6 research outputs found
Media a Polacy: Polskie media wobec ważnych wydarzeń politycznych i problemów społecznych
Praca recenzowana / peer-reviewed pape
Women’s magazines in Silesia 1876-1939
The article is related to the establishment and the development of women’s magazines which were
published in Silesia during the Prussian regime (years 1876-1918). Author shows the independent
titles of the women’s magazines as well as the supplements to the local press that were focused on
cases of family, education of children, home teaching of Polish language, Roman Catholic faith and
affairs of Polish history, which was banned by the Prussian government during the persecution called
‘Kulturkampf ’.
The author presents the women’s magazines as unofficial handbooks of Polish language and national
identity. She shows that at the historical moment of the threat of denationalization of young generation
the most important part of the transfer of the Polish national identity were on the one hand
the Silesian press editors (repressed by the Prussian government), on the other hand the Silesian
mothers with their usage of women magazinesPrezentowana pierwsza część pracy dotyczy powstania i rozwoju czasopism dla kobiet na Śląsku,
wydawanych w zaborze pruskim w latach 1876–1918. Obejmuje czasopisma samoistne, jak również
dodatki do prasy lokalnej, dotyczące rodziny, wychowania dzieci, a przede wszystkim organizacji
domowego nauczania języka polskiego, religii katolickiej i historii Polski, usuniętych z programów
szkolnych w okresie „Kulturkampfu”. Wobec zagrożenia wynarodowienia młodego pokolenia Polaków
na Śląsku wytworzyła się opozycja w obronie polskiej tożsamości narodowej, języka i mowy
polskiej, religii katolickiej, kultury i obyczajów. Naukę przeniesiono do domów rodzinnych, gdzie
matki – mające największy wpływ na wychowanie dzieci, realizowały domowe wychowanie dzieci
w duchu patriotyczno-narodowym. Do tego były potrzebne czasopisma dla kobiet, które przejęły
rolę podręczników. Władze pruskie prześladowały wydawców i redaktorów, nakładały na nich kary
pieniężne i wyroki pozbawienia wolności, a czasopisma zawieszano na okres stały lub czasowy, co
było jednoznaczne z ich likwidacją, a mimo to ciągle się odradzały
Women's magazines in Silesia (1876-1939). Part II: women’s magazines in independent Poland (1919-1939)
The article is related to the development of women’s magazines which were published in
Silesia after the country reappeared on the maps (years 1876-1918). Author shows that the
development of the women’s magazines took place in three different periods. Years 1918-
1926 brought to life the press titles published before the Great War. The situation of Polish
press in Silesia was dramatic because of the German state interfering. It was stopped by the
Silesian Plebiscite and local uprisings. In years 1926-1930 many of women’s socio-political
organizations established the women’s magazines. In years 1930-1939 the women’s organization
such as National Orgranization of Women, National Labor Party, Polish Social Party
and many others cultural, confessional and educational societies they were continuing the
publishing of the press. Of course the situation of Polish press in Silesia has changed after Hitler’s taking the chair of German Chancellor in 1933. During the twenty-years period
in Silesia were publishing 33 magazines for women, and their structure were focused in
Katowice.Rozwój czasopism dla kobiet na Śląsku po uzyskaniu niepodległości przebiegał w trzech
okresach rozwojowych. Pierwszy to lata 1918–1926, kiedy reaktywowano i kontynuowano
tytuły prasowe wydawane przed wojną światową. W tym czasie sytuacja polskiej prasy na
Śląsku była trudna, gdyż lokalne władze niemieckie stosowały szykany i ograniczenia prawne,
zwłaszcza w 1919 r. Stan ten został przerwany przez powstania i plebiscyt śląski w latach
1920–1922. Drugi okres to lata 1926–1930, kiedy zaczęły powstawać kobiece organizacje
społeczno-polityczne, które rozpoczęły działalność wydawniczą czasopism dla kobiet. Trzeci
okres trwał od połowy 1930 do września 1939 roku. Na Śląsku rozwijała się prasa dla kobiet
wydawana przez społeczno-polityczne organizacje kobiece, Narodową Organizację Kobiet,
Narodową Partię Robotniczą i Polską Partię Socjalistyczną i inne towarzystwa społeczno-kulturalne,
religijne i oświatowe. Sytuacja polskiej prasy na Śląsku uległa zmianie w 1933 r. po
objęciu władzy przez Adolfa Hitlera. Po agresji Niemiec hitlerowskich na Polskę 1 września
1939 r. rozpoczęła się II wojna światowa i wszelka działalność wydawnicza stała się niemoż-
liwa. W okresie dwudziestolecia na Śląsku ukazały się ogółem 33 tytuły czasopism dla kobiet,
scentralizowanych w stolicy autonomicznego województwa – w Katowicach
