18 research outputs found

    Maschinendiagnose an dieselgetriebenen Transportfahrzeugen im deutschen Steinkohlenbergbau

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    The RINGO project, identifying research infrastructure needs and gaps to foster innovation in aeronautical research in Europe

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    In this paper the RINGO (“Research Infrastructures - Needs, Gaps and Overlaps”) project and its methodology as well as initial findings will be presented. RINGO is a Coordination and Support Action funded by the European Commission under H2020 aimed at delivering a cohesive and coordinated approach for the identification and assessment of the needs, gaps and overlaps for strategic aviation research infrastructures in Europe; and at analyzing potential sustainable business models and funding schemes for the maintenance and improvement of existing and development of new research infrastructures. During its first year RINGO is producing a preliminary report concentrating on the needs and gaps for research infrastructure needed to work towards the goals laid out in the strategy document Flightpath 2050 produced by ACARE, the Advisory Council for Aviation Research and innovation in Europe. Flightpath 2050 has provided Europe with a vision for aviation and air transportation, identifying goals for the research community and policy makers alike. Based on this vision ACARE has also developed the SRIA (Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda) which serves as a roadmap for aeronautical research for the next decades. RINGO will start from these and other similar documents to identify research infrastructures that are key to European aeronautical research. The identification of these needs will be performed by expert interviews, ensuring a broad coverage of all relevant topics. These interviews will be carefully prepared and staged to ensure full coverage of the FP2050 goals. In parallel RINGO will create a catalogue of existing RIs, starting from the research infrastructures Catalogue that has previously been developed by the AIRTN (Air Transport Network) project. This catalogue will be enhanced with data from other sources and a comprehensive database of European research infrastructure will be established. Comparing the needs identified in the first step and the available infrastructures will yield information about gaps and also overlaps. During the first iteration only a limited view will be produced, covering only some key areas and interviewing only a small group of experts, mainly from ACARE working groups and similar bodies. At the same time a limited catalogue of existing infrastructures will build. This will allow the project to produce a preliminary report as a first input to policy makers at European level. In the second iteration the process will be repeated more thoroughly, interviewing a broader range of experts and adding more detail to the catalogue as well. The final result will be a comprehensive report on RI Needs, Gaps and Overlaps, which is seen as a valuable input to the research community as well as to policy makers

    Coupling of Retrograde Flow to Force Production During Malaria Parasite Migration

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    Migration of malaria parasites is powered by a myosin motor that moves actin filaments, which in turn link to adhesive proteins spanning the plasma membrane. The retrograde flow of these adhesins appears to be coupled to forward locomotion. However, the contact dynamics between the parasite and the substrate as well as the generation of forces are complex and their relation to retrograde flow is unclear. Using optical tweezers we found retrograde flow rates up to 15 μm/s contrasting with parasite average speeds of 1–2 μm/s. We found that a surface protein, TLP, functions in reducing retrograde flow for the buildup of adhesive force and that actin dynamics appear optimized for the generation of force but not for maximizing the speed of retrograde flow. These data uncover that TLP acts by modulating actin dynamics or actin filament organization and couples retrograde flow to force production in malaria parasites

    Measuring Forces between Two Single Actin Filaments during Bundle Formation

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    Bundles of filamentous actin are dominant cytoskeletal structures, which play a crucial role in various cellular processes. As yet quantifying the fundamental interaction between two individual actin filaments forming the smallest possible bundle has not been realized. Applying holographic optical tweezers integrated with a microfluidic platform, we were able to measure the forces between two actin filaments during bundle formation. Quantitative analysis yields forces up to 0.2 pN depending on the concentration of bundling agents

    Direct Manipulation of Malaria Parasites with Optical Tweezers Reveals Distinct Functions of Plasmodium Surface Proteins

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    Plasmodium sporozoite motility is essential for establishing malaria infections. It depends on initial adhesion to a substrate as well as the continuous turnover of discrete adhesion sites. Adhesion and motility are mediated by a dynamic actin cytoskeleton and surface proteins. The mode of adhesion formation and the integration of adhesion forces into fast and continuous forward locomotion remain largely unknown. Here, we use optical tweezers to directly trap individual parasites and probe adhesion formation. We find that sporozoites lacking the surface proteins TRAP and S6 display distinct defects in initial adhesion; <i>trap(-)</i> sporozoites adhere preferentially with their front end, while <i>s6(-)</i> sporozoites show no such preference. The cohesive strength of the initial adhesion site is differently affected by actin filament depolymerization at distinct adhesion sites along the parasite for <i>trap(-)</i> and <i>s6(-)</i> sporozoites. These spatial differences between TRAP and S6 in their functional interaction with actin filaments show that these proteins have nonredundant roles during adhesion and motility. We suggest that complex protein–protein interactions and signaling events govern the regulation of parasite gliding at different sites along the parasite. Investigating how these events are coordinated will be essential for our understanding of sporozoite gliding motility, which is crucial for malaria infection. Laser tweezers will be a valuable part of the toolset

    The RINGO CSA - shaping the future for research infrastructure

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    The Flightpath 2050 (FP2050) strategy document has provided Europe with a vision for aviation and air transportation, identifying goals for the research community and policy makers alike. In order to achieve these challenging long-term goals, it is imperative to ensure that the required infrastructure for research activities addressing these challenges is available both to the necessary extent and in the required timeframe. RINGO ("Research Infrastructures - Needs, Gaps and Overlaps") is a Coordination and Support Action funded by the European Commission under H2020 aimed at delivering a cohesive and coordinated approach for the identification and assessment of the needs, gaps and overlaps for strategic aviation research infrastructures in Europe; and at analysing potential sustainable business models and funding schemes for the maintenance and improvement of existing and development of new research infrastructures. Comprised of an authoritative team of professionals, covering skills in all major aspects of aviation research infrastructures as well as having access to an extensive network of expertise from Academie, Research Establishments and Industry, RINGO has succcessfully kicked off in March 2017 and will be running for a 3-year period

    Schematic cartoon summarizing the complex interplay of factors leading to sporozoite motility.

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    <p>Actin modulators such as profilin (this study) or coronin [<a href="http://www.plospathogens.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.ppat.1006412#ppat.1006412.ref030" target="_blank">30</a>] influence the state of actin by either promoting or preventing filament formation, filament crosslinking and filament orientation. The actin state influences retrograde flow and force generation as revealed by the use of inhibitors or mutants. Motility is the outcome of a non-trivial interplay between retrograde flow and force as these are not perfectly inversely correlated. Hence we stipulate the existence of another unknown factor that influences the actin state to produce optimal motility. The system is robust within a certain range (red dashed line), while unbalancing one or several of these factors leads to aberrant motility.</p