16 research outputs found
Penentuan Koefisien Hidraulik Pada Tapak NSD, Serpong, Berdasarkan Metoda Uji Permeabilitas In-Situ
Sejalan dengan semakin meningkatnya jumlah limbah radioaktif maka PTLR-BATAN berencana untuk membangun fasilitas Near Surface Disposal (NSD), terutama pada tahap awal adalah fasilitas Demo Plant NSD. NSD merupakan suatu konsep penyimpanan limbah radioaktif tingkat rendah sampai dengan menengah. Aspek yang sangat penting dalam hal studi tapak untuk rencana NSD adalah aspek hidrogeologi terutama yang berkaitan dengan migrasi radionuklida ke lingkungan. Dalam studi migrasi radionuklida parameter awal yang harus diketahui adalah konduktivitas hidraulik. Nilai konduktivitas hidraulik tanah dan batuan di lokasi tapak dapat diperoleh dengan melakukan uji permeabilitas secara in-situ. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian didapatkan nilai konduktivitas tanah dan batuan yang berkisar antara 10-6 sampai 10-2 cm/det. Nilai terbesar konduktivitas hidraulik berada pada satuan tanah lanau kerikilan yang merupakan akuifer di tapak, dengan kedalaman antara 8-24 m, dan nilai konduktivitas hidraulik mencapai 10-2 cm/det. Inline with the increase of amount of radioactive waste, PTLR-BATAN plans to build the Near Surface Disposal (NSD) facility, especially in the preliminary stages is the Demo Plant of NSD facility. NSD is a low to medium level radioactive waste storage concept. Most important aspect in the site study for planning NSD is hydrogeological aspect especially related to the migration of radionuclides to the environment. In the study of radionuclide migration, a preliminary parameter which is required to know is the hydraulic conductivity in order to deliver the soil and rock hydraulic conductivity values in the site then conducted the in-situ permeability test. Based on the test, obtained soil and rock hydraulic conductivity valuesranging from 10-6 to 10-2 cm/sec. The greatest hydraulic conductivity value located in the gravelly silt soil units which is in the site, constitute as aquifer, with depth ranging from 8-24 m, with hydraulic conductivity value reached 10-2 cm/sec
Arah Dan Kecepatan Aliran Air Tanah Calon Tapak Disposal Demo Di Kawasan Nuklir Serpong
Plan for construction and operation of demo disposal facility in Serpong Nuclear Area requires safety assessments to provide scientific evidence that the facility is safe for human and the environment. The result of the safety assessment is used also as a basis for granting environmental permits for the construction and operation of the facility. One of the site data requirements on the safety assessment is the direction and velocity of groundwater flow. Therefore, a study to determine the direction and velocity of groundwater flow at lower zone aquifer of demo disposal site candidate in Serpong Nuclear Area conducted. The research was carried out by using Rhodamin WT tracer. The tracer released in the main well (SBU) and monitored in SBP-1 (A), SBP-2 (B), and SBP-3 (C) boreholes. Based on the water samples and spatial analysis, groundwater data flow direction at a depth of 16 m towards N 240º E (west-southwest) with a velocity of 0.35 m/day up to 0.48 m/day obtained
Pemilihan Tapak Potensial Untuk Disposal Limbah Radioaktif Operasi Pltn Di Bangka Selatan
POTENTIAL SITE SELECTION OF DISPOSAL FOR RADIOACTIVE WASTEGENERATED FROM NPP OPERATION IN SOUTH BANGKA. As mentioned on Act No. 10/1997and Government Regulation No. 61/2013 that radioactive waste must be managed until thedisposal as well as to avoid the hazard to the public and environment. In the National ResearchAgenda Year 2010-2014 especially on the sub theme of Nuclear Energy was mentioned thatdetermination of disposal sites should be inisiated. The statement about radioactive waste disposal program also mentioned clearly on BATAN Strategic Plan and PTLR Strategic Plan Year 2010-2014. Based on the basic laws mentioned above, in supporting the acceleration of nuclear powerplants (NPP) development and operation in the Bangka Islands, the study of disposal sitecandidate for radioactive waste arising from operation of NPP in Bangka have been done. In theyear 2013, selection of potential sites have been conducted. IAEA Safety Series No. 111-G-3.1have been adopted as a study approach, which recommends the steps of radioactive wastedisposal site selection to 4 steps: 1) Conceptual and Planning Stage, 2) Survey Area Stage, 3) SiteCharacterization Stage, and 4) Site Confirmation Stage. Aspects of the study were considered inthe selection of potential sites include topography, hydrology, geology, mineral resources, and landuse / spatial planning. The method used in the selection of potential sites is buffering, scoring andoverlay techniques. For disposal concepts that can be applied (near surface disposal and deepgeological disposal) in igneous rocks such as granite, granodiorite and adamelite, the potentialsites for disposal can be selected on a land relatively close to the nuclear power plant sitecandidates in South Bangka
Studi Geologi Teknik Tapak Penyimpanan Akhir Limbah Radioaktif (LRA) Demo Plant Tipe NSD Kedalaman Menengah Di Puspiptek, Serpong
Penyimpanan akhir limbah radioaktif bertujuan untuk menjaga agar zat radioaktif tidak terlepas ke lingkungan sampai aktivitas zat tersebut turun ke level yang aman. Konsep penyimpanan akhir limbah radioaktif (LRA) yang akan dikembangkan di area Pusat Penelitian Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi (Puspiptek), Serpong adalah penyimpanan akhir limbah radioaktif dekat permukaan (near surface disposal - NSD). NSD berdasarkan kedalaman terbagi dua macam yaitu NSD dekat permukaan dan NSD kedalaman menengah. Konsep NSD pada penelitian ini adalah NSD kedalaman menengah, yaitu antara 30–300 meter. Pada saat konstruksi NSD di kedalaman menengah dibutuhkan pekerjaan ekskavasi bawah permukaan atau pembuatan terowongan. Analisis tegangan in-situ dan deformasi bawah permukaan dilakukan untuk mengetahui besaran dan distribusi tegangan yang terbentuk di dalam tanah/batuan serta deformasi yang terjadi pada saat dilakukan ekskavasi bawah permukaan. Berdasarkan analisis diketahui nilai tegangan