1,466 research outputs found

    Cosmic Noise Observation with a Standard Meteor Radar

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    Die Nutzung von Riometern (Relative Ionospheric Opacity Meter) zur Messung relativer atmosphärischer Absorption (in dB) ist eine etablierte Methode. Hingegen ist die Messung atmosphärischer Absorption mit absolutkalibrierten Radaren in Form einer Rauschtemperatur eher selten durchgeführt worden. In dieser Arbeit werden die Möglichkeiten einer absoluten Radarkalibrierung für ein kommerzielles SKiYMET-System vorgestellt. Die gemessene QDC (Quiet Day Curve, eine Referenzkurve für ungestörte Tage) wird dabei mit Referenzdaten verglichen. Daran wird der Einfluss des Antennenmusters auf die QDC verdeutlicht und quantitativ dargestellt. Die erreichte Genauigkeit beträgt dabei ungefähr 600 K. Die kontinuierliche und stabile Beobachtung erlaubt es, die Kopplung der Ionosphäre mit der solaren Aktivität zu untersuchen, ohne den normalen Betrieb zur Meteoranalyse zu unterbrechen.The observation of relative atmospheric absorption (in dB) using Riometers (Relative Ionospheric Opacity Meter) is a well established method. However, the measurement of atmospheric absorption as a noise temperature with absolutely calibrated radars has rarely been realized. This work demonstrates the possibilities to perform an absolute radar calibration for standard SKiYMET meteor radars. The measured QDC (Quiet Day Curve) and the comparison to a reference QDC illustrates the capability to quantify the effect of the antenna pattern. The achieved accuracy for a QDC is approximately 600 K. The high stability of the observation during normal meteor mode allows also to investigate the ionospheric response caused by the coupling of the solar activity

    Meteor head velocity determination

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    Meteore, die in die Atmosphäre eindringen, bilden bei hohen Oberflächentemperaturen, die durch Kollisionen mit der umgebenden Luft hervorgerufen werden, einen mehrere Kilometer langen Plasmaschweif aus. An diesem Schweif werden ausgesandte Radarwellen reflektiert und zurückgestreut. Dies führt zu einem charakteristischen Schwingungsverhalten, auch Fresnel Zonen genannt, am Empfänger. Die Überlagerung dieser Wellen ist verantwortlich für die typische Signalform eines Meteors, mit dem abrupten Anstieg und dem exponentiellen Abfall für \'underdense\' Meteore. Mit Hilfe einer Simulation wird der theoretische Zusammenhang zwischen Geschwindigkeit und Signalverlauf demonstriert. Des weiteren wird gezeigt, das die Methode von Baggaley et al. [1997] zur Bestimmung von Meteoreintrittsgeschwindigkeiten auch auf ein Radarinterferometer (SKiYMET) anwendbar ist. Abschliessend werden die gewonnen Ergebnisse mit einem anderen Verfahren sowie der Literatur verglichen.Meteors, penetrating the earths atmosphere, creating at high surface temperatures, which are caused by collisions with the surrounding air molecules, a several kilometer long plasma trail. The ionized plasma backscatters transmitted radar waves. This leads to characteristic oscillations, called Fresnel zones, at the receiver. The interference of these waves entails the typical signal shape of a underdense meteor with the sudden rise of the signal and the exponential decay. By means of a simulation the theoretical connection between velocity and signal shape is demonstrated. Furthermore it is presented, that the method from Baggaley et al. [1997] for determination of meteor entry velocities is applicable for a radar interferometer (SKiYMET). Finally the results are compared to other radar methods on similar equipment and to other experiments

    Mesopause region temperatures over Collm (51.3° N, 13° E)

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    Seit August 2004 wird am geophysikalischen Observatorium Collm (51.3° N, 13° E) ein SKiYMET Meteor-Radar betrieben. Dieses liefert seitdem kontinuierliche Temperaturwerte und Windmessungen. Die Grundlage des Messverfahrens stellt ein stetiger Fluss von Meteoren dar, die in einer Höhe von 75-105 km verglühen. Aus den mit dem Radar bestimmten Positionen der Meteore können Temperaturen in der Mesopausenregion abgeschätzt werden. Für die Darstellung des Jahresganges wurden Tagesmittelwerte genutzt. Dabei tritt im Sommer ein Temperaturminimum mit ca. 170 K auf. Im Winter ist die Situation durch Temperaturen von 205 K und starker planetarer Wellenaktivität gekennzeichnet. Desweiteren konnte eine Klimatologie für die ganz-, halbtägigen und 8-stündigen Gezeiten erstellt werden.Since August 2004 a SKiYMET meteor-Radar is operated at the geophysical Observatory Collm, Germany (51.3° N, 13° E). The radar provides a continuous time series of temperature and wind measurements. The bases for this method is a steady flux of meteors entering the earth’s atmosphere. In an altitude between 75-105 km they form a cylindrical plasma trail, which reflects radar signals. Hence the system can determine the positions of the meteors, which are used to estimate mesopause region temperatures. For the diagram of the seasonal change we used daily mean temperatures. The summer shows a temperature minimum with 170 K. During the Winter we observed temperatures about 205 K and a stronger planetary wave activity. Another part was the generation of a climatology for the diurnal, semidiurnal und terdiurnal tide

