54 research outputs found

    Species for a national coherence of the French Green and Blue Infrastructure (TVB program): how have they been taken into account in the Regional Ecological-Continuity Plans (SRCE)?

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    La « Trame verte et bleue » est une politique publique portĂ©e en France par le MinistĂšre de l’environnement qui vise Ă  mieux prendre en compte la biodiversitĂ© dans l’amĂ©nagement du territoire et en particulier Ă  rĂ©duire la fragmentation des habitats. Son objectif est de prĂ©server et restaurer un rĂ©seau Ă©cologique, constituĂ© de rĂ©servoirs et de corridors qui les relient. Pour cela, elle est mise en Ɠuvre Ă  plusieurs Ă©chelles territoriales. Au niveau national, un document-cadre (les ON TVB) fixe les grands objectifs de la politique. Les ON TVB comprennent notamment une liste d’espĂšces sĂ©lectionnĂ©es dans les rĂ©gions qui ont pour elles une « responsabilitĂ© nationale » en termes de populations hĂ©bergĂ©es. Ces espĂšces Ă©taient Ă  prendre en compte (notion d’opposabilitĂ© juridique) par les schĂ©mas rĂ©gionaux de la politique TVB (les SRCE). Alors que la phase d’élaboration des SRCE est dĂ©sormais terminĂ©e, un bilan de ce dispositif a Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ© pour analyser comment cette prise en compte s’est traduite dans les SRCE sur un plan scientifique et technique. Dans ce travail, deux modalitĂ©s de prise en compte ont prĂ©alablement Ă©tĂ© posĂ©es pour dresser ce bilan : i) l’utilisation de ces espĂšces pour identifier la trame rĂ©gionale et ii) la vĂ©rification a posteriori de la prĂ©sence de ces espĂšces dans la trame rĂ©gionale. Les rĂ©sultats montrent que les deux tiers des rĂ©gions se retrouvent dans l’une ou l’autre de ces deux mĂ©thodes. PrĂšs de la moitiĂ© des rĂ©gions ont justifiĂ© leur prise en compte par une utilisation de ces espĂšces pour l’identification de leurs rĂ©servoirs et corridors. Environ un tiers des rĂ©gions a adoptĂ© une approche a posteriori en vĂ©rifiant la proportion de la rĂ©partition des espĂšces qui se retrouve dans la trame rĂ©gionale. Dans une logique d’évaluation de la politique TVB, il serait utile d’approfondir ce premier bilan basĂ© sur une analyse documentaire des SRCE, par une Ă©valuation extĂ©rieure afin de vĂ©rifier si la prĂ©servation de ces enjeux espĂšces est effective et suffisante, d’un point de vue Ă©cologique. Aussi, au regard du bilan dressĂ©, il est d’ores et dĂ©jĂ  possible de prĂ©coniser une clarification des ON TVB concernant les attentes en matiĂšre de prise en compte des espĂšces. Ce renforcement des ON TVB est d’autant plus nĂ©cessaire dans le contexte actuel d’intĂ©gration des SRCE dans un nouveau schĂ©ma rĂ©gional intĂ©grateur (le Sraddet).The “Trame verte et bleue” (TVB) is a French public policy that aims to better include biodiversity in territorial planning and particularly to reduce habitat fragmentation. The overall objective is to preserve and restore an ecological network, consisting of biodiversity cores and corridors linking them. For that purpose, TVB policy is deployed on several territorial levels. On the national level, a framework document (titled ON-TVB) presents the main objectives of the program. In particular, the ON-TVB lists some animal species for each French regions that have a national responsibility to protect them. The French regions had to take into account (within the meaning of legal enforceability) those TVB species within their regional schemes (named SRCE). Now that SRCE are adopted, it is time to have an overview of this new and original system and to evaluate its efficacity and effectivity from a technical and scientific point of view. In this work, two methods to take into account the TVB species have been identified to make this assessment: i) using the TVB species to design the regional ecological network or ii) checking retrospectively that the TVB species are actually present in the regional ecological network. The results show that two-thirds of the French regions used one of those two methods. About half of the French regions took into account the TVB species using them to design their cores and corridors. Almost one third of the French regions checked the proportion of the TVB species distribution found in their regional ecological network. Yet, to look forward this first analysis based on SRCE review, an independent assessment is needed to verify that the TVB species were sufficiently taken into account. As for now, in view of those results, it’s already possible to suggest that the ON-TVB better clarify what “to take into account” means and what is expected of the regions about the TVB species. Such a consolidation of the ON-TVB is all the more necessary in the current context in which SRCE are being integrated with other regional plans into a new inclusive regional scheme (named “Sraddet”)

