14 research outputs found

    Analisa Impedansi Pengetanahan Elektroda Batang Tunggal Dalam Beton Rangka Baja Terhadap Injeksi Arus Bolak Balik

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    Low impedance grounding is necessary to anticipate the return flow that can be directly on the ground. Research caruied out by field observations to determine the impedance value which is derived by a single rod electrode: Testing the impedance by the planting depth electrode arrangement and frequency settings. The results obtained were impedance value to a depth of 50 cm for 3.2 to 4.8 Ω, the depth of 100 cm for 3-4 Ω and 150 cm depth of 0.4 to 0.1 Ω

    Microcontroller Atmega8535 Sebagai Basis Pengendali Kecepatan Motor Induksi Satu Fasa

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    Pada umumnya motor induksi berputar dengan kecepatan konstan dengan tegangan penuh. Pada kebutuhan tertentu kecepatan motor induksi perlu diatur kecepatan putarannya. Dalam tugas akhir ini, saya menggunakan mikrokontrol ATMega8535 sebagai inti proses dan menggunakan bahasa basic dalam pemrograman. Pada bagian pendukung ada driver SSR (Solid State Relay) dan bagian rangkaian counter RPM untuk menghitung banyaknya putaran pada suatu rentang waktu tertentu dengan inti menggunakan LM358, photodiode dan LED putih yang kemudian dimunculkan di LCD. Dari berbagai percobaan, motor induksi ketika diberi tegangan penuh 220V maka motor berputar dengan maksimal dan konstan, namun ketika dihubungkan mikro maka terjadi kecepatan yang tidak stabil karena singal keluaran mikro mencacah tegangan dan juga jika dilihat dari oscilloscope terjadi gelombang loncatan singal, ketika diberi kapasitor yang terjadi motor induksi bisa lebih stabil dan mengurangi loncatan gelombang. Semakin tinggi kecepatan maka semakin besar daya yang dipakai. Pada kecepatan rendah motor induksi AC tidak bisa berjalan stabil

    Aplikasi Atmega8535 Sebagai Pengontrol Alat Penetas Telur

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    Poultry demand increasingly higher demands adequate supply of poultry meat in the community. Utilizing modern farming technology for the mass production of seedlings poultry egg incubator that uses electrical equipment. The tool have a manual thermostat can not adjust the type of eggs that will be hatched and can not compensate for extreme weather changes. Microcontroller technology produces devices that can regulate the temperature of the egg incubator and compensate for extreme climate change. In this research aims to apply egg incubator tool microcontroller ATMega8535 as a temperature regulator

    Analisa Beban Tidak Seimbang Dan Konservasi Energi Pada Utilitas Motor Listrik Di Industri Farmasi (Studi Kasus : PT. Xzy, Tbk)

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    Use of utility electric motor in an industry become is a basic requirement, electric motor serves as a means of supporting drivers / mechanics of a tool such as pumps, chillers, conveyors etc. The electric motor takes energy consumption in the world's greatest industrial and motors is expected to use about 70% of the total electrical load in the industry. This research aims to analyze unbalanced load on electric motor and how to solve that problems. Unnecessary consumption of energy from the electric motor is usually caused inefficiencies and unbalanced load burden. For that we need ways to makeconservation / energy saving programs

    Perekaman Data Sensor Ke Google Sheets Menggunakan Sistem Mikropengendali Atmega16a Dan Aplikasi Server

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    There are various occasions where data taken from field measurements need to be stored remotely, but yet accessible from many places and by any means. The emergence of online data storage for documents such as Google Docs had made it possible to build a system that acquires data from sensors and stores them as an online document accessible anywhere. The purpose of this research is to develop a system prototype to store and display data from the result of measurements toGoogle Sheets through the use of ATmega16A microcontroller system and a server application. The proposed system consists of a data acquisition unit, a PC that acts as a server and web services. The data acquisition unit is made up from an ATmega16A microcontroller, LM35 astemperature sensor, photoresistor for light intensity measurement and FT232RL module for serial communication. Application server that runs on a PC is written in Processing programming language.The web services being used are Temboo and Google Sheets. From the test results it can be concluded that data acquisition unit had been able to transmit data to PC via serial communication, the server application was successfully built in terms of interface design and functionalities and a table in Google Sheets had been capable to store measurement results and display them correctly. In order to deliver a sense of real-time measurement, it is advisable to add a real-time clock chip module to microcontroller system such that the momentthe data arrive from sensors is recorded. The server application can be improved by the addition of local data logging feature to anticipate the loss of data caused by disturbances during onlinetransmission

