14,628 research outputs found

    Microbalance including crystal oscillators for measuring contaminates in a gas system Patent

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    Describing crystal oscillator instrument for detecting condensible gas contaminants in vacuum apparatu

    Quartz crystals detect gas contaminants during vacuum chamber evacuation

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    Piezoelectric quartz crystals detect condensable gas contaminants backstreaming into a vacuum chamber when a pump is evacuating the chamber. One crystal acts as a thermometer, the other detects mass change. They are energized by electronic equipment which records frequency changes

    Cancellation of residual spacecraft accelerations for zero-G space physics experiments

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    The Drop Dynamics Module houses an acoustic positioning system which counteracts the effects of small accelerations of a spacecraft and thus allows long-term study of free-floating materials such as liquid drops. The acoustic positioning system provides an acoustic 'well' in the center of the experiment chamber. Data collection is by cinematographic photography. The module subsystems are discussed

    Potential spin-offs of the carbon dioxide observational platform system (CO-OPS) for remote sensing opportunities

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    Alternate remote sensing techniques that could utilize the slight losses of energy from the microwave beam which powers the NASA/MSFC Carbon Dioxide Observational Platform System (CO-OPS) to achieve the objectives of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Carbon Dioxide Research Program's regional observational data requirements, ODRs, are addressed heuristically. The opportunity for regional remote sensing of the carbon dioxide and water vapor constituents in the atmosphere are discussed as a potential spin off of the CO-OPS. The CO-OPS is envisioned as a high altitude (approx. 25 km) observational platform system powered by microwave energy for regional observational use by the DOE in their Carbon Dioxide Research Program

    Rocket plume properties measured in space simulators

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    Molecular sink facility and 25-foot space simulator have been used to distinguish nature of exhaust plumes from nozzles with relatively large internal boundary layer flow. Plume density has been measured by electron beam/photomultiplier system

    Rocket exhaust effluent modeling for tropospheric air quality and environmental assessments

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    The various techniques for diffusion predictions to support air quality predictions and environmental assessments for aerospace applications are discussed in terms of limitations imposed by atmospheric data. This affords an introduction to the rationale behind the selection of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)/Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) Rocket Exhaust Effluent Diffusion (REED) program. The models utilized in the NASA/MSFC REED program are explained. This program is then evaluated in terms of some results from a joint MSFC/Langley Research Center/Kennedy Space Center Titan Exhaust Effluent Prediction and Monitoring Program

    A two-degree Kelvin refrigerator

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    Open-cycle cryogenic refrigerator maintains temperature as low as 2K for periods up to six months. Designed to cool an infrared detector, refrigerator can be used in cooling Josephson-junction devices, magnetic bubble domains, and superconducting devices

    Secondary reflectors for economical sun-tracking energy collection system: A concept

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    Mechanism is simpler and lower in cost because it moves heat-collector pipe to stay in focus with sun, instead of moving heavy reflectors

    Low-cost solar tracking system

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    Smaller heat-collector is moved to stay in focus with the sun, instead of moving reflector. Tracking can be controlled by storing data of predicted solar positions or by applying conventional sun-sensing devices to follow solar movement

    Underground mineral extraction

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    A method was developed for extracting underground minerals such as coal, which avoids the need for sending personnel underground and which enables the mining of steeply pitched seams of the mineral. The method includes the use of a narrow vehicle which moves underground along the mineral seam and which is connected by pipes or hoses to water pumps at the surface of the Earth. The vehicle hydraulically drills pilot holes during its entrances into the seam, and then directs sideward jets at the seam during its withdrawal from each pilot hole to comminute the mineral surrounding the pilot hole and combine it with water into a slurry, so that the slurried mineral can flow to a location where a pump raises the slurry to the surface