16 research outputs found

    Review of Research in Veterinary Parasitology in the Research Institute for Veterinary Science (Rivs) Since 1983

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    Studies on gastrointestinal parasites and the epidemiology and pathogenesis of blood protozoa in ruminants have been undertaken during the last few years. An abattoir survey for a period of one year showed that most large ruminants slaughtered in the Bogor abattoir were infected with nematodes, about half with trematodes and few with blood parasites. Worm infections were also common in small ruminants but none were infected with blood protozoa. Some field studies on Fasciola infection in large ruminants showed that these animals were susceptible to the disease. The seasonal prevalence of fascioliasis is not yet fully determined; management systems and the local geography play an important role. Most anthelmintics were effective against worm infection in large and small ruminants. A new flukicide (triclabendazole) is highly effective against both immature and mature liver flukes. Studies on the epidemiology and pathogenesis of trypanosomiasis in cattle and buffalo have been conducted since 1982. The results indicate that T. evansi is prevalent in five regions in Java; the prevalence rates are higher in Sahiwal and Belmont Red than Ongole cattle or buffalo. ELISA values increase with increasing age of the animals. Buffaloes are more susceptible than cattle. Naganol is the drug of choice for control of trypanosomiasis in Indonesia

    Pemberdayaan Masyarakat di Bidang Kesehatan dalam Pelaksanaan Otonomi Daerah di Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat

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    Due the health decentralization's management, the district government hould be able is hopped to arangge and to develope the health system that fit to the local condition. The main issues of the health development in the decentralization's management, is the district government can implement to mobilize the potential source in the work's area to be participate in the health development, and the final result is hopped community improvement to solve the their health problem. To solve this problem, explorative study on community impoverment and partnership had been conducted which explored the fact in the field of study. The result showed that: 1. The "District Health Committe" development, which was written in the documentation of Health Desentralization Strategy, formally hasn't formed yet in East and West Lombok District. 2. The embrio of District Health Commitee has been developed in East Lombok District, namely the "Healty Coalitation of East Lombok" which it's the members consists of the association of Community Self Institution (LSM) in district level. 3. "Healthy Area Forum" which has task to develop health area has been established in West Lombok District but it still has boundary in sub-district. It was running well since its has cooperated between the community leader, district government, private enterprise, and NGO in the local area. 4. Unfortenetly, the partnership prinsciples has not been implemented to run the cooperation betwen community organization and Health District. To assure the continuing of activities, the study suggested to develop a guidence to facilitate the establisment of District Health Committe. It will lead planning construction, action, supervision, accountability monitoring of district health system development

    Elastomer Termoplastik Sebagaiaditif Peningkat Viskositas Pelumas Mineral

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    ELASTOMER TERMOPLASTIK SEBAGAIADITIF PENINGKAT VISKOSITAS PELUMAS MINERAL. Penggunaan elastomer termoplastik (ETP) sebagai aditif peningkat viskositas minyak mineral berindeks viskositas tinggi (HVI) telah dilakukan. Sebagai bahan elastomer termoplastik digunakan kopolimer radiasi lateks karet alam-metil metakrilat (LKA-MMA). Bahan ETP dilarutkan dalamminyak lumas dasar HVI dengan variasi suhu dan pelarut. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pelarutan langsung memerlukan suhu 80 oC dan waktu 12 jam. Penggunaan xilena sebagai pelarut antara, mengefisienkan metode pelarutan karena tidak diperlukan pemanasan dan waktu pelarutan lebih pendek. Koefisien viskositas kinematik dan indeks viskositas dari minyak lumas mineral yang mengandung xilena tidak berbeda secara signifikan dibandingkan minyak lumas yang tidak menggunakan xilena sebagai pelarut antara. Maksimum pelarutan ETP pada minyak lumas mineral adalah 10 % tanpa pelarut antara

    Pandangan Tentang Kehamilan - Persalinan dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Persalinan oleh Tenaga Kesehatan/bidan di Dua Puskesmas Kabupaten Jember

