18 research outputs found

    None-of-These Bias in Stated Choice Experiments

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    We conduct a within-sample test of hypothetical bias and parameter equality between a hypothetical stated choice (SC) experiment using pictures and a real choice (RC) experiments using products. With exception of the none-of-these alternative-specific dummy, we cannot reject parameter equality between the two datasets. However, when we estimate the models separately with no parameter restrictions, the SC experiment gave WTP estimates that were approximately 50 percent higher and marginal WTP estimates that were almost two times as high as the corresponding estimates from the RC experiment. However, even though the monetary value of the WTP disparity was large, the disparity between the WTP estimates from the two data sets was not statistically significant.choice experiment, hypothetical bias, color, mixed logit, salmon, willingness to pay, Consumer/Household Economics, C81, C93, D12, Q22,

    The Effect of Color on Consumer WTP for Farmed Salmon

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    Atlantic salmon is recognized for its pink-red color. The color is due to deposition of color pigments in the muscles. Wild salmon absorb the pink-red color pigment astaxanthin from the crustaceans they eat. To impart the pink-red color in farmed salmon, synthetically produced astaxanthin is added to their feed. The more astaxanthin, the redder the flesh becomes. In conventional salmon farming, the relatively expensive astaxanthin constitutes approximately 15% of the total feed costs. In this study, we use a stated choice experiment with pictures to investigate consumer willingness to pay (WTP) for salmon with different degrees of redness. The results show that consumer WTP increases with the redness of the salmon. However, when consumers were informed about the origin of the color, the WTP for the above-normal-red salmon was reduced.choice experiment, color, mixed logit, salmon, WTP, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy, Q13, Q22,


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    We designed an experimental market with posted prices to investigate consumers' willingness to pay for the color of salmon. Salmon fillets varying in color and price were displayed in 20 choice scenarios. In each scenario, the participants chose which of two salmon fillets they wanted to buy. To induce real economic incentives, each participant drew one unique binding scenario; the participants then had to buy the salmon fillet they had chosen in their binding scenario.Consumer/Household Economics,

    Beregning av det norske kjøttforbruket

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    Totalmarked kjøtt og egga har ønsket ü fü frem tall over det reelle forbruket av kjøtt i Norge, slik at forbrukstall og kostholdsrüd bygger pü realistisk tallgrunnlag. Det foreligger imidlertid ingen offisiell statistikk pü hva det reelle forbruket av kjøtt er i Norge, noe som innebÌrer at det ofte vises til ulike statistikker over kjøttforbruk som ikke nødvendigvis gir et korrekt bilde av kjøttforbruket. NILF har derfor pütatt seg oppdraget med ü foreta en slik beregning av kjøttforbruket i Norge. I dette notatet presenteres en bergning som bl.a. anslür at det reelle forbruket av kjøtt var 50,3 kg per innbygger i 2009. Beregningen er heftet med noe usikkerhet (som omtales), og bør derfor tolkes deretter.publishedVersio


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    In most retail markets, sellers post the price and consumers choose which products to buy. We designed an experimental market with posted prices to investigate consumers ’ willingness to pay for the color of salmon. Salmon fillets varying in color and price were displayed in twenty choice scenarios. In each scenario, the participants chose which of two salmon fillets they wanted to buy. To induce real economic incentives, each participant drew one binding scenario; the participants then had to buy the salmon fillet they had chosen in their binding scenario. The choice data were analyzed with a mixed logit model. Key words: choice experiment, color, mixed logit, salmon, willingness to pay. During the past decade, economists have used experimental markets to investigate consumer preferences and willingness to pay (WTP) for food quality attributes. The most popular method has been the second-price sealedbid Vickrey auction (Vickrey 1961) where participants submit sealed bids for the product and the price is determined by the secondhighest bid, see, for example, Shogren et al. (1994); Alfnes and Rickertsen (2003). The Vickrey auction is an incentive-compatible method for eliciting WTP. However, it is an unfamiliar market mechanism for most consumers. Consumers are more familiar with markets where the seller posts prices and they, as consumers, have to choose which products to buy. Lusk and Schroeder (2004a) designed an experimental market with posted prices to investigate consumers ’ WTP for food quality Frode Alfnes is a postdoctoral fellow and Atle G. Guttormsen is

    Kartlegging av markedssituasjonen for reinkjøtt

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    Reindriftsnæringen i Norge er den viktigste bæreren av samisk kultur og identitet, og har stor betydning for det samiske samfunnet både økonomisk, sysselsettingsmessig, sosialt og kulturelt. Det produseres et relativt lite volum reinkjøtt som tilsvarer et forbruk på kun 0,3 kg per person i året. Reineiernes slakteuttak påvirkes av flere forhold. Her nevens endringer i produksjons- og markedsforhold, tap og klimatiske forhold. Slakteuttaket kan derfor variere noe mellom år. […]publishedVersio


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    The material contained herein is supplementary to the article named in the title and published in the American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Volume 88, Number 4, November 2006.Consumer/Household Economics, Demand and Price Analysis,

    Hvor gür de bevaringsverdige storferasene - Status og forslag pü tiltak for ü øke antall dyr. Rapport fra Genressursutvalget for husdyr

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    De seks bevaringsverdige storferasene i Norge er sidet trønderfe og nordlandsfe (STN), telemarkfe, østlandsk rødkolle, vestlandsk raudkolle, vestlandsk fjordfe og dølafe. Det er i dag 121 avlskyr av dølafe, 129 avlskyr av østlandsk rødkolle og 130 avlskyr av vestlandsk raudkolle. Sidet trønderfe og nordlandsfe (STN) har den største populasjonen av de seks bevaringsverdige storferasene med 1016 avlskyr. I en mellomposisjon er vestlandsk fjordfe og telemarkfe, med henholdsvis 426 og 333 avlskyr. Genressursutvalget for husdyr er bekymret over det lave antallet avlshunndyr av de bevaringsverdige storferasene og oppnevnte pü bakgrunn av dette ei prosjektgruppe (blant medlemmene av genressursutvalget) for ü jobbe med en plan for videre bevaring av disse storferasene i Norge. [...]publishedVersio

    None-of-These Bias in Stated Choice Experiments

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    We conduct a within-sample test of hypothetical bias and parameter equality between a hypothetical stated choice (SC) experiment using pictures and a real choice (RC) experiments using products. With exception of the none-of-these alternative-specific dummy, we cannot reject parameter equality between the two datasets. However, when we estimate the models separately with no parameter restrictions, the SC experiment gave WTP estimates that were approximately 50 percent higher and marginal WTP estimates that were almost two times as high as the corresponding estimates from the RC experiment. However, even though the monetary value of the WTP disparity was large, the disparity between the WTP estimates from the two data sets was not statistically significant

    Beregning av det norske kjøttforbruket

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    Totalmarked kjøtt og egga har ønsket ü fü frem tall over det reelle forbruket av kjøtt i Norge, slik at forbrukstall og kostholdsrüd bygger pü realistisk tallgrunnlag. Det foreligger imidlertid ingen offisiell statistikk pü hva det reelle forbruket av kjøtt er i Norge, noe som innebÌrer at det ofte vises til ulike statistikker over kjøttforbruk som ikke nødvendigvis gir et korrekt bilde av kjøttforbruket. NILF har derfor pütatt seg oppdraget med ü foreta en slik beregning av kjøttforbruket i Norge. I dette notatet presenteres en bergning som bl.a. anslür at det reelle forbruket av kjøtt var 50,3 kg per innbygger i 2009. Beregningen er heftet med noe usikkerhet (som omtales), og bør derfor tolkes deretter.publishedVersio