66 research outputs found

    Continuous education in intensive care unit-icu: literature review

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    Background: Continuing education is a dynamic process of teaching and learning, active and permanent intended to update and improve the training of people. This study aimed to review the existing literature about the importance of continuing education in the intensive care unit-ICU, an also to reveal the year of published articles, authors and states in which they were published. Online) and BDENF (the Database of Nursing), with the descriptors Decs “continuous education”, “intensive care unit”, “nursing”, “permanent education.” It established as criteria of inclusion the articles published nationwide in the period from 2000 to 2011, with a sample collection of 21 articles. : 2006 (19.04%), and the majority of researchers (46.66%) with a PhD in nursing. It also revealed that the largest number of articles published about the ǡ that the state of São Paulo is a reference to the area in terms of academic life and health. . Additionally, it was found that the intensive care unit is a scenario : It is intensive care unit

    PT: do corporativismo ao transformismo

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    Este artigo tem como objetivo estudar o processo histórico de emergência e desenvolvimento do Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT) nacional, visto como agente social coletivo institucionalizado, contemplando a análise das relações de poder e identidade existentes entre esta instituição e os setores da sociedade civil que, em tese, ela representaria, bem como com os setores da sociedade política, avaliando a natureza da interação existente entre estes agentes sociais. Partindo do conceito gramsciano de transformismo, discutem-se duas fases, uma inicial, caracterizada por maior radicalismo e, simultaneamente, por certo corporativismo, e uma segunda fase, marcada por uma flexibilização do discurso, pela abertura para alianças políticas e pela revisão programática, que culminou com a chegada do partido à presidência da república em 2003


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    Este artigo tem como objetivo discutir a influência do modelo de escrita e interpretação da Amazônia estabelecido por Euclides da Cunha, no início do século XX, na contística pan-amazônica sobre os fenômenos das águas. A análise literária é centrada em seis contos de quatro ficcionistas –– três brasileiros e um peruano: Alberto Rangel, Francisco Izquierdo Ríos, Arthur Engrácio e João Meirelles Filho. O trabalho argumenta que o modelo euclidiano está no cerne do agenciamento dos fenômenos das águas como matéria literária por esses autores, que a tematização do extrativismo em suas narrativas também se articula direta ou indiretamente com ele, e, por fim, que em seus limites e contradições, como na falta explícita de reconhecimento de um sujeito amazônico como protagonista da história social da região, a visada de Euclides da Cunha estabeleceu um paradigma influente, por vezes seguido e por vezes superado, na literatura moderna e contemporânea de expressão amazônica, da qual a contística das águas constitui amostra significativa. Os autores de referência são Cunha (2000), Souza (2009), Leão (2008) e Lima (2012), dentre outros

    Knowledge of nursing professionals on the evaluation of residual gastric volume

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    ABSTRACT | OBJECTIVE: To describe the knowledge of nursing professionals about the evaluation of residual gastric volume. METHODS: Descriptive research with a quantitative-qualitative cross-sectional approach performed through questionnaire application to 60 nursing professionals involved in direct patient care in diet therapy. The data were collected in April 2015. RESULTS: 69.2% of nurses and 72.3% of nursing technicians considered to have little knowledge about residual gastric volume. The main difficulty found by the nursing team to verify the residual volume was the work overload, followed by lack of orientation or training. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: The professionals demonstrate knowledge of the importance of the verification of the residual gastric volume, but the practice of the procedure in the assistance to the patients in the use of diet therapy is made difficult by the little existing information about the parameters

    The episiotomy and return to sex life after childbirth

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    during intercourse postpartum. This is a review of literature was performed using books, scientific articles published in Portuguese in a time frame from 2003 to 2008, in SciELO databases, Medline and Lilacs. It can be argued that episiotomy has become routine, used prophylactically as justification to avoid perineal trauma morbidity and mortality and gynecolog- ical problems such as rectocele, cystocele and relaxation of the pelvic floor. The return to sexual activity varies in a specific time for each woman depending on your libido, "fear", the healing of perineal lacerations or incisions and the degree of vaginal atrophy and secondary episiorrhaphy is an event that affects this time. Many women do not participate in the deci- sion to make or not an episiotomy nor are they informed about the routine practices that bring consequence and influence the quality of sexual life of it. More studies are needed to elucidate the woman feeling underwent episiotomy and the impact on your sex life

    Clinical epidemiological profile and the main diagnostic labels nursing to hospitalized patients with stroke in a large hospital in the south of the Legal Amazônia region

