34 research outputs found

    Many-body approach to proton emission and the role of spectroscopic factors

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    The process of proton emission from nuclei is studied by utilizing the two-potential approach of Gurvitz and Kalbermann in the context of the full many-body problem. A time-dependent approach is used for calculating the decay width. Starting from an initial many-body quasi-stationary state, we employ the Feshbach projection operator approach and reduce the formalism to an effective one-body problem. We show that the decay width can be expressed in terms of a one-body matrix element multiplied by a normalization factor. We demonstrate that the traditional interpretation of this normalization as the square root of a spectroscopic factor is only valid for one particular choice of projection operator. This causes no problem for the calculation of the decay width in a consistent microscopic approach, but it leads to ambiguities in the interpretation of experimental results. In particular, spectroscopic factors extracted from a comparison of the measured decay width with a calculated single-particle width may be affected.Comment: 17 pages, Revte

    Handbuch methodischer Grundfragen zur Masterplan-Erstellung - Kommunale Masterpläne für 100 % Klimaschutz

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    Masterplan-Kommunen sind die Vorreiter unter den Klimaschutzkommunen und müssen über das bisher in der Breite bereits Begonnene hinausgehen. Sie stehen vor großen strukturellen und finanziellen Herausforderungen, aber auch vor großen Chancen. Die Chancen ergeben sich insbesondere für ein verbessertes und lebenswerteres Umfeld in der Kommune und damit auch für eine gesteigerte Lebensqualität. Die Einbindung aller Akteure in der Kommune, innerhalb und außerhalb der Verwaltung, ist ein wichtiger Baustein auf dem Weg zum Ziel „Null Emissionen“. Vor allem die Einbindung der Wirtschaft vor Ort und der Bürgerinnen und Bürger ist essenziell, wenn eine Transformation angestoßen und umgesetzt werden soll. Das Handbuch unterstützt die Masterplan-Kommunen mit der vorliegenden methodischen Herangehensweise auf ihrem Weg

    Wirkungsanalyse bestehender Klimaschutzmaßnahmen und -programme sowie Identifizierung möglicher weiterer Maßnahmen eines Energie- und Klimaschutzprogramms der Bundesregierung

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    Eine Analyse der deutschen Energie- und Klimapolitik hat ergeben: Nur im Maßnahmenfeld "Ausbau der Erneuerbaren Energien im Strombereich" wird voraussichtlich das Ziel ereicht. Dagegen wird in allen anderen Maßnahmenfeldern das Ziel verfehlt oder es bestehen Wirkungsdefizite der eingesetzten Politikinstrumente. Das betrifft insbesondere die Energieeffizienz auf der Nachfrageseite, aber auch die Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung und Erneuerbare Energien-Wärme. Für die Maßnahmenfelder "Fluorierte Treibhausgase", "Industrieprozesse" und "Landwirtschaft" müssen überhaupt erst verbindliche Reduktionsziele festgelegt und Politikinstrumente eingeführt werden

    Note on the existence and uniqueness of optimum lifting surfaces with reduced tip vorticity

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    In linearized optimization theory, lifting surfaces shed tip vorticity of which the strength has in general infinite square root singularities. Here we impose, besides the usual condition on the force action of the lifting surfaces, also a condition on the strength of their shed vorticity by which it remains bounded. Then the existence of a unique optimum under both conditions is proved. Copyright (C) 2002 John Wiley Sons, Ltd

    The future of EU energy efficiency policies : a comprehensive analysis of gaps, shortcomings, and potential remedies

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    Energy efficiency activities are high on the current EU energy policy agenda. Key policy instruments like the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED), the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) and the Energy Labelling Directive are under revision. In a project for the German government, we therefore analysed the effectiveness and consistency of existing sectoral policy packages anew, to open the discussion on which policy changes to the EU's energy efficiency policy packages are crucial to reach the targets. This comprehensive review addressed the industrial, buildings, and transport sectors plus the overarching governance framework (targets and roadmaps, EED, energy taxation and EU ETS). For each of these, the first step was a gap analysis of the main deficits in the sectoral policy packages, against effective model packages. At first glance, the combination of energy efficiency policies at EU level seems already quite comprehensive. However, their design and implementation often lack a consistent and ambitious approach to leverage their full potential. To give some examples of the many shortcomings identified, the governance framework suffers from exceptions and the transport sector being only marginally considered in the EED; an outdated Energy Tax Directive has very low minimum rates and several exception clauses; there is a lack of commitment to implement energy management systems and investment projects in large companies; a clear EU-wide definition of nearly zero energy buildings (nZEB) is missing; and the labelling of energy-using products is still confusing for consumers. Subsequently, we elaborated comprehensive policy recommendations to increase the effectiveness of all these policies, and to bridge some gaps with new policies. A list of priorities was established to sort them by their relevance

    CDCC calculations with the Lagrange-mesh technique

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    We apply the Lagrange-mesh technique to the Continuum Discretized Coupled Channel (CDCC) theory. The CDCC equations are solved with the R-matrix method, using Lagrange functions as variational basis. The choice of Lagrange functions is shown to be efficient and accurate for elastic scattering as well as for breakup reactions. We describe the general formalism for two-body projectiles, and apply it to the d + 58 Ni collision at Ed = 80 MeV. Various numerical and physical aspects are discussed. Benchmark calculations on elastic scattering and breakup are presented.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Application of The R-Matrix Method to CDCC calculations

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    The R-matrix method is applied to the Continuum Discretized Coupled Channel (CDCC) approximation. The variational basis is chosen as Lagrange functions, which are shown to be efficient and accurate. We apply the general formalism to the d + 58Ni elastic scattering at Ed = 80 MeV. Future developments are briefly discussed. © 2010 World Scientific Publishing Company.SCOPUS: cp.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Paving the way for an energy-efficient future : energy efficiency policy developments in EU member states and recommendations for policy adjustment based on findings of the Energy Efficiency Watch 3 project

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    The core objective of Energy Efficiency Watch 3 (EEW3) is to establish a constant feedback loop on the implementation of European and national energy efficiency policies and thus enable both compliance monitoring and mutual learning on effective policy making across the EU. The project team applied a mixed-method approach to assess energy efficiency policy developments in EU Member States. It analysed progress of national policies by screening official documents, sought experts' knowledge via an EU-wide survey and has been creating new consultation platforms with a wide spectrum of stakeholders including parliamentarians, regions, cities and business stakeholders. Analysis of the National Energy Efficiency Action Plans (NEEAPs), the expert survey with input from over 1,100 experts on policy ambition and progress in each Member State, as well as 28 Country Reports have been central elements in EEW3. This paper will present the main conclusions and policy recommendations of EEW3. In doing so, it will first summarise the findings of the document analysis based on the 28 Country Reports, showing developments of energy efficiency policies since the second NEEAP in 2011 in a cross-country overview for six sectors. These findings are then contrasted with the experts' perspective on progress in energy efficiency policies in their countries as collected in the EEW survey. Moreover, ten case studies of good practice energy efficiency policies are shown, three of them will be presented in more detail. The paper ends with key policy conclusions for improving the effectiveness of European energy efficiency policies. A key finding is that policy implementation has improved a lot since 2011 but more is needed to achieve the EED Art. 7 and other targets