46 research outputs found

    Analisis Kinerja Usahatani Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit Rakyat melalui Pola Kemitraan di Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah

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    There are three models of partnership in the development of smallholders plantation of palm oil in Center of Kalimantan Province, those are: (1) inti-plasma model that is managed by cooperative; (2) inti-plasma model that is managed by company; (3) inti-plasma model that is managed by individual farmers. This research aims to find the best partnership model amongst them. This research has been done in Kotawaringin Barat District for the first and the third type of models and in Katingan District for the second type. Collecting data and informations was done by Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and interviewed to the farmer respondents. A random sampling of 30 farmers was chosen for the first and the second models. For the second model, all of the farmers who follow the program as many as 20 farmers was chosen as this research respondent. The research found that the first type of those models is the best amongst of the partnership models because of following reasons: (1) highest productivity, about 20 tonnes FFB/ha/year; (2) highest farmer income about Rp 15,682,711/ha/year; (3) business risks are shared by all of the cooperative members; (4) there is guarantee of the input supply and marketing of farming yied from company as a business partner; (5) farmers have some opportunities to increase their household income as company workers or through the other activities. This research recommends to the Government of Kalimantan Tengah Province to oblige the plantation companies to implement an inti-palsma partnership model that is managed by cooperative for whom obligation to develop about 20% of their plantation area for smallholders

    Model Formulasi Strategi Peningkatan Mutu Dan Relevansi Pendidikan Teknologi Dan Kejuruan

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    Era modern membuktikan bahwa antara Perguruan Tinggi (PT) dengan Perusahaan terdapat banyak kesamaan, antara lain sama-sama memiliki pelanggan, memroses dan menghasilkan produk/jasa, mengelola SDM, keuangan, dan pelanggan. Berdasarkan kesamaan yang ada PT harus memiliki manajemen yang kuat layaknya Perusahaan. Diberlakukannya sistem manajemen PT berbasis Strategic Bussiness Unit (SBU), setiap Jurusan, bahkan Program Studi dituntut memiliki perencanaan strategis (renstra). Dalam upaya meningkatkan mutu dan relevansi lulusan, PTK dituntut memiliki renstra yang efektif dan efisien. Berdasarkan penelitian awal diketahui bahwa Tim renstra di beberapa PT mengalami kesulitan dalam menyusun renstra. Hal ini disebabkan oleh banyak faktor, diantaranya adalah kurangnya pemahaman tentang konsep dan metode yang digunakan untuk menyusun renstra. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan formulasi strategi untuk PTK menggunakan integrasi SWOT kuantitatif dan kualitatif agar diperoleh renstra efektif. Obyek dalam penelitian ini adalah Jurusan Pendidikan Teknologi dan Kejuruan Prodi PTM dan PTB FKIP UNS. Subyek penelitian adalah Tim Peneliti, Tim Perumus Renstra, Pimpinan Prodi dan Jurusan, serta stakeholder terkait. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa memformulasi strategi merupakan pekerjaan yang membutuhkan perhatian serius. Hal ini mengingat PT memiliki lingkungan internal dan eksternal yang tak terbatas sehingga memerlukan perhatian khusus dalam melakukan analisis lingkungan. Dengan melakukan integrasi analisis SWOT kuantiatif dan kualitatif diperoleh rumusan strategi yang efektif


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    Infeksi Saluran Pernapsan Akut (ISPA) di Indoneisia merupakan negara dengan kasus ISPA yang tinggi pada kelompok bayi dan balita hingga dapat menyebabkan kematian. Komponen  fisik lingkungan rumah merupakan salah satu faktor penting yang memberikan dampak besar terhadap status kesehatan bagi penghuni rumah sehingga persyaratan kesehatan sangat diperlukan, karena pembangunan berpengaruh sangat besar terhadap peningkatan derajat kesehatan. Pada Puskesmas Wawonasa tercatat penyakit ISPA pada tahun 2018 sebanyak 2.781 orang. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah untuk menganalisis hubungan antara kondisi fisik lingkungan rumah dengan kejadian ISPA pada balita di wilayah kerja Puskemas Wawonasa Kota Manado. Desain yang digunakan dalam Penelitian ini yaitu  survei analitik  dengan rancangan cross sectional. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada bulan Februari 2019 di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Wawonasa Kota Manado dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 73 balita berusia 0-5 tahun menggunakan perhitungan rumus Lemeshow. Instrument yang digundan yaitu kuesioner, pedoman observasi, rollmeter, luxmeter, thermo hygrometer, dan alat tulis dengan analisis univariat dan bivariat. Untuk mendapatkan hasil apakah ada hubungan antara variabel yang diteliti maka yang digunakan yaitu uji chi square dengan tingkat kepercayaan 95% (α = 0,05). Hail uji chi square menunjukan bahwa nilai p untuk ventilasi p= 0,028, Pencahayaan alami p=0,001, Kelembapan p=0,011, Jenis lantai p=0,003, Kepadatan Hunian p=0,010 <α = 0,05 artinya terdapat hubungan antara ventilasi, pencahayaan alami, kelembapan, jenis lantai, kepadatan hunian dengan kejadian Ispa pada balita di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Wawonasa. Dan pada dinding dan atap tidak terdapat hubungan dengan kejadian ispa di wilayah kerja  Puskemas Wawonasa yaitu dengan nilai p=0,268 dan p=0,612. Kata Kunci:Ventilasi, Pencahayaan Alami, Kelemapan, Lantai, Dinding, Atap, Kepadatan Hunian, ISPA, Balita. ABSTRACTAcute Respiratory Infection (ARI) in Indonesia, it is considered as a country with significant number of acute respiratory  infection on toddler groups wich can lead to death. Physical condition components of home environment act as an important factor which enormously influences the health of householders. Thus, health standard is required since development vastly improves health status. At wonasa Community Health Centre, 2.781 people were recorded to suffer from Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) in 2018. This study aims to analyze the association between home physical environment and Acute Respiratory Infection occurrences on toddlers at Wawonasa Community Health  Centre Workplace in Manado. Survey analytics with cross sectional design is employed in this research. Sample collecting was carried out in February 2019 at Wawonasa Community Health Centre workplace In Manado with the total of 73 toddlers  aged 0-5 years old using Lemeshow formula. Research instruments used are questionnaires, observation, guidelines, rollmeter, luxmeter, thermohygrometer, and stationary with univariate and bivariate analysis. In order to attain findings whether there is an association between examined variables, therefore, Chi-square test is used with accuary level at 95% (α = 0.05). Chi square test outcomes indicate that p value for ventilation p= 0.028, natural lightning o= 0.001, humidity p = 0.011, flooring p= 0.003, occupancy density p= 0.010 < α = 0.05, meaning that there are relations between ventilation, natural lightning, humidity, flooring, and occupancy density and the occurrence of Acute Respiratory Infection at Wawonasa Community Health Centre. Meanwhile, regarding walls and roof there is no association with Acute Respiratory Infection incident at Wawonasa Community Health Centre with the value of p=0.268 and p=0.612. Key Words: Ventilation, Natural Lightning, Humidty, Flooring,Wall, Roof, Occupancy Densit, ARI, Toddler

