658 research outputs found

    Struktur Bahsa Totoli (1991)

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    Pengaruh Kematangan Emosi Terhadap Sikap Tasamuh

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    Penelitian ini berusaha untuk mengetahui pengaruh kematangan emosi terhadap sikap tasamuh dari mahasiswa semester delapan Pendidikan Agama Islam STAIN Salatiga pada tahun akademik 2013/2014. Penelitian ini ingin menjawab: 1) Bagaimana kematangan emosi siswa; 2) Bagaimana sikap dari tasamuh siswa; 3) Apakah ada pengaruh pada sikap tasamuh menuju kedewasaan emosional dari siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan populasi 45 responden. Data X dan Y dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: 1) Kematangan emosi mahasiswa tergolong sedang dengan prosentase (53,33%); 2) Sikap tasamuh siswa dengan persentase yang relatif tinggi (48,89%). Data dianalisis menggunakan korelasi product moment. nilai R-xy diperoleh 0,528 lebih besar dari nilai r-tabel dengan tingkat signifikansi 5% dari 0,294. Sementara di tingkat signifikansi 1%, r-hitung adalah 0,380. Dari hasil tersebut terlihat bahwa r-hitung lebih besar dari r-tabel maka Ha diterima, sehingga hasil 0,528 adalah signifikan. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa hipotesis; 3) "Ada pengaruh kematangan emosi terhadap sikap tasamuh siswa" diterima berdasarkan analisis uji. This study sought to determine the effect of emotional maturity toward the attitudes of tasamuh of eight semester Islamic Religious Education students of STAIN Salatiga in the academic year 2013/2014. This research wants to answer: 1) How is the emotional maturity of the students; 2) What is the attitude of tasamuh of the students; 3) Is there any influence on the attitudes of tasamuh toward emotional maturity of the students. This study uses quantitative methods. The population is 45 respondents. The data X and Y are collected using questionnaires. The results showed: 1) Emotional maturity of the students are classified as moderate by percentage (53.33%); 2) The attitude of tasamuh of the students with relatively high percentage (48.89%). The data is analyzed using product moment correlation. R-xy values obtained 0.528 greater than the value of r-table with significance level 5% of 0.294. While in significance level 1%, r-count is 0.380. From the results it appears that r-count larger than r-table so Ha is received, thus the results of .528 is significant. It can be concluded that the hypothesis; 3) "There is the influence of emotional maturity toward attitude of tasamuh of the students" are accepted based on test analysis

    Tanggung Jawab Dalam Pencemaran Laut Yang Disebabkan Oleh Minyak Menurut Hukum Internasional

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    Tanggung jawab mutlak (strict liability) dalam pencemaran laut telah banyak diatur dalam peraturan dan regulasi baik hukum Internasional maupun hukum nasional. Pencemaran laut menimbulkan kewajiban bagi pencemar baik itu negara, individu dan badan hukum lainnya yang masing-masing mempunyai peran dan bertanggung jawab untuk melakukan beberapa tindakan atau upaya dalam pencegahan dan penanggulangan serta pembayaran ganti rugi, terhadap pencemaran yang disebabkan oleh minyak. Tanggung jawab mutlak yang bersyarat dengan pembatasan jumlah pembayaran ganti ruginya yang ditetapkan terlebih dahulu. Kewajiban membayar ganti rugi pada negara pantai timbul seketika pada saat tumpahnya minyak dilaut dan timbulnya kerugian tanpa mempersoalkan bersalah atau tidaknya kapal tangki yang bersangkutan. Dalam strict liability telah ditentukan jumlah maksimum pembayaran ganti rugi melalui asuransi Internasional seperti TOVALOP dan Cristal atau melalui dana International Oil Pollution Compentation Fund (IOPC Fund)


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    This study aims to explain the use of online applications in distance learning and its impact on the achievement of multimedia competencies at SMKN 1 Jambi City. This study uses a qualitative method with phenomenological research. For data collection conducted, interviews and documentation. To analyze the data consists of three activity lines simultaneously, namely data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions.The results of observing can be concluded in class X-1 and X-2 are able to adapt using online applications in online learning. Meanwhile, grades XII-1, XII-2, and XII-3 have gotten used to online applications provided by schools in online learning. Furthermore, the results of interviews from 10 informants and 15 questions became the basis for in-depth data sources on the phenomena that occurred based on experts that distance learning was learning independently by utilizing online applications as a medium in honing skills and communication tools online learning

    Sejarah Perkembangan Bahasa Sakai

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    Berdasarkan rekonstruksi yang dilakukan terhadap kata-kata kognat antara bahasa Sakai dengan Proto Malayik (PM), dapat diketahui bahwa bahasa Sakai mengalami perkembangan sebagai berikut. (1) Unsur fonologis PM yang mengalami retensi adalah: vokal *a, *i, *u; diftong *aw dan *ay; konsonan: *p, *b, *t, *d, *c, *k, *g, *j, *h, *m, *n, *?, *ñ, *s, *l, *w, dan *y. (2) Inovasi primer yang terjadi pada vokal adalah substitusi, split, dan merger. Inovasi primer yang berupa substitusi antara lain: (a) *a >?, (b) *?>?, (c) *?> a, (d) *i > e; dan (e) *u >?; split antara lain: (a) *u >i dan ui dan (b) *i >i, e, dan a; dan merger adalah *?, *i > e. (3) Inovasi primer yang terjadi pada konsonan antara lain: (a) *h > ø; (b) *r > ø; (c) *s > h; (d) split PM *b >b dan w; (e) merger PM *p, *t, dan *k >?. (4) Unsur fonologis PM yang mengalami inovasi sekunder dalam bahasa Sakai antara lain: *aw *d, *n, *?,*ñ, *l, *r, *w, dan *d ? l

    Penentuan Aktivitas Biologis Tanin Beberapa Hijauan Secara in Vitro Menggunakan \u27Hohenheim Gas Test\u27 Dengan Polietilen Glikol Sebagai Determinan

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    Leaves from trees are alternative source of forage for ruminant\u27s feed. However, most of the leaves contain high concentration of phenolic compounds, especially in the form of tannins. This experiment was aimed at quantifying biological activity of tannins using in vitro gas production method without and with the addition of polyethylene glycol (PEG). The leaves used in this experiment was Salix alba, Rhus typhina and Peltiphyllum peltatum. Several rumen fermentation variables, such as organic matter digestibility (OMD), metabolizable energy (ME) and total VFA production were measured. The results showed that crude protein, NDF and hemicellulose contents of S. alba leaves were the highest, while there was no difference in ADF content from the others. Biological activity of tannins in S. alba, R. Typhina and P. Peltatum were 0.7%, 45.7% and 122.6%, respectively. There was a significant correlation between total phenols and tannins biological activity (r=0.70; P < 0.05), whereas no significant correlation was found for total tannins and condensed tannins. It was concluded that the addition of PEG increased in vitro gas production, organic matter digestibility, metabolizable energy and total VFA production after 24 hours incubation period

    Slab waveguide with air core layer and anisotropic left-handed material claddings as a sensor

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    A three-layer slab waveguide with air core layer and anisotropic left-handed material claddings is investigated for sensing applications. Different from the waveguide mode sensors and surface plasmon resonance sensors in which the analyte is placed in the evanescent field region, the proposed sensor contains the sample in the core region that supports the oscillating field. Due to the strong concentration of the electromagnetic field in the analyte medium, the proposed device exhibits unusual sensitivity enhancement. The simulations revealed that the sensitivity improvement of TE3 mode compared to conventional evanescent wave sensor is approximately a factor of 20
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