8 research outputs found

    Perfectly secure message transmission in two rounds

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    In the model that has become known as "Perfectly Secure Message Transmission"(PSMT), a sender Alice is connected to a receiver Bob through n parallel two-way channels. A computationally unbounded adversary Eve controls t of these channels, meaning she can acquire and alter any data that is transmitted over these channels. The sender Alice wishes to communicate a secret message to Bob privately and reliably, i.e. in such a way that Eve will not get any information about the message while Bob will be able to recover it completely. In this paper, we focus on protocols that work in two transmission rounds for n= 2t+1. We break from previous work by following a conceptually simpler blueprint for achieving a PSMT protocol. We reduce the previously best-known communication complexity, i.e. the number of transmitted bits necessary to communicate a 1-bit secret, from O(n^3 log n) to O(n^2 log n). Our protocol also answers a question raised by Kurosawa and Suzuki and hitherto left open: their protocol reaches optimal transmission rate for a secret of size O(n^2 log n) bits, and the authors raised the problem of lowering this threshold. The present solution does this for a secret of O(n log n) bits

    Private hospital workflow optimization via secure k-means clustering

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    Optimizing the workflow of a complex organization such as a hospital is a difficult task. An accurate option is to use a real-time locating system to track locations of both patients and staff. However, privacy regulations forbid hospital management to assess location data of their staff members. In this exploratory work, we propose a secure solution to analyze the joined location data of patients and staff, by means of an innovative cryptographic technique called Secure Multi-Party Computation, in which an additional entity that the staff members can trust, such as a labour union, takes care of the staff data. The hospital, owning location data of patients, and the labour union perform a two-party protocol, in which they securely cluster the staff members by means of the frequency of their patient facing times. We describe the secure solution in detail, and evaluate the performance of our proof-of-concept. This work thus demonstrates the feasibility of secure multi-party clustering in this setting

    Linear Secret Sharing Schemes from Error Correcting Codes and Universal Hash Functions

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    We present a novel method for constructing linear secret sharing schemes (LSSS) from linear error correcting codes and linear universal hash functions in a blackbox way. The main advantage of this new construction is that the privacy property of the resulting secret sharing scheme essentially becomes independent of the code we use, only depending on its rate. This allows us to fully harness the algorithmic properties of recent code constructions such as efficient encoding and decoding or efficient list-decoding. Choosing the error correcting codes and universal hash functions involved carefully, we obtain solutions to the following open problems: - A linear near-threshold secret sharing scheme with both linear time sharing and reconstruction algorithms and large secrets (i.e. secrets of size Ω(n)\Omega(n)). Thus, the computational overhead per shared bit in this scheme is *constant*. - An efficiently reconstructible robust secret sharing scheme for n/3t0n/3 \leq t 0) with shares of optimal size O(1+λ/n)O(1 + \lambda / n) and secrets of size Ω(n+λ)\Omega(n + \lambda), where λ\lambda is the security parameter

    New approach to privacy-preserving clinical decision support systems for HIV treatment

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    Background: HIV treatment prescription is a complex process. Clinical decision support systems (CDSS) are a category of health information technologies that can assist clinicians to choose optimal treatments based on clinical trials and expert knowledge. The usability of some CDSSs for HIV treatment would be significantly improved by using the knowledge obtained by treating other patients. This knowledge, however, is mainly contained in patient records, whose usage is restricted due to privacy and confidentiality constraints. Methods: A treatment effectiveness measure, containing valuable information for HIV treatment prescription, was defined and a method to extract this measure from patient records was developed. This method uses an advanced cryptographic technology, known as secure Multiparty Computation (henceforth referred to as MPC), to preserve the privacy of the patient records and the confidentiality of the clinicians’ decisions. Findings: Our solution enables to compute an effectiveness measure of an HIV treatment, the average time-to-treatment-failure, while preserving privacy. Experimental results show that our solution, although at proof-of-concept stage, has good efficiency and provides a result to a query within 24 min for a dataset of realistic size. Interpretation: This paper presents a novel and efficient approach HIV clinical decision support systems, that harnesses the potential and insights acquired from treatment data, while preserving the privacy of patient records and the confidentiality of clinician decisions

    Privacy-preserving dataset combination and Lasso regression for healthcare predictions