    Trame noire : un sujet qui « monte » dans les territoires

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    La notion de « trame noire » a fait son apparition depuis quelques annĂ©es, s’ajoutant Ă  celle de « trame verte et bleue » dĂ©jĂ  bien connue. L’objectif est de limiter la dĂ©gradation et la fragmentation des habitats dues Ă  l’éclairage artificiel par l’intermĂ©diaire d’un rĂ©seau Ă©cologique formĂ© de rĂ©servoirs et de corridors propices Ă  la biodiversitĂ© nocturne. Plusieurs dĂ©marches de trames noires sont en cours ou mĂȘme dĂ©jĂ  achevĂ©es en France. Cet article prĂ©sente deux projets menĂ©s dans des territoires trĂšs contrastĂ©s, l’un dans le Parc national des PyrĂ©nĂ©es et l’autre sur la MĂ©tropole europĂ©enne de Lille

    Trame noire : un sujet qui « monte » dans les territoires

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    La notion de « trame noire » a fait son apparition depuis quelques annĂ©es, s’ajoutant Ă  celle de « trame verte et bleue » dĂ©jĂ  bien connue. L’objectif est de limiter la dĂ©gradation et la fragmentation des habitats dues Ă  l’éclairage artificiel par l’intermĂ©diaire d’un rĂ©seau Ă©cologique formĂ© de rĂ©servoirs et de corridors propices Ă  la biodiversitĂ© nocturne. Plusieurs dĂ©marches de trames noires sont en cours ou mĂȘme dĂ©jĂ  achevĂ©es en France. Cet article prĂ©sente deux projets menĂ©s dans des territoires trĂšs contrastĂ©s, l’un dans le Parc national des PyrĂ©nĂ©es et l’autre sur la MĂ©tropole europĂ©enne de Lille

    Cartografía en Francia, para el proyecto “Trame verte et bleue”, de las continuidades ecológicas de importancia nacional que constituyen los setos