    Rekonstruksi “Cold End Yoke” Sebagai Alat Penggantian Isolator Link Pendek Sutet 500 Kv

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    Metode PDKB dalam pemeliharaan SUTET 500 kV memegang peranan yang sangat penting untuk menjaga keandalan dan kontinuitas sistem penyaluran sistem tenaga listrik. Metode PDKB mengalami kendala dalam pemeliharaan isolator link pendek karena peralatan Cold End Yoke keluaran manufactur tidak sesuai konstruksinya untuk kontruksi tower tension dengan aksesoris isolator link pendek. Untuk itu sangat perlu dilakukan rekonstruksi Cold End Yoke yang ada agar dapat difungsikan pada konstruksi tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Cold End Yoke rekonstruksi dapat dipakai dan kuat menahan tegangan tarik sesuai kebutuhan SUTET 500 kV

    Optimasi Jadwal Operasi Dan Pemeliharaan Pembangkit Tenaga Listrik Menggunakan Metode Algoritma Genetika

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    Kemajuan teknologi dan konsumsienergi listrik yang meningkat dengan cepat menuntut adanya peningkatan kualitas keandalan sistem tenaga listrik. Untuk mendapat kuantitas daya sistem diperlukan pengoperasian unit pembangkit sebanyak mungkin sedangkan untuk mendapat kualitas daya sistem diperlukan pemeliharaan unit pembangkit sebaik mungkin. Jadwal operasi dan pemeliharaan pembangkit yang tepat menghasilkan keandalan sistem yang optimal antara kuantitas dan kualitas. Kendala yang dihadapi yaitu kesulitan untuk mendapatkan jadwal yang paling tepat karena pengaturan jadwal dilakukan secara manual. Masalah penjadwalan bersifat kombinatorial dan probabilistik sangat tepat diselesaikan dengan sistem optimasi menggunakan kecerdasan buatan algoritma genetika. Penelitian ini bertujuan membuat rancang bangun sistem optimasi penjadwalan operasi dan pemeliharaan unit pembangkit tenaga listrik. Metode optimasi yang digunakan yaitu algoritma genetika dan fungsi objektif berupa LOLE minimal, operator yang dipakai yaitu crossover (0,6), mutasi (0,001) dan elitisme (1). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan metode algoritma genetika dapat menyelesaikan masalah optimasi penjadwalan pemeliharaan dan operasi sistem tenaga listrik

    Alat Ukur Tinggi Dan Massa Badan Otomatis Berbasis Mikrokontroller Atmega 8535

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    This combination; Automatic mass and high measurement device based on microcontroller ATMega 8535, is a combination which can measure for high and mass digitally. This combination consist of some blocks, power supply 5V and there are 2 censors; ultrasonic and optocoupler which is an input of this device, and microcontroller ATMega 8535 is as a program controller and LCD is as presenter. Censor ultrasonic HSCR-04 will detect things surrounding censor, censor radiator will send ultrasonic phase. If ultrasonic phase bounches back to the receiver, it means there is an object surroundings censor and optocoupler censor will count the hole in analog weights. Then, the second result is sent to microcontroller to be calculated to LCD to be shown. Keywords

    Evaluasi Langganan Listrik Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Diponegoro Semarang

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    Energy is one important part of everyday life, especially electrical energy . Electrical energy must be consider the level of economic needs, so that the availability of electrical energy in accordance with thus the availability of electricity and energy fuel for power supply is very limited as a result of the energy crisis . People should be selective in the use of electrical energy for daily life in order to save in financial terms as well as the availability of energy sources. The aims of this research is to analyze of electrical load in Faculty of Public Health, Diponegoro University based on their need alignment with their subscription. The results obtained when the subscription faculty of public health is still a need in raised it to 315 KVA, and if they wantto subscribe 240 KVA