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    Introduction: Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA) is a disease that leaves to the patient some important neurological deficits interfering in maintaining the health and quality of life, therefore it becomes essential identify the epidemiological clinical profile of stroke patients with order to develop nursing actions in a systematic way. Objective: The objectives were identify and analyze the epidemiological clinical profile of patients admitted with a stroke diagnosis in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of a large hospital and propose nursing diagnoses labels. Material and Methods: This is a descriptive, cross-sectional and retrospective study with a quantitative approach, the sample was 73 (100%) records of patients with a diagnosis of stroke admitted to the ICU. Results: The most of patients were female 52.1% (38) and 69% (51) of the total sample studied lived in the urban area. The Ischemic Stroke achieved significant prevalence of 63% (46) compared to 32.9% hemorrhagic stroke (24), and 4.1% (3) of the patients were diagnosed with both types of stroke. The analysis found that 87.7% (64) of the patients had hypertension, 30.2% (22) of the patients had diabetes mellitus. Clinical manifestations and consequences presented by the most prevalent patients were 38.4% (28) for hemiplegia, motor aphasia 31.5 % (23) and 21.6% (16) developed memory loss. Conclusion: It was concluded that most patients were female and lived in the urban area with a mean age of 69.1 years. The main proposed nursing diagnoses labels were impaired physical mobility, impaired swallowing, imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements, and the profile found shows the importance of the multidisciplinary team performance, enabling the creation and implementation of strategies to improvements in care to stroke patients

    Knowledge of the professional nurse about sepsis

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    In the world every hour approximately 1,000 people die from sepsis; in the Brazil, the sepsis is one of the major health prob- lems, and is currently the leading cause of death in intensive care units (ICU). Given the above objective was to identify nurses' knowledge of a UTI about the stages of sepsis in a large public hospital within Rondônia, Brazil. This is a descriptive study, quantitative and qualitative cross-sectional, conducted from 17 to 21 June 2013. The sample consisted of 9 nurses. Data collection was based on a structured questionnaire with 3 objec- tive questions related to demographics and 8 guiding questions about sepsis. The result of the survey revealed that nurses have knowledge about prevention and control of sepsis in ICU. However, we found a deficit of knowledge based on scientific evidence about the advent SIRS (Systemic Inflammatory Re- sponse Syndrome), Sepsis, Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock, as well as the forms of treatment that includes resuscitation packs of 6 and 24 hours. Observed in the study of the importance of seeking more knowledge through continuing education, imple- mentation of sepsis bundles, thus contributing to reducing mor- tality from sepsis

    Análise da prevalência de sobrepeso, obesidade e risco cardíaco nos escolares da rede municipal de ensino

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    To analyze the prevalence of overweight and obesity and cardiac risk among schoolchildren in the municipal network, differentiating groups from rural and urban schools. Methods: The present study is characterized as descriptive, of a quantitative character, having a cross section. The current study used a random sample by listing the sample in a population of 3,547 students, the sample selected was 11.76% (482 students), of students aged between 7 and 12 years. The hypothesis raised is that there is no significant difference between schoolchildren in rural and urban areas. For the sample selection, Kazmier's statistical calculation was applied, respecting a margin of error of 0.05%. Results: Of the 482 students, 230 were males and 252 females. The prevalence of normal, overweight and obesity was 69%, 19% and 11%, respectively, in males, and 77%, 10% and 13%, respectively. urban area giving a total of 111 students divided into 52 males and 59 females. Conclusion: In the current study there was no significant difference in the variables that indicate a tendency to overweight and obesity. In the variable that indicates cardiac risk there was a difference in the male and female groups, with an emphasis on increase in school children in the rural area

    The knowledge team's knowledge on pediatric cardiopulmonary re-immination in ICU

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    Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) are ducts created by the American Heart Association (AHA), American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) to reverse the cardiopulmonary arrest (CPA), which causes a sudden death to the patient. The nursing team is responsible for highlighting this framework in which the customer may have, as occurs greater contact with the patient in an intensive care unit (ICU). The aim of this study: to characterize the profile of nursing team professionals working in pediatric ICU; Analyze the performance of the nursing staff before the CPR signals in the pediatric ICU; Evaluate the theoretical knowledge of the nursing staff on the CPR protocol 2015 approach to child; Identify the knowledge of the staff about the drugs used in pediatric CPR. The survey was conducted in July, after the participants become aware of the research and agree to participate. Quantitative and qualitative study with descriptive approach, with cross feature. Obtaining the sample was for convenience. The study was conducted in a public hospital Rondonia inside with the specific sector to PICU. Data were collected through a questionnaire with 10 questions, data collection was structured in two parts: the first was a questionnaire with questions with multiple choices and the second time the respondent was asked to answer the questionnaire containing multiple choice questions evaluating theoretical and practical concepts of service of PCR / CPR pediatrics, composed of questions and answers on the CPR and technical skills for the application of CPR maneuvers based on standardizations stipulated in international guidelines call PCR / RCP, arranged in logical and consistent to date knowledge of this service. Who had the participation of 17 professionals in nursing, under the age of 20 years 9 (53%). Of the professionals interviewed 17 (100%) reported knowing the new CPR guidelines, 17 (100%) of professionals has less than 1 year of operation in the ICU. Most reported having participated in CPR 7 (42%) attended by more than 4 times. About the child approach of CRP signals 10 (83%) knew how to accomplish this approach. Regarding the new CPR protocol in 2015, it was found that there were questions of professionals in all matters from medication dosage the right way to perform chest compression. It was concluded that in view of the results obtained, it was identified that there were questions of professionals in all matters regarding the theoretical knowledge including medication dosage, number of compressions and depth and the skills of their technical and professional nurse in a CPR