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    Background: Recent developments in machine learning have shown its potential impact for clinical use such as risk prediction, prognosis, and treatment selection. However, relevant data are often scattered across different stakeholders and their use is regulated, e.g. by GDPR or HIPAA. As a concrete use-case, hospital Erasmus MC and health insurance company Achmea have data on individuals in the city of Rotterdam, which would in theory enable them to train a regression model in order to identify high-impact lifestyle factors for heart failure. However, privacy and confdentiality concerns make it unfeasible to exchange these data. Methods: This article describes a solution where vertically-partitioned synthetic data of Achmea and of Erasmus MC are combined using Secure Multi-Party Computation. First, a secure inner join protocol takes place to securely determine the identifiers of the patients that are represented in both datasets. Then, a secure Lasso Regression model is trained on the securely combined data. The involved parties thus obtain the prediction model but no further information on the input data of the other parties. Results: We implement our secure solution and describe its performance and scalability: we can train a prediction model on two datasets with 5000 records each and a total of 30 features in less than one hour, with a minimal difference from the results of standard (non-secure) methods. Conclusions: This article shows that it is possible to combine datasets and train a Lasso regression model on this combination in a secure way. Such a solution thus further expands the potential of privacy-preserving data analysis in the medical domain

    Universally secure network coding with feedback

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    In the model of Secure Network Coding, a sender is connected to several receivers by a network, i.e. a directed graph with a single source node and several destination nodes, where each node can perform operations on the values received via the incoming edges and sends the results via the outbound edges. An active adversary controls some of the edges; this means that he can read every symbol transmitted over the edges under his control and replace them with symbols of his choice. The goal of Secure Network Coding is to design protocols that allow transmission of a secret message from the sender to all receivers in a private and reliable way. Classically, only one-way communication (from sender to receivers) has been studied; in this setting, security can be guaranteed as long as the number of edges controlled by the adversary is less than one third of the network connectivity. In this paper, we present a procedure where receivers are allowed to send feedback to the sender; with this feature, security is guaranteed against a stronger adversary: namely, the number of corrupted edges only needs to be smaller than one half of the connectivity. Furthermore, like previous state-of-the-art work on the single-round scenario, our scheme is universal, i.e. it does not require knowledge of the network code

    Efficient Protocols for Perfectly Secure Message Transmission with Applications to Secure Network Coding

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    In the model that has become known as 'Perfectly Secure Message Transmission' (PSMT), a sender Alice is connected to a receiver Bob through nn parallel two-way channels. A computationally unbounded adversary Eve controls tt of these channels, meaning she can acquire and alter any data that is transmitted over these channels. The sender Alice wishes to communicate a secret message to Bob privately and reliably, i.e. in such a way that Eve gains no information about the message while Bob is able to recover it completely. We focus on PSMT protocols that work in two transmission rounds for n=2t+1n= 2t+1. We break from previous work by following a conceptually simpler blueprint. This has two consequences: first, we obtain improved efficiency, namely, we reduce the previously best-known communication complexity, i.e. the number of transmitted bits necessary to communicate a 1-bit secret, from O(n3logn)\mathcal {O}(n^{3}\log n) to O(n2logn)\mathcal {O}(n^{2}\log n). Our solution also reaches optimal transmission rate for a secret of size O(nlogn)\mathcal {O}(n \log n) , thus answering the hitherto open question of attaining a threshold below O(n2logn)\mathcal {O}(n^{2} \log n) bits. Second, our construction can be adapted to more general scenarios relevant to Network Coding, where the adversary is given more power

    Perfectly secure message transmission in two rounds

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    In the model that has become known as "Perfectly Secure Message Transmission"(PSMT), a sender Alice is connected to a receiver Bob through n parallel two-way channels. A computationally unbounded adversary Eve controls t of these channels, meaning she can acquire and alter any data that is transmitted over these channels. The sender Alice wishes to communicate a secret message to Bob privately and reliably, i.e. in such a way that Eve will not get any information about the message while Bob will be able to recover it completely. In this paper, we focus on protocols that work in two transmission rounds for n= 2t+1. We break from previous work by following a conceptually simpler blueprint for achieving a PSMT protocol. We reduce the previously best-known communication complexity, i.e. the number of transmitted bits necessary to communicate a 1-bit secret, from O(n^3 log n) to O(n^2 log n). Our protocol also answers a question raised by Kurosawa and Suzuki and hitherto left open: their protocol reaches optimal transmission rate for a secret of size O(n^2 log n) bits, and the authors raised the problem of lowering this threshold. The present solution does this for a secret of O(n log n) bits