17 research outputs found


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    The majority of residents of Humbang Hasudutan Regency are farmers, whose routine is different from the ASN routine. Based on environmental culture, the perspective of motivation on employees and the comfort of the work environment is certainly different. Based on this phenomenon, this study aims to analyze the motivation and work environment on the performance of ASN in the Disdukcapil environment of Humbang Hasundutan Regency. This type of research is a causative research with a population of 65 people and with a saturated sampling method. Data analysis through several preliminary stages, classical assumption test, equation analysis, and hypothesis testing with t test and F test. Instruments with 24 questions to measure work motivation, work environment and employee performance have been declared valid and reliable. After going through statistical tests, it shows that motivation and work environment have a positive and significant effect on the performance of ASN Disdukcapil Humbang Hasundutan both simultaneously and partially. However, to optimize the performance of civil servants, it is necessary to explore other factors so that the performance of Disdukcapil Humbang Hasundutan Regency reaches a very good category. Adjustment of local culture also needs to be adjusted to the needs and habits of ASN Disdukcapil Humbang Hasundutan. Keywords: motivation, work environment, performance of civil servants, hasundutan, regressio


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    Dalam rangka meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan khusunya di sebuah sekolah, adalah dengan menyelenggarakan berbagai kegiatan, diantaranya adalah workshop. Dengan adanya workshop tersebut akan berdampak pada peningkatan kompetensi para guru yang pada akhirnya akan mempengaruhi kualitas pengajaran di dalam kelas dengan berbagai model pembelajaran yang menyenangkan Beberapa hal yang dapat dilakukan adalah merubah maindset tentang cara berfikir tentang penekanan-penekatan pada para peserta didik dalam proses belajar mengajar di sekolah. Penekanan pada perserta didik sesuai dengan minat dan bakat yang dapat dilihat dari perilaku pserta didik masing-masing. Selain itu juga dapat diciptakan lingkungan belajar yang positif yaitu lingkungan sekolah yang nyaman dan menyenangkan. Menciptakan lingkungan yang nyaman dan menyenangkan tersebut akan memberikan ruang kepada peserta didik lebih interaktif, kretif dan inovatif. Hal lainnya yang tidak dapat dilupakan adalah adanya peran orang tua maupun pihak eksternal (dunia luar sekolah) dalam penetapan kurikulum pembelajaran. Karena hal tersebut akan memberikan warna tersediri bagi SMK Esa Prakarsa dalan pelaksanaan kegiatan pendidikan yang lebih berkualitas kedepannya.. Kata kunci : Workshop, Karakter, Mindset change

    Implementation of Environmental Cleanliness Program through the Role of the Community in Pematang Siantar City

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    Pematang Siantar, as a transit city to Parapat Tourist Destination, plays a crucial role in waste management efforts. The city government has successfully implemented cleanliness programs, as evidenced by the Adipura award received by Pematang Siantar. This research was conducted in the city, with purposive sampling selecting three neighborhoods: Suka Maju, Dwikora, and Suka Dame. Descriptive analysis was used with a sample size of approximately 10-35% of the population, and the Spearman rank correlation test was employed to determine the relationship between the community's role in the Environmental Cleanliness program. The aim is to compare the implementation of environmental cleanliness programs through community participation in these three locations. Factors such as Idealized policy, Target groups, Implementing organization, and Environmental factors, as well as community characteristics such as age, income, number of family members, and length of residence, will be evaluated in relation to the level of community involvement. The research results are expected to provide insights for local governments and communities to actively participate in the Environmental Cleanliness program in Pematang Siantar. With a focus on three out of six districts, namely Siantar Barat, Siantar Utara, and Siantar Marihat, this study highlights the importance of community education, income, and trust levels in the context of community roles. Suka Maju, with higher education and income levels, demonstrates a greater role compared to Suka Dame and Dwikora. An effective waste disposal system, involving monitored waste collection, is considered crucial for maintaining environmental quality and extending landfill usage

