190 research outputs found

    The role of academic libraries in the enhancement of information literacy: A study of the Fort Hare Library

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    Students today are faced with many difficulties in finding information, because new technology makes information available in different, mainly electronic, formats. For this information to be accessed and used properly, students are required to be information literate. It is a duty of today’s libraries to equip students with the necessary information skills to function effectively and to meet challenges of the information age. This paper reports on an investigation into the role of the University of Fort Hare Library in the enhancement of students’ information literacy. A survey was conducted among both undergraduate and postgraduate students and results of a total of 246 responses were analysed. Findings show that while there is some evidence that the University of Fort Hare Library is engaging in information literacy activities, students still have difficulty in finding, critically evaluating and using information

    Accumulation small hydro power plant on lake -Slovenian case

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    Abstract. Depends on amount of water per person, Slovenia is among the richest countries in Europe with almost four times the European average. The production of energy from water to wire is basically possible on the whole country area. This work deals with the area near to Ledava river, where the water accumulation system was built around 1970. From economical point of view, the aforementioned system is not really exploited. There are different possibilities, how to exploit the whole system, as with fishing industry, soaking industry or with convertion of hydro energy into electrical energy as part of renewable production units. The last mentioned is the part of presented research work in proposed paper

    Pediatric HIV care and treatment services in Tanzania: implications for survival.

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    BACKGROUND: Improving child survival for HIV-infected children remains an important health agenda. We present progress regarding care and treatment services to HIV infected children in Tanzania. METHODS: The National AIDS Control Programme Care and Treatment (CTC 2) database was used to obtain information of all children aged 0-14yearsenrolled in the HIV Care and Treatment Program between January 2011 and December 2014. We assessed eligibility for ART, time from enrolment to ART initiation, nutritional status, and mortality using Kaplan-Meier methods. RESULTS: A total of 29,531 (14,304 boys and 15,227 girls) ART-naive children aged 0-14 years were enrolled during the period, approximately 6700 to 8000 children per year. The male to female ratio was 48:50. At enrolment 72% were eligible for ART, 2-3% of children were positive for TB, and 2-4% were severely malnourished. Between 2011 and 2014, 2368 (8%) died, 9243 (31%) were Lost to Follow-up and 17,920 (61%) were on care or ART. The probability of death was 31% (95% CI 26-35), 43% (40-47), 52% (49-55) and 61% (58-64) by 1,2, 5 and 10 years of age, respectively. The hazard of death was greatest at very young ages (<2 years old), and decreased sharply by 4 years old. Children who were on ART had around 10-15% higher survival over time. CONCLUSIONS: Significant progress has been made regarding provision of paediatric HIV care and treatment in Tanzania. On average 7000 children are enrolled annually, and that approximately two thirds of children diagnosed under the age of 2 years were initiated on ART within a month. Provision of ART as soon as the child is diagnosed is the biggest factor in improving survival. However we noted that i) most children had advanced disease at the time of enrolment ii) approximately two-thirds of children were missing a baseline CD4 measurement and only 35% of children had either a CD4 count or percentage recorded, indicating limited access to CD4 testing services, and iii) 31% were lost to follow-up (LTFU). These challenges need to be addressed to improve early detection, enrolment and retention of HIV-infected children into care and improve documentation of services offered

    Prevalence and incidence rate of tuberculosis among HIV-infected patients enrolled in HIV care, treatment, and support program in mainland Tanzania.