    Keragaan Produksi dan Pendapatan Petani Kakao Penerap Pengendalian Hama Terpadu (PHT) dan Non Pengendalian Hama Terpadu (PHT) (Studi Kasus di Desa Ataku Kecamatan Andoolo Kabupaten Konawe Selatan)

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    This research aimed was to know The performance of production between cocoa farmers of adopter Integrated Pest Management and non Integrated Pest Management, and The performance of income production between cocoa farmers of adopt Integrated Pest Management and non Integrated Pest Management in the Ataku village, AndooloSub District, South Konawe District. This research was conducted from January to April 2018. The number of cocoa farmers population was in this research to the initial survey was 115 people. The population was grouped into 2 kinds, namely the farmers who adopterIntegrated Pest Management 65 people and farmer of non Integrated Pest Management about 50 people. The number of the sample as determined using proportional stratified random sampling method. The number of samples was determined using Slovin formula, so total samples number were 53 peoples, consist 30 peoples of a cocoa farmer who adopt Integrated Pest Management and 23 peoples of a cocoa farmer who didn\u27t adopt Integrated Pest Management. The result of the research showed that production performance was indicated by the average, production of cocoa farmers who adopt Integrated Pest Management was greater than a cocoa farmer who didn\u27t adopt Integrated Pest Management. The results of the analysis indicated that there was different of production between the farmer who adopts Integrated Pest Management was greater than a cocoa farmer who did not adopt Integrated Pest Management. The revenue performance was indicated by the average income of cocoa farmer who adopts Integrated Pest Management was greater than a cocoa farmer who did not adopt Integrated Pest Management. The result of the analysis shows that there was different of income between the farmer who adopts Integrated Pest Management was greater than a cocoa farmer who did not adopt Integrated Pest Management

    Pengaruh Jenis Paduan Mikro Fe-cr Hasil Metode Ultrasonik Pada Pembentukan Bongkah Paduan Fe-cr Melalui Sintering Dua Tahap

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    PENGARUH JENIS PADUAN MIKRO Fe-Cr HASIL METODE ULTRASONIK PADA PEMBENTUKAN BONGKAH PADUAN Fe-Cr MELALUI SINTERING DUA TAHAP. Fe-Cr adalah paduan yang memiliki ketahanan pada suhu tinggi dan potensial digunakan sebagai interkonek pada sel bakar Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC). Pada penelitian ini telah dilakukan sintesis bongkah paduan Fe-Cr dengan menggunakan serbuk paduan mikro Fe-Cr hasil sintesis dengan metode ultrasonik. Metode ultrasonik dimanfaatkan untuk sintesis paduan mikro Fe-Cr melalui penggunaan gelombang suara ultrasonik. Langkah yang dilakukan adalah konsolidasi partikel paduan mikro Fe-Cr melalui kompaksi tanpa lubrikan, kemudian dalam kapsul kaca kuarsa dilakukan proses sintering sampai 1000 oC selama 1 jam, lalu dilanjutkan sintering hingga 1300 oC selama 2 jam, lalu didinginkan dalam tungku. Karakterisasi struktur mikro dilakukan dengan Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (SEM-EDS), X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) disertai analisis dengan metode Rietveld dan pengukuran densitas sesungguhnya. Partikel paduan mikro Fe-Cr seutuhnya lebih stabil dan konsisten dalam pembentukan fasa bongkah paduan Fe-Cr melalui sintering bertahap. Diperoleh bongkah paduan Fe-Cr homogen tanpa oksida