    Slum Area Improvement Program Based on Social Categories in Binjai City

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    This research aims to identify the socio-economic characteristics of the community in the Binjai Kota District, especially in the Kartini Region. It involves categorizing areas based on social and economic categories within slum areas and formulating appropriate handling strategies. The research methodology used is the SWOT Model with a descriptive and qualitative approach. Purposive sampling is employed for sample selection and informant determination. Overall, the socio-economic category of the community in the slum area tends to show low levels, as manifested in the majority having elementary school education, the dominance of laborers and farmers in the job sector, and low income levels, including land ownership with limited legality. However, there are some socio-economic categories that indicate better conditions, such as the productive age of household heads, housing density in accordance with standards, sanitation and clean water availability, and building ownership. Considering these findings, the slum area improvement program based on social categories proposed in this research should focus on strategies involving the implementation of development missions, community skill enhancement, sanitation preservation, building maintenance, and the development of non-governmental organizations. It should also encompass community empowerment, job diversification, cooperation for land ownership legality, drainage improvement, community awareness enhancement, and holistic assistance. This involves the government in the implementation of environmental cleanliness programs, collaboration between the government, regional authorities, and the community, as well as the maintenance of public facilities, improvement of community institutions, involvement of regional government within budget constraints, and collaboration between the government and the community in area arrangement

    Model for Determining Follow-up Actions in Slum Areas in North Sumatra: Case Study in Tebing Tinggi City

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    Even in various cities, inadequately habitable residential areas tend to become slums and no longer meet the standards of a healthy residential environment. This study utilizes descriptive analysis and multiple linear regression analysis with a total of 100 respondents. The Slum Environment Follow-up Determination Model shows the results of the settlement conditions in Tebing Tinggi City, where many people live in unsuitable places, with damaged or inadequate building structures, high housing density, and wooden buildings. As a result, they are vulnerable to fire hazards. Additionally, there is a lack of clean water services, drainage facilities, household waste disposal, waste management, and poor environmental road quality (many roads lack upper pavement or are dirt roads), as well as inadequate street lighting. The low levels of education and income indicate a low socioeconomic status in the slum areas of Tebing Tinggi City. Factors such as Building Density Level (BDL), Environmental Drainage, income, and education collectively significantly influence people's decisions to live in slum environments. However, factors such as Building Density Level (BDL), Environmental Drainage, income, and education partially influence people's decisions to live in slum environments. The pattern of community participation in tackling slum areas remains the same, with an average of 57% not participating in decision-making, implementation, achievement, and program result evaluation

    Planning With ‘Three-World Structures’: A Comparative Study of Settlements in Mountain Villages

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    Mountain peoples’ basic understanding of the world is based on binary space concepts such as top-down, left-right, east-west, sacred-profane, and others, which form a threefold division structure that places people in the middle of their environment. Mountain settlements in several places in Indonesia that still emphasize this primitive understanding or classification are interesting to study in terms of their similarities and differences. This study aimed to compare three cases of settlements, namely Singengu Mandailing village in North Sumatra, Tenganan village in Bali, and Kampung Naga in West Java in terms of their understanding of binary space concepts that constitute this threefold division structure and their application in the planning of the community’s living environment. This study is a theoretical dialogue between the concept of binary space (bincar-bonom) in Singengu Mandailing village and two other local concepts that are similar, namely kangin-kauh (sunrise-sunset) in Tenganan village and timur-barat (east-west) in Kampung Naga. This qualitative study used data from the literature and the analysis was carried out following a qualitative descriptive research procedure. Based on previous research, each case has its own data, which the authors used to uncover differences and similarities in the binary space concepts from the three study cases. The authors employed a spatial matrix image to depict the position of each settlement element in the three cases, allowing the similarities and differences to be seen. The findings of the study show that Tenganan, Kampung Naga, and Singengu Mandailing have striking similarities in terms of addressing the middle point, namely as an axis or axis point. The difference lies in the filler elements and their value. The mountain village of Bali interprets the sacred-profane binary concept similarly to the mountain village of Mandailing, except in terms of the direction of sunrise-sunset. The settlement arrangement of Tenganan Pageringsingan village at the macro, meso, and micro scales defines the direction of the sunrise and sunset as a profane direction, whereas in Singengu village, the direction of the sunrise is a sacred direction and the direction of the sunset is a profane direction. As for the Singengu and the Naga communities, they understand the middle point to be related to the direction of the sunrise and sunset in opposite directions, so there are differences in treating certain artifacts, especially cemeteries. The binary space that influences the process of forming rural settlements in the mountains can be: (1) the physical setting due to natural/geographical conditions, (2) the cosmology and belief systems adhered to, and (3) the people’s socio-cultural life. Rural settlements in the mountains can also be said to emphasize the natural aspect of the mountains with all of their spatial shaping potential. The study’s findings further show that the local people’s understanding of their living space patterns has been carried over from previous generations to the present day. This suggests that settlement planning for local communities, particularly in mountainous areas where hereditary beliefs still exist, must be approached in a specific way. In future planning projects, different locations require different planning approaches

