253 research outputs found

    Observations of discrete, global magnetospheric oscillations directly driven by solar wind density variations

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    Separation of spatial and temporal structure of auroral particle precipitation

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    [1] Knowledge of the dominant temporal and spatial scales of auroral features is instrumental in understanding the various mechanisms responsible for auroral particle precipitation. Single spacecraft data always suffer from temporal/spatial ambiguity. In an effort to separate the temporal and spatial variations of the aurora, we use electron and ion precipitation data from two co-orbiting satellites, F6 and F8 of the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP). The two spacecraft have almost identical polar orbits with a small difference in period. As a result the time difference between the two measurements varies with time. We use two statistical tools in order to determine the most probable lifetimes and spatial dimensions of the prevalent auroral features. The first tool is cross-correlation analysis between the magnetic latitude series of electron and ion, number and energy fluxes measured by the two DMSP spacecraft. As one spacecraft overtakes the other, the variable time lag between the two measurements results in different cross-correlation of the two series. We explore the dependence of this variation on the time lag between the satellites. We find that the electron precipitation exhibits a decreasing correlation between the two spacecraft with increasing time lag, whereas there is only a small similar effect for the ion precipitation data. The second statistical tool is cross-spectral analysis, for which we compute the so-called coherence function as a function of frequency (or inverse wavelength) and hence size of the auroral features. The coherence function is a measure of the stability of auroral features of different sizes. We investigate its variation as a function of the time separation between the two measurements. We show that the coherence function of both electrons and ions remains high for up to 1.5 min spacecraft separations for all features larger than about 100 km in width. For smaller features the coherence is lower even for time lags of a few seconds. The results are discussed in the context of characteristic temporal and spatial auroral scales deduced from complementary studies and expected from theory

    Contributions of the low-latitude boundary layer to the finite width magnetotail convection model

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    Convection of plasma within the terrestrial nightside plasma sheet contributes to the structure and, possibly, the dynamical evolution of the magnetotail. In order to characterize the steady state convection process, we have extended the finite tail width model of magnetotail plasma sheet convection. The model assumes uniform plasma sources and accounts for both the duskward gradient/curvature drift and the earthward E × B drift of ions in a two-dimensional magnetic geometry. During periods of slow convection (i.e., when the cross-tail electric potential energy is small relative to the source plasma\u27s thermal energy), there is a significant net duskward displacement of the pressure-bearing ions. The electrons are assumed to be cold, and we argue that this assumption is appropriate for plasma sheet parameters. We generalize solutions previously obtained along the midnight meridian to describe the variation of the plasma pressure and number density across the width of the tail. For a uniform deep-tail source of particles, the plasma pressure and number density are unrealistically low along the near-tail dawn flank. We therefore add a secondary source of plasma originating from the dawnside low-latitude boundary layer (LLBL). The dual plasma sources contribute to the plasma pressure and number density throughout the magnetic equatorial plane. Model results indicate that the LLBL may be a significant source of near-tail central plasma sheet plasma during periods of weak convection. The model predicts a cross-tail pressure gradient from dawn to dusk in the near magnetotail. We suggest that the plasma pressure gradient is balanced in part by an oppositely directed magnetic pressure gradient for which there is observational evidence. Finally, the pressure to number density ratio is used to define the plasma “temperature.” We stress that such quantities as temperature and polytropic index must be interpreted with care as they lose their nominal physical significance in regions where the two-source plasmas intermix appreciably and the distributions become non-Maxwellian

    On the possibility of quasi-static convection in the quiet magnetotail

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    Abstract The magnetotail is known to serve as a reservoir of energy transferred into the terrestrial magnetosphere from the solar wind. In principle, the stored energy can be dissipated impulsively, as in a substorm, or steadily through the process of steady adiabatic plasma convection. However, some theoretical arguments have suggested that quasi-static adiabatic convection cannot occur throughout the magnetotail because of the structure of the magnetic field. Here we reexamine the question. We show that in a magnetotail of finite width, downtail pressure gradients depend strongly on the ratio of the potential across half the tail to the ion temperature in the far tail (60 RE). For pertinent quiet time ratios (∼3), a Tsyganenko quiet-time magnetic field model is consistent with steady convection

    Implementation of the Boston University Space Physics Acquisition Center

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    The tasks carried out during this grant achieved the goals as set forth in the initial proposal. The Boston University Space Physics Acquisition CEnter (BUSPACE) now provides World Wide Web access to data from a large suite of both space-based and ground-based instruments, archived from different missions, experiments, or campaigns in which researchers associated with the Center for Space Physics (CSP) at Boston University have been involved. These archival data sets are in digital form and are valuable for retrospective data analysis studies of magnetospheric as well as ionospheric, thermospheric, and mesospheric physics. We have leveraged our grass-roots effort with the NASA seed money to establish dedicated hardware (computer and hard disk augmentation) and student support to grow and maintain the system. This leveraging of effort now permits easy access by the space physics community to many underutilized, yet important data sets, one example being that of the SCATHA satellite