Tematem prezentowanej pracy jest ukazanie 7 wizerunków kobiet na łamach poczytnego czasopisma dla kobiet, jakim była „Kobieta i Życie”, wychodząca przez 56 lat – cały okres Polski Ludowej i dekadę III Rzeczpospolitej. Czasopismo wydawane przez przeszło pół wieku wychowało co najmniej trzy pokolenia kobiet. To pozwala prześledzić, jakie wizerunki – wzory osobowe kobiet, w zależności od aktualnej polityki rządu wobec kobiet, propagowało to czasopismo. Jaki był stereotyp kobiety, jaki był status społeczny kobiet. Wizerunek ten zmieniał się kilkakrotnie w zależności od sytuacji społeczno-politycznej i narastającego nurtu feministycznego.The theme of this research work is to present the seven images of women in the page of women’s magazine known as “Kobieta i Życie”. The magazine has been coming out for 56 years – all period of Poland Republic and a first decade of IV Poland Republic. The magazine has brought up at least three generations of women during the period of over 50 years. It can fallow what images of women, depending against women popularized this magazine. What stereotype of women it was consolidated and what was their status. This image was changed several times, depending on the social and political situation and the growing trend of feminist
Libraries and Jewish Readership in Białystok in the lnterwar Period
500 lat osadnictwa żydowskiego na Podlasiu. Materiały z konferencji międzynarodowej, Białystok, 14 - 17 września 1987 r.500 Years of the Jewish Settlement in Podlasie. Popers From the International Conference, Białystok, September 14 - 17, 1987.Jewish public libraries started appearing in larger numbers by the end of the 19th century. Revolutionary events of the years 1905-1907 gave strong impetus to their development. Finally a significant progress took place in the inter-war period. In 1929 over 770 thousand books were collected in 662 establishments. Sholem Alejchem Private Library in Białystok was one of the largest Jewish libraries in Poland. Just before the beginning of the Second World War it contained 65 000 volumes. It existed till the extermination of the ghetto in August 1943.
The Library was created at the turn of 1915 and 1916. Since 1919 it had a status of public city library, available to all inhabitants o f Białystok, regardless of their nationality, religion and langugage. In 1927, due to the competition of the newly created City Public Library as well as increase of anti-Semitic feelings, municipal authorities deprived it of the privilege and name of the public library. Since 1932 the municipal government ceased covering the cost of book purchase. In 1935 books in Yiddish and Hebrew made up almost 38% of the collection, in Polish - over 32%, in Russian - about 24%, in German - over 5%, while books in French, English and Esperanto constituted about 1% of the collection. The library collected also archives concerning history of Jews in Europe and Jewish settlement on Polish territories. The loan of scholarly books from this library reached 22%, being the highest among all Białystok libraries. Historical and sociological books enjoyed the greatest popularity among scholarly literature. The most numerous social group of readers were workers (42-60%). Most frequently borrowed books were in Polish, followed by those in Yiddish, Russian and Hebrew.
In the period of the Soviet rule in Białystok the library had favourable conditions for its development. After the outbreak of the German-Soviet War the most valuable part of the collection was taken away to Germany, to libraries in Berlin, part of it was ostentatiously burnt publicly, while the remaining books, together with what was left from other Jewish libraries, were taken to the ghetto. Other Jewish libraries in Białystok were less active and had fewer books. For example, a valuable collection belonged, in the years 1922-31 to the Library of the Circle of Jewish Writers and Journalists in Białystok, an organization of various men of letters, also those of non-Jewish descent.. All Jewish libraries in Białystok shared the fate of the Jewish people. Today only occasional copies of books from various libraries can still be found in the Regional Public Library in Białystok, or in private collections.250-26
Iridoids, Flavonoids, and Antioxidant Capacity of <i>Cornus mas</i>, <i>C. officinalis,</i> and <i>C. mas</i> × <i>C. officinalis</i> Fruits
The fruits of Cornus mas and Cornus officinalis have been known and appreciated in folk medicine for years and have a high biological value, which is mainly connected with their polyphenols and iridoids content. However, hybrids of C. mas × C. officinalis have not been investigated. The aim of this study was to evaluate the iridoids, anthocyanins, and flavonols content, and antioxidant capacity of Cornus mas, Cornus officinalis, and C. mas × C. officinalis. Iridoids and flavonoids were quantified by the High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) method. Antioxidant capacity (AC) was measured using 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH•), 2,2′-azino-bis (3-ethyl benzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid (ABTS•+), and ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) tests. Total phenolic content (TPC) was evaluated using the Folin–Ciocalteu reagent. Among the C. mas cultivars and C. officinalis genotypes, there was considerable variation in the content of iridoids, flavonoids, and AC. Interspecific hybrids C. mas × C. officinalis contained more iridoids than C. mas and more anthocyanins than C. officinalis and additionally had higher AC and TPC than C. officinalis and most C. mas. AC, TPC, and the presence of iridoids, anthocyanins, and flavonols in hybrids C. mas × C. officinalis are reported for the first time. The Cornus species deserve special attention due to their highly biologically active substances, as well as useful medicinal properties