274 research outputs found

    Electrical control of spin dynamics in finite one-dimensional systems

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    We investigate the possibility of the electrical control of spin transfer in monoatomic chains incorporating spin-impurities. Our theoretical framework is the mixed quantum-classical (Ehrenfest) description of the spin dynamics, in the spirit of the s-d-model, where the itinerant electrons are described by a tight-binding model while localized spins are treated classically. Our main focus is on the dynamical exchange interaction between two well-separated spins. This can be quantified by the transfer of excitations in the form of transverse spin oscillations. We systematically study the effect of an electrostatic gate bias V_g on the interconnecting channel and we map out the long-range dynamical spin transfer as a function of V_g. We identify regions of V_g giving rise to significant amplification of the spin transmission at low frequencies and relate this to the electronic structure of the channel.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figure

    On the Newtonian origin of the spin motive force in ferromagnetic atomic wires

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    We demonstrate numerically the existence of a spin-motive force acting on spin-carriers when moving in a time and space dependent internal field. This is the case of electrons in a one-dimensional wires with a precessing domain wall. The effect can be explained solely by considering adiabatic dynamics and it is shown to exist for both classical and quantum systems.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figures, added figure 7 and tex

    Clinical Comparative Study: Efficacy and Tolerability of Tolperisone and Thiocolchicoside in Acute Low Back Pain and Spinal Muscle Spasticity

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    This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Licens


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    The social behavior of students in the society and at school is a very current problem, especially in recent times when scenes of violence and delinquency of children and adults have become commonplace. This behavior is caused by a syndrome of factors that affects societys, schools, familys, and personalitys and it manifestes in a variety of ways. Therefore, when analyzing the asocial behavior of students, it is necessary to analyze the action of each factor, and especially the relationship of family relationships as a factor that is often considered to have a decisive influence on the criminal pathology of youth and adults. In addition to family relationships, the subject of analysis should be the school living conditions and other socio-experimental characteristics.Key words: family, school, society, risky behavio

    Ab initio comparison of spin-transport properties in MgO-spaced ferrimagnetic tunnel junctions based on Mn3_3Ga and Mn3_3Al

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    We report on first-principles spin-polarised quantum transport calculations (from NEGF+DFT) in MgO-spaced magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs) based on two different Mn-based Heusler ferrimagnetic metals, namely Mn3_3Al and Mn3_3Ga in their tetragonal DO22_{22} phase. The former is a fully compensated half-metallic ferrimagnet, while the latter is a low-moment high-spin-polarisation ferrimagnet, both with a small lattice mismatch from MgO. In identical symmetric and asymmetric interface reconstructions across a 3-monolayer thick MgO barrier for both ferrimagets, the linear response (low-voltage) spin-transfer torque (STT) and tunneling magneto-resistance (TMR) effects are evaluated. A larger staggered in-plane STT is found in the Mn3_3Ga case, while the STT in Mn3_3Al vanishes quickly away from the interface (similarly to STT in ferromagnetic MTJs). The roles are reversed for the TMR, which is practically 100\% in the half-metallic Mn3_3Al-based MTJs (using the conservative definition) as opposed to 60\% in the Mn3_3Ga case. The weak dependence on the exact interface reconstruction would suggest Mn3_3Ga-Mn3_3Al solid solutions as a possible route towards optimal trade-off of STT and TMR in the low-bias, low-temperature transport regime.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Фактори кои влијаат на природното движење на населението во Република Северна Македонија

