79 research outputs found

    Turn to TCRs when CARs fail

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    Engineering CD4+ T Cells to Enhance Cancer Immunity

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    This review presents key advances in combining T cell receptor (TCR) gene transfer to redirect T-cell specificity with gene engineering in order to enhance cancer-protective immune function. We discuss how emerging insights might be applied to CD4+ T cells. Although much attention has been paid to the role of CD8+ cytotoxic T cells in tumour protection, we provide convincing evidence that CD4+ helper T cells play a critical role in cancer immune responses in animal models and also in patients. We demonstrate that genetic engineering technologies provide exciting opportunities to extend the specificity range of CD4+ T cells from MHC class-II-presented epitopes to include peptides presented by MHC class I molecules. Functional enhancement of tumour immunity can improve the sensitivity of T cells to cancer antigens, promote survival in a hostile tumour microenvironment, boost cancer-protective effector mechanisms and enable the formation of T-cell memory. Engineered cancer-specific CD4+ T cells may contribute to protective immunity by a direct pathway involving cancer cell killing, and by an indirect pathway that boosts the function, persistence and memory formation of CD8+ T cells

    Forced Fox-P3 expression can improve the safety and antigen-specific function of engineered regulatory T cells

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    Regulatory T cells (Treg) are potent inhibitors of autoreactive T cells. The intracellular transcription factor FoxP3 controls the expression levels of a diverse set of genes and plays a critical role in programming functional Tregs. Although, antigen-specific Tregs are more potent than polyclonal Tregs in treating ongoing autoimmunity, phenotype plasticity associated with loss of FoxP3 expression in Tregs can lead to the conversion into antigen-specific effector T cells which might exacerbate autoimmune pathology. In this study, we designed a retroviral vector driving the expression of FoxP3 and a human HLA-DR-restricted TCR from the same promoter. Transduction of purified human Tregs revealed that all TCR-positive cells had elevated levels of FoxP3 expression, increased CD25 and CTLA4 expression and potent suppressive function. Elevated FoxP3 expression did not impair the in vitro expansion of engineered Tregs. Adoptive transfer into HLA-DR transgenic mice revealed that FoxP3+TCR engineered Tregs showed long-term persistence with stable FoxP3 and TCR expression. In contrast, adoptive transfer of Tregs engineered with TCR only resulted in the accumulation of TCR-positive, FoxP3-negative T cells which displayed antigen-specific effector function when stimulated with the TCR-recognised peptides. Our data indicate that forced expression of FoxP3 can prevent accumulation of antigen-specific effector T cells without impairing the engraftment and persistence of engineered Tregs

    Safety and efficacy of Tet-regulated IL-12 expression in cancer-specific T cells

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    We explored whether engineering of T cell specificity and effector function improves immunotherapy of solid tumors. Although IL-12 can enhance cancer immunity, a strategy of safe IL-12 delivery without toxicity is currently lacking. We engineered T cells to express IL-12 controlled by the NFAT promoter responsive to TCR stimulation, or by the Tet-On promoter responsive to doxycycline. In vivo, NFAT-engineered T cells caused lethal toxicity, while Tet-engineered T cells were safe in the absence of doxycycline. Combining gene transfer of the melanoma-specific TRP2-TCR with Tet-IL-12 engineering revealed that temporal induction of IL-12 was essential to inhibit the growth of B16F10 melanoma tumors. Induced IL-12 increased the number of tumor-infiltrating T cells and also prevented the down-modulation of the TRP2-TCR and the associated up-regulation of the PD1 marker that was observed in the absence of IL-12. In addition, temporal induction of IL-12 expression also increased the number of plasmacytoid DC in the tumor micro-environment. We show that repeated induction of IL-12 can be used to enhance control of tumor growth without encountering systemic toxicity. The observation that TCR engineering combined with Tet-regulated IL-12 expression can achieve tumor immunity without the side effects that are usually associated with the in vivo use of IL-12 warrants translation of this concept into the clinic

    Graft-versus-host disease reduces lymph node display of tissue-restricted self-antigens and promotes autoimmunity

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    Acute graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) is initially triggered by alloreactive T cells, which damage peripheral tissues and lymphoid organs. Subsequent transition to chronic GVHD involves the emergence of autoimmunity although the underlying mechanisms driving this process are unclear. Here, we tested the hypothesis that acute GVHD blocks peripheral tolerance of autoreactive T cells by impairing lymph node (LN) display of peripheral tissue-restricted antigens (PTA). At the initiation of GVHD, LN fibroblastic reticular cells (FRC) rapidly reduced expression of genes regulated by DEAF1, an Autoimmune Regulator-like transcription factor required for intra-nodal expression of PTA. Subsequently, GVHD led to the selective elimination of the FRC population, and blocked the repair pathways required for its regeneration. We used a transgenic mouse model to show that the loss of presentation of an intestinal PTA by FRC during GVHD resulted in the activation of auto-aggressive T cells and gut injury. Finally, we show that FRC normally expressed a unique PTA gene signature that was highly enriched for genes expressed in the target organs affected by chronic GVHD. In conclusion, acute GVHD damages and prevents repair of the FRC network, thus disabling an essential platform for purging auto-reactive T cells from the repertoire

