116 research outputs found

    Magia, visão e ação

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    Culturas indígenas e antigas tradições espirituais centradas na Terra, vindas da Europa e do Oriente Médio, veem o mundo como relacional, como uma teia de vida interconectada. Essa percepção introduz perspectivas fundamentais para enfrentarmos as grandes crises de nosso tempo: colapso ambiental massivo em escala global, além da enorme disfunção social e política dele derivada. Precisamos de ferramentas e de uma visão clara de outras possibilidades para a cura de ecossistemas, de sistemas sociais e indivíduos, bem como de estratégias de organização, criação de redes e enfrentamento do poder. Baseando-se em sua ficção visionária e em décadas de trabalho dedicados à permacultura, ao ativismo e à espiritualidade centrada na Terra, Starhawk sugere como podemos levar adiante essa mudança.Indigenous cultures and ancient European and Middle Eastern earth-based spiritual traditions see the world as relational, as a web of interconnected l i fe. That consciousness furnishes key understandings for approaching the great crises of our time: massive environmental on a global scale, and the massive social and political dysfunction that drives it. To heal, we need. We need tools and a clear vision of other possibilities for healing both ecosystems, social systems and individuals, and we need strategies for organizing, networking, and confronting power. Starhawk draws on her visionary fiction, and her decades of work in permaculture, activism, and earth-based spirituality to suggest how we can make this shift

    A Mixed Blessing: Market-Mediated Religious Authority in Neopaganism

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    This research explores how marketplace dynamics affect religious authority in the context of Neopagan religion. Drawing on an interpretivist study of Wiccan practitioners in Italy, we reveal that engagement with the market may cause considerable, ongoing tensions, based on the inherent contradictions that are perceived to exist between spirituality and commercial gain. As a result, market success is a mixed blessing that can increase religious authority and influence, but is just as likely to decrease authority and credibility. Using an extended case study method, we propose a theoretical framework that depicts the links between our informants’ situated experiences and the macro-level factors affecting religious authority as it interacts with market-mediated dynamics at the global level. Overall, our study extends previous work in macromarketing that has looked at religious authority in the marketplace) and how the processes of globalization are affecting religion

    The Religion of the Great Goddess

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