98 research outputs found

    Late Variscan Santa Eulália Complex and the Nisa-Albuquerque Batholith

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    VII Hutton Symposium on Granites and Related Rocks, Avila, Spain, July 4-9, 201

    ~ 610 Ma: a critical age for the Iberian consolidation

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    AIMS OF THE MEETING: The scientific sessions will be focused on the Pan-African and Cadomian Orogenies recorded in North Africa and western Europe across the Ediacaran Cambrian transition and its bearing in the assembly and demise of Pannotia. Contributions dealing with structural, magmatic, provenance sources, palaeomagnetic, sedimentary, chronostratigraphic and radiometric constraints are particularly welcome. ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: J. Javier Álvaro, Instituto de Geociencias (CSIC-UCM), Spain Martim Chichorro, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal Gabriel Gutiérrez-Alonso, Universidad de Salamanca, Spain.ABSTRACT: Both the Pan-African orogenic cycle and the peri-Gondwanan Cadomian Orogeny took part in the global tectonic event that led to the rearrangement of Gondwana's west-northern block. An approach to determine the nature of Cadomian - Pan-African events using detrital zircons population from Neoproterozoic-Lower Paleozoic (rift-to-drift cycle) stratigraphic record in Iberian Massif is here discussed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Zircon dating and inheritance of a pre-Variscan granite, SW Iberia

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    The Portalegre pluton is an aligned series of Pre-Variscan granitoids located along the boundary of the Central Iberian/ Ossa Morena Zones (SW Iberian Massif, Portugal). Singlezircon geochronology (U-Pb SHRIMP and Pb/Pb stepwise evaporation) yield an Upper Cambrian/Lower Ordovician age (492.7 ± 3.5 Ma) interpreted as the magmatic crystallization age. The inherited zircon cores indicate the involvement of sources with a wide range age-components: an important Late Neoproterozoic (548 ± 7 Ma and c. 611-681 Ma) population and a Mesoproterozoic (c. 0.95-1.1 Ga) and older (c. 2.6 Ga) components. Younger zircon ages of 358 ± 36 and 387 ± 7 Ma were also found and interpreted as the record of a Variscan metamorphic event. The presence of Grenvillian zirconforming events in the protholiths of Portalegre granites is significant in the regional geodynamic context of the Iberian Massif (Central Iberian affinity?). At present, the Grenvillian ages are not noticeable in the Late Neoproterozoic/Early Cambrian record of the Ossa-Morena Zone, that has been correlated with West African Craton [1]. These data suggests that the Central Iberian Zone and Ossa-Morena Zone were independent peri-gondwana terrains with diferent paleogeographic affinities before the Ordovician times. The overall chemistry for the Portalegre granites shows they are very differentiated (SiO2=74-76 wt %), peraluminous (A/CNK=1.1–1.4); have low Zr=36-125ppm, Th/Ta=2-10, ΣREE= 22-134 and 1000Ga/Al >3. Their isotopic signatures (87Sr/86Sr)493=0.7050-0.7065, εNd493(-2.88 to -0.85) and δ18O=10.5-10.8‰, are compatible with partial melting of relatively young recycled metaigneous ± enriched mantle sources. The age pattern from the inherited zircon cores in the Portalegre granites shows that the late Neoproterozoic age (Cadomian) basement was actively involved in their magma generation. The Grenvillian and Archaean zircons can be accounted for by that source component but they do not imply the presence of an older pre-Neoproterozoic basement rocks beneath SW Iberia

    Inspecting zircon populations of the Iberian Pyrite Belt: tracking the Cadomian record of the South Portuguese Zone

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    AIMS OF THE MEETING: The scientific sessions will be focused on the Pan-African and Cadomian Orogenies recorded in North Africa and western Europe across the Ediacaran Cambrian transition and its bearing in the assembly and demise of Pannotia. Contributions dealing with structural, magmatic, provenance sources, palaeomagnetic, sedimentary, chronostratigraphic and radiometric constraints are particularly welcome. ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: J. Javier Álvaro, Instituto de Geociencias (CSIC-UCM), Spain Martim Chichorro, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal Gabriel Gutiérrez-Alonso, Universidad de Salamanca.ABSTRACT: The palaeogeographic location of the southernmost zone of the Iberian Massif, the South Portuguese Zone (SPZ), prior to the amalgamation of Pangaea is still a matter of debate. In this work, we attempt to track its palaeogeographic setting during the final stages of the Cadomian Cycle.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Redesign da identidade visual hoteleira do Palace Hotel do Bussaco

