635 research outputs found

    Monitoring spacecraft atmosphere contaminants by laser absorption spectroscopy

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    Data were obtained which will provide a test of the accuracy of the differential absorption method for trace contaminant detection in many-component gas mixtures. The necessary accurate absorption coefficient determinations were carried out for several gases; acetonitrile, 1,2-dichloroethane, Freon-113, furan, methyl ethyl ketone, and t-butyl alcohol. The absorption coefficients are displayed graphically. An opto-acoustic method was tested for measuring absorbance, similar to the system described by Dewey

    Molecular Energy Transfer and Spectroscopy

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    Contains reports on two research projects.National Science Foundation (Grant GP-6504)Petroleum Research Fund (Grant 2523-A5)Sloan Foundation for Basic Research (M.I.T. Grant

    Molecular Energy Transfer and Spectroscopy

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    Contains research objectives and summary of research.National Science Foundation (Grant GP-9318)Petroleum Research Fund of the American Chemical Society (Grant 2523-A5)Petroleum Research Fund of the American Chemical Society (Grant 2523-AC5)North Atlantic Treaty Organization (Grant 405)U. S. Army Research Office (Contract DAHCO4-70-C-0015)Alfred P. Sloan Foundatio

    Monitoring spacecraft atmosphere contaminants by laser absorption spectroscopy

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    Laser-based spectrophotometric methods which have been proposed for the detection of trace concentrations of gaseous contaminants include Raman backscattering (LIDAR) and passive radiometry (LOPAIR). Remote sensing techniques using laser spectrometry are presented and in particular a simple long-path laser absorption method (LOLA), which is capable of resolving complex mixtures of closely related trace contaminants at ppm levels is discussed. A number of species were selected for study which are representative of those most likely to accumulate in closed environments, such as submarines or long-duration manned space flights. Computer programs were developed which will permit a real-time analysis of the monitored atmosphere. Estimates of the dynamic range of this monitoring technique for various system configurations, and comparison with other methods of analysis, are given

    Inelastic collision processes in ozone and their relation to atmospheric pressure broadening

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    The research task employs infrared double-resonance to determine rotational energy transfer rates and pathways, in both the ground and vibrationally excited states of ozone. The resulting data base will then be employed to test inelastic scattering theories and to assess intermolecular potential models, both of which are necessary for the systematization and prediction of infrared pressure-broadening coefficients, which are in turn required by atmospheric ozone monitoring techniques based on infrared remote sensing. In addition, observation of excited-state absorption transitions will permit us to improve the determination of the 2 nu(sub 3), nu(sub 1) + nu(sub 2), and 2 nu(sub 1) rotational constants and to derive band strengths for hot-band transitions involving these levels

    Molecular Energy Transfer and Spectroscopy

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    Contains research objectives and reports on one research project.National Science Foundation (Grant GP-6504)Petroleum Research Fund (Grant 2523-A5)Sloan Foundation for Basic Research (M.I.T. Grant

    Dynamic treatment of vibrational energy relaxation in a heterogeneous and fluctuating environment

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    A computational approach to describe the energy relaxation of a high-frequency vibrational mode in a fluctuating heterogeneous environment is outlined. Extending previous work [H. Fujisaki, Y. Zhang, and J.E. Straub, J. Chem. Phys. {\bf 124}, 144910 (2006)], second-order time-dependent perturbation theory is employed which includes the fluctuations of the parameters in the Hamiltonian within the vibrational adiabatic approximation. This means that the time-dependent vibrational frequencies along an MD trajectory are obtained via a partial geometry optimization of the solute with fixed solvent and a subsequent normal mode calculation. Adopting the amide I mode of N-methylacetamide in heavy water as a test problem, it is shown that the inclusion of dynamic fluctuations may significantly change the vibrational energy relaxation. In particular, it is found that relaxation occurs in two phases, because for short times (\lesssim 200 fs) the spectral density appears continuous due to the frequency-time uncertainty relation, while at longer times the discrete nature of the bath becomes apparent. Considering the excellent agreement between theory and experiment, it is speculated if this behavior can explain the experimentally obtained biphasic relaxation the amide I mode of N-methylacetamide.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figures, submitted to J. Chem. Phy

    Determination of molecular spectroscopic parameters and energy-transfer rates by double-resonance spectroscopy

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    The spectroscopy of small to medium-size polyatomic molecules can be extremely complex, especially in higher-lying overtone and combination vibrational levels. The high density of levels also complicates the understanding of inelastic collision processes, which is required to model energy transfer and collision broadening of spectral lines. Both of these problems can be addressed by double-resonance spectroscopy, i.e., time-resolved pump-probe measurements using microwave, infrared, near-infrared, and visible-wavelength sources. Information on excited-state spectroscopy, transition moments, inelastic energy transfer rates and propensity rules, and pressure-broadening parameters may be obtained from such experiments. Examples are given for several species of importance in planetary atmospheres, including ozone, silane, ethane, and ammonia

    Scarring Effects on Tunneling in Chaotic Double-Well Potentials

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    The connection between scarring and tunneling in chaotic double-well potentials is studied in detail through the distribution of level splittings. The mean level splitting is found to have oscillations as a function of energy, as expected if scarring plays a role in determining the size of the splittings, and the spacing between peaks is observed to be periodic of period {2π2\pi\hbar} in action. Moreover, the size of the oscillations is directly correlated with the strength of scarring. These results are interpreted within the theoretical framework of Creagh and Whelan. The semiclassical limit and finite-{\hbar} effects are discussed, and connections are made with reaction rates and resonance widths in metastable wells.Comment: 22 pages, including 11 figure