33 research outputs found

    بررسی وضعیت بروز عوارض مصرف هورمون و مواد نیروزا در ورزشکاران پرورش اندام ایلام

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    Background and aim: Unfortunately, some people have abused medical advances, and doping drug is a major problem that modern societies are facing. This study was designed to estimate the prevalence of energizers and supplement use and their side effects among young adults in Ilam. Methods: This study was performed in fitness clubs by random sampling method. Data were collected by a questionnaire whose validity and reliability were confirmed. The correlation coefficient between the two operational periods was 0.78. The data were analyzed by using SPSS software at a significant level of 5%. Results: The numbers of 784 cases were studied who reported 50.3% use of different supplements, 35.5% use doping drugs. 64.5% reported at least one of the side effects. The results show a significant increase in supplements usage in the first three years of athletes. Using supplements and doping drugs is more common in professional athletes. Conclusion: Specialized training education on the side effects of supplements and drugs at an earlier age and the first years of entering the clubs can have a better impact on reducing consumption.سابقه و هدف: متاسفانه افرادی از پیشرفت­‌های پزشکی سوء­استفاده کرده و سوء­مصرف مواد نیروزا از معضلات گریبانگیر جوامع مدرن است. مطالعه با هدف برآورد میزان عوارض و شیوع مصرف مواد مکمل و مواد نیروزا در جوانان شهر ایلام انجام گردید. روش کار: این مطالعه در باشگاه­‌های بدنسازی به روش نمونه­‌گیری تخصیص تصادفی انجام شد. داده­‌ها با استفاده از پرسشنامه جمع­‌آوری شد که روایی و پایایی آن تایید شد. ضریب همبستگی بین دو دوره عملیاتی 0/78 بود. داده­‌ها با استفاده از نرم­‌افزار SPSS در سطح معنی­‌داری 5 درصد تجزیه و تحلیل شدند. یافته­‌ها: مطالعه با شرکت 784 نفر انجام شد که 50/3 درصد مصرف انواع مکمل و 35/5 درصد مصرف مواد نیروزا را گزارش کرده­‌اند. 64/5% افراد حداقل یکی از عوارض جانبی را گزارش کرده­‌اند. نتایج این پژوهش نشان داد، در 3 سال ابتدایی فعالیت ورزشکاران افزایش معنی‌­داری در مصرف مکمل‌ها وجود دارد. مصرف مکمل­‌ها و مواد نیروزا در ورزشکاران حرفه‌ای بیشتر بود. نتیجه‌گیری: آموزش­‌های تخصصی در خصوص عوارض استفاده از هورمون‌ها و مواد نیروزا در سنین پایین و سال‌های ابتدایی ورود به باشگاه می‌­تواند تاثیر زیادی در کاهش مصرف آنها داشته باشد

    Epidemiologic study on accidents among children under five years old during 2006 to 2016-Qazvin

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    Background: Children, due to their insufficient risk detection, are more vulnerable to accidents than adults. Objective: The present study has been done to explore the prevalence of accidents and related factors among children under five years old from 2006 to 2016 in Qazvin. Methods: This descriptive-analytic study concluded all 18184 children who had exposure to accidents during study time section from 2006 to 2016. All recorded data in Health Information System (HIS) of Qazvin Health Management Office were probed to explore the target figures, and then were entered in a qualified checklist. All data were analyzed by descriptive statistical methods and Multinomial Logistic Regression. Findings: The prevalence rate of accidents in the target children was eight percent, which more than half (62.9 %) were taken place in boys. Accidents in children before one year old (31.4 %), and home accidents (46.5%) were the most prevalent one. In addition to these, the rates of Trauma, Fallings, and Traffic accidents were 31.8%, 15.6%, 14.9%, respectively. The most prevalent time of accident was summer (29.7%), especially in July (12.1%). Conclusion: The risk of accidents in the young children, and boys are more than others. Unsafe home environment, motor vehicles accidents, and doing unsafe behaviors are the main causes for increasing the risk. Yet, application of some programs such as; mothers’ education, administration of traffic rules may decrease the risk of accidents in the children

    نقش درک خطر بر مولفه هاي رفتار ايمني: تبيين اثرميانجي انگيزه ايمني و تعديل گر جوّ ايمني همکاران و سرپرست