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    BACKGROUND: Despite improvements in access to antiretroviral therapy (ART), mortality in people living with human immunodeficiency virus (PLHIV) is still high and primarily attributed to tuberculosis (TB) infection. In Sub-Saharan Africa, approximately 80% of HIV-related mortality cases are associated with TB. Relatively little is known about the incidence of TB among PLHIV in Tanzania and the determinant factors. We report the prevalence and incidence rate of confirmed TB and determine association with selected demographic and program-related factors based on data in the national HIV care and treatment program from 2011 to 2014. METHODS: We used the Tanzania National AIDS Control Programme database to obtain information on all HIV clients enrolled in the HIV care and treatment program between January 2011 and December 2014. We analyzed retrospective cohort data to assess the prevalence and TB incidence rate per 1000 person-years. A multivariable Cox proportional hazards regression model was used to estimate hazard ratios and 95% confidence intervals for putatively associated factors. RESULTS: Over 4 years, there were 22,071 confirmed cases of pulmonary TB in 1,323,600 person-years. The overall TB incidence was around 16.7 (95% CI 16.4-16.9) cases per 1000 person-years. The annual incidence rate decreased by 12.4 % from 17.0 (95% CI 16.5-17.4) in 2011 to 14.9 (95% CI 14.5-15.4) in 2014. The TB incidence rate was higher in persons not using ART and in males than in females. The incidence of TB was higher in patients with advanced HIV disease and decreased with increasing age. The overall prevalence of TB was 2.2%, with a peak prevalence of 2.5% in 2013 and was higher among children < 15 years (3.2%) in the same year. CONCLUSION: The study found an overall decrease in the incidence of TB in PLHIV. Our results emphasize the need for early initiation of ART and the provision of TB preventive therapy for those PLHIV without active TB after intensified TB case-finding

    Drug-related mutational patterns in hepatitis B virus (HBV) reverse transcriptase proteins from Iranian treatment-Naïve chronic HBV patients

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    Background: Immunomodulators and Nucleotide analogues have been used globally for the dealing of chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. However, the development of drug resistance is a major limitation to their long-term effectiveness. Objectives: The aim of this study was to characterize the hepatitis B virus reverse transcriptase (RT) protein variations among Iranian chronic HBV carriers who did not receive any antiviral treatments. Materials and Methods: Hepatitis B virus partial RT genes from 325 chronic in active carrier patients were amplified and directly sequenced. Nucleotide/amino acid substitutions were identified compared to the sequences obtained from the database. Results: All strains belonging to genotype D.365 amino-acid substitutions were found. Mutations related to lamivudine, adefovir, telbivudine, and entecavir occurred in (YMDD) 4% (n = 13), (SVQ) 17.23% (n = 56), (M204I/V + L180M) 2.45% (n = 8) and (M204I) 2.76% (n = 9) of patients, respectively. Conclusions: RT mutants do occur naturally and could be found in HBV carriers who have never received antiviral therapy. However, mutations related to drug resistance in Iranian treatment-naïve chronic HBV patients were found to be higher than other studies published formerly. Chronic HBV patients should be monitored closely prior the commencement of therapy to achieve the best regimen option. © 2013, KOWSAR Corp

    Geographic Coincidence of Increased Malaria Transmission Hazard and Vulnerability Occurring at the Periphery of two Tanzanian Villages.

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    The goal of malaria elimination necessitates an improved understanding of any fine-scale geographic variations in transmission risk so that complementary vector control tools can be integrated into current vector control programmes as supplementary measures that are spatially targeted to maximize impact upon residual transmission. This study examines the distribution of host-seeking malaria vectors at households within two villages in rural Tanzania. Host-seeking mosquitoes were sampled from 72 randomly selected households in two villages on a monthly basis throughout 2008 using CDC light-traps placed beside occupied nets. Spatial autocorrelation in the dataset was examined using the Moran's I statistic and the location of any clusters was identified using the Getis-Ord Gi* statistic. Statistical associations between the household characteristics and clusters of mosquitoes were assessed using a generalized linear model for each species. For both Anopheles gambiae sensu lato and Anopheles funestus, the density of host-seeking females was spatially autocorrelated, or clustered. For both species, houses with low densities were clustered in the semi-urban village centre while houses with high densities were clustered in the periphery of the villages. Clusters of houses with low or high densities of An. gambiae s.l. were influenced by the number of residents in nearby houses. The occurrence of high-density clusters of An. gambiae s.l. was associated with lower elevations while An. funestus was also associated with higher elevations. Distance from the village centre was also positively correlated with the number of household occupants and having houses constructed with open eaves. The results of the current study highlight that complementary vector control tools could be most effectively targeted to the periphery of villages where the households potentially have a higher hazard (mosquito densities) and vulnerability (open eaves and larger households) to malaria infection

    Do health systems delay the treatment of poor children? A qualitative study of child deaths in rural Tanzania.