    DMSP F7 observations of a substorm field‐aligned current

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    In this paper we present observations of a substorm field-aligned current (FAC) system that DMSP F7 traversed just after 0300 UT on April 25, 1985. Ground magnetometer data show that a major substorm was in progress at that time and that DMSP F7 flew through a region of predominantly upward FAC. The DMSP F7 magnetic field data are consistent with this interpretation. The precipitating particle data suggest that there were three distinct large-scale FAC systems. In ascending latitude these were a downward current, an upward current, and a paired upward/downward current system. We identify the first current, which was coincident with the diffuse aurora, as region 2. The next (upward) FAC was coincident with a spatially unstructured region of energetic (∼12 keV) electron precipitation. This was the substorm-associated FAC that made up part of the current wedge. The upward/downward current pair was coincident with a region of highly structured precipitation. We suggest that these currents may have been the duskside region 1 and, poleward of that, the extension of the dawnside region 1. The particle data show that the upward substorm current lay well equatorward of the boundary between open and closed field lines. In fact, using a model field, the equatorward boundary of the substorm FAC maps to the neutral sheet at 6.9 RE. While one should be cautious in stressing results obtained by mapping model field lines, our result is consistent with scenarios for substorms which postulate a disruption and diversion of the near-Earth cross-tail current

    Early Science Results From the NASA Van Allen Probes Mission RBSP-ECT Instrument Suite

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    Studies of Westward Electrojets and Field-Aligned Currents in the Magnetotail During Substorms: Implications for Magnetic Field Models

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    This section outlines those tasks undertaken in the final year that contribute integrally to the overarching project goals. Fast, during the final year, it is important to note that the project benefited greatly with the addition of a Boston University graduate student, Ms. Karen Hirsch. Jointly, we made substantial progress on the development of and improvements to magnetotail magnetic field and plasma models. The ultimate aim of this specific task was to assess critically the utility of such models for mapping low-altitude phenomena into the magnetotail (and vice-versa). The bulk of this effort centered around the finite-width- magnetotail convection model developed by and described by Spence and Kivelson (J. Geophys. Res., 98, 15,487, 1993). This analytic, theoretical model specifies the bulk plasma characteristics of the magnetotail plasma sheet (number density, temperature, pressure) across the full width of the tail from the inner edge of the plasma sheet to lunar distances. Model outputs are specified by boundary conditions of the source particle populations as well as the magnetic and electric field configuration. During the reporting period, we modified this code such that it can be interfaced with the auroral particle precipitation model developed by Dr. Terry Onsager. Together, our models provide a simple analytic specification of the equatorial distribution of fields and plasma along with their low-altitude consequences. Specifically, we have built a simple, yet powerful tool which allows us to indirectly 'map' auroral precipitation signatures (VDIS, inverted-V's, etc.) measured by polar orbiting spacecraft in the ionosphere, to the magnetospheric equatorial plane. The combined models allow us to associate latitudinal gradients measured in the ion energy fluxes at low-altitudes with the large-scale pressure gradients in the equatorial plane. Given this global, quasi-static association, we can then make fairly strong statements regarding the location of discrete features in the context of the global picture. We reported on our initial study at national and international meetings and published the results of our predictions of the low-altitude signatures of the plasma sheet. In addition, the PI was invited to contribute a publication to the so-called 'Great Debate in Space Physics' series that is a feature of EOS. The topic was on the nature of magnetospheric substorms. Specific questions of the when and where a substorm occurs and the connection between the auroral and magnetospheric components were discussed in that paper. This paper therefore was derived exclusively from the research supported by this grant. Attachment: Empirical modeling of the quite time nightside magnetosphere.' 'CRRES observations of particle flux dropout event.' The what, where, when, and why of magnetospheric substorm triggers'. and 'Low altitude signature of the plasma sheet: model prediction of local time dependence'

    Relative occurrence rates and connection of discrete frequency oscillations in the solar wind density and dayside magnetosphere

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    [1] We present an analysis of the occurrence distributions of statistically significant apparent frequencies of periodic solar wind number density structures and dayside magnetospheric oscillations in the f = 0.5–5.0 mHz range. Using 11 years (1995–2005) of solar wind data, we identified all spectral peaks that passed both an amplitude test and a harmonic F test at the 95% confidence level in 6-hour data segments. We find that certain discrete frequencies, specifically f = 0.7, 1.4, 2.0, and 4.8 mHz, occur more often than do other frequencies over those 11 years. We repeat the analysis on discrete oscillations observed in 10 years (1996–2005) of dayside magnetospheric data. We find that certain frequencies, specifically f = 1.0, 1.5, 1.9, 2.8, 3.3, and 4.4 mHz, occur more often than do other frequencies over those 10 years. Many of the enhancements found in the magnetospheric occurrence distributions are similar to those found in the solar wind. Lastly, we counted the number of times the same discrete frequencies were identified as statistically significant using our two spectral tests on corresponding solar wind and magnetospheric 6-hour time series. We find that in 54% of the solar wind data segments in which we identified a spectral peak, at least one of the same discrete frequencies was statistically significant in the corresponding magnetospheric data segment. Our results argue for the existence of inherent apparent frequencies in the solar wind number density that directly drive global magnetospheric oscillations at the same discrete frequencies, although the magnetosphere also oscillates through other physical mechanisms

    Are periodic solar wind number density structures formed in the solar corona?

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    [1] We present an analysis of the alpha to proton solar wind abundance ratio (AHe) during a period characterized by significant large size scale density fluctuations, focusing on an event in which the proton and alpha enhancements are anti-correlated. In a recent study using 11 years (1995–2005) of solar wind observations from the Wind spacecraft, N. M. Viall et al. [2008] showed that periodic proton density structures occurred at particular radial length-scales more often than others. The source of these periodic density structures is a significant and outstanding question. Are they generated in the interplanetary medium, or are they a relic of coronal activity as the solar wind was formed? We use AHe to answer this question, as solar wind elemental abundance ratios are not expected to change during transit. For this event, the anti-phase nature of the AHe variations strongly suggests that periodic solar wind density structures originate in the solar corona