96 research outputs found

    Signal Peptide Hydrophobicity Modulates Interaction with the Twin-Arginine Translocase

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    The general secretory pathway (Sec) and twin-arginine translocase (Tat) operate in parallel to export proteins across the cytoplasmic membrane of prokaryotes and the thylakoid membrane of plant chloroplasts. Substrates are targeted to their respective machineries by N-terminal signal peptides that share a tripartite organization; however, Tat signal peptides harbor a conserved and almost invariant arginine pair that is critical for efficient targeting to the Tat machinery. Tat signal peptides interact with a membrane-bound receptor complex comprised of TatB and TatC components, with TatC containing the twin-arginine recognition site. Here, we isolated suppressors in the signal peptide of the Tat substrate, SufI, that restored Tat transport in the presence of inactivating substitutions in the TatC twin-arginine binding site. These suppressors increased signal peptide hydrophobicity, and copurification experiments indicated that they restored binding to the variant TatBC complex. The hydrophobic suppressors could also act in cis to suppress substitutions at the signal peptide twin-arginine motif that normally prevent targeting to the Tat pathway. Highly hydrophobic variants of the SufI signal peptide containing four leucine substitutions retained the ability to interact with the Tat system. The hydrophobic signal peptides of two Sec substrates, DsbA and OmpA, containing twin lysine residues, were shown to mediate export by the Tat pathway and to copurify with TatBC. These findings indicate that there is unprecedented overlap between Sec and Tat signal peptides and that neither the signal peptide twin-arginine motif nor the TatC twin-arginine recognition site is an essential mechanistic feature for operation of the Tat pathway

    Detection of 5′- and 3′-UTR-derived small RNAs and cis-encoded antisense RNAs in Escherichia coli

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    Evidence is accumulating that small, noncoding RNAs are important regulatory molecules. Computational and experimental searches have led to the identification of ∼60 small RNA genes in Escherichia coli. However, most of these studies focused on the intergenic regions and assumed that small RNAs were >50 nt. Thus, the previous screens missed small RNAs encoded on the antisense strand of protein-coding genes and small RNAs of <50 nt. To identify additional small RNAs, we carried out a cloning-based screen focused on RNAs of 30–65 nt. In this screen, we identified RNA species corresponding to fragments of rRNAs, tRNAs and known small RNAs. Several of the small RNAs also corresponded to 5′- and 3′-untranslated regions (UTRs) and internal fragments of mRNAs. Four of the 3′-UTR-derived RNAs were highly abundant and two showed expression patterns that differed from the corresponding mRNAs, suggesting independent functions for the 3′-UTR-derived small RNAs. We also detected three previously unidentified RNAs encoded in intergenic regions and RNAs from the long direct repeat and hok/sok elements. In addition, we identified a few small RNAs that are expressed opposite protein-coding genes and could base pair with 5′ or 3′ ends of the mRNAs with perfect complementarity

    An antibody-based microarray assay for small RNA detection

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    Detection of RNAs on microarrays is rapidly becoming a standard approach for molecular biologists. However, current methods frequently discriminate against structured and/or small RNA species. Here we present an approach that bypasses these problems. Unmodified RNA is hybridized directly to DNA microarrays and detected with the high-affinity, nucleotide sequence-independent, DNA/RNA hybrid-specific mouse monoclonal antibody S9.6. Subsequent reactions with a fluorescently-labeled anti-mouse IgG antibody or biotin-labeled anti-mouse IgG together with fluorescently labeled streptavidin produces a signal that can be measured in a standard microarray scanner. The antibody-based method was able to detect low abundance small RNAs of Escherichia coli much more efficiently than the commonly-used cDNA-based method. A specific small RNA was detected in amounts of 0.25 fmol (i.e. concentration of 10 pM in a 25 µl reaction). The method is an efficient, robust and inexpensive technique that allows quantitative analysis of gene expression and does not discriminate against short or structured RNAs

    Detection of low-level promoter activity within open reading frame sequences of Escherichia coli