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    Maintaining a dense ecological network for different habitats is a challenge to guarantee persistence of ecological processes at national scale. As cultural landscape favourable for biodiversity, bocage represents an important stake in terms of connectivity. In the context of the “Trame verte et bleue” project and the definition of its guidelines, we carried out a survey to propose a map of bocage ecological continuities of national significance. The process is based on a cartographic crossing between three data sources: two existing maps of land use and crop diversity, and an indicative map of ecological quality. The latter was produced representing specific richness of 11 bocage-dependent species in a grid. When the three criteria were visually satisfied in the manual cartographic crossing, structural and functional continuity was identified. The obtained map highlights 9 main indicative continuities. The results were confronted to local data and expertise to assess map relevance. The main objective of this work is to facilitate national coherence of regional ecological networksLa conservaciĂłn de una red nacional de corredores ecolĂłgicos que sea lo suficientemente densa y que incluya diferentes tipos de sistemas naturales es un gran desafĂ­o a la hora de asegurar la perennidad de los procesos ecolĂłgicos que se desarrollan a gran escala. Entre estos corredores ecolĂłgicos, destacan por su importancia los setos y otras formaciones vegetales que aparecen en los paisajes cultivados. Estas formaciones vegetales permiten conciliar la actividad agrĂ­cola con la conservaciĂłn de la biodiversidad. Para el proyecto “Trame verte et bleue” y la definiciĂłn de sus grandes orientaciones, proponemos un mapa de Francia que incluye continuidades ecolĂłgicas importantes a nivel nacional. Para ello, hemos combinado manualmente tres fuentes cartogrĂĄficas: un mapa de la densidad de setos, otro con la diversidad de cultivos y otro mapa que indica la presencia en una cuadrĂ­cula de once especies habituales de los setos y que tienen requerimientos ecolĂłgicos estrictos. Los grupos vegetales que destacaban visualmente siguiendo estos tres criterios cartogrĂĄficos se han considerado como continuidades ecolĂłgicas nacionales relevantes desde un punto de vista funcional y estructural. El mapa obtenido presenta nueve grandes corredores a la escala nacional. Estos resultados han sido confrontados con estudios regionales y con cuestionarios a expertos. Esperamos que este mapa permita favorecer la coherencia de las tramas regionales de redes ecolĂłgicas en FranciaLe maintien d'un rĂ©seau suffisamment dense de continuitĂ©s Ă©cologiques Ă  l'Ă©chelle nationale couvrant diffĂ©rents types de milieux est un enjeu majeur pour assurer la pĂ©rennitĂ© des processus Ă©cologiques qui se dĂ©roulent Ă  large Ă©chelle. Les bocages, milieux agricoles favorables Ă  la biodiversitĂ©, sont concernĂ©s par ce dĂ©fi. Dans le cadre du programme « Trame verte et bleue » et de la dĂ©finition de ses orientations nationales, nous avons menĂ© une rĂ©flexion afin de proposer une carte de grandes continuitĂ©s Ă©cologiques bocagĂšres. La dĂ©marche repose sur un croisement cartographique manuel entre: une carte de la densitĂ© de haies, une carte de la diversitĂ© des assolements et une carte indicatrice d'une certaine qualitĂ© Ă©cologique. Cette derniĂšre carte reprĂ©sente la richesse spĂ©cifique par maille pour un ensemble de 11 espĂšces associĂ©es aux bocages et Ă©cologiquement exigeantes. Les ensembles prĂ©sentant visuellement un fort intĂ©rĂȘt selon ces trois critĂšres cartographiques ont Ă©tĂ© considĂ©rĂ©s comme des continuitĂ©s Ă  la fois structurelles et fonctionnelles. Le rĂ©sultat obtenu se prĂ©sente sous la forme d’une carte indiquant 9 grandes continuitĂ©s Ă  l’échelle nationale. Une confrontation Ă  l’expertise et Ă  des Ă©tudes locales et rĂ©gionales a permis de valider la pertinence de cette carte destinĂ©e Ă  favoriser la cohĂ©rence nationale des trames Ă©cologiques rĂ©gionales

    Standards of conduct and reporting in evidence syntheses that could inform environmental policy and management decisions

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    Accurate, unbiased and concise synthesis of available evidence following clear methodology and transparent report‑ ing is necessary to support effective environmental policy and management decisions. Without this, less reliable and/ or less objective reviews of evidence could inform decision making, leading to ineffective, resource wasteful inter‑ ventions with potential for unintended consequences. We evaluated the reliability of over 1000 evidence syntheses (reviews and overviews) published between 2018 and 2020 that provide evidence on the impacts of human activities or effectiveness of interventions relevant to environmental management. The syntheses are drawn from the Col‑ laboration for Environmental Evidence Database of Evidence Reviews (CEEDER), an online, freely available evidence service for evidence users that assesses the reliability of evidence syntheses using a series of published criteria. We found that the majority of syntheses have problems with transparency, replicability and potential for bias. Overall, our results suggest that most recently published evidence syntheses are of low reliability to inform decision making. Reviews that followed guidance and reporting standards for evidence synthesis had improved assessment ratings, but there remains substantial variation in the standard of reviews amongst even these. Furthermore, the term ‘system‑ atic review’, which implies conformity with a methodological standard, was frequently misused. A major objective of the CEEDER project is to improve the reliability of the global body of environmental evidence reviews. To this end we outline freely available online resources to help improve review conduct and reporting. We call on authors, editors and peer reviewers to use these resources to ensure more reliable syntheses in the future

    Pistes méthodologiques pour prendre en compte la pollution lumineuse dans les réseaux écologiques

