13 research outputs found

    Ambient monitoring to inform the protection of beneficial uses and achieve water quality goals in Sinclair and Dyes Inlets, Puget Sound, WA

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    Currently discharge limits enforced under the Clean Water Act are focused on meeting National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) limits at the end of the pipe and environmental performance is measured based on meeting the NPDES discharge limits; but meeting discharge limits has very little to do with achieving water quality goals for coastal and estuarine ecosystems. Therefore an effective monitoring and assessment program is needed to assess continuous process improvement, evaluate the ecological conditions, and provide metrics that can inform effective management of coastal and estuarine water quality. Here we report on an ambient monitoring program within Sinclair and Dyes Inlets, WA that was established to characterize environmental conditions, assess potential impacts, and track environmental quality trends within the Inlets. A network of water, sediment, and biota monitoring locations were selected that were co-located near suspected sources (industrial, waste water, and stormwater outfalls; marinas, stream mouths, and other sources) and locations that were representative of ambient marine and nearshore conditions for periodic sampling. Water column stations and effluents from industrial outfalls were sampled seasonally for trace metals, conventional parameters, and toxicity. Indigenous mussels have been sampled semi-annually for contaminant residues of metals and toxic organic compounds, and sediment monitoring is being conducted at five-eight year intervals. Key management questions include: (1) Are discharges from the naval shipyard protective of beneficial uses? (2) Are discharges from all sources of contamination impacting the quality of water, sediment, and biota in the Inlets? (3) What is the status and trend of water, sediment, and biota residue quality in the Inlets? Results from 2009-2016 monitoring provide metrics that are being used to evaluate ecosystem recovery and assess progress toward meeting environmental quality goals for the watershed

    Diffusive gradient thin-films in seawater: time integrated technique for aqueous trace metal monitoring in impacted waterways

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    As part of an ambient monitoring program being conducted for the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard & Intermediate Maintenance Facility in Sinclair and Dyes Inlets of the Puget Sound, receiving waters of the Inlets are routinely monitored for trace metals and toxicity to assess water quality status, track progress in achieving water quality goals, and demonstrate protection of aquatic life. Recently, aqueous metal bioavailability using diffusive gradient thin-film (DGT) passive samplers has been incorporated into the monitoring program. The DGT samplers allow for the measurement of trace metal concentrations integrated over time via in situ chelation of labile metals. The DGT samplers are selective for free and weakly complexed metal species, allowing uptake to mimic diffusion limited bioavailability. This provides a monitoring solution by which episodic events are captured that provides a better representation of the potential for biological effects. A combination of laboratory performance tests and field deployed DGTs have been used to assess the reliability of the method to accurately measure labile concentrations Cu, Pb, and Zn under baseline and episodic storm events. Based on the results from DGTs deployed over different intervals spanning continuous deployments of 1-56 days and rainfall events of 0.4 – 3.2 inches/24 hr, reproducibility was affected by the presence of partially labile complexes, mass loading rate (time to equilibrium) which is proportional to free ion concentration, and variation in resin blank values. Best results were obtained for 3-7 day DGT deployments which showed high resolution of labile metal concentrations over varying spatial and temporal scales. The ability to conduct constant surveillance of metal bioavailable for a variety of freshwater and nearshore marine environments under varying environmental conditions greatly improves the assessment of potential ecological effects from exposure to metals

    Assessing 21st century contaminants of concern using integrative passive sampling devices to obtain more meaningful and cost effective data on impacts from stormwater runoff