dan sebaran tegangan tensional maupun kompresional berkisar antara -441 kPa sampai 4,028 kPa dengan nilai deformasi alami atau tanpa perkuatan antara 4,4 cm sampai 13,5 cm. Nilai deformasi yang cukup besar dimana mencapai 13,5 cm menunjukkan diperlukan rekayasa perkuatan pada saat ekskavasi. Desain rekayasa perkuatan pada setiap tahapan ekskavasi mengacu hasil pemodelan pola distribusi tegangan dan deformasi. Final disposal of radioactive waste intended to keep radioactive substances does not released to the environment until the substance activity decreased to the safe level. Storage concept of radioactive waste (RAW) final disposal that will be developed at the area of Puspiptek, Serpong is near surface disposal (NSD). Based on depth, NSD divided on two type, near surface NSD and medium depth NSD. Concept NSD in this research is medium depth NSD, which is between 30–300 meters. During NSD construction in medium-depth required the works of sub-surface excavation or tunneling. Analysis of in-situ stresses and sub-surface deformation performed to recognize the stress magnitude and its distribution that developed in soil/rock as well as the deformation occurred when sub-surface excavation takes place. Based on the analysis, acknowledged the magnitude of tensional and compression stress and its distribution that range from -441 kPa to 4.028 kPa with values of natural deformation or without reinforcement between 4.4 to 13.5 cm. A rather high deformation value which is achieved 13.5 cm leads to necessity of engineering reinforcement during excavation. The designs of engineering reinforcement on every excavation stage refer to the result of modeling analysis of stress and deformation distribution pattern
In this article the author seeks to answer, within the context of the Indonesia state organizational system, why and how Indonesia should establish a single government authority entrusted with supervising the making of ministerial policy regulations or regional government regulations. To that purpose a comparison with other countries is conducted. It is a fact in Indonesia that regulatory powers or function is shared by and among different ministries and by regional governments. The result of which is the problem of sectoral approach and the existence of numerous overlapping and conflicting regulations. To overcome this problem, in consideration of best practices in other countries, the author suggests the establishment of a single government agency entrusted with, inter alia, previewing ministerial or regional government draft regulations
Analisa Pola Keruntuhan Konstruksi Rangka Atap dengan Menggunakan Profil Baja Ringan
Truss light steel is a modern technology of roof truss made of a thin plate of zinc-alum which is designed by computers and manufactured by machines. Truss light steel can be an alternative choice to support the roof to be able to deal with the extreme weather conditions, not to be distracted from termite attack and to be held longer than truss form wood. From its material, there are some weaknesses of light steel, among other are buckling and deflection occurs, so that a review was made of the failure that will occur in some spans and truss forms. SolidWorks is a Computer Aided Design (CAD) 3D program using the Windows operating system. SolidWorks program can provide the simulation and compute the forces that arise in structures which designed by using finite element method. The use of SolidWorks program shows the simulation of failure mode that will occur, so it can be the input for the planning and construction of the better light steel. This analysis used the truss of type pratt and howe with theoretical spans 12 m and 24 m at 300 angle. The components used were profile lip channel 75x32.8x7.95 and tek screw formed in SolidWorks program. The results obtained in the SolidWorks program was the failure occurred because of flexural buckling in A6 rod to the entire spans and forms. Truss pratt type was stronger to resist the loads on the theoretical span of 12 m and the howe type was stronger to resist the loads on the theoretical span 24 m. Diagonal mounting differences affected the strength of each spans
Integrasi Pendidikan Anti Korupsi Dalam Kegiatan Osis Di SMS Negeri 2 Kota Tanjungpinang
The number of corruption cases that occur in Indonesia is not sufficiently countered by repressive means. Preventive measures must also be synergized. The most appropriate effort is to instill anti-corruption values in the younger generation, including high school students. The existence of the Student Council (OSIS) at SMA Negeri 2 Kota Tanjungpinang has an important role in grounding and implementing these values in the school environment. This service was carried out by using the methods of lecturing, discussion, and brainstorming. The results show that the activity has succeeded in achieving its stated goals. This was evidenced by the enthusiasm and high response from the participants. In addition, OSIS SMA Negeri 2 Kota Tanjungpinang has been agreed to become an anti-corruption based OSIS. As astep first, the programs initiated in the discussion session were determined as part of the OSIS work program for SMA Negeri 2 Kota Tanjungpinang.The number of corruption cases that occur in Indonesia is not sufficiently countered by repressive means. Preventive measures must also be synergized. The most appropriate effort is to instill anti-corruption values in the younger generation, including high school students. The existence of the Student Council at SMA Negeri 2 Kota Tanjungpinang has an important role in grounding and implementing these values in the school environment. This service was carried out by using the methods of lecturing, discussion, and brainstorming. The results show that the activity has succeeded in achieving its stated goals. This was evidenced by the enthusiasm and high response from the participants. In addition, OSIS SMA Negeri 2 Kota Tanjungpinang has been agreed to become an anti-corruption based OSIS. As astep first, the programs initiated in the discussion session were determined as part of the OSIS work program for SMA Negeri 2 Kota Tanjungpinang