26 research outputs found

    Occupational sex segregation and working time: Regional evidence from Germany

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    This paper provides descriptive evidence for declining occupational sex segregation on the German labor market, especially concerning the regional differences between the former East and West Germany. I use segregation measures and long-run social security data for the decade of 1992 to 2004. While segregation has declined over time, it remains higher for the eastern part of Germany. Although this finding is observable for full-time and part-time work, segregation is always lower in part-time employment

    A note on happiness in Eastern Europe

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    Recent studies in economics of happiness focusing on the influence of different aspects of subjective well-being in transition countries. Here these countries are located in Eastern Europe. After aggregating a dataset which combines the World Values Survey and the European Values Survey, I use an OLS and ordered probit and ordered logit estimation with marginal effects to perform regressions. The main findings are that individuals in transition countries behave like individuals in western industrialisted countries. This shows the international reliability of approach the happiness research approach.peer-reviewe

    Gender Differences in Life Satisfaction and Social Participation

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    The paper deals with the effects of social participation activities on life satisfaction. Using the German General Social Survey (ALLBUS) for 2010, marginal effects of binary probit\ud estimations on life satisfaction are presented. Strong gender differences are observable. While sport, welfare or parental activities affect only female life satisfaction, males are more affected by classical hobbies. As an interesting result that political activities, such as a political party or a union membership, have no or even negative effects. The general results may be interpreted in that way, that activities or memberships with influence in local fields with own responsibility and\ud personal interest in a short of time, may be more satisfying than activities with more idealistic tasks and long run results, such as protecting nature or human rights

    Kinder - ein Quell der Freude?!

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    It is well known, that the presences of children lower parental happiness. That is based on psychological and economical reasons. The effect holds on for micro data of the GSOEP. The number of children affects an inverse u-shaped curve on happiness. Even an enlargement of the dataset with macroeconomic variables offers the same results. The effect disappears only after generating terms of interaction for catching some effects of macroeconomic uncertainty. Children turn to be positive. This result could be interpreted as consumption utility of children. Considering these factors, children might be a source of joy.Happiness, children

    Machen Kinder doch glücklich?

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    In der ökonomischen Zufriedenheitsforschung wird ein negativer Effekt von Kindern auf die elterliche Zufriedenheit ermittelt. Dazu werden oftmals Probitmodelle geschätzt. In diesem Papier wird nun ein fixed effects Modell benutzt. Mittels Daten des Sozioökonomischen Panels (SOEP) werden Personen betrachtet, die im Zeitablauf zu Eltern werden. Es ergibt sich ein signifikant positiver Effekt von Kinder im Haushalt. Weiterhin werden Interaktionsterme gebildet, um Effekte individueller Arbeitslosigkeit einzufangen. Bei arbeitslosen Väter sinkt deutschlandweit die Zufriedenheit. Arbeitslose Mütter erleben in den alten Bundesländern einen positiven Zufriedenheitseffekt, in den neuen einen Negativen. Dies wird als Folge von regional unterschiedlichen weiblichen Erwerbsmustern in Deutschland interpretiert.

    Machen Kinder doch glücklich?

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    In der ökonomischen Zufriedenheitsforschung wird ein negativer Effekt von Kindern auf die elterliche Zufriedenheit ermittelt. Dazu werden oftmals Probitmodelle geschätzt. In diesem Papier wird nun ein fixed effects Modell benutzt. Mittels Daten des Sozioökonomischen Panels (SOEP) werden Personen betrachtet, die im Zeitablauf zu Eltern werden. Es ergibt sich ein signifikant positiver Effekt von Kinder im Haushalt. Weiterhin werden Interaktionsterme gebildet, um Effekte individueller Arbeitslosigkeit einzufangen. Bei arbeitslosen Väter sinkt deutschlandweit die Zufriedenheit. Arbeitslose Mütter erleben in den alten Bundesländern einen positiven Zufriedenheitseffekt, in den neuen einen Negativen. Dies wird als Folge von regional unterschiedlichen weiblichen Erwerbsmustern in Deutschland interpretiert.

    The immigrant-native pay gap in Germany

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    This note analyzes income differences between foreigners and natives in Germany. Using social survey data (ALLBUS) for 2012, I use Mincer style quantile regressions and Oaxaca-Blinder decompositions to estimate the size of the income differential. People not born in Germany, have an income lose for about 6,5 to 10 per cent. People with a foreign citizenship have even higher income losses. They face penalties between 8 to 14 percent. Decomposition shows a 9,2 percent difference for immigrants, while most of the gap is unexplained. Individuals without German citizenship have a 15,8 percent difference. Here more of the half remain unexplained

    Fachkräftezuwanderung im internationalen Vergleich

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    Im Working Paper 62 werden die unterschiedlichen Herangehensweisen an die Gewinnung von ausländischen Fachkräften von acht OECD-Ländern (Deutschland, das Vereinigte Königreich, die Vereinigten Staaten, Kanada, Schweden, die Niederlande, Norwegen und Japan) verglichen. Dabei werden sowohl aufenthaltsrechtliche als auch arbeitsmarktpolitische Besonderheiten der einzelnen Länder analysiert. Unter ihnen sind solche mit einer etablierten Tradition als Zu- bzw. Einwanderungsländer, wie die USA und Kanada, aber auch solche wie Japan, die lange auf der Abschottung ihres nationalen Arbeitsmarktes bestanden haben. Bezüglich der Fachkräftesicherung verfolgen alle Länder unterschiedliche Strategien, die mit der jeweiligen historischen Entwicklung der Migration zusammenhängen.Working Paper 62 compares the approaches taken by eight OECD countries (Germany, the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Sweden, the Netherlands, Norway and Japan) with the aim of attracting skilled labour migrants. Both residence law and labour market policy aspects in the individual countries are analysed. They include countries with an established tradition as immigration countries, such as the USA and Canada, but also examples such as Japan, which have long insisted on shoring up their national labour markets. Depending on the various developments of migration in the countries, they pursue differing strategieswith the aim of ensuring the availability of skilled labour

    Trends in occupational segregation: What happened with women and foreigners in Germany?

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    We use recent German survey data for over three decades to analyze long-run trends in occupational segregation. Segregation declines for both women and foreigners in Germany. However, using different ISCO classifications in given years, segregation tends to be a rather stable phenomenon

    The immigrant-native pay gap in Germany

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    This note analyzes income differences between foreigners and natives in Germany. Using social survey data (ALLBUS) for 2012, I use Mincer style quantile regressions and Oaxaca-Blinder decompositions to estimate the size of the income differential. People not born in Germany, have an income lose for about 6,5 to 10 per cent. People with a foreign citizenship have even higher income losses. They face penalties between 8 to 14 percent. Decomposition shows a 9,2 percent difference for immigrants, while most of the gap is unexplained. Individuals without German citizenship have a 15,8 percent difference. Here more of the half remain unexplained