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    This paper describes perceptions on pregnancy - delivery and to infuence on delivery assistant in Jember. Data were collected using focus group discussion and interview with pregnant women, breast-feeding women, husbands and parents or parents in law of pregnant women, informal leaders, and health status. Pregnant women complaints, antenatal care, perception on normal pregnancy influence by socio-economic-cultural and etno-obstetri determined delivery assistant. Closeness to family, relatively cheap tariff, longer pasca delivery treatment and the same outcome of living infant were reasons for selection of traditional birth attendants. Midwife assistant was needed for un-normal delivery or complicated delivery. Fulfill the needs, better budgeting management of free treatment for poors, qualified antenatal care with minimally K4 (Presentation 4 times during pregnancy), CIE (Communication Infomafion Education) on safe delivery and pregnant women nutrition, people empowerment, and also timely pregnant-women referral may cause reduce maternal and infant death

    Reliable preservation methods of mitochondrial DNA analysis for larvae and adult flies of Chrysomya bezziana (Diptera: Calliphoridae).

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    The Old World Screwworm fly, Chrysomya bezziana is known as a myiasis agent in Indonesia. The aim of the study is to establish a reliable preservation methods for molecular analysis of insect. Cytochrom b (CB) and Cytochrome Oxidase sub unit I (COI) of mitochondrial DNA were used as markers. Drying method was used to preserve adult flies, while the larvae were kept in 10% formalin and 80% ethanol with or without soaked using hot water prior preservation. Two samples of each preservation were tested. Four primers were used to amplify samples using Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). The PCR product were then purified and sequenced. Sequence data analysis of all samples suggested no differences between all preservation methods except using 10% formalin. Preservation samples using 10% formalin is not suitable for collecting mitochondrial DNA of insect. The best methods was using 80% ethanol with killed using hot water prior preservation. This method was able to extract a stabile mitochondrial DNA.   Key words: Chrysomya bezziana, preservation, formalin, ethanol, mitochondrial DN

    Improvement of Public Awareness on Fasciolosis as Zoonosis Disease

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    Fasciolosis is commonly suffered by the ruminants such as cattle and buffaloes, and as one of the most important parasitic disease . The prevalence of fasciolosis in ruminants is related to the contaminated feedstuff and water supply with metacercariae, the infective larvae of trematode genus Fasciola spp ., such as Fasciola gigantica and F. hepatica. In Indonesia, the prevalence of this disease in ruminants could be up to 90%, and there is no case report on human being . However, the occurrence of this disease in human should be anticipated, since many cases have been reported in human in the other countries, such as South America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and South East Asia (Thailand and Vietnam), as "Food-borne infection" and as one of the most important issues in public health . Ironically, the farmers and the extension agents in Indonesia do not aware on the danger of this disease neither to the animals nor to human, so they also do not care on how to prevent and control the disease. This phenomenon appears maybe because fasciolosis is a chronic disease without any significant clinical signs and quite difficult to be detected . Thus, it is very important to improve the public awareness on fasciolosis both in ruminants and its possibility in human being . The endemic areas can be defined by epidemiological surveillance using accurate early diagnostic test, so that strategic and sustainable fasciolosis control in the endemic areas could be implemented . This program will be succeeded if there is strong integrated collaboration among the farmers, the extension agents, the researchers and the decision makers in the related departments . Key words : Fasciolosis, zoonosis, public awarenes