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    In many cases stormwater compliance monitoring is labor intensive, expensive, and largely unsuccessful in providing the data needed to support stormwater management goals. In addition, data from manual grab sampling and automated composite sampling are rarely collected in a manner that provides the information required to identify sources of contamination, evaluate the effectiveness of Best Management Practices, and inform effective decision making. Furthermore, monitoring is often driven by the need to meet low concentration benchmarks for metals and other constituents that do not take into account loading into the receiving waters, resulting in arbitrary monitoring requirements (monthly or seasonally) that are not tied to the driving forces within the watershed such as hydrology (flow regime), weather (storm events and antecedent dry periods), and upland land use and cover. To help address these issues, passive sampling devices including Diffusive Gradients in Thin films (DGT) for metals and Polar Organic Chemical Integrative Samples (POCIS) for a wide range of household, personal care, pharmaceutical, and endocrine disrupting compounds are being used to monitor stormwater runoff. In the Puget Sound a network of monitoring stations was established in Sinclair and Dyes Inlets to assess runoff from industrial areas of Naval Base Kitsap as well as commercial, residential, and rural areas within the watershed. Passive samplers were co-located with autosamplers to provide a direct comparison with grab and composite sampling. Preliminary results from multiple DGT deployments showed that time-dependent variability in stormwater impacts on ambient metal concentrations could be detected on small time scales, as well as over multiple days of rainfall. The POCIS samplers showed that a wide range of organic compounds could be reliably detected from the surveillance monitoring which should prove very useful for finger printing likely sources of contamination in stormwater runoff in the areas monitored

    Differences in cytokine response and induction of nitric oxide synthase in endotoxin-resistant and endotoxin-sensitive mice after intravenous gram-negative infection

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    Previous reports have suggested that the endotoxin-resistant C3H/HeJ strain of mouse is more susceptible to infection than is the endotoxin-sensitive parent strain, C3H/HeN, although they have never been compared in an i.v. model of sepsis. We therefore have used these mouse strains in an i.v. model of Gram-negative sepsis to compare their sensitivities to infection, their cytokine responses, and the levels of induction of the enzyme nitric oxide synthase assayed in their livers. By using i.v. infection with Escherichia coli we have found that both strains are approximately equally sensitive to this organism, despite the C3H/HeJ mice having a markedly attenuated TNF-alpha response. IFN-gamma levels after infection were identical in the two strains; the levels of nitric oxide synthase induced in their livers were about fourfold greater in the C3H/HeJ mice. This difference could not be explained by differences in bacterial load. These experiments suggest that factors other than TNF-alpha are important in determining outcome from Gram-negative sepsis and that TNF-alpha is not a major factor in the induction of hepatic nitric oxide synthase after infection in vivo

    Has primary production declined in the Salish Sea?

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    Declining primary production has been proposed as an explanation for the declines in coho and chinook salmon in the Salish Sea since the 1970s. Marine sediments maintain a continuous record of conditions in the overlying water. We used stable isotopes of organic carbon and nitrogen measured in twenty-one sediment cores to determine the contributions and fluxes of marine-derived and terrigenous organic matter over time. The flux of marine-derived organic matter shows no trend for at least the last 100 years. An apparent increase in the marine flux in recent years is due to remineralization of organic matter as it passes through surface sediments. In contrast, the flux of terrigenous organic matter has increased over the last century in the Strait of Georgia, while in Puget Sound, terrigenous flux peaked in the mid-twentieth century. Total primary production has neither increased nor decreased in the Salish Sea over the last century. Consequently, a decline in primary production cannot explain recent declines in fish populations.The accepted manuscript in pdf format is listed with the files at the bottom of this page. The presentation of the authors' names and (or) special characters in the title of the manuscript may differ slightly between what is listed on this page and what is listed in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript; that in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript is what was submitted by the author

    Differences in cytokine response and induction of nitric oxide synthase in endotoxin-resistant and endotoxin-sensitive mice after intravenous gram-negative infection

