22 research outputs found

    Voice commerce technology capabilities

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    The technology of voice input of commands or voice search of objects in an online environment creates a new field for its application for the purpose of e-commerce. This allows the user to set search parameters and run commands using their voice in a new hands-free way. The main idea of this article is to conceptualize the essence of voice commerce (VC) and its features, benefits and disadvantages as an approach to search for consumer products and their purchase over the Internet using the technology of voice control of smart personal devices. The work presents data on the progress in the spread of the use of voice search technologies in commercial exchange and the main prerequisites for the popularization of voice commerce in modern retailing

    Intelligent packaging

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    The paper discusses the benefits associated with the use of intelligent (smart) packaging, which are gaining popularity and recognition as a technological innovation that brings benefits to all participants in the economic process. Theoretical summary is given about the nature of smart packaging and the advantages of their application for the retail trade and the consumers. Moments related to the regulatory requirements for their use are given. Data on the global market for smart packaging and for the production of packaged goods and packaging in Bulgaria in general are presented

    Automated parcel terminals - commercialization of the system for automated post services

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    Automated post terminals (stations) are a modern concept of automated self-service. The development of this vending technology is alternative strategy of the postal and courier operators to cover the served territory and to offer more convenience in means of place and time. Automated postal stations deliver a tailored service to the needs and specifics of clients. In the paper different characteristics, positives and weaknesses of the automated postal station are described and their development in Bulgaria is summarized. Their future improvement is related to the extent of more automation and the introduction of different robotic and unmanned technologies used in the last mile of organization of product flow delivery

    The labor market in economic activity "Trade; repair of cars and motorcycles" in conditions of crisis caused by COVID-19

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    The beginning of the third decade of the 21st century has been marked by the unprecedented impact of the COVID-19 virus infection on all spheres of socioeconomic life of mankind. The effects of the global pandemic on economic activity in global, national, regional and local aspects are innumerable and difficult to determine. In the epidemic situation, the commercial business continued to operate at the forefront of the challenges of the epidemic restrictions imposed by national and local authorities, but also suffered the serious economic effects of the imposed health measures. One of the adverse effects has been expressed in dismissal of employees in the commercial sector, where certain outlets were forced to cease operations during the most severe emergency measures. This shocking contraction was followed by attempts to restart normal economic activity and restore trade operations under the new conditions. At the same time, the market environment reported the favorable development of electronic distribution channels, which have been able to derive positives from the emerging situation and even to engage additional labor resources

    Prospects for chatbots

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    At the end of the second decade of the digital millennium, the flow of daily human and business life is increasingly dependent on the development and invention of information and communication technologies. One of the innovations is chatbot, which is software that performs tasks as an automated information assistant with a wide range of applications and fields. This article reviews the nature and characteristics of chatbots and, based on their imposition and development in electronic exchange channels, comments are made on their potential impact on the retail and outsourcing business related to customer service

    Impact Of The COVID-19 Pandemic On The Retail Trade In Bulgaria

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    This paper reviews the reaction of retail trade in the Republic of Bulgaria and around the world as a consequence of the declaration of a state of emergency related to the spread of COVID-19 virus infection. The actions of the trade operators regarding the various changes in the behavior of the consumers and the establishment of standards for work are systematized, in accordance with the measures for anti-epidemic control taken by the local and national bodies, the recommendations of the European Commission and the World Health Organization. The unpredictable development of the global epidemiological situation has brought new challenges to address the emergency situation and to create standards and protocols for working under conditions of increased requirements for social distance, hygiene and disinfection. The established measures put retailers in the first line of protection in the unprecedented health crisis of our time

    Smart vending

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    The present study summarizes the evolution in vending business with the adoption and popularity of smart vending concept. Using the methods of descriptive, situational and content analysis are represented the features and benefits of smart vending machines as a form of out of store retailing. It’s spreading is the result of combining the processes of digital transformation, the transition to the circular economy model and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on business and society. The smart vending machine ensures a great consumer experience and commitment, but on the other hand it provides the vending operator with advanced features for precise at the site and even online management of the device, the sophisticated control of the inventories and the analysis of the clients, the possibilities of modern forms and technologies of payments and communication are diversified, the promotional strategy and the information provision of the consumers is improved

    Evaluation of the efficiency of expenditures of non-financial enterprises by economic activities in Bulgaria

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    In the conditions of continuously changing market environment, the business agents are looking for working strategies and tools for improving the use of resources and achieving the desired economic and social effects. The  paper evaluates and critically analyses two key metrics for measuring the expenditure efficiency of non-financial enterprises in Bulgaria by selected groups of economic activities and total for 2010 and 2019. The study confirms that certain economic activities of the national economy perform superior than others, which in comparative and dynamic aspect, confirms the ability of some economic agents to perform better in terms of optimization decisions for resource allocation, additionally is validated the logical relation of higher revenues from the activities of economic operators are caused by higher costs/expenses and vice versa

    Q-Commerce – The Next Generation E-Commerce

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    Q-commerce is a product of the integration of information and communication technologies and the migration of product exchange in the online environment, which in combination with the possibilities of physical delivery within a relatively short period of time, creates a new business segment for product exchange. In the course of the article, general and specific methods such as the descriptive method, situational and content analysis are used. This paper presents the nature, features, status and future development of Q-commerce as the next generation of e-commerce. Qcommerce is a business model that is gaining momentum, which is a product of rapid development and penetration of digital technologies in human and business life, increasing concentration of urban population, anti-epidemic restrictions imposed during the pandemic of COVID-19


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    The past decades have seen continuous advancements of information and communication technologies that have substantially altered economy on a local, national and global scale. The employment of these technologies creates and tranfers to economic entities significant economic and social effects, yet it poses serious challenges to the security of the digital environment. An increasingly complicated issue is that of unlawful activities with payment transactions in trade. This paper reviews the nature of crimes related to payments in the physical and the digital environment; the characteristics of different technological means of safeguarding online payments, as well as some opportunities for improving the safety of individuals when using the Internet to make commercial payments