347 research outputs found


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    Manasika Vega is the intensification of Dharaniya Vega Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Mada, Matsarya, etc. This happens due to the intensification of Raga and Dvesha, which is triggered by the vitiation of Rajas and Tamas due to Asatmyaendriyartha Samyoga, Prajnaparadha and Parinama. When Raga and Dvesha get intensified, it leads to strengthening of desires, which in turn leads to a series of associated emotions of anger, fear, greed, delusion, etc. Scriptures identify Manasika Vega as a disease in themselves because they affect the functioning and health of the mind when left unchecked and divert the mind from the purpose of life which is the pursuit of the fourfold goals of Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha. As a result, they cause an imbalance in the three legs of life body, mind and soul, leading to physiological diseases, psychological diseases and Vasanas, that are the impressions from previous births which affects health as well. Therefore, Ayurvedic and Allied Scriptures recommend addressing the root cause, controlling the senses, cleaning the mind and the intellect through lifestyle modification, diet and psycho spiritual practices. These practices are listed in several different scriptures at philosophical and practical levels and need regular practice to have an effect. With regular practice aimed at restoring Sattva, the third Guna that is considered the purest, Rajas and Tamas can be destroyed, leading to detachment to sensorial pleasures and a steady, well-regulated and healthy mind

    Analysis of maternal mortality at a government teaching hospital GMKMCH, Salem, Tamil Nadu, India: a retrospective study

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    Background: Mother is the pillar of the family. Maternal death is a great loss to the baby, family, society and country. Pregnancy although being considered as a physiological state carries risk of serious maternal morbidity and mortality . This is due to various complications that may occur during pregnancy, labour or thereafter. Maternal mortality ratio is a very sensitive index that reflects the quality of healthcare provided by the community to the women population.Methods: A retrospective study of 204 maternal deaths over a period of 56 months from July 2013-february 2018. Demographic data were collected from maternal death review form and records. Data studied and analyzed.Results: During the study period, there were 33968 deliveries and 204 maternal deaths with a MMR of 600.5/1,00,000 live births. Eclampsia was the leading direct cause of death. Anemia was the leading indirect cause of death. Most of the women died within 24 hours of admission suggesting that majority of patients reached the tertiary care hospital quite late. Majority of deaths occurred in the age group of 20-30 years and in postpartum period.Conclusions: Most maternal deaths are preventable by optimal utilization of existing MCH facilities, identifying the bottleneck in health delivery system, early identification of high-risk pregnancy and therein timely referral to tertiary care centre

    Image Inpainting and Enhancement using Fractional Order Variational Model

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    The intention of image inpainting is to complete or fill the corrupted or missing zones of an image by considering the knowledge from the source region. A novel fractional order variational image inpainting model in reference to Caputo definition is introduced in this article. First, the fractional differential, and its numerical methods are represented according to Caputo definition. Then, a fractional differential mask is represented in 8-directions. The complex diffusivity function is also defined to preserve the edges. Finally, the missing regions are filled by using variational model with fractional differentials of 8-directions. The simulation results and analysis display that the new model not only inpaints the missing regions, but also heightens the contrast of the image. The inpainted images have better visual quality than other fractional differential filters


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    Objective: The flowers of Millingtonia hortensis were initially screened for the presence of Cu (II) ninhydrin-positive compounds. Purification and characterization of small alpha peptides from the flowers of M. hortensis have been done. Further elucidation of the antimicrobial properties of these small peptides is also taken as part of the work.Methods: Using 80% aqueous ethanol the crude extract was prepared and screening was carried out by a circular paper chromatographic technique. Purification and characterization of small alpha peptides from the flowers of M. hortensis have been done. Further elucidation of the antimicrobial properties of these small peptides by disc diffusion method is also taken as part of the work.Results: Based on the findings of UV–visible spectrophotometer, it is confirmed that the purified compound is a small peptide and might contain glycine, cysteine, and tyrosine or histidine. The result of antimicrobial studies proves the ability of small peptides to function as antimicrobial peptides.Conclusion: It is concluded that the small peptides show an inhibitory effect against various Gram-negative and some Gram-positive bacteria


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    Objective: The study focuses on evaluating the anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic activity of ethanolic extract of Ormocarpum sennoides (Os), a herb belonging to the family fabaceae. Both in vitro and in vivo methods were employed to study the anti-inflammatory activity of Os extract.Methods: The in vitro analysis of Os extract was performed by HRBC membrane stabilization and protein denaturation methods. The in vivo analysis was done by Formalin-induced paw edema and acetic acid induced writhing test using wistar male albino rats as an animal model.Results: The in vitro analysis revealed the inhibition of hemolysis and protein denaturation in a dose-dependent manner in concentrations ranging from 50-500 µg/ml. The in vivo study showed that Os extract reduced the number of paw lickings and abdominal writhing significantly at dosage concentrations of 200 mg/kg body weight and 300 mg/kg body weight compared with standard diclofenac sodium (p<0.05).Conclusion: These results support the application of Os extract in ailing arthritis and treatment of painful inflammatory conditions.Keywords: Anti-inflammatory activity, Anti-arthritic activity, Ormocarpum sennoides, Rheumatoid arthriti

    A Survey of Hashing Techniques for High Performance Computing

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    Hashing is a well-known and widely used technique for providing O(1) access to large files on secondary storage and tables in memory. Hashing techniques were introduced in the early 60s. The term hash function historically is used to denote a function that compresses a string of arbitrary input to a string of fixed length. Hashing finds applications in other fields such as fuzzy matching, error checking, authentication, cryptography, and networking. Hashing techniques have found application to provide faster access in routing tables, with the increase in the size of the routing tables. More recently, hashing has found applications in transactional memory in hardware. Motivated by these newly emerged applications of hashing, in this paper we present a survey of hashing techniques starting from traditional hashing methods with greater emphasis on the recent developments. We provide a brief explanation on hardware hashing and a brief introduction to transactional memory

    Juxtaposing Farmers’ Suicides and Climate Change Vulnerability: An Empirical Analysis of Indian States

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    India’s overall ranking on the Global Climate Risk Index has been deteriorating in recent years, making it more vulnerable to climate risks. It has been indicated in the literature that climate change is also associated with agrarian distress. However, empirical analyses are scanty on this, especially in the Indian context. In this analytical exercise, we tried to explore the association between farmers’ suicides and climate change vulnerability across Indian states. Using data from various sources, we arrive at an Agrarian Vulnerability Index and juxtaposed that with farmers’ suicide data between 1996 to 2015 collected from the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB). We noted a strong association between climate change vulnerability and farmers’ suicides. The essence of this analysis is to indicate and understand the broad trends and associations. This research, in the process, informs and presses for a systematic, more comprehensive study with an agenda at micro and meso levels to understand the nuances of this association. &nbsp

    Some hematological and biochemical parameters in smokeless tobacco (Jharda) chewers

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    The effect of Jharda powder (smokeless tobacco) on some hematological and biochemical parameters in consumers was investigated. Hematological parameters including hemoglobin content and white blood cell and leukocyte counts were higher in jharda powder consumers, while monocytes and basophiles counts were lower. Higher biochemical parameters like serum cholesterol, glucose and protein were observed in blood samples of Jharda consumers
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