142 research outputs found

    Estimating the extent of deceitful behaviour using crosswise elicitation models

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    Eliciting deceitful behaviour is a daunting task. Respondents oftentimes conceal wrongdoings and refrain from truthfully responding to sensitive questions. In this work, we employ advancements in randomized response techniques to overcome the neglect of respondents to truthfully reveal deceitful behaviour. Our results report that the studied crosswise elicitation model reveals high levels of deceitful behaviour (around 60% admitted deceit by respondents). If respondents can be convincingly assured of their anonymity, the crosswise models (CMs) outperform several variants of elicitation techniques such as direct questioning and item-sum. We also emphasize the use of CMs to generalize findings from laborious experiments to larger populations

    Advice‐seeking and advice‐utilization for hiring decisions: An investigation of a partially outsourced recruitment process for rank‐and‐file managers

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    We study a large-scale, partially outsourced recruitment process. A specialized con-sultancy assesses applicants' soft-skills on behalf of a client firm, who retains agencyover the hiring decision. We conceptualize this collaboration as an advice-seeking,advice-utilization process and analyze the effectiveness of hiring recommendationsprovided in influencing the client's hiring decisions. Two external HR specialists notonly differ in their soft skill ratings, but also differ in their aggregation of these ratingsinto their hiring recommendations. The consultants' recommendations are particu-larly helpful in separating very suitable from clearly unsuitable candidates but are lesseffective in the mid-tier of the skill distribution

    Social Culture: A Manual of Etiquette and Deportment (Part Two)

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    The full title of this book as listed on the title page is, Social Culture: An Up-to-Date Book for Polite Society Containing Rules for Conduct in Public, Social and Private Life, at Home and Abroad Including Suggestions for Oriental Teas, Church Festivals, Charity Socials, Costume Parties, Bazaars, Germans, Indoor Games, Outdoor Sports, Tally-Ho Parties, Masquerades, Etc., Etc. Also Correct Dress for Weddings, Receptions, and All Other Occasions Designed for Both Men and Women, Young and Old. It is also, Embellished with nearly half a hundred full page engravings and numerous drawings by George Speil.https://openworks.wooster.edu/motherhomeheaven/1094/thumbnail.jp

    Social Culture: A Manual of Etiquette and Deportment (Part One)

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    The full title of this book as listed on the title page is Social Culture: An Up-to-Date Book for Polite Society Containing Rules for Conduct in Public, Social and Private Life, at Home and Abroad Including Suggestions for Oriental Teas, Church Festivals, Charity Socials, Costume Parties, Bazaars, Germans, Indoor Games, Outdoor Sports, Tally-Ho Parties, Masquerades, Etc., Etc. Also Correct Dress for Weddings, Receptions, and All Other Occasions Designed for Both Men and Women, Young and Old. It is also, Embellished with nearly half a hundred full page engravings and numerous drawings by George Speil.https://openworks.wooster.edu/motherhomeheaven/1093/thumbnail.jp

    Twentieth Century Etiquette (Part 3)

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    The full title for this book is Twentieth Century Etiquette: An Up-To-Date Book for Polite Society Containing Rules for Conduct in Public, Social and Private Life, at Home and Abroad including suggestions for oriental teas, church festivals, charity socials, costume parties, bazaars, Germans, indoor games, outdoor sports, tally-ho parties, masquerades, etc., etc. also correct dress for weddings, receptions, and all other occasions designed for both men and women, young and old. This last section of the book contains chapters titled Servants, Maids and Assistants, Births and Christenings, Funerals and Mourning, Special Suggestions, Graceful Development of the Body, Unselfishness-The Key to Graciousness, The Possibilities of Women, Women in Business, Real and Fancied Wrongs, Higher Culture, The Shaping of Character, Women Beautiful, and The Language of the Hand.https://openworks.wooster.edu/motherhomeheaven/1101/thumbnail.jp

    Twentieth Century Etiquette (Part 1)