    Expression of a dominant T-cell receptor can reduce toxicity and enhance tumor protection of allogeneic T-cell therapy

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    Due to the lack of specificity for tumor antigens, allogeneic T-cell therapy is associated with graft-versus-host disease. Enhancing the anti-tumor specificity while reducing the graft-versus-host disease risk of allogeneic T cells has remained a research focus. In this study, we demonstrate that the introduction of ‘dominant’ T-cell receptors into primary murine T cells can suppress the expression of endogenous T-cell receptors in a large proportion of the gene-modified T cells. Adoptive transfer of allogeneic T cells expressing a ‘dominant’ T-cell receptor significantly reduced the graft-versus-host toxicity in recipient mice. Using two bone marrow transplant models, enhanced anti-tumor activity was observed in the presence of reduced graft-versus-host disease. However, although transfer of T-cell receptor gene-modified allogeneic T cells resulted in the elimination of antigen-positive tumor cells and improved the survival of treated mice, it was associated with accumulation of T cells expressing endogenous T-cell receptors and the development of delayed graft-versus-host disease. The in vivo deletion of the engineered T cells, mediated by endogenous mouse mammary tumor virus MTV8 and MTV9, abolished graft-versus-host disease while retaining significant anti-tumor activity of adoptively transferred T cells. Together, this study shows that the in vitro selection of allogeneic T cells expressing high levels of a ‘dominant’ T-cell receptor can lower acute graft-versus-host disease and enhance anti-tumor activity of adoptive cell therapy, while the in vivo outgrowth of T cells expressing endogenous T-cell receptors remains a risk factor for the delayed onset of graft-versus-host disease

    PD1-Expressing T Cell Subsets Modify the Rejection Risk in Renal Transplant Patients

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    We tested whether multi-parameter immune phenotyping before or after renal ­transplantation can predict the risk of rejection episodes. Blood samples collected before and weekly for 3 months after transplantation were analyzed by multi-parameter flow cytometry to define 52 T cell and 13 innate lymphocyte subsets in each sample, producing more than 11,000 data points that defined the immune status of the 28 patients included in this study. Principle component analysis suggested that the patients with histologically confirmed rejection episodes segregated from those without rejection. Protein death 1 (PD-1)-expressing subpopulations of regulatory and conventional T cells had the greatest influence on the principal component segregation. We constructed a statistical tool to predict rejection using a support vector machine algorithm. The algorithm correctly identified 7 out of 9 patients with rejection, and 14 out of 17 patients without rejection. The immune profile before transplantation was most accurate in determining the risk of rejection, while changes of immune parameters after transplantation were less accurate in discriminating rejection from non-rejection. The data indicate that pretransplant immune subset analysis has the potential to identify patients at risk of developing rejection episodes, and suggests that the proportion of PD1-expressing T cell subsets may be a key indicator of rejection risk

    Targeting human Acyl-CoA:cholesterol acyltransferase as a dual viral and T cell metabolic checkpoint

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    Determining divergent metabolic requirements of T cells, and the viruses and tumours they fail to combat, could provide new therapeutic checkpoints. Inhibition of acyl-CoA:cholesterol acyltransferase (ACAT) has direct anti-carcinogenic activity. Here, we show that ACAT inhibition has antiviral activity against hepatitis B (HBV), as well as boosting protective anti-HBV and anti-hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) T cells. ACAT inhibition reduces CD8+ T cell neutral lipid droplets and promotes lipid microdomains, enhancing TCR signalling and TCR-independent bioenergetics. Dysfunctional HBV- and HCC-specific T cells are rescued by ACAT inhibitors directly ex vivo from human liver and tumour tissue respectively, including tissue-resident responses. ACAT inhibition enhances in vitro responsiveness of HBV-specific CD8+ T cells to PD-1 blockade and increases the functional avidity of TCR-gene-modified T cells. Finally, ACAT regulates HBV particle genesis in vitro, with inhibitors reducing both virions and subviral particles. Thus, ACAT inhibition provides a paradigm of a metabolic checkpoint able to constrain tumours and viruses but rescue exhausted T cells, rendering it an attractive therapeutic target for the functional cure of HBV and HBV-related HCC
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