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    The planning of public health programmes is directly related with the demographic characteristics and  the population change has longterm impact on the health, health care and community interventions. The objective of this paper is to analyze the factors influencing the trend of population change  in the Republic of North Macedonia. Material and methods: Data from the National Statistical Office and World Health Organization have been used. Literature review was conducted applying public health approach and descriptive method. Results: The natural population change in North Macedonia has negative trend in the last 10 years, the birth rate has declined, while the mortality is increasing. The biological factors and fertility rate have significantly influenced the birth rate, while the burden of chronic noncommunicable diseases, road injures, violence and COVID-19 are lead causes of mortality.  Numerous factors indirectly affect the negative trend of population change such as the high rate of unemployment, poverty, socioeconomic and political context, migration and availability and quality of health care. Conclusion: А detailed analysis of the factors affecting the natural population change and an appropriate national response with the aim of reducing the negative trends is needed.Планирањето на јавноздравствените програми е директно поврзано со демографските карактеристикии природното движење на населението и има долгорочно влијание врз здравјето,здравствената заштита и интервенциите во заедницата. Целта на овој труд е да се анализираат факторите кои влијаат на трендот на природното движење на населението во Република Северна Македонија.  Материјал и методи: Користени се податоци од датабазата на Државниот завод за статистика иСветската здравствена организација, кои се статистичкиобработени и прикажани табеларно и графички. Извршен е преглед на литература, а применет е јавноздравствен пристап и метод на дескриптивна анализа. Резултати: Природното движење на населението во Македонија покажува негативен тренд во последните десет години, односно се намалува наталитетот додека морталитетот е во позитивна насока, со зголемен  број на починати лица. Биолошките фактори и стапката на фертилитет значајно влијаат на намалување на наталитетот, а од друга страна оптовареноста со хроничните незаразни болести, сообраќајните несреќи, насилството и Ковид-19 се главните причини за зголемената смртност. Бројни индиректни фактори влијаат на негативниот тренд на природното движење на населението, како што се високата стапка на сиромаштија и невработеност, социоекономскиот и политички контекст, миграциите и пристапот и квалитетот на здравствена заштита. Заклучок: Потребна е детална анализа на факторите кои влијаат на природното движење на населенето и соодветен национален одговор со цел намалување на негативниот тренд

    Solving the Maze: Robot Localization Using the Monte Carlo Localization Algorithm and Shape Context

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    Automatically navigated cars that drive on their own and robots that can perform any manual work science fiction authors predicted that it would all be possible in the 20th Century (see Asimov, 1951 I, Robot ). In the dawn of artificial intelligence, the main obstacle that has to be overcome was creating robots that are able to solve logical problems. Humans, as far as we know, are unique in being able to solve abstract logical problems. Thus, creating a robot to mimic this ability is an extremely complex task. What researchers initially perceived as a much easier task - having a robot navigate and interact with the physical environment, however, proved equally difficult. Robot vision and localization are just two of the tasks that need to be solved effectively before robots can truly do what Asimov predicted. Robot localization specifically is at the heart of any artificial intelligence system that needs to navigate in the physical world. It is not possible for a robot to carry out tasks that involve moving in the environment if every time it moves, it gets lost. In this paper we examine an implementation of the Monte Carlo localization algorithm for the Pioneer 2 robots. Our implementation of the algorithm utilizes the robot motion sensors, sonar sensors and camera to gain as detailed a picture as possible of its environment to allow it to navigate successfully

    Histopathological diagnosis and surgical complications following bilateral anal sacculectomy for the treatment of unilateral canine apocrine gland anal sac adenocarcinoma - 35 cases (2019-2023)

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    OBJECTIVES: To report the histopathological diagnosis of both anal sacs in dogs undergoing bilateral anal sacculectomy for the treatment of unilateral apocrine gland anal sac adenocarcinoma and to compare the surgical complication rate associated with this procedure in this population with previously published literature.MATERIALS AND METHODS: Records were retrospectively reviewed for dogs that underwent bilateral anal sacculectomy for the treatment of apparently unilateral apocrine gland anal sac adenocarcinoma, at a single institute between 2019 and 2023. Clinical staging, surgical treatment, histological findings, intra- and postoperative complications were evaluated.RESULTS: Thirty-five dogs were included. Only five of 35 (14%) dogs were found to have histologically normal contralateral anal sacs. Non-neoplastic anal sac disease was found in 23 of 35 (66%) dogs and bilateral apocrine gland anal sac adenocarcinoma was seen in seven of 35 (20%) dogs. None of the dogs diagnosed with bilateral neoplasia had evidence of bilateral neoplasia before surgery despite a thorough work-up. Complications attributable to the primary tumour removal were seen in 9% of dogs intraoperatively and 14% of dogs postoperatively, commonly tumour capsule disruption and surgical site infection, respectively.CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Bilateral anal sac disease was diagnosed histologically in the majority of presumed normal anal sacs, with 20% of cases being found to have bilateral apocrine gland anal sac adenocarcinoma. The surgical complication rates of this cohort were comparable to those reported for unilateral anal sacculectomy alone. These findings promote and encourage the use of bilateral anal sacculectomy in cases of suspected unilateral anal sac neoplasia.</p