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    Child mortality remains one of the major public-health problems in Tanzania. Delays in receiving and accessing adequate care contribute to these high rates. The literature on public health often focuses on the role of mothers in delaying treatment, suggesting that they contact the health system too late and that they prefer to treat their children at home, a perspective often echoed by health workers. Using the three-delay methodology, this study focus on the third phase of the model, exploring the delays experienced in receiving adequate care when mothers with a sick child contact a health-care facility. The overall objective is to analyse specific structural factors embedded in everyday practices at health facilities in a district in Tanzania which cause delays in the treatment of poor children and to discuss possible changes to institutions and social technologies. The study is based on qualitative fieldwork, including in-depth interviews with sixteen mothers who have lost a child, case studies in which patients were followed through the health system, and observations of more than a hundred consultations at all three levels of the health-care system. Data analysis took the form of thematic analysis. Focusing on the third phase of the three-delay model, four main obstacles have been identified: confusions over payment, inadequate referral systems, the inefficient organization of health services and the culture of communication. These impediments strike the poorest segment of the mothers particularly hard. It is argued that these delaying factors function as 'technologies of social exclusion', as they are embedded in the everyday practices of the health facilities in systematic ways. The interviews, case studies and observations show that it is especially families with low social and cultural capital that experience delays after having contacted the health-care system. Reductions of the various types of uncertainty concerning payment, improved referral practices and improved communication between health staff and patients would reduce some of the delays within health facilities, which might feedback positively into the other two phases of delay

    Final 5-Year Report of the Randomized BIO-RESORT Trial Comparing 3 Contemporary Drug-Eluting Stents in All-Comers

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    BACKGROUND: In a previous trial, higher 5‐year mortality was observed following treatment with biodegradable polymer Orsiro sirolimus‐eluting stents (SES). We assessed 5‐year safety and efficacy of all‐comers as well as patients with diabetes treated with SES or Synergy everolimus‐eluting stents (EES) versus durable polymer Resolute Integrity zotarolimus‐eluting stents (ZES). METHODS AND RESULTS: The randomized BIO‐RESORT (Comparison of Biodegradable Polymer and Durable Polymer Drug‐Eluting Stents in an All Comers Population) trial enrolled 3514 all‐comer patients at 4 Dutch cardiac centers. Patients aged ≥18 years who required percutaneous coronary intervention were eligible. Participants were stratified for diabetes and randomized to treatment with SES, EES, or ZES (1:1:1). The main end point was target vessel failure (cardiac mortality, target vessel myocardial infarction, or target vessel revascularization). Five‐year follow‐up was available in 3183 of 3514 (90.6%) patients. The main end point target vessel failure occurred in 142 of 1169 (12.7%) patients treated with SES, 130 of 1172 (11.6%) treated with EES, versus 157 of 1173 (14.1%) treated with ZES (hazard ratio [HR], 0.89 [95% CI, 0.71–1.12], P (log‐rank)=0.31; and HR, 0.82 [95% CI, 0.65–1.04], P (log‐rank)=0.10, respectively). Individual components of target vessel failure showed no significant between‐stent difference. Very late definite stent thrombosis rates were low and similar (SES, 1.1%; EES, 0.6%; ZES, 0.9%). In patients with diabetes, target vessel failure did not differ significantly between stent‐groups (SES, 19.8%; EES, 19.2%; versus ZES, 21.1% [P (log‐rank)=0.69 and P (log‐rank)=0.63]). CONCLUSIONS: Orsiro SES, Synergy EES, and Resolute Integrity ZES showed similar 5‐year outcomes of safety and efficacy, including mortality. A prespecified stent comparison in patients with diabetes also revealed no significant differences in 5‐year clinical outcomes. REGISTRATION: URL: https://www.clinicaltrials.gov; Unique identifier: NCT01674803