7 research outputs found

    Ribosome standby sites and other structural aspects of translation initiation regions in Escherichia coli

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    Translation initiation, which is rate-limiting in protein synthesis, is often the step at which regulation occurs. Here, we investigated several mechanisms of translation initiation in Escherichia coli, including their control. First, we showed that translation of the transcriptional regulator CsgD is inhibited by two sRNAs through a direct antisense mechanism. In some bacterial mRNAs, the ribosome binding site (RBS) is sequestered in a stable structure, which generally generates very low protein output. Yet, these mRNAs are often efficiently translated, which suggested the requirement for “ribosome standby sites”. Here, we investigated the structure and sequence features of an effective standby site using plasmid-borne GFP reporter constructs, and showed that relatively short, single-stranded regions near a structurally sequestered RBS can profoundly increase translation rates. Both the length and the sequence of these single-stranded regions are important for standby site efficiency, and the standby site needs to be single-stranded. This work serves as a proof-of-principle study of the ribosome standby model. To investigate the sequence-dependency of standby sites further, we used an unbiased approach, creating plasmid libraries containing millions of different standby sites in the same reporter plasmid as before. Cells were sorted by fluorescence according to translational levels, and standby sites analyzed by deep sequencing. This analysis showed that efficient standby sites have a low GC-content and rarely contain Shine-Dalgarno sequences. Additionally, nucleotides near the 3’-border of the standby region affect translation efficiency more than those closer to the 5’-end. Mutational and structure-probing experiments are planned to verify these findings

    Ribosome standby sites and other structural aspects of translation initiation regions in Escherichia coli

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    Translation initiation, which is rate-limiting in protein synthesis, is often the step at which regulation occurs. Here, we investigated several mechanisms of translation initiation in Escherichia coli, including their control. First, we showed that translation of the transcriptional regulator CsgD is inhibited by two sRNAs through a direct antisense mechanism. In some bacterial mRNAs, the ribosome binding site (RBS) is sequestered in a stable structure, which generally generates very low protein output. Yet, these mRNAs are often efficiently translated, which suggested the requirement for “ribosome standby sites”. Here, we investigated the structure and sequence features of an effective standby site using plasmid-borne GFP reporter constructs, and showed that relatively short, single-stranded regions near a structurally sequestered RBS can profoundly increase translation rates. Both the length and the sequence of these single-stranded regions are important for standby site efficiency, and the standby site needs to be single-stranded. This work serves as a proof-of-principle study of the ribosome standby model. To investigate the sequence-dependency of standby sites further, we used an unbiased approach, creating plasmid libraries containing millions of different standby sites in the same reporter plasmid as before. Cells were sorted by fluorescence according to translational levels, and standby sites analyzed by deep sequencing. This analysis showed that efficient standby sites have a low GC-content and rarely contain Shine-Dalgarno sequences. Additionally, nucleotides near the 3’-border of the standby region affect translation efficiency more than those closer to the 5’-end. Mutational and structure-probing experiments are planned to verify these findings

    Ribosome standby sites and other structural aspects of translation initiation regions in Escherichia coli

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    Translation initiation, which is rate-limiting in protein synthesis, is often the step at which regulation occurs. Here, we investigated several mechanisms of translation initiation in Escherichia coli, including their control. First, we showed that translation of the transcriptional regulator CsgD is inhibited by two sRNAs through a direct antisense mechanism. In some bacterial mRNAs, the ribosome binding site (RBS) is sequestered in a stable structure, which generally generates very low protein output. Yet, these mRNAs are often efficiently translated, which suggested the requirement for “ribosome standby sites”. Here, we investigated the structure and sequence features of an effective standby site using plasmid-borne GFP reporter constructs, and showed that relatively short, single-stranded regions near a structurally sequestered RBS can profoundly increase translation rates. Both the length and the sequence of these single-stranded regions are important for standby site efficiency, and the standby site needs to be single-stranded. This work serves as a proof-of-principle study of the ribosome standby model. To investigate the sequence-dependency of standby sites further, we used an unbiased approach, creating plasmid libraries containing millions of different standby sites in the same reporter plasmid as before. Cells were sorted by fluorescence according to translational levels, and standby sites analyzed by deep sequencing. This analysis showed that efficient standby sites have a low GC-content and rarely contain Shine-Dalgarno sequences. Additionally, nucleotides near the 3’-border of the standby region affect translation efficiency more than those closer to the 5’-end. Mutational and structure-probing experiments are planned to verify these findings

    Dual Role of α6β4 Integrin in Epidermal Tumor Growth: Tumor-suppressive Versus Tumor-promoting Function

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    An increased expression of the integrin α6β4 is correlated with a poor prognosis in patients with squamous cell carcinomas. However, little is known about the role of α6β4 in the early stages of tumor development. We have isolated cells from mouse skin (mouse tumor-initiating cells [mTICs]) that are deficient in both p53 and Smad4 and carry conditional alleles of the β4 gene (Itgb4). The mTICs display many features of multipotent epidermal stem cells and produce well-differentiated tumors after subcutaneous injection into nude mice. Deletion of Itgb4 led to enhanced tumor growth, indicating that α6β4 mediates a tumor-suppressive effect. Reconstitution experiments with β4-chimeras showed that this effect is not dependent on ligation of α6β4 to laminin-5, but on the recruitment by this integrin of the cytoskeletal linker protein plectin to the plasma membrane. Depletion of plectin, like that of β4, led to increased tumor growth. In contrast, when mTICs had been further transformed with oncogenic Ras, α6β4 stimulated tumor growth, as previously observed in human squamous neoplasms. Expression of different effector-loop mutants of RasV12 suggests that this effect depends on a strong activation of the Erk pathway. Together, these data show that depending on the mutations involved, α6β4 can either mediate an adhesion-independent tumor-suppressive effect or act as a tumor promotor

    Two antisense RNAs target the transcriptional regulator CsgD to inhibit curli synthesis

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    Escherichia coli produces proteinaceous surface structures called curli that are involved in adhesion and biofilm formation. CsgD is the transcriptional activator of curli genes. We show here that csgD expression is, in part, controlled post-transcriptionally by two redundant small RNAs (sRNAs), OmrA and OmrB. Their overexpression results in curli deficiency, in accordance with the inhibition of chromosomally encoded, FLAG-tagged CsgD. Downregulation of csgD occurs by a direct antisense interaction within the csgD 5′-UTR, far upstream of the ribosome-binding site (RBS). OmrA/B downregulate plasmid-borne csgD-gfp fusions in vivo, and inhibit CsgD translation in vitro. The RNA chaperone Hfq is required for normal csgD mRNA and OmrA/B levels in the cell, and enhances sRNA-dependent inhibition of csgD translation in vitro. Translational inhibition involves two phylogenetically conserved secondary structure modules that are supported by chemical and enzymatic probing. The 5′-most element is necessary and sufficient for regulation, the one downstream comprises the RBS and affects translational efficiency. OmrA/B are two antisense RNAs that regulate a transcription factor to alter a morphotype and group behaviour