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    Background and Objectives: Previous studies have acknowledged the impact of risk perception on safety behavior though most of them are controversial. This study aims to clarify this conflict and the mechanism through which risk perception can have an impact on safety behavior. Materials and Methods: The present study was descriptive and correlational. The statistical population of this research was 800 employees of Hamadan Fire and Safety Services Organization. The sample size was 261 people based on Morgan table using simple random sampling method. The research data, through four standard questionnaires of risk perception, safety behavior, safety motivation, and safety climate, were collected, and the proposed model was analyzed using structural equation modeling. Results: The results of this study showed: Perception of risk has a significant effect on the safety motivation of firefighters in Hamadan (0.66). Safety motivation had a considerable effect on safety compliance (0.64) and safety participation (0.42) of firefighters in the Hamadan. Safety motivation plays a mediating role in influencing risk perception on safety compliance (0.61) and safety participation (0.37) of firefighters in Hamadan. The safety atmosphere of the supervisor (0.66) and the safety atmosphere of the colleagues (0.58) moderate the relationship between risk perception and safety motivation. Conclusion: In general, from the obtained results, it can be understood that risk perception and safety climate are the factors that affect safety motivation, safety participation, and safety compliance. Accordingly, it is suggested that the perception of risk and safety atmosphere be given more attention. How to cite this article: Aghighi A, Souri M. The Role of Risk Perception on Safety Behavior: Mediated by Safety Motivation and the Moderating Role of co-workers' and Supervisor Safety Climate. J Saf Promot Inj Prev. 2021; 8(4):227- 37.  سابقه و هدف: مطالعات قبلي تأثير درک خطر را بر انطباق ايمني تأييد کرده‌اند، اما تا حد زيادي بحث برانگيز بودند. اين مطالعه با هدف تبيين اين تعارض و سازوکاري است که از طريق آن درک خطر مي‌تواند بر رفتار ايمني تأثير بگذارد. روش: روش پژوهش حاضر توصيفي و از نوع همبستگي بود. جامعة آماري اين تحقيق کليه کارکنان سازمان آتش‌نشاني و خدمات ايمني همدان به تعداد 800 نفر بوده که حجم نمونه براساس جدول مورگان تعداد 261 نفر با استفاده از روش نمونه‎گيري تصادفي ساده تعيين شد. براي گردآوري داده‌هاي پژوهش از چهار پرسشنامه استاندارد درک خطر، رفتار ايمني، انگيزه‌ي ايمني و جوّ ايمني استفاده شد و الگوي ارائه شده با استفاده از مدل‏سازي معادلات ساختاري تجزيه و تحليل گرديد. يافته‌ها: نتايج اين پژوهش نشان داد: درک خطر بر انگيزه ايمني آتش‌نشانان همدان تأثير معناداري داشت (66/0). انگيزه ايمني بر انطباق ايمني (64/0) و مشارکت ايمني (42/0) آتش‌نشانان همدان تأثير معناداري داشت. انگيزه ايمني در تأثيرگذاري درک خطر بر انطباق ايمني (61/0) و مشارکت ايمني (37/0) آتش‌نشانان همدان نقش ميانجي داشت. همچنين جوّ ايمني سرپرست (66/0) و  جوّ ايمني همکاران (58/0) رابطه درک خطر و انگيزه ايمني را تعديل مي‌‌کرد. نتيجه‌گيري:  به‌طور کلي از نتايج به دست آمده مي‌توان دريافت درک خطر و جوّ ايمني عواملي هستند که انگيزه ايمني، مشارکت ايمني و انطباق ايمني را تحت تأثير قرار مي‌دهند. بر اين اساس پيشنهاد مي‌شود که درک خطر و جوّ ايمني بيشتر مورد توجه قرار گيرند.   How to cite this article: Aghighi A, Souri M. The Role of Risk Perception on Safety Behavior: Mediated by Safety Motivation and the Moderating Role of co-workers' and Supervisor Safety Climate. J Saf Promot Inj Prev. 2021; 8(4):227- 37

    The Incidence and Related Risk Factors for Accidents Among Women Living in Qazvin City, Iran From 2006 to 2015

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    Background Accident-induced disability and death in women causes undesirable effects and imposes significant costs on individuals, families, and society; this is because of the critical role of women in family and community. Objective This study aimed to investigate the accidents in women living in Qazvin Province, Iran, and its related risk factors from 2006 to 2015. Methods This descriptive study was conducted on 61954 women referring to hospitals due to accidents in Qazvin Province. The obtained data were analyzed using frequency distribution, Chi-squared test, logistic regression, and multivariate analysis. Findings The prevalence rate of accidents among women was 14.1%. Most of the accidents occurred in the age of 19-28 years, in the spring, and in the neighborhoods of the injured women. Trauma (25.3%), and traffic accidents (20.1%) were the leading causes of accidents in the studied women. Conclusion Injuries, and accidents among women living in Qazvin Province had a high incidence; mostly women in the younger age groups were affected. Therefore, considering the importance of protecting the health of female population in promoting health and maintaining public safety, planning for the prevention of accidents and incidents in this population is crucial

    A Data Mining Classification Approach for Behavioral Malware Detection

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    Data mining techniques have numerous applications in malware detection. Classification method is one of the most popular data mining techniques. In this paper we present a data mining classification approach to detect malware behavior. We proposed different classification methods in order to detect malware based on the feature and behavior of each malware. A dynamic analysis method has been presented for identifying the malware features. A suggested program has been presented for converting a malware behavior executive history XML file to a suitable WEKA tool input. To illustrate the performance efficiency as well as training data and test, we apply the proposed approaches to a real case study data set using WEKA tool. The evaluation results demonstrated the availability of the proposed data mining approach. Also our proposed data mining approach is more efficient for detecting malware and behavioral classification of malware can be useful to detect malware in a behavioral antivirus