56 research outputs found

    Part C: Ocean Colour Products

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    Part B: SST products

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    Part A: Methods, Data, and Algorithms

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    Lake water quality in-situ data requirements and availability

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    Copernicus is the European Union’s Earth Observation (EO) and monitoring programme. This report summarises the requirements, availability and limitations of in-situ data for development of satellite-EO products relating to lake water quality across the Copernicus services. It identifies gaps in available data and provides recommendations for coordination activities that may help improve access and usefulness of in-situ data

    Merging of the Case 2 Regional Coast Colour and Maximum-Peak Height chlorophyll-a algorithms: validation and demonstration of satellite-derived retrievals across US lakes

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    Water quality monitoring is relevant for protecting the designated, or beneficial uses, of water such as drinking, aquatic life, recreation, irrigation, and food supply that support the economy, human well-being, and aquatic ecosystem health. Managing finite water resources to support these designated uses requires information on water quality so that managers can make sustainable decisions. Chlorophyll-a (chl-a, µg L−1) concentration can serve as a proxy for phytoplankton biomass and may be used as an indicator of increased anthropogenic nutrient stress. Satellite remote sensing may present a complement to in situ measures for assessments of water quality through the retrieval of chl-a with in-water algorithms. Validation of chl-a algorithms across US lakes improves algorithm maturity relevant for monitoring applications. This study compares performance of the Case 2 Regional Coast Colour (C2RCC) chl-a retrieval algorithm, a revised version of the Maximum-Peak Height (MPH(P)) algorithm, and three scenarios merging these two approaches. Satellite data were retrieved from the MEdium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MERIS) and the Ocean and Land Colour Instrument (OLCI), while field observations were obtained from 181 lakes matched with U.S. Water Quality Portal chl-a data. The best performance based on mean absolute multiplicative error (MAEmult) was demonstrated by the merged algorithm referred to as C15−M10 (MAEmult = 1.8, biasmult = 0.97, n = 836). In the C15−M10 algorithm, the MPH(P) chl-a value was retained if it was > 10 µg L−1; if the MPH(P) value was ≤ 10 µg L−1, the C2RCC value was selected, as long as that value was  <  15 µg L−1. Time-series and lake-wide gradients compared against independent assessments from Lake Champlain and long-term ecological research stations in Wisconsin were used as complementary examples supporting water quality reporting requirements. Trophic state assessments for Wisconsin lakes provided examples in support of inland water quality monitoring applications. This study presents and assesses merged adaptations of chl-a algorithms previously reported independently. Additionally, it contributes to the transition of chl-a algorithm maturity by quantifying error statistics for a number of locations and times

    A data driven approach to flag land affected signals in satellite derived water quality from small lakes

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    The land-affected signal in remotely sensed radiance from nearshore waters is a common problem for remote sensing, introducing uncertainty in atmospheric correction and subsequent water quality constituent concentration estimates. This study proposes a new method for identifying effects of land on satellite remote sensing of water quality. The new optical water types (OWT) containing the land-affected signal were derived from POLYMER-corrected imagery of the Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer in reduced resolution (MERIS RR) and Sentinel-3 Ocean and Land Colour Instrument (OLCI). These were then applied, as part of a larger set of existing OWTs corresponding to the variability observed in natural waters, to satellite images. The ability to identify pixels containing both water and land, and those contaminated with radiance from adjacent land, was evaluated. Our test sites include dark lakes of varying size in Sweden (Lakes Rusken, Bolmen, Ringsjön, and Ivösjön) where the classification showed high sensitivity to land near the lake shore. The land-affected signal is shown to lead to underestimations of chlorophyll-a concentration and Forel-Ule colour indices, and overestimations of turbidity in these lakes, which can be corrected after masking out the land-affected pixels. The land-affected signal is strongest in summer, both NDVI and sun zenith angle covaried with the seasonal variation of land-affected signal. Further, the results confirmed that satellite images with coarser spatial resolution are more prone to land-affected signal compared to images with finer spatial resolution, for small inland water bodies. We propose a data-driven approach for water quality processing with ‘land-affected water types’ as an effective way to improve the lake optical water quality monitoring from water colour sensors

    A data driven approach to flag land affected signals in satellite derived water quality from small lakes

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    The land-affected signal in remotely sensed radiance from nearshore waters is a common problem for remote sensing, introducing uncertainty in atmospheric correction and subsequent water quality constituent concentration estimates. This study proposes a new method for identifying effects of land on satellite remote sensing of water quality. The new optical water types (OWT) containing the land-affected signal were derived from POLYMER-corrected imagery of the Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer in reduced resolution (MERIS RR) and Sentinel-3 Ocean and Land Colour Instrument (OLCI). These were then applied, as part of a larger set of existing OWTs corresponding to the variability observed in natural waters, to satellite images. The ability to identify pixels containing both water and land, and those contaminated with radiance from adjacent land, was evaluated. Our test sites include dark lakes of varying size in Sweden (Lakes Rusken, Bolmen, Ringsjön, and Ivösjön) where the classification showed high sensitivity to land near the lake shore. The land-affected signal is shown to lead to underestimations of chlorophyll-a concentration and Forel-Ule colour indices, and overestimations of turbidity in these lakes, which can be corrected after masking out the land-affected pixels. The land-affected signal is strongest in summer, both NDVI and sun zenith angle covaried with the seasonal variation of land-affected signal. Further, the results confirmed that satellite images with coarser spatial resolution are more prone to land-affected signal compared to images with finer spatial resolution, for small inland water bodies. We propose a data-driven approach for water quality processing with ‘land-affected water types’ as an effective way to improve the lake optical water quality monitoring from water colour sensors
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