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    The search for promoters has largely been confined to sequences upstream of open reading frames (ORFs) or stable RNA genes. Here we used a cloning approach to discover other potential promoters in Escherichia coli. Chromosomal fragments of ∼160 bp were fused to a promoterless lacZ reporter gene on a multi-copy plasmid. Eight clones were deliberately selected for high activity and 105 clones were selected at random. All eight of the high-activity clones carried promoters that were located upstream of an ORF. Among the randomly-selected clones, 56 had significantly elevated activity. Of these, 7 had inserts which also mapped upstream of an ORF, while 49 mapped within or downstream of ORFs. Surprisingly, the eight promoters selected for high activity matched the canonical σ(70) −35 and −10 sequences no better than sequences from the randomly-selected clones. For six of the nine most active sequences with orientations opposite to that of the ORF, chromosomal expression was detected by RT–PCR, but defined transcripts were not detected by northern analysis. Our results indicate that the E.coli chromosome carries numerous −35 and −10 sequences with weak promoter activity but that most are not productively expressed because other features needed to enhance promoter activity and transcript stability are absent

    Target prediction for small, noncoding RNAs in bacteria

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    Many small, noncoding RNAs in bacteria act as post-transcriptional regulators by basepairing with target mRNAs. While the number of characterized small RNAs (sRNAs) has steadily increased, only a limited number of the corresponding mRNA targets have been identified. Here we present a program, TargetRNA, that predicts the targets of these bacterial RNA regulators. The program was evaluated by assessing whether previously known targets could be identified. The program was then used to predict targets for the Escherichia coli RNAs RyhB, OmrA, OmrB and OxyS, and the predictions were compared with changes in whole genome expression patterns observed upon expression of the sRNAs. Our results show that TargetRNA is a useful tool for finding mRNA targets of sRNAs, although its rate of success varies between sRNAs

    Discovery of Fur binding site clusters in Escherichia coli by information theory models

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    Fur is a DNA binding protein that represses bacterial iron uptake systems. Eleven footprinted Escherichia coli Fur binding sites were used to create an initial information theory model of Fur binding, which was then refined by adding 13 experimentally confirmed sites. When the refined model was scanned across all available footprinted sequences, sequence walkers, which are visual depictions of predicted binding sites, frequently appeared in clusters that fit the footprints (∼83% coverage). This indicated that the model can accurately predict Fur binding. Within the clusters, individual walkers were separated from their neighbors by exactly 3 or 6 bases, consistent with models in which Fur dimers bind on different faces of the DNA helix. When the E. coli genome was scanned, we found 363 unique clusters, which includes all known Fur-repressed genes that are involved in iron metabolism. In contrast, only a few of the known Fur-activated genes have predicted Fur binding sites at their promoters. These observations suggest that Fur is either a direct repressor or an indirect activator. The Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Bacillus subtilis Fur models are highly similar to the E. coli Fur model, suggesting that the Fur–DNA recognition mechanism may be conserved for even distantly related bacteria

    Exploiting Thiol Modifications

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    Molecular oxygen may be necessary for life but with its beneficial properties comes formation of potentially toxic reactive oxygen species. One of the ways in which bacteria protect themselves is explaine

    Interactions of a Bacterial RND Transporter with a Transmembrane Small Protein in a Lipid Environment.

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    The small protein AcrZ in Escherichia coli interacts with the transmembrane portion of the multidrug efflux pump AcrB and increases resistance of the bacterium to a subset of the antibiotic substrates of that transporter. It is not clear how the physical association of the two proteins selectively changes activity of the pump for defined substrates. Here, we report cryo-EM structures of AcrB and the AcrBZ complex in lipid environments, and comparisons suggest that conformational changes occur in the drug-binding pocket as a result of AcrZ binding. Simulations indicate that cardiolipin preferentially interacts with the AcrBZ complex, due to increased contact surface, and we observe that chloramphenicol sensitivity of bacteria lacking AcrZ is exacerbated when combined with cardiolipin deficiency. Taken together, the data suggest that AcrZ and lipid cooperate to allosterically modulate AcrB activity. This mode of regulation by a small protein and lipid may occur for other membrane proteins.ER