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    In response to habitat fragmentation, scientific literature recommends ecological networks, which are natural areas interconnected structurally and functionally. Recently, artificial light at night (ALAN) is recognized as a new cause of habitat fragmentation. Indeed, light pollution modifies animal mobility and degrades quality of habitats used by biodiversity at night. It can be also a real barrier for some species that are not able to cross lighting areas. All those impacts imply that light pollution be integrated into ecological networks but this need raises new questions for practitioners. This article proposes some solutions to planify ecological networks integrating light pollution, from their building to their implementation. ALAN can be covered at different steps of the process : 1) to design a dark ecological network (cores and corridors), 2) to locate conflictual zones between green infrastructure and lightings or even 3) to plan actions to reduce light pollution in the ecological network. This article proposes also first indications about lighting parameters that have to be considered in an ecological network for biodiversity. Indeed, light pollution causes several kinds of problems to biodiversity that have to be translated into quantitative and qualitative variables - and next into maps - for ecological networks. Furthermore, a list of species that are particularly sensitive to ALAN should be provided to determine switching thresholds for ecological networks

    Prise en compte des espÚces de cohérence nationale trame verte et bleue dans les schémas régionaux de cohérence écologique

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    Species for a national coherence of the French Green and Blue Infrastructure (TVB program) : how have they been taken into account in the Regional Ecological-Continuity Plans (SRCE) ? The “Trame verte et bleue” (TVB) is a French public policy that aims to better include biodiversity in territorial planning and particularly to reduce habitat fragmentation. The overall objective is to preserve and restore an ecological network, consisting of biodiversity cores and corridors linking them. For that purpose, TVB policy is deployed on several territorial levels. On the national level, a framework document (titled ON-TVB) presents the main objectives of the program. In particular, the ON-TVB lists some animal species for each French regions that have a national responsibility to protect them. The French regions had to take into account (within the meaning of legal enforceability) those TVB species within their regional schemes (named SRCE). Now that SRCE are adopted, it is time to have an overview of this new and original system and to evaluate its efficacity and effectivity from a technical and scientific point of view. In this work, two methods to take into account the TVB species have been identified to make this assessment : i) using the TVB species to design the regional ecological network or ii) checking retrospectively that the TVB species are actually present in the regional ecological network. The results show that two-thirds of the French regions used one of those two methods. About half of the French regions took into account the TVB species using them to design their cores and corridors. Almost one third of the French regions checked the proportion of the TVB species distribution found in their regional ecological network. Yet, to look forward this first analysis based on SRCE review, an independent assessment is needed to verify that the TVB species were sufficiently taken into account. As for now, in view of those results, it’s already possible to suggest that the ON-TVB better clarify what “ to take into account” means and what is expected of the regions about the TVB species. Such a consolidation of the ON-TVB is all the more necessary in the current context in which SRCE are being integrated with other regional plans into a new inclusive regional scheme (named “Sraddet”).La «Trame verte et bleue» est une politique publique portĂ©e en France par le MinistĂšre de l’environnement qui vise Ă  mieux prendre en compte la biodiversitĂ© dans l’amĂ©nagement du territoire et en particulier Ă  rĂ©duire la fragmentation des habitats. Son objectif est de prĂ©server et restaurer un rĂ©seau Ă©cologique, constituĂ© de rĂ©servoirs et de corridors qui les relient. Pour cela, elle est mise en oeuvre Ă  plusieurs Ă©chelles territoriales. Au niveau national, un document-cadre (les ON TVB) fixe les grands objectifs de la politique. Les ON TVB comprennent notamment une liste d’espĂšces sĂ©lectionnĂ©es dans les rĂ©gions qui ont pour elles une «responsabilitĂ© nationale» en termes de populations hĂ©bergĂ©es. Ces espĂšces Ă©taient Ă  prendre en compte (notion d’opposabilitĂ© juridique) par les schĂ©mas rĂ©gionaux de la politique TVB (les SRCE). Alors que la phase d’élaboration des SRCE est dĂ©sormais terminĂ©e, un bilan de ce dispositif a Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ© pour analyser comment cette prise en compte s’est traduite dans les SRCE sur un plan scientifique et technique. Dans ce travail, deux modalitĂ©s de prise en compte ont prĂ©alablement Ă©tĂ© posĂ©es pour dresser ce bilan : i) l’utilisation de ces espĂšces pour identifier la trame rĂ©gionale et ii) la vĂ©rification a posteriori de la prĂ©sence de ces espĂšces dans la trame rĂ©gionale. Les rĂ©sultats montrent que les deux tiers des rĂ©gions se retrouvent dans l’une ou l’autre de ces deux mĂ©thodes. PrĂšs de la moitiĂ© des rĂ©gions ont justifiĂ© leur prise en compte par une utilisation de ces espĂšces pour l’identification de leurs rĂ©servoirs et corridors. Environ un tiers des rĂ©gions a adoptĂ© une approche a posteriori en vĂ©rifiant la proportion de la rĂ©partition des espĂšces qui se retrouve dans la trame rĂ©gionale. Dans une logique d’évaluation de la politique TVB, il serait utile d’approfondir ce premier bilan basĂ© sur une analyse documentaire des SRCE, par une Ă©valuation extĂ©rieure afin de vĂ©rifier si la prĂ©servation de ces enjeux espĂšces est effective et suffisante, d’un point de vue Ă©cologique. Aussi, au regard du bilan dressĂ©, il est d’ores et dĂ©jĂ  possible de prĂ©coniser une clarification des ON TVB concernant les attentes en matiĂšre de prise en compte des espĂšces. Ce renforcement des ON TVB est d’autant plus nĂ©cessaire dans le contexte actuel d’intĂ©gration des SRCE dans un nouveau schĂ©ma rĂ©gional intĂ©grateur (le Sraddet).Sordello Romain. Prise en compte des espĂšces de cohĂ©rence nationale trame verte et bleue dans les schĂ©mas rĂ©gionaux de cohĂ©rence Ă©cologique. In: Revue d'Écologie (La Terre et La Vie), tome 73, n°4, 2018. pp. 446-461