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    The full title for this book is Twentieth Century Etiquette: An Up-To-Date Book for Polite Society Containing Rules for Conduct in Public, Social and Private Life, at Home and Abroad including suggestions for oriental teas, church festivals, charity socials, costume parties, bazaars, Germans, indoor games, outdoor sports, tally-ho parties, masquerades, etc., etc. also correct dress for weddings, receptions, and all other occasions designed for both men and women, young and old. This first section of the book contains chapters entitled The Makers of Manners, The Test of the Lady and Gentleman, Importance of Social Observances, Home-The Life Immortal, Little Folks-Their Entertainment and Dress, Self-Consciousness-How to Overcome It, Introductions-Their Importance, Greeting and Leavetaking, Conversation, Etiquette of School Days, Going Into Society, Misses and Unmarried Women, What Etiquette Demands of a Gentleman, Obligations of Bachelors, and Etiquette in the Street.https://openworks.wooster.edu/motherhomeheaven/1099/thumbnail.jp

    Twentieth Century Etiquette (Part 2)

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    The full title for this book is Twentieth Century Etiquette: An Up-To-Date Book for Polite Society Containing Rules for Conduct in Public, Social and Private Life, at Home and Abroad including suggestions for oriental teas, church festivals, charity socials, costume parties, bazaars, Germans, indoor games, outdoor sports, tally-ho parties, masquerades, etc., etc. also correct dress for weddings, receptions, and all other occasions designed for both men and women, young and old. This second section of the book includes chapters about Telephoning-Business and Social, Social Etiquette at Washington, Calling-When and How, Dinners and Luncheons, Etiquette at the Table, Receptions, Lectures, Church, Etc., Costume Parties and What to Wear, Dress-Its Attractiveness and Appropriateness, Correspondence-Business and Social, Horseback Riding and Driving, Cycling, Golf, Dancing and Games, Courtship and Its Demands, Weddings and How to Conduct Them, Anniversaries and How to Celebrate Them, and Traveling-Home and Abroad.https://openworks.wooster.edu/motherhomeheaven/1100/thumbnail.jp

    Leben und Werk des schlesischen Malers Albert Ferenz (1907-1994)

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit Leben und Schaffen des akademischen Kunstmalers und Restaurators Albert Ferenz. Der in Schlesien geborene Künstler lebte einige Jahre in Graz und in Wien, bevor er zu Beginn der fünfziger Jahre nach München zog, wo er bis zu seinem Tod im Jahr 1994 lebte und arbeitete. In einem ersten biographischen Themenblock wird sein Lebensweg nachgezeichnet, der in dieser Arbeit erstmals durch eine Vielzahl von Dokumenten, persönlichen Briefen und diversen Zeitungsartikeln in Einzelheiten dargelegt werden konnte. Das zweite große Überblickskapitel beschäftigt sich mit dem künstlerischen Schaffen unter historischen, stilistischen und inhaltlichen Aspekten, wobei auf Letzteres besonderes Augenmerk gelegt wurde. Porträt- und Landschaftsdarstellungen wurden zu den wichtigsten Inhalten seiner Kunst. Mit Fokus auf diese und weitere motivischen Schwerpunkte und unter Berücksichtigung der stilistischen Entwicklungen und Einflüsse wird ein Teil von Albert Ferenz’ Gesamtwerk in diesem Text bearbeitet. Es handelt sich dabei um einen Bildbestand von etwa 500 Werken unterschiedlichster Technik, die zur Hälfte aus dem unveröffentlichten Nachlass des Künstlers stammen. Auf der anderen Seite wurden für dieses Projekt Arbeiten zusammengetragen, die sich in Privatbesitz befinden, um zusammen mit den Abbildungen in diversen Publikationen einen möglichst umfangreichen Materialbestand zu generieren. Mit dieser großen Menge an Bildern wurde versucht, einen repräsentativen Querschnitt durch das Oeuvre des Künstlers zu erstellen, damit bei Aussagen über Stilwandlung oder andere künstlerische Entwicklungen die Gültigkeit für das Gesamtwerk gewährleistet ist. Mit einem abschließenden Kapitel über Albert Ferenz’ Stellung im heutigen Kunstmarkt soll ein Bezug zum gegenwärtigen Kunstgeschehen hergestellt werden

    Effect of Early versus Deferred Antiretroviral Therapy for HIV on Survival

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    The optimal time for the initiation of antiretroviral therapy for asymptomatic patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection is uncertain