    Planning With ‘Three-World Structures’: A Comparative Study of Settlements in Mountain Villages

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    Mountain peoples’ basic understanding of the world is based on binary space concepts such as top-down, left-right, east-west, sacred-profane, and others, which form a threefold division structure that places people in the middle of their environment. Mountain settlements in several places in Indonesia that still emphasize this primitive understanding or classification are interesting to study in terms of their similarities and differences. This study aimed to compare three cases of settlements, namely Singengu Mandailing village in North Sumatra, Tenganan village in Bali, and Kampung Naga in West Java in terms of their understanding of binary space concepts that constitute this threefold division structure and their application in the planning of the community’s living environment. This study is a theoretical dialogue between the concept of binary space (bincar-bonom) in Singengu Mandailing village and two other local concepts that are similar, namely kangin-kauh (sunrise-sunset) in Tenganan village and timur-barat (east-west) in Kampung Naga. This qualitative study used data from the literature and the analysis was carried out following a qualitative descriptive research procedure. Based on previous research, each case has its own data, which the authors used to uncover differences and similarities in the binary space concepts from the three study cases. The authors employed a spatial matrix image to depict the position of each settlement element in the three cases, allowing the similarities and differences to be seen. The findings of the study show that Tenganan, Kampung Naga, and Singengu Mandailing have striking similarities in terms of addressing the middle point, namely as an axis or axis point. The difference lies in the filler elements and their value. The mountain village of Bali interprets the sacred-profane binary concept similarly to the mountain village of Mandailing, except in terms of the direction of sunrise-sunset. The settlement arrangement of Tenganan Pageringsingan village at the macro, meso, and micro scales defines the direction of the sunrise and sunset as a profane direction, whereas in Singengu village, the direction of the sunrise is a sacred direction and the direction of the sunset is a profane direction. As for the Singengu and the Naga communities, they understand the middle point to be related to the direction of the sunrise and sunset in opposite directions, so there are differences in treating certain artifacts, especially cemeteries. The binary space that influences the process of forming rural settlements in the mountains can be: (1) the physical setting due to natural/geographical conditions, (2) the cosmology and belief systems adhered to, and (3) the people’s socio-cultural life. Rural settlements in the mountains can also be said to emphasize the natural aspect of the mountains with all of their spatial shaping potential. The study’s findings further show that the local people’s understanding of their living space patterns has been carried over from previous generations to the present day. This suggests that settlement planning for local communities, particularly in mountainous areas where hereditary beliefs still exist, must be approached in a specific way. In future planning projects, different locations require different planning approaches


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    Pelatihan peningkatan kompetensi berbahasa Inggris guru dalam pembelajaran bilingual melalui metode PPP (Presentation, Practice and Production) ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi Bahasa Inggris para guru SD Imelda Medan dalam mengajar kelas berbasis bilingual. Kegiatan Pelatihan ini sangat dibutuhkan oleh para guru mengingat masih rendahnya kemampuan guru dalam berkomunikasi menggunakan Bahasa Inggris. Melalui kegiatan pelatihan ini para guru diberikakan metode belajar dan mengajar Bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan metode PPP. Kegiatan pelatihan ini dibagi menjadi tiga tahapan yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi. Pada tahap perencanaan dilakukan analisis kebutuhan mitra diperolah informasi tentang masalah – masalah yang dihadapi mitra serta kebutuhannya terkait dengan kemampuan guru dalam menggunakan Bahasa Inggris.Pada pelaksanaan dilakukan pre-test untuk mengukur kemapuan awal mitra, kemudian nara sumber melakukan brainstorming sebelum memberi penjelasan materi tentang metode PPP. Diakhir penjelasan peserta pelatihan diarahkan untuk membentuk kelompok dan melakukan praktek penggunaan Bahasa Inggris secara oral dengan melakukan percakapan secara berpasangan. Pada tahap evaluasi peserta mengerjakan soal post-test yang berkaitan dengan materi pelatihan dengan hasil terdapat peningkatan nilai post-test dengan nilai peningkatan 66% dimana hasil rata-rata nilai post-test meningkat menjadi 85,00 dari nilai rata-rata pre-test 50,00 sehingga dapat disimpukan bahwa hasil Pelatihan ini secara signifikan dapat meningkatkan kompetensi guru SD Imelda Medan dalam berbahasa Inggris