    A comparison of 11-year mesospheric and lower thermospheric winds determined by meteor and MF radar at 69 ° N

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    The Andenes Meteor Radar (MR) and the Saura Medium Frequency (MF) Radar are located in northern Norway (69° N, 16° E) and operate continuously to provide wind measurements of the mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT) region. We compare the two systems to find potential biases between the radars and combine the data from both systems to enhance altitudinal coverage between 60 and 110 km. The systems have altitudinal overlap between 78 and 100 km at which we compare winds and tides on the basis of hourly winds with 2 km altitude bins. Our results indicate reasonable agreement for the zonal and meridional wind components between 78 and 92 km. An exception to this is the altitude range below 84 km during the summer, at which the correlation decreases. We also compare semidiurnal and diurnal tides according to their amplitudes and phases with good agreement below 90 km for the diurnal and below 96 km for the semidiurnal tides. Based on these findings we have taken the MR data as a reference. By comparing the MF and MR winds within the overlapping region, we have empirically estimated correction factors to be applied to the MF winds. Existing gaps in that data set will be filled with weighted MF data. This weighting is done due to underestimated wind values of the MF compared to the MR, and the resulting correction factors fit to a polynomial function of second degree within the overlapping area. We are therefore able to construct a consistent and homogenous wind from approximately 60 to 110 km

    Ozone and water vapor variability in the polar middle atmosphere observed with ground-based microwave radiometers

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    Leveraging continuous ozone and water vapor measurements with the two ground-based radiometers GROMOS-C and MIAWARA-C at Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard (79∘ N, 12∘ E) that started in September 2015 and combining MERRA-2 and Aura-MLS datasets, we analyze the interannual behavior and differences in ozone and water vapor and compile climatologies of both trace gases describing the annual variation of ozone and water vapor at polar latitudes. A climatological comparison of the measurements from our ground-based radiometers with reanalysis and satellite data was performed. Overall differences between GROMOS-C and Aura-MLS ozone volume mixing ratio (VMR) climatology are mainly within ±7 % throughout the middle and upper stratosphere and exceed 10 % in the lower mesosphere (1–0.1 hPa) in March and October. For the water vapor climatology, the average 5 % agreement is between MIAWARA-C and Aura-MLS water vapor VMR values throughout the stratosphere and mesosphere (100–0.01 hPa). The comparison to MERRA-2 yields an agreement that reveals discrepancies larger than 50 % above 0.2 hPa depending on the implemented radiative transfer schemes and other model physics. Furthermore, we perform a conjugate latitude comparison by defining a virtual station in the Southern Hemisphere at the geographic coordinate (79∘ S, 12∘ E) to investigate interhemispheric differences in the atmospheric compositions. Both trace gases show much more pronounced interannual and seasonal variability in the Northern Hemisphere than in the Southern Hemisphere. We estimate the effective water vapor transport vertical velocities corresponding to upwelling and downwelling periods driven by the residual circulation. In the Northern Hemisphere, the water vapor ascent rate (5 May to 20 June in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2021 and 15 April to 31 May in 2019 and 2020) is 3.4 ± 1.9 mm s−1 from MIAWARA-C and 4.6 ± 1.8 mm s−1 from Aura-MLS, and the descent rate (15 September to 31 October in 2015–2021) is 5.0 ± 1.1 mm s−1 from MIAWARA-C and 5.4 ± 1.5 mm s−1 from Aura-MLS at the altitude range of about 50–70 km. The water vapor ascent (15 October to 30 November in 2015–2021) and descent rates (15 March to 30 April in 2015–2021) in the Southern Hemisphere are 5.2 ± 0.8 and 2.6 ± 1.4 mm s−1 from Aura-MLS, respectively. The water vapor transport vertical velocities analysis further reveals a higher variability in the Northern Hemisphere and is suitable to monitor and characterize the evolution of the northern and southern polar dynamics linked to the polar vortex as a function of time and altitude
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