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    Dissertação, de base projetual em Design, dirigida ao redesign da identidade visual hoteleira do Palace Hotel do Bussaco, com vista à sua adequação ao mercado de turismo de experiência, conducente com as suas qualidades físicas, simbólicas e ambientais. Considerado um símbolo da hotelaria portuguesa de luxo do século XIX, o hotel apresenta características especiais, quer do ponto de vista histórico, quer no que respeita à singularidade da sua arquitetura. Visto como um dos mais conceituados hotéis historicistas, o Bussaco está instalado num edifício monumento nacional, em estilo romântico neomanuelino, tendo sido erigido pela coroa portuguesa no final do séc. XIX. A visível falta de manutenção do edifício tem contribuído para uma exploração comercial a baixo do seu estatuto e potencial. Com o intuito de recuperar o mercado pela comunicação da marca, o presente projeto propõe o redesign da sua identidade visual, pretendendo, assim, contribuir para o seu valor de marca e, consequentemente, para o reposicionamento da sua oferta turística. O exercício de identidade incidiu sobre a sinalética, produtos de higiene, ementa do restaurante, rótulo de vinho e website, num exercício global que se pretende coerentemente holístico na comunicação do hotel, assim corrigindo as incongruências encontradas na prática da sua comunicação. A fim de atingir o objetivo proposto, foram aplicadas metodologias de carácter qualitativo e exploratórias, que implicaram a revisão bibliográfica centrada nos temas da marca, identidade, heráldica portuguesa, hotelaria histórica e turismo de luxo. Uma investigação sobre o estado da arte da hotelaria nacional e internacional de luxo, instalada em edifícios históricos, conduziu à análise por observação de casos de estudo adotados pela sua similitude. A prospeção de conhecimento sobre o Palace Hotel justificou o recurso a entrevistas abertas a alguns dos seus colaboradores, com vista a perceber o grau da sua motivação, conhecimento e contributo mitológico para a experiência.This dissertation, in the field of Design, aims at redesigning the visual identity of the Bussaco Palace Hotel, with a view to making it suitable to the experience tourism market, conducive to its physical, symbolic and environmental qualities. Considered a symbol of 19th century luxury Portuguese hospitality, the hotel has special characteristics, both from a historical point of view and in terms of the uniqueness of its architecture. Known as one of the most prestigious historicist hotels, the Bussaco is housed in a national monument building, in a romantic neomanueline style, and was erected by the Portuguese crown in the end of the 19th century. The building’s visible lack of maintenance has contributed to its commercial exploitation below its status and potential. In order to re-establish a place in the market through brand communication, this project proposes the redesign of the hotel’s visual identity, thus contributing to its brand value and, consequently, to the repositioning of its tourism offers. The identity exercise focuses on signage, hygiene products, the restaurant menu, wine label and website, in a global exercise intended to be consistently holistic in the communication of the hotel, thus correcting the inconsistencies found in its communication practices. In order to achieve the proposed objective, qualitative and exploratory methodologies were deployed, which included a bibliographic review centred around brand, identity, Portuguese heraldry, historical hospitality and luxury tourism. An investigation on the state of the art of international and national luxury hospitality, housed in historic buildings, led to analysis by observation of case studies which were chosen due to their similarity. The knowledge prospection about the Palace Hotel justified the use of open interviews with some of its employees, in order to understand the degree of their motivation, knowledge and mythological contribution to the experience.Mestrado em Desig

    Detrital zircon similarities and dissimilarities between the Iberian Pyrite Belt, Ossa-Morena Zone and Meguma

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    Despite the so-called exotic nature of the South Portuguese Zone relatively to the other major domains of the Iberian Massif of peri-Gondwanan affinity, Devonian detrital rocks of the oldest strata in the Iberian Pyrite Belt have a remarkable resemblance with the Ossa-Morena Zone’s Neoproterozoic-Cambrian rocks and the West Meguma’s Cambrian-Ordovician rocks, presenting the so-called “West African signature”. Using published U-Pb detrital zircon data, we discuss the similarities and dissimilarities between the Iberian Pyrite Belt, Ossa-Morena Zone and West Meguma Terrane through multidimensional scaling, comparing them with other zones of the Iberian Massif, Saxo-Thuringian Zone, Avalonia-Ganderia, and the North African cratonic regions. Our findings show that multidimensional scaling is not entirely effective in displaying the dissimilarities between the peri-Gondwanan terranes due to the background noise caused by the overwhelming number of Cadomian Panafrican ages. However, it becomes a powerful tool if these ages are filtered. A dominant Meguma-type provenance (Cambro-Ordovician) for the middle-upper Devonian rocks of the Iberian Pyrite Belt is demonstrated, mainly attending to their similar Birimian-Eburnean pattern. The possibility of minor contributions from the lower Cambrian rocks of the Ossa-Morena Zone into the Iberian Pyrite Belt quartzites is unlikely, as the latter lack the 1.9Ga peak that characterises the Ossa-Morena Zone sediments. Additionally, the remarkable similarities between Ossa-Morena Zone and West Meguma’s detrital rocks strongly suggest a similar paleogeographic setting (but diachronic?) for both terrains from the Ediacaran to Lower Ordovician times relative to the North African blocks

    Deciphering a multi-event in a non-complex set of detrital zircon U-Pb ages from Carboniferous graywackes of SW Iberia

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    The determination of U–Pb ages from detrital zircons of sedimentary rocks using LA-ICP-MS has been widely used for the purpose of provenance analysis. One problem that frequently arises is finding a population that appears to be non-complex despite several perceptible age peaks in its spectrum. These peaks are qualitatively defined by means of relative probability diagrams, or PDFs, but it is difficult to quantify their statistical significance relative to a zircon forming multi-event. Thus, can a multi-event in a non-complex set of detrital zircon U–Pb ages be deciphered and characterized? The aim of this study is to attempt to provide an answer to this question by means of statistical analysis. Its objectives are: a) to determine the best minimum number of zircon age populations (peaks), BmPs, b) for the characterization of each peak in terms of age and event duration; c) to compare the results obtained from two datasets showing similar zircon ages; and d) to demonstrate the usefulness of deciphering these BmPs. First, cluster analysis is carried out, aimed at grouping zircon ages into a set of consistent clusters. A Gaussian Kernel function is then fitted to each cluster and summed to obtain a theoretical PDFm (modeled probability density function). Finally, the selected modeled PDFm (that built on the BmPs) is that which reports the lowest number of peaks for which the difference as compared with the original gPDF (global probability density function) is equal to or below 5%. Deciphered BmP peaks can be characterized and used for characterizing and providing an understanding of related event(s). A geological interpretation, based on the results obtained, is attempted. This includes a robust measure for maximum age of deposition for both Cabrela and Mértola graywackes