dengan masalah obesitas.Usaha-USAha tersebut sering kali tidak berhasil terutama pada obesitas yang terjadi sejak kanak-kanak dan menimbulkan frustasi karena kurang mengetahui masalah obesitas secara benar

    Pengaruh Ukuran Manset Terhadap Hasil Pengukuran Tekanan Darah

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    Correct blood pressure measurements are essential to diagnosing and treating high blood pressure. Several factors influence blood pressure measurements and the factor which is often neglected by the medical professionals is the cuff size inappropriate to the arm size of the patient.  Public assumes adult cuff in ordinary sphygmomanometer according to measure blood pressure in all people. This research evaluated the effect of adult cuff size and 8-9 cuff size for children on blood pressure measurement of 30 children 8-10 years old. The research was an analytic survey. Data measured in the form of systolic pressure and diastolic pressure in set of mmHg.  The result of the experiment, the average of systole blood pressure using adult cuff size was 89.9 mmHg and using 8-9 cm cuff was 104.1 mmHg. While the average of diastole using adult cuff size  was 58 mmHg and using 8-9 cm cuff was 68 mmHg. Analysis data shows that measurement of systole and diastole blood pressure using adult  cuff will  gives lower blood pressure result than 8-9 cm cuff (p<0.0001). Conclusion is cuff size influences the result of blood pressure measurement, measurement of blood pressure using larger cuff will gives lower blood pressure result

    Hypnotic Effect of Ethanol Extract of Swamp Cabbage (Ipomoea Aquatica FORSK.) in Male Swiss Webster Mice Induced by Phenobarbital

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    Introduction: Medicinal plants are often used by community because of all natural, safe and relatively few side effects. Medicinal plants commonly used by Indonesian are swamp cabbage as it potentially generates hypnotic effect and in overcoming the problem of sleep disorders.Objectives: to assess whether the swamp cabbage, have a hypnotic effect with the parameter of time to sleep and sleep duration in the Swiss Webster male mice induced phenobarbital.Methods: This study was based on real experimental using comparatively Completely Randomized Design. Thirty male mice were divided into 5 the group which is given ethanol extract of swamp cabbage 2000 mg /kg bw, 4000 mg /kg bw, 8000 mg /kg bw, comparator (diazepam), and controls (CMC 1% suspension). The measured data is time to sleep and sleep duration in minutes. Analysis of data using one-way test ANOVA followed by Tukey HSD test with α = 0.05, significance based on p ≤ 0.05, using a computer program.Results: The fastest time to sleep is in the group given dose of 8000 mg /kg bw which was 17 minutes followed by the dose of 4000 mg /kg bw and the 2000 mg /kg bw are 24 minutes and 32.3 minutes, respectively. The sleep onset results is in the group given dose of 8000 mg/kg bw and 4000 mg/kg bw are differently significant compared to CMC 1% suspension group with p=0,001 and 0,032, respectively. The longest sleep duration is in the group given dose of 8000 mg /kg bw which is 211.5 minutes followed by the dose of 4000 mg /kg bw and 2000 mg /kg bw are 197 minutes and 157.2 minutes, respectively. The sleep duration results is in the group given dose of 8000 mg/kg bw is differently significant compared to CMC 1% suspension group with p=0,020.Conclusion: Swamp cabbage hasten time to sleep and prolong sleep duration

    Pengaruh Kenaikan Kadar Glukosa Darah Terhadap Peningkatan Daya Ingat Jangka Pendek Pada Wanita Dewasa

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    In Indonesia most people starts their days with eating breakfast.  However, there are still many who do not realize the importance of starting a day with breakfast. Many research suggest that having breakfast can improve short term memory. After breakfast, blood glucose level will raise. It is assumed that glucose plays an important role in improving memory. The purpose of this research is to  find the effect of raised blood glucose level in improving short term memory. In this research Real Prospective Experimental Method and Random Complete Design were used. 30 FK UKM third year female student have been studied, their age range between 19-23 years old, and they were given porridge for breakfast. Blood glucose level was measured before breakfast and 30, 60, 90 minutes afterwards. Short term memory was tested with memory test before breakfast and three times after breakfast. Data was analyzed to analyze the correlation between blood glucose and memory. There are significant increase of blood glucose and memory after breakfast and there is a significant corelation between raised blood glucose and memory. The conclusion is breakfast may improve memory and the raised of blood glucose level matched with the improvement of memory. &nbsp

    Signals in the Soil: An Introduction to Wireless Underground Communications

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    In this chapter, wireless underground (UG) communications are introduced. A detailed overview of WUC is given. A comprehensive review of research challenges in WUC is presented. The evolution of underground wireless is also discussed. Moreover, different component of UG communications is wireless. The WUC system architecture is explained with a detailed discussion of the anatomy of an underground mote. The examples of UG wireless communication systems are explored. Furthermore, the differences of UG wireless and over-the-air wireless are debated. Different types of wireless underground channel (e.g., In-Soil, Soil-to-Air, and Air-to-Soil) are reported as well