19 research outputs found

    L’évolution de la structure par Ăąge et des revenus et les mouvements migratoires entre 1991 et 2001 : un indicateur de la mutation des quartiers de Bruxelles et de sa pĂ©riphĂ©rie

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    Une analyse en composantes principales et une typologie de l’évolution des structures par Ăąges entre 1991 et 2001 Ă  Bruxelles et dans sa pĂ©riphĂ©rie, ainsi que des mouvements migratoires qui en sont infĂ©rĂ©s, permet d’apprĂ©hender l’évolution des structures socio-dĂ©mographiques. Il en rĂ©sulte que la pĂ©riurbanisation se poursuit, mais que parallĂšlement la gentrification progresse nettement. Les immigrĂ©s les plus pauvres restent captifs dans la partie occidentale de la premiĂšre couronne de faubourgs et dans l’ouest du pentagone, mais une partie de ces immigrĂ©s, sans doute les plus aisĂ©s, diffuse vers des quartiers plus extĂ©rieurs, surtout vers l’ouest. Il est difficile pour des couples avec enfants de rester Ă  Bruxelles, sinon pour les plus aisĂ©s parmi eux.A principal components analysis and a typology of the evolution of the age structure between 1991 and 2001, and an estimation of the migratory balances of the urban districts, allow a survey of the evolution of the socio-demographic structures of Brussels and its suburban area. Suburbanisation is going further, but simultaneously gentrification is strongly in progress. The poorest immigrants remain captive in the deprived districts of the Western part of the central pentagon and the oldest bordering suburbs. However, some immigrants succeed in spreading to outer, mainly Western, urban districts. Due to the level of real estate prices, it is difficult for couples with children to remain inside Brussels-Capital Region, if not for the wealthiest among them

    Gender differences in tourism behaviour in the European Union

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    Given its increasing role in today®s societal and economic realities, tourism is seen more and more as a discursive area and a successful channel for transmitting gender equality issues. The purpose of this article was to examine the differences regarding gender gaps in tourist behaviour between core-members and the latest accession states in the European Union We used the number of trips, overnight stays, and the values for travel expenditures from Eurostat database as indicators to study the participation of men and women in tourism for both leisure and professional purposes. The results indicated small or almost non-existent differences between the core-members of the European Union and the latest accession states regarding gender gaps in tourism; however, both groups manifested an under representation of women in professional or business tourism as well as smaller values of expenditures overall for women. The results seemed to indicate the existence of a “glass ceiling”, despite the overall progress made in the gender equality area

    A textual and visual analysis of the intrinsic value dimensions of Romania: towards a sustainable destination brand

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    This work examines the projected image of Romania as an emerging tourism destination. Computed content-analysis was applied to the photos, text and video materials promoted online in Romania’s last international tourism campaign. The conceptual framework used corresponds to intrinsic values (play, aesthetics, ethics and spirituality), from Holbrook’s typology of value. Being more difficult to apprehend and therefore studied less, intrinsic values allow a more sophisticated approach to value creation. The purpose here is to identify the main attributes that are promoted about Romania by destination marketing organizations. The content analysis of text (last international promotion campaign Explore the Carpathian Garden) and visual data (27 photos from the official Facebook webpage and 7 TV videos) allow to depict an experiential view of Romania’s image: natural resources (coded as aesthetics with 29% of references), epistemic value of discovery (play 25.8%), authentic and historical traditions (ethics 25.8%) and wellness and therapeutic activities (spirituality, 19.3%). Destination marketing organizations have the potential to develop some distinctive aspects such as authenticity (as an ethical value dimension) and play (as an active, self-oriented value). Findings also highlight that a complimentary approach using textual and visual data might be a suitable option to research destination brand image

    Strings of Life: Memory as Myth in Porter’s Miranda Stories

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    The Pulitzer-prize writer, Katherine Anne Porter, dedicates a great part of her work to the Southern history. Through Miranda’s memories, this writer questions some of the major Southern myths – the Southern belle, the Southern family. This paper aims to highlight the moulding of a feminine voice of the South, whose identity is torn between the Old and the New Order

    L’évolution de la structure par Ăąge et des revenus et les mouvements migratoires entre 1991 et 2001: un indicateur de la mutation des quartiers de Bruxelles et de sa pĂ©riphĂ©rie

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    A principal components analysis and a typology of the evolution of the age structure between 1991 and 2001, and an estimation of the migratory balances of the urban districts, allow a survey of the evolution of the socio-demographic structures of Brussels and its suburban area. Suburbanisation is going further, but simultaneously gentrification is strongly in progress. The poorest immigrants remain captive in the deprived districts of the Western part of the central pentagon and the oldest bordering suburbs. However, some immigrants succeed in spreading to outer, mainly Western, urban districts. Due to the level of real estate prices, it is difficult for couples with children to remain inside Brussels-Capital Region, if not for the wealthiest among them.SCOPUS: re.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Territorial and marketing strategies related to religious tourism in Northern Moldavia, Romania

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    Religious tourism represents an important segment of the present Romanian tourism market, with monasteries being constantly well ranked in the preferences of foreign or domestic visitors. Every year the number of religious tourists and pilgrims in Romania is increasing, as well as the number of religious events. In this context, religious destinations try to adapt to a dual orientation of the visitors’ interests and practices: cultural tourism and pilgrimage. This study aims to identify patterns in the strategies aiming to attract pilgrims and/or tourists, in reaction to an increasing national and regional competition. By mapping the results, specific spatial structures were identified, in relation with this dichotomy of practices and communication strategies. Major pilgrimage destinations demonstrate a remarkable adaptability of the experiences and services provided to tourists, while famous cultural and religious destinations tend to delocalise their marketing strategies towards regional and national institutions and tourism agencies

    The Impact of Tourism on Sustainable Development of Rural Areas: Evidence from Romania

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    Rural tourism has been seen during the last decades as a means for economic development of sensitive localities, especially in rural areas. However, little research has been conducted on the sustainability of the development induced by tourism activities in rural areas, and even so, with contradictory results. Our paper investigated how tourism impacted on the sustainable development of rural localities, focusing on three composite indexes: demographic stability, public utilities, and socio-economic sustainability. Mann–Whitney U test was used to determine the differences on each of the above-mentioned indexes between the rural localities with tourist arrivals and those without. The results showed that there is a significant positive effect of tourism on rural areas translated into higher values of all the indexes analyzed. This study brings valuable contributions to both academics and policy-makers: on one hand, it provides new insights into the impact of tourism activities; on the other hand, it offers valuable information to decisional actors regarding development strategies

    The WHS Designation—A Factor of Sustainable Tourism Growth for Romanian Rural Areas?

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    The presence of World Heritage Sites has been frequently used as a mean of tourism promotion and increased attractiveness. However, previous studies showed contradictory results regarding the territorial impact of World Heritage Sites, and very few researchers discussed their impact in Eastern Europe. This paper examines how the presence of World Heritage Sites in rural localities influenced the tourism growth and sustainable development in Romania after 2000. Independent Sample t-test was used to analyse the evolution of tourism and sustainable development indicators between 2001 and 2016. The results suggest an absence of a positive effect induced by World Heritage Sites in rural areas. It seems that, by itself, the brand has not enough power to sustain tourist attractiveness if it is not endorsed by national, regional, and local initiatives. These findings lead a discussion about how certain sites managed to induce a sustained tourism growth while others failed to do so