    Extension program on the control of bovine fasciolosis in West Java, Indonesia

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    An extension program to control fasciolosis in cattle and buffalo was undertaken in collaboration with officers of the District of Livestock Services (DLS) and farmer organizations in the Surade district of West Java. Control strategies were based on results of extensive epidemiological studies on fasciolosis in this area over the past 4 years. Recommendations included: (1) preventing animals grazing harvested rice fields adjacent to a village or cattle pen; (2) feeding stock only the top two-thirds of freshly cut rice stalks; (3) mixing cattle or buffalo faeces with manure of ducks or chicken naturally infected with Echinostoma revolutum, before using them as fertilizer in rice fields; and (4) a single treatment with triclabendazole in July, about 6 weeks after harvest of the last seasonal rice crop. Farmers were surveyed in January 1996 to determine their level of knowledge about fasciolosis. The extension program commenced in February, soon after planting the second seasonal rice crop in four villages. At first, leaflets were distributed to farmers, and posters were displayed in each village to provide basic information. Following discussions with village leaders, groups of farmers met in each village to discuss the advantages they saw in each strategy, ways they could implement them, and to identify socio-economic constraints that needed to be overcome. Taped interviews were prepared for a local radio station and the farmer groups. In August, final survey was conducted to determine the change in knowledge and attitudes that had occurred as a result of the extension program. Bennett’s hierarchy was used at each stage to evaluate the effects of inputs and activities. Farmers adopted the techniques of cutting and feeding rice-stems 2/3 above water-level, and isolating cattle from rice-fields during harvest time, as these appeared to be beneficial in social and economic terms; but they rejected the two other practices where they perceived that socio-economic costs exceededbenefits.   Key words : Fasciolosis control, extension program, cattle, buffal

    Evaluation of domestic wastewater and river management in Belian Village, Batam City Sub-district, Indonesia

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    Domestic wastewater management is one indicator of sustainable development achievement. Belian Village in Batam City, Indonesia, needs to be evaluated because it has the potential to disrupt environmental conditions. The purpose of this research is to determine the current conditions and make recommendations for domestic wastewater management solutions in Belian Village, Batam City. This study was carried out through direct observation, documentation of activities, and literature searches. From 2014 to 2020, increased access to drinking water and sanitation in Batam City was measured. Despite the increase, it is still observed in Belian Village that wastewater is discharged directly into river bodies. The river's quality will deteriorate as a result of this. To mitigate the negative effects of these activities, communal processing solutions can be implemented. By considering operation and maintenance, an up-flow filter tank can be used for wastewater treatment


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    Studies on gastrointestinal parasites and the epidemiology and pathogenesis of blood protozoa in ruminants have been undertaken during the last few years. An abattoir survey for a period of one year showed that most large ruminants slaughtered in the Bogor abattoir were infected with nematodes, about half with trematodes and few with blood parasites. Worm infections were also common in small ruminants but none were infected with blood protozoa. Some field studies on Fasciola infection in large ruminants showed that these animals were susceptible to the disease. The seasonal prevalence of fascioliasis is not yet fully determined; management systems and the local geography play an important role. Most anthelmintics were effective against worm infection in large and small ruminants. A new flukicide (triclabendazole) is highly effective against both immature and mature liver flukes. Studies on the epidemiology and pathogenesis of trypanosomiasis in cattle and buffalo have been conducted since 1982. The results indicate that T. evansi is prevalent in five regions in Java; the prevalence rates are higher in Sahiwal and Belmont Red than Ongole cattle or buffalo. ELISA values increase with increasing age of the animals. Buffaloes are more susceptible than cattle. Naganol is the drug of choice for control of trypanosomiasis in Indonesia

    The immune responses on cattle and buffaloes infected with Fasciola gigantica before and after treatment

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    The immune responses of cattle and buffaloes against the infection of liver flukes Fasciola gigantica were observed by ELISA. Six cattle and 6 buffaloes were infected orally with 700 metacercariae of F. gigantica, 2 cattle and 2 buffaloes were remained uninfected as control animals. Serum blood samples were collected weekly and the antibody levels were monitored before and after treatment. The results showed that the antibody level on cattle increased after 2 weeks post-infection, then gradually increased until reaching the peak at II weeks after infection. In the contrary, the antibody level on buffaloes appeared slower than on cattle, it increased after 13 weeks of infection and reach the peak at 25 weeks after infection. When the antibodylevels reach the peak, both groups of infected animals were treated with triclabendazole. After treatment, the antibody level oncattle was immediately decreased at one week of treatment, and gradually decreased up to the lowest antibody level at 7 weeks after treatment. The response of the treatment on buffaloes showed almost similar pattern, the antibody level decreased after one week of treatment, then remained constant for about 4 weeks, and reach the lowest antibody level at 7 weeks after treatment. It is concluded that the immune responses against the infection of F. gigantica in cattle and buffaloes are different, but the response of the treatment with triclabendazole are similar