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    Previous reports have suggested that the endotoxin-resistant C3H/HeJ strain of mouse is more susceptible to infection than is the endotoxin-sensitive parent strain, C3H/HeN, although they have never been compared in an i.v. model of sepsis. We therefore have used these mouse strains in an i.v. model of Gram-negative sepsis to compare their sensitivities to infection, their cytokine responses, and the levels of induction of the enzyme nitric oxide synthase assayed in their livers. By using i.v. infection with Escherichia coli we have found that both strains are approximately equally sensitive to this organism, despite the C3H/HeJ mice having a markedly attenuated TNF-alpha response. IFN-gamma levels after infection were identical in the two strains; the levels of nitric oxide synthase induced in their livers were about fourfold greater in the C3H/HeJ mice. This difference could not be explained by differences in bacterial load. These experiments suggest that factors other than TNF-alpha are important in determining outcome from Gram-negative sepsis and that TNF-alpha is not a major factor in the induction of hepatic nitric oxide synthase after infection in vivo

    Sequestering Rare Earth Elements and Precious Metals from Seawater Using a Highly Efficient Polymer Adsorbent Derived from Acrylic Fiber

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    An amidoxime and carboxylate containing polymer adsorbent derived from acrylic fiber has shown extremely high efficiencies for extracting critical materials and precious metals from seawater. Among 50 extractable elements, the lanthanides, cobalt, and palladium were ranked near the top with KD values in the order of 107, about an order of magnitude higher than that of uranium. The KD value of the lanthanides increased linearly with the atomic number indicating charge density is a factor controlling trivalent lanthanide extractability in seawater. The data given in this report provides crucial information regarding the strategies of ocean mining of critical materials and precious metals

    Sequestering Rare Earth Elements and Precious Metals from Seawater Using a Highly Efficient Polymer Adsorbent Derived from Acrylic Fiber

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    An amidoxime and carboxylate containing polymer adsorbent derived from acrylic fiber has shown extremely high efficiencies for extracting critical materials and precious metals from seawater. Among 50 extractable elements, the lanthanides, cobalt, and palladium were ranked near the top with KD values in the order of 107, about an order of magnitude higher than that of uranium. The KD value of the lanthanides increased linearly with the atomic number indicating charge density is a factor controlling trivalent lanthanide extractability in seawater. The data given in this report provides crucial information regarding the strategies of ocean mining of critical materials and precious metals

    Temperature Dependence of Uranium and Vanadium Adsorption on Amidoxime‐Based Adsorbents in Natural Seawater

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    Recent advances in the development of amidoxime‐based adsorbents have made it highly promising for seawater uranium extraction. However, there is a great need to understand the influence of temperature on the uranium sequestration performance of the adsorbents in natural seawater. Here the apparent enthalpy and entropy of the sorption of uranium (VI) and vanadium (V) with amidoxime‐based adsorbents were determined in natural seawater tests at 8, 20, and 31 °C that cover a broad range of ambient seawater temperature. The sorption of U was highly endothermic, producing apparent enthalpies of 57 ± 6.0 and 59 ± 11 kJ mol−1 and apparent entropies of 314 ± 21 and 320 ± 36 J K−1 mol−1, respectively, for two adsorbent formulations. In contrast, the sorption of V showed a much smaller temperature sensitivity, producing apparent enthalpies of 6.1 ± 5.9 and −11 ± 5.7 kJ mol−1 and apparent entropies of 164 ± 20 and 103 ± 19 J K−1 mol−1, respectively. This new thermodynamic information suggests that amidoxime‐based adsorbents will deliver significantly increased U adsorption capacities and improved selectivity in warmer waters. A separate field study of seawater uranium adsorption conducted in a warm seawater site (Miami, FL, USA) confirm the observed strong temperature effect on seawater uranium mining. This strong temperature dependence demonstrates that the warmer the seawater where the amidoxime‐based adsorbents are deployed the greater the yield for seawater uranium extraction. Thermodynamic parameters of the sorption of uranium and vanadium with amidoxime‐based adsorbents in true natural seawater system were obtained. Laboratory and field data demonstrate that amidoxime‐based adsorbents exhibit greatly increased uranium adsorption capacity and selectivity in warmer seawater