    Pollution lumineuse et trame verte et bleue : vers une trame noire en France ?

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    Erosion of biodiversity is mainly caused by habitat loss and fragmentation. In this situation, ecological networks, which are composed by natural zones interconnected by corridors, are an operational answer preconized by scientists and developed by governments. In France, the Ministry of environment conducts a policy, named “Trame verte et bleue” (TVB), to protect and restore a green and blue infrastructure at different spatial scales. In 2007-2010, when the strategic framework document (named “ONTVB”) was adopted, the relations between light pollution and ecological networks were still an emerging issue. But since TVB began, scientific knowledge has clearly progressed. Recently a barrier effect of artificial light at night (ALAN) has even been demonstrated as light infrastructure can’t be crossed by some animals. Then, TVB seems to be adapted to also reduce habitat fragmentation caused by light pollution. At the regional scale, planning documents (named “SRCE”) strongly underlined the issues. Even if in practice ALAN hasn’t been considered in the design of those regional ecological networks, actions have been planned to improve this point in the future. In addition, at the local scale, several projects have been currently developing by natural area managers, as national parks and regional natural parks, or by collectivities. Based on this diagnostic, this article makes recommendations to consolidate the national framework of the TVB programme to better take light pollution into account. For example, those strategic orientations could suggest a new dark ecological network (“trame noire”) and give some methodologic details about how to design it. They also might set national priority zones to protected and restore the quality of nocturnal environment

    Des continuitĂ©s Ă©cologiques d’importance nationale aux trames vertes et bleues rĂ©gionales : quelles mĂ©thodes de prise en compte ?

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    La Trame verte et bleue, un des engagements phares du Grenelle de l’environnement, vise Ă  maintenir et Ă  reconstituer un rĂ©seau sur le territoire national pour assurer la survie des espĂšces et faciliter leur adaptation au changement climatique. Mis en Ɠuvre aux Ă©chelles nationale, rĂ©gionale et locale, ce dispositif repose sur le principe des continuitĂ©s Ă©cologiques dites d'importance nationale que chaque rĂ©gion doit prendre en compte dans l'Ă©laboration de son schĂ©ma rĂ©gional de cohĂ©rence Ă©cologique. AprĂšs un Ă©tat des lieux des dĂ©marches et des mĂ©thodes de prise en compte de ces enjeux de cohĂ©rence nationale dans la construction des trames rĂ©gionales, cet article nous prĂ©sente un bilan critique et des suggestions d'amĂ©lioration
